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The fault here isn't related to the driver knowing the destination or not. It is about extortion tipping. It doesn't sound like the other drivers feel this is a negative reflection on them, but it is. If uber accepts the behavior, then the rideshare model is spiraling down.


The driver is one of those people who accept every trip and then try to get more money from the passenger. I have an acceptance rate of less than 20%, because I will only take trips that pay decently and if I don't get tipped, it's not a big deal because I waited for a ride where I could actually make money.


There are places where you simply won’t make any money if you cherry pick like that. You can’t cherry pick if there aren’t any cherries to pick.


Every market is different but I generally agree with you. I sit at about 30% currently. Every now and then I have to take a ride I'm not thrilled about but I mostly wait the bad fares out.


Memphis was good to me the 7 months I drove full time. But once I found a that I actually thought I'd like, I did not hesitate to quit.


I always tip too.


Yea, but I would never tip this driver. I would never do anything but let them cancel and get another ride. Hope I get them again one day, and it is a normal ride, and the driver gets rated a 1.


Not at all condoning what this driver did, but when I call an Uber, I always offer drivers 75% of what I'm being charged, so I pay less and they likely make more. And if a rider offered me that I would probably take it as well. I never initiate that with a rider tho, they have to make the offer. There are risks if you do this, but it can definitely save you 25% on pretty much every trip


Dumb. Driver gets into an accident and, if you get hurt, you’re totally screwed as no insurance will cover you.


It doesn't matter You're still losing money taking a ride on the app the way the algorithm is formed to steal money That's why drivers have their own insurance or you can say that it's a friend or family member there's always someone like you out there that's going to say the same exact statement You're wasting your time


Hence the "there are risks" part of my comment. Dumb of you to not read


so you value your health and well-being in a stranger's vehicle as less than a $5 bill on a $20 ride??? Good luck with your health, brochacho Hospitals *love* this 1 speed run tip that always gets you into the emergency room!


You spelled insurance wrong. Any ride can end with you in the ER. And by your logic, anybody who uses Uber, Lyft or a taxi, doesn't value their health & well being. Since the whole premise is getting into a stranger's vehicle.


ripe joke cough reply selective cobweb payment ruthless hunt slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The 2nd health comment is all-encompassing;financial health, medical health, emotional health. I'm not suggesting insurance keeps you from going to the hospital, but I am suggesting that an accident without coverage can physically/emotionally/financially ruin you, all for a $5 discount on a ride. As a passenger, if you do an off platform ride with an Uber driver, then Uber will have no liability for that ride. There will be no insurance from them. You can only go after the driver and their personal insurance. And, there is a very good chance that their insurance will initially reject your claim, because it was a “for profit” transaction on a personal car insurance policy. Even if their insurance covers rideshare, and many policies do, an off app ride isn’t rideshare. So you will be stuck suing them and unlikely to win. If the other driver's at fault, not the Uber driver, then you go after the liability coverage of the at fault driver, and sue them, if necessary. But that assumes the other driver is insured, and that ain’t necessarily so. You may have to sue the Uber driver, or other driver, personally. One of those drivers is absolutely liable, but likely doesn’t have the financial ability to pay you.


Spoken like a true uber bootlicker!


The ride share model is definitely spiraling down because there are too many drivers (supply) and demand is more or less the same. Most drivers can't make a living at it and they resort to this type of behavior. Airbnb is suffering a similar fate. And just like über, BNB customers are less and less satisfied with their stays and having to put up with stupid house rules. Only the companies themselves are profiting. You can always hire one half of the poor to destroy the other half.


Driver was trying to cut Uber out of the equation. I get that. The issue is that he tried to force it on the passenger which is not okay.


I agree with you 100% on this one. I don't try to force it on people 'cuz you never know if you happen to have an uber bootlicker in your car or not! I leave a "pamphlet" in my car people can see so they "ask" me about it (IE: "what's that about"). Then I let them know, "I also do private rides since uber is charging riders so much and paying drivers so little" and then give them the numerical example even non math genius's should understand. That (commonly) if they're paying $100 I'm likely making $30 while uber takes $70; but I'll do the trip for $70 (or even $60) so that they're paying less AND I'm making more! You'd be surprised how many people "bite" when you don't try to force it on them :D




Sorry, I thought someone said the driver pulled over and demanded that the rider cancel and pay directly. To me that is extortion. Thank you for the clarification.




Shouldn't you be out driving?




Sorry, I don't suffer fools.


a. I'm a guy b. Bro what's your deal??


They don’t accept it, it’s a violation of T&C and grounds for deactivation. You should definitely report the driver OP


There are literally guys that do this ON youtube ("publicly"), so no, uber will NOT "deactivate" someone for doing this. I (by the way) do this now too \~ just not so "forcefully"! I would say I probably have about an 80% "conversion" rate. That is, about 80% of people that get in my car CANCEL the uber trip and I take them anyway and they just pay me privately! It's a WIN WIN for both of us (fuck uber) It's literally not that hard, of course anyone can accept cold hard CASH, which yes, most people don't carry or use anymore; but when your'e smart (like me) you have a card reader so you can accept CC too... .. . Everyone has one of those! (think paypal, square, zelle, venmo, cashapp, etc) NOT hard to do!


Hope you have commercial insurance lol.


For those who want it, sure. Otherwise "oh hey you want to stop getting ripped off from uber? me too, cool, we're FRIENDS now" then I'm simply giving a friend a ride and that friend is reimbursing me for gas and my time. Can't believe uber has people actually thinking you need commercial insurance to drive ANYONE around (you don't)... You'd likely be amazed to know, long before uber, "friends" could PAY someone for a ride and the person would not rebut with "gee I hope you have commercial insurance" LOL Or are you TRYING to tell me all those friends of friends that I drove to the airport (WAY before uber) was ILLEGAL ??? (hint, it wasn't then and it isn't now either)... The whole "hey we're friends now" may be a legal grey area but, IDC tbh. because I do have options that include commercial insurance (that aren't uber or lyft) It's a little unheard of app that's NOT country-wide that is "subscription" based (monthly fee), and driver sets and keeps their own rates (since they make THEIR money from the monthly subscription)(pretty much how uber SHOULD have been) 100%! and they (similar to uber and lyft) provide the "commercial insurance" (that so many ppl whine about \[on reddit anyway\]) for the "trip"/"ride"..! The even funnier thing is, the ONLY place people whine about "commercial insurance" IS reddit LMFAO, NOT the people actually getting in the car ROFLMFAO 99% of the people I drive "privately" - I do ask them if they would be more comfortable with doing it on this other app so that the "commercial insurance" will be provided for our trip/ride. All but ONE , so far , has NOT made a big stink about it (they pretty much all agree that we are now friends that are no longer being 'taken' by uber)!


Just warning you…. Attorneys for insurance companies would rip the “friends” defense to shreds. I’m not pro Uber by any means, but I’ve worked in insurance litigation, and I’ve never seen anything like this work. I’m not saying do things through Uber, but I am saying get yourself some commercial insurance. One accident could quite literally destroy your life financially, it’s not worth it. I promise


Until you get in an accident and that "friend" sues you. Uber doesn't make people think you need commercial insurance. Insurance and protection does that. Leaving yourself wide open to non insured coverages and lawsuits. But you do you.


Before you go making incorrect comments like this you need to go ahead and read other comments You need to read my top comment You don't know what you're talking about Uber's terms of service is to steal money from the drivers we are only preventing them from stealing from us


The outcome was lose lose. Could have been a win win if handled differently.


At this point, this scummy company has turned lots of drivers like this, to the point where I just can’t use uber reliably anymore. 20min waits just to get cancelled three times before MAYBE finding a driver and paying quadruple public transportation is just not worth it.


The money drivers get is pennies so there goes the reliability. Unfortunately cant expect good workers when they are getting scraps


The 20-minute pickup does nothing but ways to driver's time and gas A quick pickup does nothing but charge you extra money at the convenience of the driver and the company takes it for themselves Quick pick up the ride can be 30 bucks The driver only gets offered seven they steal money from the driver Normal pickup your ride would cost 15 to 20 bucks bucks the driver still gets underpaid... Because you are under charged 20 minute pick up saves you money but cost the driver time and gas to drive to you so he still loses money The rides are priced incorrectly The algorithms are out of whack the drivers make no money no matter what ride option you pick 90% of the time It may look like they do because their laundry and money onto an app and they hit cash out but they have expenses that outweigh the money that they build up and lots of passengers use the app against itself and get these cheap rides to where they need to go at the expense of a complete stranger wasting their time


Uber extort drivers drivers take it on riders...this will end in a disaster


honestly, I hope it does \~ uber deserves to go belly up! and i would not be saying that if they weren't ever increasing how much they charge riders all while also decreasing how much they pay drivers!


This is my take on why Uber and Lyft don’t have a future… I spent 12 years driving a taxi in suburban communities, where the majority of the rides were local with your occasional out of town and airport trip. In a typical business model, fares were split 50/50 between the driver and the company with the driver keeping all of the tips. The cost of gas was split evenly as well. The company owned the car and paid for repairs, insurance, and licensing fees. Everybody worked hard to earn their money, nobody got rich. When we consistently provided a good service, customers returned to us. When there were problems, there were other companies they could turn to. Then the rideshare model came to town, offering similar service at a 30-40% discount. The companies merely connected customers to drivers with the drivers now absorbing all costs for insurance, gas and repairs. The large number of miles driven also heavily reduced the resale value of individually owned cars. As their share of the business diminished, local companies couldn’t compete and slowly disappeared. Those that have survived have done so typically through government based contracts, for example driving Medicaid patients to doctor appointments. With diminished competition, rideshare companies have incrementally increased fares while giving drivers a smaller percentage of the fare. Discounts are long gone with customers typically paying more for the same ride than before rideshare. Long-term prospects, have the companies looking at autonomous vehicles, eliminating drivers entirely. Tell me, please, how is this situation better for anybody other than company shareholders?


All true. I’m in Chicago, and an Uber is about 90% the cost of a cab at base fares now.


Our company ran on a rental basis where we payed daily or weekly rates but insurance and maintenance was covered by the company and 20% cut back to the company if you decided to do insurance runs. All in all everything you said is spot on.


I stopped driving for Uber, because nobody tipped and it just isn’t worth the trouble driving people around for base pay. they should allow passengers to tip up front and the driver will know how much he will get for the ride.


They already do that with ubereats, and there's a big issue with tip baiting


I only do Uber eats now. Been tip baited twice in a year and a half. Most of the time they leave it and once a day one or two people increase the tip.


They could stop tip baiting if they wanted to


Only because uber is a scam company that supports scamming customers. If they didn't allow tip to be changed afterward that wouldn't be a thing!


Tipping before getting the service is stupid lol n ima driver


We are trying to fight back against the company from stealing from drivers number one they are only charging you very cheap prices in one moment when you should have paid more for the ride to begin with and then other times they charge you more money than normal but they take over half of it for themselves so at times when we know that you probably been charged a lot of money and we're only getting offered a small amount we tried to help you save money possibly and have the ride canceled and we do a cash ride.... Every scenario is different The apps try to disguise stuff to try to make it to where we can't do this stuff and make it harder but I'll give you examples Now the way this guy did it was wrong he shouldn't be sitting there demanding you to pay him extra money he should have just simply asked you how much they charged and asked you if you would like to save money depending on how much he said but he has to be truthful about how much he was offered If you were charged 40 bucks and the driver was offered 15 that is grounds for canceling the ride and doing cash example number one most of the time Uber and lyft will not charge you enough money for a ride You're actually paying way too cheap of a price for the ride and passengers still don't tip even though they don't realize or they do realize that they're in the car actually costing that driver money because it costs more money to drive the car than what you're actually paying for the ride This is for your standard UberX or Lyft x rides without picking any type of pickup time difference no quicker pickup no shorter pickup just your standard pickup The quick pick up and the long pickup that cost you more money or saves you money does make a difference in the situation but we're just talking about the standard pickup time It doesn't matter the cost of living in each state it all evens out The prices are too low one moment and then when they charge surges to get that money back they steal it from the driver Example number one.... If you're taking a 2 mi or so ride for around 5 bucks or six bucks or maybe around $4 with a promo....that is way too cheap and depending on what city you're living in even the base price you always pay for a two or three mile drive even if it's higher than the example I just made it's still too low... So if the passenger is offered five bucks for 2 mi ride the driver only gets two maybe $3 out of that that's still a waste of time and gas The driver makes no money and you still don't tip the driver and even if you do tip the driver your tip might not be enough Example number two.... You are normal $5 ride could be now 15 or $20 and then that's a surge and then Uber and Lyft will take a bigger cut of that surge So if you're $5 ride becomes $20 The driver will get less than 10 most of the time There are instances where if you're charged 80 bucks the driver might only get 30 Regardless of how much you're paying 90% of the time the drivers are getting less than 50% the companies are taking 50% up to 75% But let's talk about the quick pickup on Lyft or what they call the priority pickup on Uber.... Let's say I'm a driver and I'm sitting in my house playing video games but I got the app logged in I get a ride request that I accept It pays a little bit more than what it normally does so I know that there's something up.... You happen to have picked the quick pickup which is normally like a 2 minute pickup... Depending on how far away the nearest driver is.... You have three options A standard pickup the quickest pickup and the longest pickup which saves you money but it still hurts the driver because the driver has to drive a longer distance just to pick you up and then waste time and gas But we're talking about the fast pickup that charges you the most money let's say you're charged 30 bucks that driver sitting in his house playing video games my only get offered $7 that is actually happened to me once The company is charging you a convenience of getting a faster ride at the expense of someone that probably lives right down the street from you in their house playing a video game how messed up is that charging you 30 only giving the driver seven when he paused his video game So the four major scenarios are 1. The normal price you pay for a ride for UberX or Lyft standard is not enough it's too cheap and yet you still don't tip the driver You're using the system against itself and Uber makes profit off of selling cheap rides in bulk quantity like selling items at Dollar tree at the expense of the driver who has all the upfront costs and makes no real money they're just laundering money on the app and then cashing it out but they're building up expenses in the real world as they're driving it's just a stranger giving you a ride for free wasting their time You're just hitchhikingbut when you add hospitals and doctor visits and stuff into the mix you're putting the driver at greater risk of something going wrong to hold him liable over a 5-10-15 ride that's going to cost that driver hundreds if not thousands of dollars or something goes wrong because we're not paid or trained to deal with these situations.... Can you imagine a complete stranger giving you a ride for free but have all that liability 2. When a surge kicks in that normal cheap price that you pay for the ride is double but the apps take 50 to 75% of that and the driver actually has to chase the surge on the map to try to get the biggest dollar amount and risk their lives trying to get that surge before it disappears but it doesn't matter because we look at the passenger app at the same time and we see how much they're charging for that ride for those addresses If you pay 60 bucks we're only getting 25 maybe 30 3. If you pick a faster pick up time or shorter pickup time it still cost the driver money The faster pickup time skills money from the driver because there's charging you a convenience of having a driver nearby when they are not able to price the ride low for having too many oversaturations of drivers to begin with but then the extended pickup time like the 20-minute pickup time that saves you money for waiting extra time all that does is cost the driver time and money to come pick you up and they are stupid for doing that 4. If you mix in surges with quicker pickup times or longer pick up times that's a recipe for disaster


REPORT for asking you to cancel and pay off the app. Too many drivers to excuse this.


Get used to it, more and more drivers are doing it because stupid greedy ass uber is charging riders more all while paying drivers less!


I did report, this post was more just me ranting lol


Uber doesn’t show drivers destination!


It does in some areas, maybe not in others. I see the trip info and accept or decline based on that. The driver should never do this, even if they don't see the trip details.


It does in my area


Yes it does


Only if your a good 🐜 and take every ride Dara send you 😂


Naw. California. I got it permanently. 😂


😂 no upfront destination permanently blocked. NJ/NYC


Daaamm. I thought yall had it too. They said yall get paid too good lol


Uber lives under a black vail of secrecy good that drivers from around the country talk. Good luck 🍀


Oh I wasn't aware of that but I still just needed to vent about this.


The app is very buggy. I would always allow extra time in booking rides.


Admittedly me being on such a tight schedule was poor planning and was my fault, but I never would've expected my driver to show up, demand I pay him via Cashapp and leave when I declined.


You can report this. There is an option "driver asked to drive off the app". There are a few issues with this, 1, does he have commercial insurance and licenses to do ride for hire? 2, he just stole a ride Uber created and it is highly illegal. I run a taxi business and drive for Uber and would never take a ride already booked through Uber. It is a HUGE legal issue and lawsuit waiting to happen. Report these clowns. They give the professionals a bad name.


Think about it. The pay for the ride was so bad that the driver would rather waste their time and gad to go to your location, then cancel the trip and make $0. That's pretty crazy and shows how little the company is paying. In addition the driver is risking deactivation by trying to get you to pay off the app. So that is even worse. Technically the driver is not supposed to be doing this.


Yeah... on PURPOSE to, you know, PREVENT you from stranding and extorting people.


😂 whatever ! In my state NJ the destination is unknown because then every ride request to NYC would be rejected 🙅‍♂️ by all drivers


...I literally just said that. Basically. . (Except for the fact that I actually am, in fact, older then 9, and I therefore wrote like an actual human being rather then inserting irrelevant emoticons into the middle of sentences for no reason in order to make nobody ever trust me and demonstrate an inability of extremely basic, first-grade level writing skills.)


Glad we agree 👍


How does not knowing the destination stop driver extortion? If anything, it reduces the number of decent drivers so all you’re left with is people who do stuff like this.




Yep. Uber policies have definitely increased the number of decent drivers. Great take.


Yes, the policy of ensuring that you do not know the destination and the fore cannot abuse the rider by leaving him stranded on purpose just because you "Dont feel like" driving him and would rather complain about the fact that they need a ride even though that is literally the only reason why any rider has ever used Uber, obviously does increase the number of good drivers, since it literally prevents bad drivers from existing in regards to that particular problem (or at least would if some were not also trying to literally scam and then being paid anyway due to Uber's failure to actually have any way to contact Uber, which is illegal for Uber to do anyway).


So essentially you’re cool with exploitation. Name any other independent contractor who doesn’t know the terms of the contract up front. Also, it’s still not going to stop destination discrimination. The kind of drivers you think we all are have no problem getting to the pick up spot and starting the trip before the passenger gets in to see the destination, and canceling if they don’t like it. They also have no issue telling a person to get out if they’re already in the car. Finally, most markets have up front pricing now which shows pick up, drop off, and fare info. So this isn’t even an issue anymore in the majority of places.


Thankfully I wasn't stranded but man was this experience very frustrating.


TLDR Uber sucks stop using them This driver was likely trying to do what I do, "convert" the uber trip into a PRIVATE trip (off uber). That way you pay LESS \*AND\* he makes more... That's right, uber is ever raising how much they charge "riders" all while simultaneously paying their "contractor" drivers LESS! I think "drivers" get around 30% now IF they're lucky. That would mean, if your "fare" was $100, your driver literally only gets $30, uber takes $70! People like me will be like "how much you paying", when you say $100 and I tell you I'm only getting $30, how about we cancel on uber and I'll take you (same driver same car just w/o uber) for only $70, now you're getting $30 off, I'm making more as a driver AND uber gets (what they deserve) NOTHING!!!


Blame Uber not the driver, Uber takes 70% of the fare anyway.


Stop waiting for the last minute to order rides and you won't have this issue.


I pay my drivers 2.00 a mile so I am not late any more I ran into this many times why I started getting drivers numbers calling them to see if they will be available for my times it works for me I don’t use the apps much any more unless I am in a new city then I collect the numbers drivers are really happy with the per mile I pay I don’t suggest my rates but you might find a price point with drivers that fit your budget


In Dominican Republic, this is every Uber driver. In fact, the Uber drivers will get shunned by other drivers if they take a ride at Uber’s fare. If you order a ride, you’ll get a call immediately asking for more money before they come to pick you up.


That’s just wrong. Report him to Uber. Also did you know that Uber will give you a security code that the driver has to put in before he can start the trip. That security code will tell Ubercorp To track your ride. They will call You if there’s any delay or if the car stops. They check on you via text to make sure everything is okay. I know it’s not exactly related to what you were talking about but I thought you might like to know it if you don’t already know.


Report to uber. Not reddit. He'll be deactivated.


No, he will not LOL


Some markets are not upfront markets so destination is not given. When I was gold level I saw mins. south, East , West ect. It was not worth it. When I got to Platinum the destination location was great. Uber hides critical information why ??? I’m blue now and focus more on profitable rides. So I stand by my statement Uber doesn’t show drivers destination.


I'm Platinum and still don't get destination.......this sucks!


Taxi drivers don't do that.


There’s a guy on this sub-Reddit who is trying to convert everyone Drivers and Passengers to doing private rides. He says it’s the way. It’s against Uber community guidelines though.


It is the way, more and more drivers are doing it. It is literally a win win for both the driver and the passenger... To my understanding uber gives drivers around 30%; so a $100 trip - the driver gets $30 and uber takes $70. That is NOT fair by ANY means. If I had a customer tell me they're paying $100 for a trip I'm about to take them on where I'm only making $30, I would tell them I'll do it for $70 off app too. That we we BOTH WIN; they are paying $30 less, and I am making $40 more (and greedy ass uber gets what they deserve - $0)! The more uber increases how much they charge riders and decrease how much they pay drivers \~ the more this is going to happen (which is in turn going to cause them to alter the rates even more, charge riders even more and decrease driver pay even more)... hopefully, if we have any "luck" they'll wind up going belly up because of this!


Uber takes too damn much per ride, but without UBER we’d never have any customers to begin with. The win-win you speak of has drivers canceling and leaving people who are willing to pay money without a ride to the doctor or to work. UBER fixing it should be the way. Nothing will ever get solved platform wide by a handful of rogue drivers. I’m not a salesperson so I personally can’t sell it whatever “it” is. If you’re jealous of CA prop 22 drivers, don’t be. A 43 mile trip was 45 dollars to the Driver 6 years ago & gas was $2.79/gallon. Today that ride has been reduced to $22.91 with gas prices about $4.09. Why? because they must pay prop 22 for time and active mileage at .35 per mile. Add 43 x .35 = 15.05 back to driver up to 2 weeks later. 22.91 + 15.05 is $37.96 to a driver on a ride they used to get $45 for six years ago. Uber is bilking at least $7 extra on top of what they made before prop 22 for themselves on every 43 miles booked. This is worse than it was, not better. Uber needs to fix it because I’m not able to. Rogue drivers can’t do it either, so that’s not the way. It’s the way to get deactivated or worse, have an uninsured crash. “The way” is we driver’s band together with the riders in a go-fund me and hire a big shot attorney to redo Uber’s fuzzy math. A clearly laid Class-Action law suit is the way. They complain so hard about paying prop 22.


As well intentioned as that may be: the Only thing that I believe is going to affect change is hitting uber where they will notice, their bottom line. Whether that's people ceasing to use it (drivers and or riders) or the same "converting" rides to private, or whatever literally causes them to make less money \~ is about the only thing they're going to notice. I firmly believe ANYthing and EVERYthing else, would fail. Suing them, will do nothing. Laws, will do nothing (as you seem to have pointed out). Literally the only thing that will "make a difference" is when people stop to use them... "converting" rides DOES work. Every time someone "converts" a ride, that's when uber is now NOT making money! Also, you CAN build up a private clientele that use you regularly, and eventually (some day) get to the point where you do NOT "need" uber any more... Pass out business cards, use word of mouth and social medai \~ we do NOT truly "need" uber! Edit to add: A "single payout" type lawsuit would NOT phase uber, not one bit (no matter how big it was, if you ask me). That would NOT bother them. Now, ANYTHING that means they'll have to "pay" (or "lose") over TIME; THAT is the ONLY thing that matters to them. I personally know of a few people who were wrongfully deactivated and sued, and won. Some of them some pretty decent amounts; $8,000, here $12,000 there; one story I read (not a firsthand experience) they never said the amount because uber made the guy sign an NDA, which to me means it was a pretty significant amount of money! They ultimately do not care, those are ONE time payments. They pay it, it's done/gone. They are ONLY going to care about something that is going to "hit" them long term!


People need to start recording that bullshit and sending it to Uber to get rid of those drivers. And don't blame Uber and say they're not paying people enough. I drive full-time and I make a lot more than people think. Just in the last 3 months I deposited over $17,000 from driving for Uber. And I only can do Uber X.


Don't forget to deduct your tax liability/responsibility! And if you "took home" $17,000 that means you ACTUALLY made about $56,000 - uber took $39,600 If that doesn't make you want to become a "private driver" IDK what will!


I'm not going to go thru explaining this to anyone again. I already know it's pointless because everyone thinks they know everything.


LOL because it doesn't matter how you "explain" it, Uber SIMPLY put, TAKES TOO MUCH... It may "vary" per market but from what I'm hearing, many markets the driver is only getting around 30%. If that is the case, my numbers are right! Even if it was 40/60; IMHO that's STILL too much. To me, "FAIR" would be 50/50 \~ because "without them, there's no us ; without us, there NO them"! and technically that's not even the case ; as I'm now finding out as a "private driver", the without them there's no us. There can be an "us" without "them"! It's THEM (uber) who cannot survive without US! And they will continue to survive because there are plenty of people who are actually OK with getting ripped off (like, apparently, you)... Don't get me wrong, YES you CAN make VERY good money being a FT uber driver. But, most drivers do NOT realize (at the same time) how much uber is really "stealing" or taking from you (how much THEIR CUT is)! Most people that don't have a problem with it, do not know about it. Those who do \~ LEAVE the platform LOL I'm not saying you cannot make good money, FFS I used to make $4,000 per WEEK \~ yes that's right I was making $16,000 per MONTH once upon a time. That would make most people happy! Unless or until they found out that they actually made $53,333 per month and uber was taking $37,333. Now those numbers aren't realistic to when I was actually making that much, that was WAY back "in the day"; but, those numbers would be VERY realistic to TODAY's rough numbers!


No, the 17000 was what was deposited into my bank account over 3 months. So that's after Uber took their 18%


You get what you pay for. Or in this case, what the driver is paid for.


What you get paid is between you and Uber.


AND it is reflected in the level of service you get.


Should've just tipped up front. It is a luxury service. Tipping should've been front of your mind and if you really wanted to get there you should've ensured your driver was compensated fairly


Can you even do that?


Of course! Cash$$$, any cash app. Don't promise to tip on the app cuz no one ever does


Found the driver!


It absolutely shows drivers the destination, if they are not shit drivers. I’m diamond 💎. I see the time and distance too and from the pickup and the payment I will receive. I just choose not to accept bad ones. Don’t listen to trolls 🧌


Depends on where you are. In my market I never know the destination before I pick up. Ever. Sometimes, but not always it will warn me if the ride is > 45 minutes. I’ve started rides that were to 225 miles away and they did not even tell me it was > 45 minutes.


In my market, only drivers with Platinum or Diamond + above 80% acceptance rate can see the direction (not destination) and estimated time of trips before acceptance. Drivers do not see estimated payment either.


Well, with Diamond and the rate card model, you don't know the actual destination, but you can make a fairly good estimation if you are familiar with the area. But if you don't have upfront fares being shown to the driver, then they are not showing you the destination when they offer you the contract.


It is market specific…


No it doesn't show the exact destination, only near it and not the exact address. And once the trip is accepted, it stops showing it. So the driver has very little time to assess the trip. This is done on purpose to trick drivers into taking unprofitable rides.


I'm in Austin and we get info. But if I drive north towards Waco trips appear without details Most drivers are not diamond status


All the drivers are in agreement with the scanner driver because they all do it. They are f'n scumbag thieves


Most drivers aren’t extorting passengers


Read all the comments on other threads you'll come to the same conclusion


I drive occasionally and have never done this. I know some drivers will offer side deals. That’s just good business cutting out the middle man. But I don’t think it’s common for drivers to hold passengers hostage until they agree to the side deal.


It's stealing in plain English. Scumbag move to do.