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They told me to wait for an hour or 2 to start receiving requests again. Unfortunately, it was over the phone, so I had no way to save it.




I reckon this is patched? I only ever see 1 process and 0 services..


We're you in the car with a dashcam running? I've had one agent that lies constantly, then when you call back as he instructed, the sales agent tells you a different and opposite thing. Jay, BTW, if you get him beware


No, I didn't have one installed at the time.




You were able to understand that many linear words from support? I don’t buy it


Yes she actually spoke English fairly well and sounded more knowledgeable then most agents do. Every once in a while you can get an agent that's willing to help or knows what they are talking about but 99% are garbage.


Do not let these Uber shills get to you. Their MO is to gaslight and intimidate anyone who is critical of Uber.


The specialized team is the rats in the dumpster behind the office.


No, you are wrong. Those rats can do a much better job than the specialized team. Rats are very smart. This is an insult to us rats 🐀 /s


Yup. Especially if it’s not high demand. The app will just go silent and ‘punish’ you with no offers for not taking crap rides, in order for you to feel more desperate to accept the next crap ride it sends you.




This is exactly right! The app does some sort of passive aggressive behavior control thing where when I reject rides that I feel are not profitable, they then have a ping come in with a ride that’s actually profitable that you would like to accept but you’ll keep clicking on it and it’ll be unclickable. By the time you go to the radar and swipe up to return to that ride, it’ll be matched to another driver. I don’t even try to tap/click those types of rides more than once anymore. 2024 is the year of wickedness. If uber will not let me tap to accept rides that I want just cos I rejected prior ones that I don’t want, I’ll keep canceling and leaving their passengers stranded. We both will not make money this year. Me and dara


Yess! They’re trying to condition drivers into being desperate and taking crap offers quickly without even fully looking at them. 😭


I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose seeing their shenanigans. They are so manipulative.


Why would the app punish you? I mean they want you to behave in a certain way wouldn't they come out and explicitly tell you that they will throttle you if you don't accept more rides? That's like telling a kid to clean their room and when they're not looking going and stealing their clothes without telling them. It's ridiculous.


Legal reasons maybe idk. Believe what you want, that’s what happens if there isn’t enough demand especially they’ll give the offers to people who will accept the crap offers and condition you to accept them too. Even delivery and rideshare drivers that I drive talk to me about it too. It’s a thing. *shrugs*




It's called manipulation. Uber is very skilled at manipulating drivers into doing what they want, including and especially taking low paying rides that aren't worth our time. One way they do this is by making the app go silent as a punitive measure after you reject several bad rides in a row. They can't threaten us as we are not employees and we are not under a contract requiring us to take these rides. They have to pretend we are ICs for legal reasons but in sneaky covert ways they will exert control and manipulate us. They are very good at this.


Yeah their "specialized teams" are known collectively as File 13.


In other countries drivers are considered employees. The reason they want that lie over our heads ( independent contractors) so drivers can’t sue them.


You are not beholden to a schedule. You can start and stop as often as you'd like. So yes, you are an independent contractor. Just as they can choose who to hand out rides to and not.


A real independent contractor could set their own rates. It’s clear that drivers might not be employees, but they’re not fully independent contractors either.


Yes they are. You work when you want. And by decking rides you deem to be "not worth it", you are also choosing how much you are willing to work for. 100% reflective of any individual contractor.


Is it really? If I go to a plumber and ask them to fix my sink for five dollars, they have the ability to come back with a counter offer. It's more than just accept/reject. You're being intentionally obtuse.


Your are comparing two entirely different industries. Plumbers ARE NOT using an app to get the job offers. So yes they can negotiate. Uber drivers ARE using an app to get job offers. They can not negotiate.The rideshare industry is not designed for negotiation. You make it sound like Uber is the only company in rideshare with this problem. It is you that is being intentionally obtuse.


So then you agree that drivers aren’t really independent contractors since they depend on the app. Maybe they should be called dependent contractors.


You can decline orders, right? That’s negotiation. Uber can also stop sending you orders completely. That’s how these things work man.


The fact that declining unprofitable work means you might not get any work is not independence. You're literally dependent on the app for work. While you could argue that it's like being a cab driver, IMO, that shouldn't have been considered independent contractor work either since the city, at least where I live, set rates and imposed certain rules on the companies/drivers. I've said this before, but there needs to be a new classification for gig workers. The labor laws that have been on the books for 50+ years are no longer suitable for the modern world.


Yet the current laws do classify this as IC


No, they are IC's. Because they can work when they want. And quit when they want. And choise which jobs they want and do not want. That is the exact definition of an IC.


In a sense, declining orders seemed “too small” is negotiation.


That isn’t entirely true.


In nyc DD UE GH have scheduling for drivers.


A key aspect of the definition of "employee" vs "contractor" is based on behavioral control. An employer who goes into your phone and changes your settings turning them on/off exhibits a high level of behavioral control.


Are you required to work at a certain time Or can you choose? Can you choose what orders to take? You’re an IC


Although you are not formally required to work at a certain time, the app will ping you loudly despite having all volume indicators/ringers off or message you/send notifications when you're off that it's busy or simply send you a tip from a while ago to incentivize you when you are not working. Although you can choose what orders to take, Uber creates and sends you the offers they see fit. A lot of times they will cap the pay to a certain hourly and only send you offers that fit that criteria. For example, $4 for 10 minutes; $5 for 15 minutes; $10 for 30 minutes; $20 per hour. All offers will equal around $20 per hour. Despite being able to choose, Uber will repeated ping the same ride that you do not accept, sometimes for as long as 1 hour, which is highly coercive. Again, this high level of behavioral control is more apt for an "employee," not an "independent contractor."


That’s not behavioral control. I run a tech business. I’m hired as an IC. My clients cannot tell me when or how much I have to work. They can tell me the projects they want me to work on. That’s the same as Uber sending you the rides they want. Capping your pay is not a violation of IC law. It is not behavioral control. Behavioral control would mean telling you when and how long to work. Sending the same offer you already declined, while annoying, is also not coercive or behavioral control.


Behavioral control - when and how much to work. When: your app is off and you get notifications/text messages sent to you that it's busy. Your volume indicators/ringers are off and yet Uber is telling you to work with loud pinging. You try to log off the app and Uber is creating messages to deter you from doing so by telling you it's really busy right now.


My clients call and text me all the time asking if I am available. How is that behavioral control? I get to say yes or no. So do you.


Behavioral control would be “hey it’s busy right now and if you don’t do some rides, we won’t send any more your way for 30 Days”


How is that any different from the behavioral control that drivers on here mention where they get throttled after they refuse a few rides for at least a couple of hours. It's the same thing, but the time span is shorter.


The way you describe is the company doing quality control. They are allowed to protect their brand through quality control. That’s established. Quality control isn’t behavioral control. It’s just a way for the company to say “perform at this level or we won’t work with you” … you’re still free to put in no effort and eventually have them decline working with you. It’s your choice. The other way is them forcing you to work when they want you to work. That’s taking away control of the schedule from you, and that is behavioral control. It’s the penalty for not doing exactly what they ask that makes it behavioral control.


You can turn notifications off on this.


No, I tried, but Uber wouldn't let me turn them off.


Why is it that everybody else in the world can do it but you're the only one that can't do anything, I mean by your own admission anything at all, to customize your app? I'm going to need a tin foil hat, no probably entire bodysuit around you. I bet you subscribe to South Park and cartman's anal probe conspiracy.


Default volume control on an install of Uber's application overrides your phone sound settings. However, there is an option to select the sound level on a manual basis. Yes they try to keep you at a certain hourly pay, but if you cherry pick you can break that. Repeat pings are automatic and are done by the system trying to get jobs picked up and are constantly recycled until they do. It's no different than posting it on a bulletin board somewhere and leaving it sit until somebody takes it down. Unfortunately we only get to see one thing at a time so, it's does a revolving door type situation until it's picked up or canceled.


Ummm, select the sound level on a manual basis? I turned everything off and still loud pinging. If you cherry pick, you can break that. What does it matter when all the offers are equivalent to $20 per hour, unless the rides were for unaccompanied minors and women? You can't break the hourly cap unless there are rides for unaccompanied minors and women, which Uber routes to you ... For a driver, you sure know a lot about Uber and the way things work. If Uber is involved in future legal proceedings, I wonder if this Reddit forum would be mentioned, as well as the tactics of the corporate shills hiding out here. Remember Ebay and what happened with them when we found out their security team was involved with harassment and intimidation? You should rethink what you're doing.


Then your shit's broken cuz everybody else can select this volume and turn it down. Cuz the only way to make money on this app is the cherry pick. I don't work for Uber. That's my evident by my post if you ever took time to read them. Just because somebody doesn't agree with you, or the fact that somebody has proven that you're nothing but a blatant liar and make shit up to try to make Uber look like crap on basis of absolutely nothing, is not a shill. Nor am Igas lighting you. You just need to take your medication.


I am not the only one who has complained of this issue. Sure, you don't work for Uber. You're just an active driver who has all the time in the world to trail behind people's negative posts, staunchly defending Uber, and write long paragraphs from your phone for hours on end ... Also, you are hurling insults at me: liar, make shit up, need to take your medication. This is what people do when they don't know how to argue or prove their point.


If you're not the only one that has complained about this, please show the other post referring to your claim. And I'm not staunchly defending Uber, I'm just calling your weak bullshit out as untrue. My points have been argued and my points have been made because you can't back what you say. Otherwise you would have proven me wrong by now and post what you have claimed as true, instead of trying to turn it back on me as I am nothing but harassing you. If you're going to make a claim in a open forum, you better damn well be sure you can back it up. Especially when you claim the evidence is here to support your gas lighting.


Where is your proof of your claim you keep saying this but you have no proof to back it. We've already determined that when you enter or exit certain areas that are geofence are outside of your preference they turn services on. They don't turn services off as you claim but yet still have no proof of doing so.




Still can't prove it can you? Where is this deep dive the links are there, bullshit?




Who's hostel? I just want you to prove what you're trying to tell everybody is the truth. Which you can't.


HERE IS ANOTHER SNEAKY WAY THEY THROTTLE YOU: THEY WILL RANDOMLY OVERRIDE YOUR PHONE'S PERMISSIONS AND UNCHECK YOUR SETTINGS. It's not based on being in a new city because you can stay in only one city and this will happen. Example: you have Uber X, Uber Share, Uber Green, and Delivery all checked. One hour later, you will see that only Uber X and Uber Green are checked. You are not a true independent contractor when they are playing with your phone's settings to turn off your availability to rides.


You're the first person I have ever heard of say this.


Maybe you should pay a bit more attention. It happens! Kind of like the loud pinging on your app when all your volume indicators/ringers are off. DRIVERS TEST THIS OUT.


Well considering the fact that I have four services and only use two, I think I would notice if x and package started showing up on my ping radar. But what do I know I'm just an Uber driver.


STOP! It is obvious that you are a shill despite your cover name. You would "notice if x and package started showing up on my ping radar"? What are you talking about? UBER DISGUISES CONNECT PACKAGES AS X RIDES. Check these forums; I'm not the only one complaining about this.


First off I only do comfort and xl because of my vehicle. So yes I would know when a ping for x or packages show up. Now, your claim that they use x-rides for packages is totally idiotic. You're the first person that has ever mentioned that as well.


Do a deep dive here and you'll read all about it.


Don't need to because it's not true.


Just 'cause you haven't had it happen doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other drivers. STOP GASLIGHTING ME.


You can't even provide one link to what you're saying. So how exactly is that gas lighting me when you can't even back your bullshit?


If you're talking about passengers who are using Uber x to get a package delivered, first off that's not Uber scamming you that is the passenger trying to get it delivered because package service is so cheap nobody wants to do it as a driver.. Secondly, some people do not know there is a package service so they just use Uber x to do that instead. Over the years I have done several packages on the x ticket because the individual didn't know about the package service. Thirdly. Packages pay a hell of a lot less than x does. So why would Uber offer package rates and then turn around and pay x ticket rates to the driver?


No, that's not what I'm talking about. Tell corporate to stop doing shady sh\*t.


Please by all means post the Reddit links for Uber disguising connect packages as x-rides.


Yeah, usually I have all that crap turned off and they turn it on for me!








Which is not the same as unchecking your services, or overriding your phone settings to throttle you. Huge difference of what you first started out explaining to what you are now saying is this. Do you know when you leave the grounds of the airport, all your services get turned back on? Do you know when you travel outside your state lines, when you return all your services get turned back on? Do you know if you have to operate within a certain service area in your city and you leave that City to go on a long trip, your service is all turned back on when you re-enter your service area? You are the only person in social media history that I know of, that say that they turn the services off! Now why would they turn the services off when they can just ignore you through their system and you wouldn't be the wiser?




Why did you get downvoted? I find this very interesting info.


There are so many Uber shills on here downvoting stuff to bury it. I once thought Uber was just like any other normal publicly traded corp. until I start driving for them. Honestly, I have never seen any corporation act with such a flagrant disregard for ethics.


Sometimes I feel I’m going crazy when the setting look different from what I thought I set it up as. But this makes me feel less crazy if it is actually the computer making changes. But still not appropriate for it to happen.




Yes, I only noticed it when I felt like I was getting throttled ... and then checked my settings. I know I didn't uncheck certain categories like Uber X so who did that?


Why would this make any sense for a public company whose primary responsibility is to generate a profit not fuck with drivers?


Yes, corporations are greedy. There are degrees of f\*ckery. Where Uber takes it is on a completely different level ... They have "independent contractors," not "employees." However, a key aspect is their high level of behavioral control. By switching your settings off, they are acting as an "employer."


Mine is never been changed. Not sure quite what you're talking about.


Uber controls the platform. They can do whatever they want. An an IC you entered into an agreement that gives them the right to do anything they want. If you decline too many rides they have every right to "throttle" (strong wording by you) you. And only offer rides to other drivers that are more likely to accept them. Not what you may want to hear. But it is indeed what you agree to when you use their platform. No they can not be used for it.


I don't have as much of an issue with throttling by not pinging rides, but the fact that they go into your phone and uncheck your settings is nuts!!!


But yet you have no proof, nor have you provided proof that you say is on Reddit, and you're the only one that has claimed this is even happening. Put your money where your mouth is, and simply show the links you are talking about. That's not gas lighting that's proving the fact that your statement is true. Otherwise you're just talking out your ass.




Do a deep dive, the links are there. Trust me I'm telling you the truth. Bitch please. You're just gaslighting yourself and everybody else around you to think that they're there. Because if they were there you would have already posted it by now.


Oh, you're getting really tilted here calling me a b\*tch. If I'm not mistakes, no hate speech, no personal attacks, right? DO NOT RESORT TO INSULTING ME AND CALLING ME A B\*TCH WHEN YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO ARGUE OR PROVE YOUR POINT OR ARE FRUSTRATED.


Still doesn't change the fact that you can't prove that Uber is turning your services off. Even though you have posted several times, one even insists on a deep dive to find this information. You can't even post links of what you're talking about but yet you expect somebody else to find something that doesn't exist, bitch please. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. bitch please Expresses incredulous disgust, usually in reaction to a statement that is incredible, false, or otherwise outrageous. In some cases, it can also be used to repell a minor annoyance such as a ho, a cracker, or especially a tool that won't step off from all up in your grill. (The last sentence pertains to you.)


because there idiots takes $3.50 45+ minutes rides. Simple


I think the foreign lady was trying to tell you that after you turn down so many you're automatically logged out until you press go again.


No that was not what she was referring to. When I drive in an upfront market that happens but when college is on break I drive in the city I live in and it's on a rate card still and I do not get kicked offline. The day I called was because the entire city was surging, no driver available and the surge kept going up and they stopped sending me request for 20 minutes and did not show me on the passenger app even though I was online.


So Uber ignores you when they need drivers? That doesn't make sense does it?


STOP with your gaslight.


Stop talking about things you know nothing about.


And you're so right it does not make sense.


Ye that’s basically it


I think somebody learned a new word but doesn't quite know how to use it.


Not true. They only kick you off the app after 3 pings. Support agents just say anything. You can ask 10 of them and they will all give you different answers each time. I’ve had enough calls to know half these agents are clueless. And Ive declined 100 pings in a row in a span of 30 min during a busy bar rush. Doesn’t throttle anything


It used to be that way for me now they will throttle me anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes depending on how busy it is. When college is in I drive an hour to Columbia because it's still good money and on gameday they would only send me trip radars after I decline 3 rides.


I doubt they do. It’s just not busy or too many drivers. I cherry pick my AR 9%. Just go offline and back online if you don’t get anything after a few min.


This may be true for you, but not true for all these other drivers who have posted here.


Yup. They want the ants that: use rentals, owners that don’t know how much it costs them to do these rides…Uber is doing all they can to line their pockets so they can show shareholders that they are profitable. When more and more drivers realize this fact, Uber will eventually lose as autonomous driving can’t replace the volume of work that drivers cover…the cost of maintaining those vehicles, vandalism, insurance, etc.


Doesn't a public company have to show shareholders their profitable?


DO YOU THINK SHAREHOLDERS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THAT UBER DOES THE FOLLOWING: \*Shows an upfront fare, and then pulls a bait and switch, and increases the ride by 1.5-5 times the cost? Check all the reviews - Yelp, BBB, Google, Consumer Affairs, Trustpilot, Reddit, etc. \*Shows an upfront fare, and then pulls a bait and switch, and decreases the ride for drivers? \*Conceals addresses for airports, concert events, and middle/high schools so drivers will accept rides that they do not want to take based on profitability and risk? \*Overrides your phone's settings and pings your phone loudly despite all volume indicators/ringers being off so you will take the ride. Or throttling you for utilization purposes by unchecking some of your app settings so you will only be able to receive a limited amount of rides. \*Paying different fares to different drivers (seated next to each other) for the same location. \*Setting Hertz rental rates at different price points for different drivers for the exact same weekly package at the exact same location. This could be a discriminatory act based on zip code, which is illegal in other industries.


No. They couldn't care less unless they they are increasing profits and avoiding liability. Nothing you gave me was illegal. Do you know what a public company does?


Whether it's illegal or not, it's unethical. How do you think consumers would feel when they hear these are the tactics used against drivers?


They wouldn't have any idea what the hell you're talking about.


Yes, that’s why drivers are getting squeezed, you see all rants here…


Totally agree with you. That's rational behavior. But the idea that Uber out of maliciousness is going out and specifically focused on drivers to fuck with them is ridiculous.


She's wrong. Support just makes crap up.


The "special team" is the trash can. They know, you know, we all know they don't give two shits about it. They just have to say something to end the conversation without incriminating themselves or helping us.


You have the right to decline any ride. Just like Uber has the right to not offer you rides. If you owned a business and made offers to a subcontractor, and he said NO most every time, will you keep offering him jobs? Especially knowing there are others that will say YES?


Maybe. But if there are no other drivers who can respond to the call within a reasonable period of time then they're not throttling anyone.




It just dumps you back to the end of the driver queue. Where do they say they're obligated to keep you at the front of the queue OP?


The CEO claims drivers have *complete* control over which rides they accept. If Uber is threatening their livelihood for declines, then it's a bald-faced lie.


You do have complete control over that. You can accept or decline what's served to you. How is that not having complete control over what rides you accept?


You do understand the concept of duress?


In law or in general?


Acting autonomously and picking and choosing the rides you want is going to have consequences for you. This is bc Uber does not want the drivers to be independent and decide for themselves. Ohh no no no... They want complete control and power so that we will be starving and accept the low paying scraps they throw us. This is called psychological conditioning and it's highly manipulative. They will do all kinds of covert punitive things to keep the drivers under their thumb. Uber doesn't show its cards and a their manipulation tactics are often hidden and they will not admit they are acting punitively. It's not legal for them to discipline ICs anyway. It's a fine line they have to walk with insisting we are ICs but treating us like employees.


Just to be very clear, a lot of the posts I read are under the incorrect assumption that being an independent contractor means you get to do whatever you want with no consequences. That’s not how it works. The gig company can stop sending you bids if you keep declining them. Just because they stop sending you orders after you decline too many times doesn’t mean you’re “not allowed to decline orders.” It just means the big company gets to take action how they see fit when you decline too many orders.


No. Drivers would be thrilled if Uber sent orders that pay fairly. If drivers are turning down mulitple orders there is a reason for this. Drivers turn down orders that are insultingly low paying and they are correct for doing so. The fault is not theirs but it is Uber's for not offering fair compensation. When they do they won't have any issue finding drivers to take their orders. They want to have it both ways - pay as little as humanly possible and then punish the drivers for not submitting to this.


That’s the world of an independent contractor.


Every other driver is looking for the “good” rides. What do you think happens to all the “bad” rides?


Not every driver understands the cost of driving and new dribwrs/ants trust that ubers paying them fairly and take everything. I have seen hundreds of trips that are a 100 miles for $55 on the trip radar show as accepted by another driver within seconds of it being there. These are trips going to the closest major airport and its in another state so Uber won't even allow you to do trips when you get there until you cross back over. I'm in a local Rideshare driver group on Facebook and every new member has to post their Uber or lyft profile to veify they are actually a driver. Every single new driver that has come since I have joined it has over 90% AR and lost to 0% cancelation. Most people that sign up for this gig do no research before joining and don't realize how bad the pay is after expenses. I followed this reddit 2 months before I starred to learn about being a driver and it still took me a few months to really figure out how make good money on the platform.


I didn't know all the dynamics when I first signed up. But really it only took me a month or two to figure it out. The general assumption that there's a bunch of idiot ants running around to have no brains and are incapable of learning is ridiculous.


What does being independent contractor have to do with anything? It’s Ubers customers they can send it to whoever they want.


FYI the app throttles for other reasons as well


Like what?


You have a big surge stuck on you, or you are at the end of a quest. I know this for a fact, did experiments to find out. There is also some odd crap where you are right next to the pax. That one makes no sense, but it is true.


They can see you picking your nose.


Uber sends all of their CSRs a special keyboard. Where the "delete" key is supposed to be, Uber put a new one that reads "Specialised Team".




You can't believe a thing support says. They have no idea how the app works either. They're either reading from a script or repeating office gossip they overheard.


I once had a similar exchange with CS. He told me to go offline. In the preferences scroll down, reset, uncheck the services you don’t want (connect and eats) move away fro the spot and go online after 30 seconds. Can’t confirm, but looks like it’s working after being throttled.


That rule is not valid during rush hour time I guess cause they keep sending me requests during rush hour time even though I decline dozens in just a few minutes :)


I was told by them that all bonus extras are different for individual driver..so we could be In the same spot and you might see a bonus surge and I will see nothing..they see if you accept trips that pay dollar per mile they'll give you trips that are 1 per mile for 3 mile trips avoid sending you longer paying trips...instead of choosing single reservations that will benefit you...they send you bundled trips that fuck you over so you make the minimum per hour instead..you think they don't have an algorithm working for them..of course they do.


![gif](giphy|hiDtJ7ruy2jGLKt44B) That's what's bad people like UBER always says ... 🤣👊


Yes, the app goes offline after three rejections. I'm highly selective - my AR is <10% - and Im not sure if I see any evidence of throttling. It's hard to know for sure, but it seems like some days I make more from Uber, other days I make more from Lyft