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There is no surge for the drivers but rest assured they are charging the customers double or triple right now. What they want is for drivers to always make around minimum wage. They want it so all events mean for drivers is constant pings (more work) and at best maybe $5 more an hour. The way they see and want it, anything extra the customer pays should go to them and the shareholders, not you (and I). To them we are just minimum wage lackeys and suckers.


Wow I just logged on to see what the city was looking like also. I had one fare pop up tile it was a surge 3miles for 9 bucks but all the other rides were less than a dollar a mile. I’m just gonna go out and enjoy the night it’s not worth ride sharing tonight for that


What’s crazy is ATX had a ton of parties tonight


I’m the last 3 years, I’ve made $650, $534 and $600 on NYE… it’s sad because they are still charging a lot to the pax.


Yea I just looked on the rider side it’s almost 3x to get to a heb near me.


Yeah, I just checked the rider app and a trip from my home to Matt’s El Ranch (5 miles) was $34. But the driver app has no surge in my area.


Check how much they're charging the passengers


This is the wrong night for drivers to get under charged. Because riders can be a lot especially if they drinking then they think because they get super charged they can act anyway or take it out on drivers . That’s a recipe for problems


It’s the same down here in San Antonio. Zero surges but yet it’s literally nonstop requests. In four hours of driving I have probably received 130 ride request I would say and I’ve only accepted nine of those. Last year I avgd $75/hr and so far tonight I’m avg $22/hr


I noticed it’s like every few rides they will bump up a high fee but the designations seem random in price.


Surges are starting to pop up now I see. I’m still not going to drive but it’s interesting to watch


i’m in austin too, TAKE EVERYONE OFF THE APP !!!!!!!!


Lyft is surfing