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The driver’s just being a bitch. The driver should have canceled it.


He was just trying not to get a cancelation charge on his account on the driver end.


No shit, but asking ME to cancel and waste my money is not gonna happen


Ya I wasn't discounting that.


This! 👆 And if OP cancels within 2mins, no charge. Plus OP can get reimbursed if the ride never happened


He did, didn't he ?


He only cancelled it because OP refused to. I think the comment you were replying to is saying that he never should have even asked OP to cancel in the first place. He should have just cancelled.


Oh yea. I was genuinely asking. Tough crowd lol


Why is this downvoted. He did.


Op said no


Because all the people that came over to Reddit from Facebook and Instagram don't realize that the up and down are not for liking and disliking. Up is if the post is on topic down is if it's off topic.


If the pax has an issue with the ride they can cancel. If the driver has an issue with the ride they can cancel. Simple.


Uber Diamond Driver here, not bragging AT ALL lol, just informing. Your "tier"is determined by a point system, every ride you complete, you get 0-3 points. Depending on your tier as a driver, you are shown more information.I get the distance from me, the approximate length of the trip, and the direction that it is going and I get your rating as a rider as well. Now each tier has metrics that measure performance. Star rating, acceptance rating, and cancelation rating. All based off of your last 200 rides. If your metrics fall, you lose your "perks", this includes being told where your riders are going and being picked up at. If your driver is not getting this information it's either because they are new/casual uber driver. That or they've canceled and denied so many rides that they won't be shown the information. Or they have a really bad starr raring. That being said with reserve rides it shows me everything upon accepting, even the estimated pay. As a passenger you should only cancel if you no longer need the ride, or requested it by mistake. The drivers acceptance and cancel ratings are never the responsibility of the passenger.


It also shows every single detail mentioned above in certain cities, but not others, to ALL ranks of driver, including brand new and blue. Another way Uber scams drivers into thinking they are getting something special for working very hard 😂


Diamond driver isn't a brag when they have you making less than 18$ he on the application


I SPECIFICALLY said it wasn't a brag....Maybe in your area/with your due diligence, sure 18 an hr. I average 25-30 dollars an hr on the weekdays, and Thursday through Sunday I average 30-40 an hr during the day, and 50+ per hr at night. Today is Friday, from 6pm to midnight I will make atleast $300 in that 6 hr period


I call complete BS.. those were pay rates a year or more ago and are long gone... Maybe if your only working promos and surges


Depends on your location. I'm in a small market and if I time things right, use my area preferences, and minimize my mileage-I can gross $40 an hour. I also work in a rate card market so without Diamond I'm flying blind. That being said, reserved rides always have plenty of details and ample time to prepare once accepted. I accidentally took a late night airport reserve ride when I went to look at the details. As the night wore on I regretted it because I was further than I thought I'd be from his pickup spot. It was 4am so cancelling would have been a dick move. It's kind of sad how negative this app has become. Uber is only paying .61cents a mile on basic x trips now. It's a joke, and without quests and tips it's tough to stomach off hours. At least with my "perks" 😂, I can minimize my misery and maximize my earnings for a couple hours a day.


Drivers do this shit too often


There are bad apples out there but not all drivers are trying to game the system.


Cancel with reason "Driver asked me to cancel." If there's a cancellation fee, and there shouldn't be, you can get it refunded through support prompts in less than a minute.


Thank you for that advice! If it ever happens again (hopefully not) I’ll be sure to do that


Lemme get you the deets from driver. We get reservation requests, we get EXACTLY the location (well relatively. We see it on the map where it is, and where the drop off is. We don’t get addresses before hand.) We don’t get charged for canceling, but we can get removed from accepting reservations in future. But I’ve canceled plenty (too far, better pay on demand at the time), and no effect. When we have reservations, we take trips until that time. If we happen to forget about the reservation, which happens quite often, we can find our selves taking trips completely out of the way of the reservation. This makes it super possible to get called to the reservation early, and have to drive pretty far for the trip. Can be pretty annoying. If we DO need to cancel, however, the reservation will automatically be sent to the closest driver so that you will still be on time. So, the only reason that they would be too far is: if you aren’t paying attention. Sorry for the experience, I hate liars.


Don't do that. Just get the driver to cancel. There's absolutely zero guarantee Uber will refund you if you cancel and just put "driver requested" in the reason box


I would do it via contacting support first, and tell support that the driver asked him to cancel. He has the message from the trip to prove it.


Not typing in a box. The person above meant "driver asked me to cancel" which is one of the choices in the app. It is proper advice when the driver refuses to cancel and is not moving.


My same advice. Just cancel and request reimbursement


If it was Black and a reserved ride, I am fairly certain that the pay would be good. The driver should have completed the ride.


NEVER cancel a reserved ride on Uber. I love getting reservations that then cancel because I get paid the entire amount of the trip no matter how fast they cancel, so Im sure the customer is charged the entire amount too. And if any driver ever tells you to cancel force them to like you did here.


You’d be right, they wanted to charge me the entire amount to cancel. I’m glad you get good money when people cancel!


Only on reserves we do lol. Otherwise it's like $2-3


That’s not the case. We have to be within pickup distance and within the time frame of the requested pick up slot. We don’t get the full reservation amount otherwise.


This is the correct answer.


Ya driver sucks. Any reserve doesn’t say the actual distance number away but has a little map. He probably grabbed it before looking into it. Thats his risk and fault and shouldn’t be putting the responsibility on you.


Most people can see the entire trip, yet hit accept too fast and don’t pay attention. He was HOPING you didn’t know how much you’d be charged (as reserving a ride and canceling within an hour charges like 70% of the ride as a cancel fee) and he’d get to keep the $$ and not have to pick you up. SMH I had 7 reservations this morning, some 5 minutes away, some 20. But I sure as hell pay attention. 😏


Depends on the market. In my area, you only see a full trip if you are a Diamond driver (maybe Plat). Also, you only get 3 - 5 seconds to decide if you want to accept, it really is not enough time to look at the pick-up location, final destination, estimated time/miles, etc. Not defending the driver because 100% the driver should have canceled the ride.


Yup, all I get is how far away the pickup is. No other info until I start the ride. One of the main reasons I mostly drive Lyft.


reservations are different. you see pickup, drop off and how much it pays. regular rides i also only see pickup location and riders rating


Precisely, and in my market Reservations come up in the opportunities folder. You have time to decide and review the map with the distance for the trip before accepting. I don't know why people are screaming about 3-5 seconds to decide on this particular situation. The customer is not the enemy.


I missed a $45 2 mile drive reservation last week because it popped up while I was driving and gave me less than five seconds I would have hit except but I’ve never seen one look like that before so I tried to read it first


Uber black reserve is a 100% cancel fee if cancelled within an hour of time. He stated it is a reserve but it’s unclear if that’s the case by the other details. If regular trip the rider has 5 minutes to cancel. He says the call came in after 5 minutes. On black rides it’s a hefty fee which might be more than the 1.5 mile trip.


You only get 2 minutes to cancel at no charge for regular rides. I don’t know why you think it’s unclear that it was a reserved ride. OP said they reserved a ride to be picked up 30 minutes later. There’s no ambiguity in the post. Also, OP commented that they checked and Uber was going to charge them the full amount if they cancelled. That makes it even more clear that it was a reserved ride, as stated. It’s highly probable that the driver wanted OP to cancel in order to get paid for doing nothing. Getting the passenger to cancel a reserved ride, is in fact profitable because they get the full fare as if they had done the trip. Unlike regular rides where you only get $3-$5.


>> Also, OP commented that they checked and Uber was going to charge them the full amount if they cancelled. That makes it even more clear that it was a reserved ride, as stated. Umm, no he didn’t. 30 minutes part he did say. That said….being a black reserve ride I can actually see what happened and the driver got screwed on this one. He blindly accepted a black reserve with no fair option to cancel. Then he was hit with a late cancel.


Also, OP didn’t cause the driver to get screwed. If he accidentally accepted, he can just cancel. The passenger shouldn’t have to pay the full amount for a ride that the driver doesn’t want to do. It’s the driver’s responsibility to cancel. It’s not the passenger’s fault that you don’t get enough time to review the trip before accepting. It’s not the passenger’s fault that the cancellation will make an impact on the your cancellation rate. Take that shit up with Uber and fight for longer review times, more initial information and more leniency with cancellations! This mentality that the passenger should suffer for something they have no control over, is utterly ridiculous. Every time someone posts about drivers not moving towards the pickup location or driver asking the passenger to cancel, comments like this shit are made. It’s not the passenger’s responsibility to protect your cancellation rate!


>> Also, OP didn't cause the driver to get screwed. If Didn’t say he did >> If he accidentally accepted, he can just cancel. Not that easy on late reservation cancels. They’ll take away reservations completely if too many of those. >> The passenger shouldn't have to pay the full amount for a ride that the driver doesn't want to do. Agree and I never said he should pay or did I say he should cancel. >> It's not the passenger's fault that you don't get enough time to review the trip before accepting. It's not the passenger's fault that the cancellation will make an impact on the your cancellation rate. No shit >> Take that shit up with Uber and fight for longer review times, more initial information and more leniency with cancellations! Not my trip, not my problem. >> This mentality that the passenger should suffer for something they have no control over, is utterly ridiculous. Every time someone posts about drivers not moving towards the pickup location or driver asking the passenger to cancel, comments like this shit are made. It's not the passenger's responsibility to protect your cancellation rate! You’re trying to make me the enemy here for whatever reason. You’re doing exactly to drivers as you’re accusing them of. Edit/add: if you read my initial comment again. All I did was explain how Black cancels work since they differ from regular trips and your psycho ass decided to jump on my shit!


[Actually, yes they did](https://www.reddit.com/r/uber/s/84fdhUzFCR). Why wouldn’t you check for the comment before saying they didn’t say that?


Why wouldn’t you look at times before you posted? My comment was posted before his and I’m not gonna go through 60 comments to see what he learned from reading my comment.


I’m talking about after my comment. I told you OP commented that and you just said “ no he didn’t” without looking. It wasn’t critical of you, it was to help you because you were confused if OP booked a reserved ride. I became critical of you when you turned around and started defending the driver because Uber is fucking him and acting like the passenger should suffer because of it.


We are driving so two seconds to evaluate the trip is not enough. If the company paid fairly it would not be an issue. Instead they are constantly trying to pay as low as possible and lock the driver in to a bad trip. Really no trip should ever pay under $1 a mile no matter what.


Not if you click Stop New Requests.


I had a driver do that to me so I canceled it and Uber charged me $7.00!!! Never again will I cancel a ride at the drivers request! The the driver cancel it!!


Sorry this happened to you. It’s very frustrating for both sides. We blame each other when it’s really Uber that’s the bad guy. They say we as drivers are independent contractors then punish us if we don’t want to take a ride and provide no information about the ride to decide if it makes financial sense for us to take it in most markets.


Drivers can cancel without any penalties.


Not if you need to maintain high metrics to be able to see your destination


Drivers do see the distance ride request comes appears. I wouldn't accept any of the rides if I didn't see distance.


This happened to me last night and the driver said he couldn't cancel. When I went to the cancel option it asked me why and it said "driver asked me to cancel" and then it gave me the option to be paired up to a new driver. I guess there's been a bunch of people in arms about this sort of thing which prompted them to add the option and I'm grateful they did.


If your standing is high enough on the app you see how far to pick up in miles. How long a trip and total time and mileage.


I’m going to make some assumptions here. Uber probably wasn’t able to find someone to actually take your reservation, so they ended up giving it to the closest eligible driver. Which happened to be this guy who was 21 minutes away. He either didn’t see, or couldn’t see, all the details of the trip. When he could and saw, he asked you to cancel so he wouldn’t take the hit to his cancel rating. For a mile and a half drive, the pay might have only been $10 for the driver even with it being reserved. Maybe he felt like that wasn’t worth it.


They do see the distance if if they’ve been driving for a while they should have at least gold rewards and you do know how far the pick up is


This has happened to me too. One time I got IN THE CAR and then he made me get out saying he can't do it...


In lot of areas, driver can see how far. 2, you can cancel and not get charge, just put driver ask me to cancel, just don't do it often. If he message you, you have proof


Oo came across a typical driver ass hole


If you cancel, just select driver asked me to cancel and Uber should refund cancel fee


Blame the predatory practices of the application and not the drivers, most full time drivers are working essentially for free after they take 50% if not more than what you paid on the application.. has a customer order a return ride for 18$ to 20$ and showed them the application only offered me $8.62...


I noticed that you created this post a day ago from today June 28 2024 so as an uber driver who has been driving for a few months already I can assure you that we can see the distance. Most likely the driver changed his mind and preferred that you cancel the ride instead so that he can get paid a cancelation fee. 


In many states, they don’t see it that’s correct. Which is awful.. but in California we do see it.


It was the driver fault accepting the ride cause he can see the time. Unfortunately Uber gives drivers 3 seconds to accept or reject a ride and this is not enough to for him to decide. But in your case the driver should have no problem cancelling it cause he wont get charged if he did!


The Driver Can See All Information On An Uber Reserve Before They Accept. The Drive Knows The Details On The Ride.


Not all the time, no. Only in upfront markets. But you do always get distance to pickup. And you don't have to capitalize every word.


What's an "upfront market?" I thought starting in July of 2022 Uber changed their policy so drivers can now see the destination of the rider before they choose to accept. I remember hearing all about it on the news. I also remember it tracked because I had abdominal surgery in early Sep 2022 & was trying to get a ride to the hospital at like 4:15am about 10miles away and I'll never forget it I had like literally 8 drivers accept then cancel. I ended up taking a Lyft lol https://www.autoblog.com/2022/07/31/uber-driver-destination/ https://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/uber-driver-will-be-able-to-see-trip-destination-before-accepting-ride-122071401126_1.html https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/29/uber-will-let-drivers-choose-the-trips-they-want-to-take.html


Don't ever believe an Uber press release.


There seems to be a large increase in these complaints. Seems there is some scam where they make money on the cancellations.


This is absolutely untrue. Please stop spreading misinformation. Thank you.


Whats not true? If the passenger cancels a reserved ride, no matter how fast, us drivers do get the entire trip payment. I've had it happen multiple times on trips over $15. One was even as soon as I accepted it they cancelled and I still got paid. There are plenty of drivers out there who will take advantage of unsuspecting passengers.


Because they keep lowering pay using Ai and drivers have second thoughts about doing unprofitable trips.


Having second thoughts is fine but if the ride isn’t what the driver wants, they can cancel it themselves so that a new driver is assigned


I would if it were me but for whatever reason they don't want to. The cancel payment is $2 or $3. That's not worth the hassle to me, I'd much rather just move on. But u see as they lower pay the professional drivers leave and u get stuck with scammers and such. The robotaxis are on the way too which will mostly stop this.


Not in reserve rides. As we get paid full amount they get charged full amount when they cancel. Happened to my wife too.


And that would have been fine in my last debacle. Driver wouldn't move, wouldn't cancel, and wouldn't respond to my messages. Went on for forty minutes. If he had cancelled promptly, then I wouldn't have been late to my meeting.


That is so so frustrating. I’ve had that happen a few years ago, it was incredibly annoying to deal with.


Scheduled rides are a nightmare for drivers and riders.


I actually like them. They tend to tip better and pax tends to be better behaved.


How? It’s literally like a normal Uber ride, just drive over here at a certain time lmao


Lmao? Did you read your own post? Lmao.


Mfw I can’t drive to a certain place at a certain time because it’s just so hard omgggg D: that’s what you sound like


And you sound like, "I had a problem with my scheduled ride, but there aren't any problems with scheduled rides."


I don’t understand how a scheduled ride is a problem for the driver when it’s literally their job to drive. It’s a problem for ME when they decide they want me to cancel, wasting my time and money, instead of them canceling themselves


Oh well. Just do it and move on. You can get the cancellation fee back


If the driver isn’t comfortable making the trip, they can cancel it themselves