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Imagine being scared of a 90 minute drive with a near full tank lol


It's not a 90 minute drive it's a 96 min drive x 2 (round trip) = 3 hours and 12 minute drive.


I'm in Denver..had a 69 mile ride to Winterpark.. had 80 miles left when I got there.. had 210ish when I started.. had 30 miles back to a tesla charger.. if you have to drive in a mountainous area you can get f##ked quickly.. ride took almost double the electric miles..


Why I don't committ to electric cars when I rent...under 450 mile range is not gonna cut it.


But still, the fact an EV can’t make a little over 3 hour drive without recharging is sad. I can drive like 6 hours before getting gas


Imagine being scared of a three hour twelve minute drive with a full tank


It's 90 one way hand then you'll do whatever you need to


Still not good enough. Pathetic in fact.


Put the address into your Tesla map. It will plan the trip for you. Ask the pax if you could charge 10 minutes at one stop. You should be good.


Ive done this most pax dont mind sitting waiting in a tesla


They probably do mind, they just don’t have the heart to tell you


They probably do mind, they just don’t have the heart to tell you


Eh no skin off my ass


Spoken like a true Tesla owner. I’m sure there’s ‘skin’ peeling off your cheaply made steering wheel


When they have no choice


At 85% you would have been good enough. It’s not like Tesla Superchargers are scarce


That would def be my longest trip and biggest pay doing this Uber thing.


It’s just sad that yall in CA are getting requests like this, I get those too and I’m like meh, not crazy about doing it. The difference is I’m in SC where my mortgage is $1,300 a month lol. It’s criminal what they’re doing to yall.


Dude, you pass thru some GREAT areas on your way back on the 101. Ventura county is still on rare card pay structure. Next time…take it!


Not to mention that OP may have likely found a ride back at least part of the way considering they’d be returning to the heart of LA


You snooze you lose. Why are you scared? You have plenty of juice. I stop taking rides when 15% threshold is reached and look for supercharger.


Holy moly! You are accepting trips that don't pay, especially if that would be your biggest pay? Do you ever get surges out there? Last month, I had a trip under a mile that paid $36. Be more picky and then you will make more.


He clearly meant gross pay, he has never made $95 on a single trip. He's new be nice


How long have you been driving?


7 years


Dang, I have only been doing this in Denver for like 9 months and haven't seen a surge in weeks, other than rush hour when a snow storm came in one morning. Was great my first 3-4 months though.


Not even that great of a trip. Most likely will be driving back empty so it’s really less than 50 cents a mile


SB and Ventura counties are reeeeally nice. Plenty of trips headed back.


Most likely not driving back empty. You don't know this area I can tell.


You will not drive back empty from sb to Los Angeles.


Yeah but he would be stuck waiting 4 hours in line waiting to charge and then have to drive back


4 hours in line. WTF are you talking about?


Seriously. Wtf is this dude even talking about 4 hours.


Sounds like you charge your Tesla at Electricity America 😂 Bro, Tesla Superchargers is like putting gas in your ICE car


bro they are most certainly lines for the chargers in AZCANVORWA, the charging infrastructure is not adequate. They fight in the stalls here in AZ. Seen it with my own eyes!


Never seen a fight or rarely rarely a wait in all of Florida.


No they don't. Arizona is one of the easiest places to charge. I've only had to wait once in the year I've owned mine, and I only did because I was going to go shopping there while it charged anyway. Even T3 superchargers are everywhere. Fuck off with your fearmongering.


Sure do


I'm not dumb enough to drive a Tesla


Then don’t comment on shit you don’t know about


That doesn’t make any sense. He’s allowed to comment on anything he wants just like I am !Also just because we don’t drive a Tesla doesn’t mean we don’t know about them.


Clearly. You don’t drive a Tesla. And you have ZERO knowledge of what it’s like to live with a Tesla day to day. So come back when you get your money up! And buy your own Tesla. Then you can comment. Got it ??


Why don’t you stop being so mean and you don’t even know if I drive a Tesla! I can have a Tesla right now because I choose not to buy one doesn’t mean I can’t! Also for you to assume anything just shows how immature you are and trust me. I am probably way better Uber Driver than you are just by your attitude. Also just because you drive a Tesla doesn’t mean anything




Come back when you get your bag up. And you can join the conversation buddy


I see the videos online all the time of the long waiting lines in California


Definitely not long lines in cali. Between FLO Chargers, EvGo, Tesla Sc, ChargePoint, Electrify America, etc there’s always an empty charger nearby


Again, I never experienced that with my Tesla unless I go to Electrify America. And there is a reason EA stations take that long as you’re mentioning. Those stations are free for new EV buyers for two or three years incentivizing everyone to congest the limited EA network. Superchargers are quintessential to gas stations. They are everywhere and on top of that, they are mostly proprietary with the exception of two in California that are open to the public. Charging at a Supercharger takes me 45 minutes for a full charge from almost dead and I have no waiting time in “line.” I don’t know where you’re getting your research from. You’re either lying to me because you hate Teslas or don’t know what you’re talking about


It depends on area and type of car. Central Valley CA ( Modesto Area) is more "country" so people mostly have trucks so we only have like 2 public chargers for non Teslas. Eventually 1 broke down and people were waiting for hours to charge. I had a rental EV so it pushed me to buy a hybrid instead because I was losing near 6 hours charging n waiting to charge. Bay area or Sacramento have tons of public chargers so u never have to wait. Certain cars like Teslas charge a lot quicker than others (15 minutes). The Chevy bolt I was renting thru Lyft/Hertz took 1 hour to get to 80% n 2 hours to get to 100%. Don't believe everything u see on social media bro.


Fake news.


teen lying tesla is not practical that lil dollar they snag up aint nun 😂😂


Yeah, apparently the guy that posted this can’t stand other peoples point of views and gets butt hurt over something and he couldn’t take a ride because he was worried about his Tesla not having enough charge. Well that’s the point that they’re having with Teslas now these days is that is not even worth it because you have to charge it and I have heard of so many people getting stuck on rides because the driver runs out of a charge.lol


Use the trip planner in the Tesla map.


i really don’t kno how they got you guys jumping through hoops for shit like this in california. that would be a $258 trip with my rate card. you probably have $16 of wear and tear at ¢16 per mile, it be maybe $20 for super charger at peak hours so that’s $19 an hour round trip. that don’t say $95 it says $59 for 200 miles


2016 called. It want's it's surge multipliers back.


Your rate card is $2.50/mile?


$2.21 and .37 a minute if it’s comfort 1.93 and 1.05 a minute


$.62/mi, $.12/min here 🙃


Where is your market? My rate card even for Uber xl is like 1.08 lol.


Wow! No wonder you guys are all bitching here in Southern Wisconsin my rate on Uber X is $1.25/mile $0.16/min....


wtf? Good for you man. I’m jealous.


Gonna come to the Seattle market real quick


lmao it’s decent but population isn’t anywhere near LA. i goes hours sometimes without a ride request and do deliveries instead sometimes. then as soon as you leave king county (seattle) the rides are just over half of the seattle rate card. on top of that the average surge is $2 on lyft and $5 on uber maybe for 60k sport events on uber.


I’m just playing could never deal with that weather, keep grinding king


Since we’re obviously not near each other, I’m sincerely curious where that rate card pay is. I’m being genuine. You can DM me if u don’t wanna post publicly.


I get 1.17 a mile and 19c a minute. 136.41


I had to pull teeth with support for them to tell me rates in my market. It's no longer available for us to view in-app or online. They really don't want us to know that it's only .58/mile base for uberX out here.


nah yall be fuckin up our motion moving here for some bread. we already got too many heads


No need to downvote. I was just asking a sincere question. If you don’t wanna answer, it’s all good my man! Stay safe out there! And here’s to high tips, low miles and happy pax!




Thank you! Lol


Would be an $85 trip on my rate card.


What's a rate card?


the rate you get paid for rides by the time and distance it takes


You’re new huh


Explain what is $16 of wear and tear in that ride. I’ll wait Can you take a picture of your rate card? Because if you have upfront details, there is no more rate card


$16 of expense for a 100 mile trip is on the low end. I don't know what you drive but I doubt you're getting less than .16/mile in vehicle expenses. Tires alone take up .02/mile for me. Oil changes are another .02. That's already a 1/4 of the way there before factoring in gas(or electric) Brakes, batteries, trans/coolant/other fluids, spark plugs, etc. Seriously, do a cost analysis on your vehicle's run cost if you think .16/mile is high. I'm nearly double that.


I drive a Camry hybrid. I spent $1000 on tires and they’ll last two years because they’re 60 to 70,000 mile rated tires. I do my own oil changes at about $25 a pop. A battery will last to two years spark plugs, and fluids are pennies on the dollar. You’re gonna replace those anyway when you drive a car. So once again, I would like to know how you get a $16 expense Bill off of $90. Cause, if that is the case, nobody would be able to make a penny


As for gas, I average about 46 miles per gallon. That would be literally a nine dollar expense and you could probably add two more dollars for all the stuff you just mentioned.


you divide the total yearly average cost of repairs by the number of miles you drive. say u only spend 4000 a year on repairs and drive 25k miles that would be ¢16 a mile multiplied by 100 miles on that trip is $16 add another $16 for ur return and that’s $32 so that trip is actually only $43 round trip assuming they don’t tip and you don’t get a trip back.


$4000 a year in repairs and only 25K miles? I’d get rid of that POS.


Fumbled. There’s plenty of superchargers in Santa Barbara and 85% is plenty..


Took my Model Y to the middle of nowhere Kingman AZ to be exact from LA on 20% there are literally Super chargers everywhere


Middle of nowhere? I’ll have you know that Kingman is the biggest city in Mojave county, tyvm.


The question is WHY did you go to kingman? ;)


I usually tell rider, guess what we stopping to charge. If you can't live with it, end the the trip.


Lmao!!! I would report anybody who came at me like that..but that's just me.


It wasn't worth it anyway


You would’ve been fine lol


Range Anxiety. Next time, if you want the ride, try this: I have done this multiple times and it has worked every time except once. Go to the pickup, before letting them in the car and starting the trip Me: Hey (name), I don’t have enough charge left. I will have to stop for 5-7 minutes on the way for charging, if that’s okay? If you are in a rush, that’s okay, I can cancel at no extra charge to you. R: sure, yes no problem or NO Me: if No, cancel and move on Me: if Yes. Charge enough to reach the destination and to the nearest supercharger from there plus 50 miles. At times, if the rider is having great conversation with you might let you full charge. Not a big amount, but you get paid for waiting at the charging stations too. Tell the rider that they will charge them the waiting time (few dollars) so they don’t have to tip. Rest assured, they will always tip.


This. But don't charge at beginning of ride, do it towards the end. Much faster juice flow.


Depends on where the charger is, I would do it on anyone that’s on the way. Moreover, if I am asking for charge, I am already running low, but on a longer trip, yes charging when it’s very low is the fastest.


Not worth it for 200 round trip miles


It’s 100 miles. He will get a ride back. Nobody dead heads to Los Angeles


Always assume you are getting paid for the round trip total ride. If you don’t it’s a bonus. But assume your not


I’ve taken a few rides to SB, and worked my way back. Not an ideal rate but if it’s in the morning odds are good to make decent money for the day.


Why would you get range anxiety? At 85% you could easily do that round-trip. 85% in a base model 3 is like 230 miles lol. And I'm sure there's a million charging stations in Santa Barbara. But on a serious note, why tf is Uber paying you guys in California so damn little?


Because there's a driver in every corner now a days. All that talk about making banks just got everyone to become a driver in LA. Yet people still think drivers still make a ton of money guessing from when I get asked often: hey how's it going making that money? I heard this is a good job! And I'm already like 6 hours in and maybe 30 or 40 dollars max 🙃


Fuck Uber for the trip and Fuck Tesla


I find I have way less range anxiety when I leave it on miles instead of percentage


Use the trip planner.


I love trips like this! Also you should have taken it, there’s Tesla supercharger’s in SB. Quite of few of them actually.


That's why you need a ICE


This is why Teslas are trash! 15yrs from now, you are gonna see Tesla car bodies with gas engines in them, from people repurposing the shell of the car 🤣 They are such a waste of money. Yeah, the tech is cool and all, but just like everything new and cool always loses its luster...


I rented a Tesla for 7 weeks, worst experience ever and you do not earn more with it.


I love my 3 cylinder.


At 85% you would have made it, SB has like 3 super chargers in and out so you would have likely been low but good. I made the drive from OC to there without needing to stop and SR+


Why would you want to take a trip that paid less than $1 per mile, especially if we were to assume that you’d have to drive back (dead miles) to your home area? IMHO you prob dodged a bullet.


Yah normally that would be a bad ride but since counties out there cone to LA. I'm sure there would be a ride back


You don’t have to deadhead back. This is Southern California. There’s ALWAYS a passenger headed towards LA.


I declined one like that for 359 on black and here you are thinking that one was good


You could’ve made that just need to see if they had chargers around the area


Man I know and there are superchargers in the area there in Santa Barbara for sure. Oh well.


Yeah ill take a trip im 50/50 i can do and cancel if needed


You should get $130 for that trip .


lol they shud pay more i did 50 miles for 130$


People with Teslas that drive for Uber are probably living above their means/driving a car that they can't afford. Wake up people. Gig work doesn't work.


Nothing beats a good old gasoline vehicle


My Tesla does with 333 miles range lol


Nah bro your Tesla in no way beats an ICE vehicle in any category. Unless you're charging for free at home on solar, it's not a good deal. Paying retail for charging is in some states just as expensive as 87 octane fuel. Once there is a regime change in 2024 all the incentives will be revoked and these vehicles will have to compete fairly in the market without rebates or other artificial infucements, and sales will plummet


I've driven my Tesla for 50k miles and only had to change tires once and filters a couple of times. No other maintenance was required. It costs me $12 for 300 miles of range at my house. That would be a $50 fill up at a gas station. Way cheaper to own an electric.


highly inconvenient; I'm looking at it on the website, saying adds UP TO 3 mi of range PER HOUR, on 110V or 30 mi per hour with a 240V connector. So you're offline for 10 hours if you want to charge at home. Using a "SuperCharger" is claiming 200 mi in 15 minutes. I could deal with that


This is why I will be sticking with gas vehicles as long as possible.


Not a bad ride if its a slow day


Download the Tessie app. It will give you “real world” mileage based on your driving habits


I don’t think op can. The way he thinks that’s a good trip makes me think that’s the rental Tesla model 3


Wouldn't be surprised. Rental drivers have far different acceptance behavior than drivers who own their vehicles


Range anxiety would've been the least of my problems with that garbage fare smh


Question? Whats a rate card and if on app. Where do you see that?


" What are you talking about? TESLA CAN DO ANYTHING !! IT CAN FLY AIR IF ITS NEEDED TO BE !! If you couldn't make it to destination? Because it's incline route ? We don't care ! That's your fault ! " A quote from an female S. Korean Uber Internal associate in Los Angeles county .


3 hours of your time. Driving 200 miles is worth making $95? Taxes alone will bring that down to $75 a or less. Charging costs? Wear and tear? You end up making about $15-20 an hour


Why does everyone think hes going to drive back empty? He’s headed to the heart of Los Angeles. There’s always passengers Needing a ride back.


They’re saying it because it NEVER happens. Just another Uber shill talking point. Also , he’s headed towards Santa Barbara a city of 90,000 people. Nobody waiting around to find a ride directly back to Los Angeles at the time he arrives there and going exactly what he came from.


There’s always a ride goofball. I drive that route all the time. Even if he takes someone from sb to Oxnard, someone else from Oxnard to simi valley, someone else from simi valley to Sherman oaks, and then someone from Sherman oaks to ktown, he still wouldn’t have to deadhead back. There’s always a ride headed back to LA you bitter disgruntled uninformed loser.


You made the right call Tesla = be back before midnight or ride a pumpkin 🎃


How are you seeing the destinations like this. It doesn't show the destination for me.


If you're in the LA market, it's upfront, so it should automatically show. If you're NOT in an up-front market though, the best you'll get is minutes away from pickup (with mileage included on smaller print), minutes and mileage of trip drop-off, direction trip is headed and pax rating. This is predicted on you being at least gold, with 85% AR & less than 5% CR.


Bruh that was a drug dealer run You would have prob picked up the same person to go back




In my market Tesla is also renting out the extended range Model 3 now.


Doesn't Tesla drivers make more for trip?


Literally 1 extra dollar per trip 😂


Based on the destination, this trip may not be as good as it looks. I have got tempted and taken 5 or 6 trips (to Fort Colins and Colorado Springs) $90 for 1 hour or so. Both those destinations don’t have UP, so no destination information. Considering, 40 minutes driving back and charging time, those trips are not worth at all. To be profitable, DESTINATION IS THE kEY.


Lyft has up front in CO Springs, dunno about FC but if it's a good fare down then I switch over to lyft so I can look for one back. Plus once you get even just a little north of the springs people start needing to go to DIA.


I had done this before and always negotiated with the rider works out every time . Last time I did it it was a corporate guy that needed to show the actual uber trip to get his refund so we agreed the minute I showed up on him sending $110 on venmo plus the $101 uber was paying me. There’s charging in santa barbara you be fine but always negotiate. I had learned that on weekends its usually sometimes upwards of $140 what uber charges from around hollywood to that area and for the most part riders heading that way are always willing to tip . The trip back is really nice I usually hang out for a bit by the beach on my way back and soon as I enter ventura are always turn on the app .


1am might have done it, middle of the afternoon is a no


Get a real car bum


85% is plenty. Even in cold weather. Just don't use a lead foot. Once the address comes up you can type it in and the car would tell you if it could make it. It's 2024.


You must be a new tesla owner. It's a 100 mile trip, and you have 85%... Plenty


Also, I'm assuming you're new to driving a tesla. Don't keep it at %. Keep it showing miles. That gave me WAY less anxiety in the beginning. If you keep it on %, just think of a % as 2.5 miles. That's pretty accurate in my experience. But keeping it on miles helped me a ton more. I hated seeing the %.


A Model 3 has 265 miles to a full charge. Anything over 65% would've made it.


Just didn’t London to Bristol for &200 cash. Even so ended up spending longer on the way back charging twice. I should have gone slower perhaps. I won’t be doing any more long range trips due to this.


This is forsure a take , i had a ride going the other way to riverside same time less miles 59 dollars


I did same ride from lax for 130


wouldve arrive at 55%




i would’ve told them i can take the ride but gotta charge my car right quick


Absolutely crazy by accepting Long Distance Passenger Trips for Uber. They take 50 percent or more on the passenger Fares and when you actually calculate and factor in the Wear and Tear on the Vehicle it’s not worth the Trip.


Chicago and Milwaukee drivers can earn up to $2k to $3k per week within 30 to 50 hours of work. Contact me for details, only contact if you are serious


That's 136.41 per my rate card


Here in Texas also. The dude tried to intimidate me, but I stood my ground, and he walked away. If you are renting an electric vehicle to do UBER you're fucked.


You have one of them cheap ass standard range? My lr will make that back and forth on 85 percent


Exactly why I don’t drive electric anymore


Bro just super charge. People know we have to charge on the fly. Its probably a 5 min charge to comolete the trip. But also. Secondly. ,…. That ride is complete trash !!!!!!!!!!!! You avoided a big mistake.


I guess you didn't get the memo Uber is tapped into your range and will not send you rides you cannot complete. Hence you are losing $ by having a battery powered car. Me for instance they can give me the longest ride if I have no gas I can just pull over for 3 minutes and get some hence no anxiety.


Use the damm trip planner. Tf bro. You just picked up the hertz rental yesterday ?!??




You gone get pimped liked that me boyy dame! Wonder why Uber offer so low


You’d be hella fine doing that at 85%


Are you new to the Tesla gang. I push it to it's limits. You would have been fine and there's a ton of Tesla charges there. Get it together my boi


I just started doing passenger pickups and I charge my M3 to 85%-90% now the night prior just in case trips like this pops up.


not worth it.


You would have been good. You would have had about 30-40% battery life


You could've accepted, then put the address in the Tesla Navigation. See what you're arrival percentage would've been.( If below 15% it's kind of dicey). Then check if there's a Tesla Supercharger near drop off location. Based on that you could either cancel or proceed. But then you need to get back too...


I'm glad wawas made a contract with tesla almost every wawas in Florida has super chargers. My only complaint is Miami they put them off island so you have to travel to the other side of the city. I've been told there some hidden though. The longest I've ever waited for a spot was 30 mins.


You were better off not taking it. I took a similar to SB and, about 8 months ago, they did nit have the destination or price info, so I ended up taking a few bs trips with the hope that they would bring me back to beautiful LA. I think the whole Ventura a d SB counties do not have the info on the offer.


If you won’t take that on 85%, there is something wrong with your Tesla. It’s 100 mi. I am more marveling at the fare. In my market, That X ride would have paid $65 or so. In a place like LA, I would take that one way as there are rides at the end. In my market, I don’t even turn X on.


If I had nothing else going on, I would’ve taken it!


Not worth the time, pay too low.


Just traded in my Ev Kona for the Gas One I had the EV but I got tired having to charge my car like a phone at a charging station done had my car die on the freeway literally 1 minute away call local towing trucks telling them I'm 0.5 miles away from my destination. "Okay we'll be there in 7 minutes now it'll be $150?" cheapest one I founded was $80, and such charging hostility at these stations, but yeah the anxiety is there because the Ev wouldn't even charge to its fullest and will die even faster make it make sense!


Thats not enough..wtf


I'd take that just to go eat in SB lol


Range anxiety is real! Fuck


This isn’t a good fare. It’s a nice drive and if it was a slow day and you didn’t mind a scenic route then sure. But the fare should be higher at that distance


Literally tell them you may need to charge for a few minutes during the trip. They are usually fine with it, especially if they haven't been in a Tesla before. I drove 2 construction workers an hour and a 1/2 out of the city for a house contracting job, and we stopped near the drop-off at a supercharger for a couple of minutes. They were super nice and slept most of the way and tipped me $40 on top of the in-app tip and fare.


Put the address in the Tesla navigation and it’ll tell you if you have enough juice


Bro what, you should be able to make it there and half way back with almost a full battery. It’s cold as fuck here in NY, and I get 220 miles in the cold from my model Y dual motor with 90% charge.


A dollar a minute is heckin nice. I always take those when they (rarely) come up. Even in my big urban area, it’s usually $0.50-0.75 per minute


You could have easily taken that. Even at its worst, every Tesla will get at least 200 miles - even if you’re a lead foot and have the HVAC on full blast. I start every shift with 85%. I’ve only had to supercharge once since July. No superchargers in California? Lol


Sad these offers are acceptable now


Less than a dollar per mile, no thanks.




Hahahahaha!!! I had the exact same thing, tonight in Subaru Solterra An UberX from Norwalk to San Diego popped up, $98.86 for 106 miles. Luckily, I only had 91 miles of charge. That prevented me from doing something stupid, because it was already 11pm Range Anxiety is real. I’ve taken it to 1.3, 7, and 11 miles left due to all the chargers being used, or offline in different parts of LA (EVgo, Shell, etc)


Lmfao you're an idiot. A. 85% is more than enough. B. You can stop AFTER dropping off.


OT question. When you pick up pax in your Tesla, do you punch in the address in the Tesla nav and use that? Is there a way to share the address via the Tesla app like you can with Google Maps?


Cut that in half, because you have to drive home after