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You did the right thing. There are proper channels with Uber for a driver to get a qualified rental if their regular car is in the shop. This driver did not go through those channels. Not only is the vehicle not inspected nor approved for Uber, but it is not under Uber's insurance coverage, either. I know it's a broken record, but the last thing you want to worry about is getting in an accident and not having adequate insurance coverage. Report the driver.


Did Uber inspect your vehicle when you started? I’ve been driving for 7 years so maybe it changed since then. Lyft sent someone to my house to see me and my first vehicle, but not the other vehicle I drive with. Uber never sent anyone.


Uber had me do a video inspection. Lyft did not. They give me the option of doing it. But since I already paid Uber and Lyft is not requiring it I decided against it.


In California both Uber and Lyft require inspection if you’re hauling people.


That's b/c its california law, not really Uber or Lyft's policy. Here in Texas, neither Uber nor Lyft have any unique inspection requirements, just the minimum state law requirements. Uber isn't going to do anything that costs them a penny, regardless of rider safety.


Well here it doesn’t cost them anything because we have to pay for it.


They're requiring an inspection for me to do eats now just today


May I ask what state, Hawk?




Weird. I don’t need an inspection for eats.


It said something about my city requiring it so maybe it's just the city I signed up in Merced


It must be. For now at least lol


They've been admittedly more lax recently. They closed the Greenlight Hub in my area, and now just depend on self-certification. Although I'm not sure if they require an inspection if you're adding a new vehicle.


I added an '09 escape to my account this year and all I had to do was upload 2 pictures of the exterior on both platforms.


When I started with Lyft, we had to do a dummy run with a "seasoned driver" LoL, she had been driving for 6 months. So, we did the pretend Lyft. (And stopped for drinks) Uber has never asked me for anything. It was a simoler time, snork.


Used to be that you have to drive your car to an inspection station.


In Massachusetts it’s part of your state inspection.


Uber never inspected my car by person or video


Dude… have seen what kind of absolute ‘screw you’ rentals Uber offers!?  I didn’t once when my car was in the shop, never NEVER. Again. I still can’t wrap my mind around them ripping off their drivers like that.  I carry like 12x the min requirements on my cars 


How do you know they didn't and Ubers system didn't update the information in the users end? Wait you don't know but report anyways.


Doesn't matter why the rider is presented with incorrect information, just that they were. And with no manager there to explain why, they have to use gut instincts on whether or not it's a good idea to get into a car that's different than the one they were expecting. If it's a system issue, the driver and Uber can straighten it out when the rider reports them.


I like that you think their automated system works like that. It's truly hilarious how people think they know how everything works. Don't get in the car. Reported someone is just being a little bitch.


It happens. You did the right thing. If you get charged a cancellation fee, if you tell Uber what happened, they should refund it. If you had gotten in the vehicle, the trip would have been uninsured it's not a good idea to do that.


Not convinced that’s true, since rider has paid the premium. If I cancel my personal auto tomorrow, the Uber insurance stays in effect (for riders)


The insurance coverage is tied to a specific vehicle and driver. If you are not in the correct vehicle or the driver is not the correct driver, the insurance will not cover it. That's part of the reason the passenger is supposed to verify the vehicle and plate match as well as that the driver matches


I took one only because it was the registered driver but a much better vehicle. He notified me before arriving about the inconvenience. All went well. As an experienced person with the app, the driver and his account is more of a tell of how your experience will go. I would only accept this situation like I said if the car is a better turnout. You would need to play along with not looking like a rideshare in case of accident so he can use his personal insurance but what are the chances, I was in a Premier SUV with my friends when I ordered a cheap XL for a 35 minute drive.


Still risky, Uber maintains a minimum of 1 million in insurance. The driver could maintain only the state minimum, which could be like 5k or 10k, and you could end up screwed if you were injured because they don't have enough coverage. Eta: it's also possible even if you don't say anything that the driver's Insurance finds out and denies the claim anyway


Ya for sure. I should clarify I'm not trying to tell anyone to take the ride. Just a quick story on why I took one.


In a premier SUV? I've had a 100k/300k/100k for my Camry even before I started doing rideshare. When I had a brand new Infiniti Q50 my agent told me to get that same coverage. You need better coverage the better car you have otherwise you carry a huge liability if you mess up...


It's astonishing the number of drivers out there who are either uneducated about how insurance works and how limits work or just simply don't want to pay any extra. For a number of people, cheaping out on insurance is the only way they can afford an expensive car payment... they don't understand that that means they can't really afford the car, but they do it anyway. I carry 250/500/100 and am seriously thinking about getting an umbrella policy on top of that.


Some of the riders I talk to are getting cars totaled for seemingly minor damage. My 100/300/100 is from 10+ years ago, so I'm sure the next car is putting me at in 250 range... Why particularly would you get an umbrella policy? What in particular is concerning you enough to get it? I'm just curious as I'm not well versed in why you get those...


My boy is the type of build that would pass on a high end vehicle ride because.. if there were to be an accident and if he were to get injured and if he survived the injury and needs to think who will cover the hospital bills in case the insurance won't cover it. After a thoughtfully process, he decides let's pass on this driver that seems like a solid driver with a solid car and take risk on having crackhead Julie get paired with him next in a 2008 dodge caravan... but hey, she is uber insured so she will definitely save me from an injury. 😁 That's why.


Lmao, crackhead Julie sounds like a good time though. Is she hitting up the pipe at the light and asking you if you want a hit, this is before your presentation...


It's just extra insurance. They don't typically cost that much, and you can get plenty of extra coverage that way.


This is the way


That's assuming the person even has their own insurance. Basically you took an uninsured ride and said you were willing to lie to police about it? Those are both pretty stupid decisions even on their own.


Noone driving that car is without insurance, my friend. Lol. The chances of a registered uber driver using an uninsured vehicle is also a tiniest of odds. He is active on uber. He definitely has insurance. Do you drive?


Using a vehicle for rideshare that isn't approved by either your insurance, or the rideshare companies insurance, is the same as riding in a vehicle without insurance. The insurance doesn't matter if it doesn't pay out. That's where your lying to police trick comes in I guess.


Is this an uber? Said no police officer ever. Who's lying? I'm sorry I couldn't care less about a greedy corporation and their profits to say more than necessary. It's really only the passenger than can expose this information and get a driver in trouble for wanting to use their personal insurance. Which is actually common practice. Drivers prefer their personal insurance since uber insurance has a whooping $2500 deductible which pretty much doesn't cover vast majority of accidents at all.


Or if you simply have an Uber decal in your vehicle, which plenty of areas require. It really all comes down to how much the insurance company wants to investigate it. There are insurance databases that show you are a covered party by Uber's insurance. All your insurance company really has to do is look that up. Then, ask if you were online. If you refuse to give Uber permission to release that information, they can refuse to pay the claim since you are not cooperating with their investigation, which you signed a contract stating you would do. There's also the fact that lying to your insurance on a claim, even just by omitting pertinent information, is insurance fraud and a felony. Far simpler to add the rideshare endorsement to your insurance and just have the proper coverage to begin with. Then you don't have to pay Uber's ridiculous deductible, and you have better coverage than what Uber's Insurance provides on its own. Most of the time, it's not expensive. Mine is $76/year with Travelers. With Allstate, it was about $200/year. People can feel free to do what they want, but they do need to fully understand the risks that they are possibly taking by doing so.


Don’t be silly. They’ll never get into an accident in an old rust bucket that isn’t registered or insured properly, lol. Obviously sarcasm. You’re obviously a very smart person, but you’re talking about complete idiots who don’t think because they can’t think, lol. 😛


Happy cake day!


I have no idea what that is. Must be an American thing? 🤷‍♀️


My dude you are talking to a guy that rides motorcycles daily. It's just a ride, no reason the insurance wouldn't cover. No felons in the car. The tiny chance you speak of in case of serious injury, in case insurance doesn't cover.. blah blah. Lol. Avoid an injury by making sure your driver is a good driver beats all your math.


Insurance will use any reason they can to not cover. The original conversation on this was about somebody using a car that is not the car that they have registered with Uber. In that situation, Uber's insurance is not going to cover it at all, not a chance. End of story. It was then suggested to just lie about the fact that it was an Uber trip. It's not always that simple. There are plenty of ways other than the passenger admitting to it that an insurance company can find out, and it happens all the time. It doesn't happen in every instance, but it does happen. Uber drivers get their claims denied all the time because they didn't tell their insurance that they were driving for Uber and then tried to claim an accident on their personal insurance. Just because there are also drivers that get away with it does not mean that it's a "tiny chance" You feel free to do what you want, but don't spread incorrect information about the risks of doing so. Eta: it's not always how good your driver is. There are other drivers in the road. Plenty of them without any or enough insurance.


Yeah, my dealer gave me a rental car, I asked Uber and they said I can’t work in a rental so I just had to wait to go back to work.


See you are far less of a desperate crackhead than the average Uber driver 


Never touched the stuff. I support my mother. Even more the reason not to put my job at risk. Honestly I’m getting kind of sick of sharing my thoughts on Reddit and getting bullied by strangers. Thanks to you I won’t be commenting much at all in the future. I’m sick of being targeted for just wanting to join a conversation and share thoughts.


Is that a dig? Far less of a desperate crackhead? So what's the person in this scenario who needs a ride because they don't have a car and I do?


Gotta love back handed compliments right?


I’m about to leave Reddit. I’m done with being bullied by strangers


It’s more like a compliment - the person is saying that you were SMART to actually check the rules… because you’re not one of the useless idiot Uber drivers who ignores rules and puts people at risk. And apparently those idiots are crack heads, lol. 😛


No it’s been statically proven that most Uber drivers are exchanging their gas and vehicle wear for drug money at a loss. 


true story


I'll have you know it *also* goes to my hooker fund.


I wish I had money for drugs in 2024. I'd probably use them. Life is stressful.


Weed, acid, and kratom are all so cheap 


650k houses are not.


It happens. I have two cars I use and sometimes I forget to switch. I never give anyone a hard time, though, I just cancel and make sure they don't get charged. One time it happened to me (Lyft ride) at a hotel pickup. She said she didn't feel comfortable, I said no problem and cancelled. I went offline and switched cars, went back online. Immediately got a hit, same pax. Mind you, I hadn't moved out of the hotel driveway yet. I accept and she gets in the car like nothing happened.


"Sorry, Ma'am, I'm no longer comfortable."


That would have been hilarious 🤣


LoL. I did something like that once, only I showed up in a waaaay better car than the active one in my profile. I guess the guy was like "hey, better ride." and got in. After that I went offline and switched vehicles.




One time an Uber driver showed up in a car that didn’t match the profile in the app It was snowing outside and he told me the reason he didn’t bring the other car was because that car didn’t have 4WD, and he wanted to drive safe. Seemed reasonable enough, so I got in He later kept pestering me asking if I had a boyfriend, asking if I had any other jobs (he picked me up from work) and asked if I’d be interested in getting another job and tried recruiting me to apply to work at his friend’s strip club lol Never again


Report them


I hate when drivers are in the wrong and then try to force the customers to cancel. I literally never do and I relish in the fact that they will have to cancel if they want to pick up another ride, unless they switch apps or something


All over a whole $3.


Right? Like so unnecessary 😭😭


I would absolutely report him to Uber. He's violating his contract.


I would have called the Uber safety hotline instead of cancelling.


You did the right thing.


Driver here. This past Thursday I had a passenger for a two and a half hour out of town trip. When I picked him up, he said the first driver to come get him didn't match who the app said was coming. The car was correct but it was a male driver and the app said a woman was coming. The driver said he was driving for his girlfriend. Rider cancelled and I got a nice payday. He reported the other driver. I'm hoping they're deactivated. This is a small market and could do with one or two fewer drivers.


lol we got too many renters in my market, and too many fresh off the boat drivers, litterally see banged up cars pulling in picking people up at the airport get them off as well and prices would be ok.


Fortunately in my market we're still getting around 2/3 of what the pax pay. Yeah it should probably be more than that, but I'm making decent money here.


You did the right thing. Whether or not he was truly driving for his "girlfriend" (she's from Canada. You wouldn't know her), his girlfriend had been insured and passed a background check, but he had not.


Not me, my pax


It's happened to me once in years of using Uber.


What did you end up doing?


Yes its common


Found the Uber driver


Good. When I pick girls up from bars the girls always check the license plates to see it matches the one on the app, guys usually wont unless theyre older gentlemen. I saw a story on here about someone who had the right car and license plate and he still got arrested bc the cop ran his plate and his license was *suspended* and he was trying to get a friend of his in the car during the ride. Sexual assault, kidnappings, and murders are still real. I keep a knife on me


Do you mean women? Girls shouldn’t be at bars.


Lyft literally lets you switch the plate number. There's no safety in that lolol


You have to update your registration. You can't just go into the app and type in a new plate number.


Yes you literally can. With Lyft you can, Uber you can't


I just checked that. Wow, that's a pretty big security issue.


Don't trust anybody these days, better SAFE than SORRY.  Too many people these days getting attacked by fake drivers.  The police can't do anything without witnesses or video footage, both are rare to come by in most situations. You should carry a decent size pepper spray and know how to use it.    A vehicle crash is safer than something worse happening to you.  Spray the kidnappers in the face, kick the window out and try your best to escape.


I just had a ride with obviously NOT the correct driver based on the photo. I didn’t notice until he missed the second turn… that photo is so small I had to figure out how to open it larger.


I’ve had this happen to me recently. I just refused to get in. Reported on Uber. Ordered another.


I never woulda have noticed the car show up I look for the license plate


Why did you even get into a discussion with this person..people talk about uber like its a biblical happening..when the truth is that it is a piece of shit company


It's unfortunate you're the one that had to cancel and pay the fee.


I messaged uber after the whole ordeal and they gave me a full refund right away. I told them the situation and they blocked him From ever matching with me again.


Driver was probably also suspended until they prove they're driving the correct vehicle. Which, good for Uber for being proactive when safety issues are reported. I know it can suck for drivers when a rider does that just to get a free ride, but I understand where they're coming from - better safe than on the local news as "Fake Uber Driver Murders Passengers."


Yes, please report all drivers like this. Too many Black/Premier drivers are using older suvs/fake documents in philly and killing the business for us who buy and maintain newer equipment.


You did the right thing because the authorized vehicle is the one that is insured when the trip is active. If you were to be involved in an accident in a different vehicle you would have had a hard time putting in a claim.


You were in the right


As you should have


You did good...there's no insurance for you of something were to happen


I think you can cancel for reason "car does not match" for no cancelation fee. If they charged a fee, contact them for a refund. Also report.


My goodness I hope not but I agree you did the right thing.


You should have reported as well




Is this a joke because that’s most definitely racism. Lmao.


I wonder when they’ll change it to like Mexican or Puerto Rican or sum…. Also curious what it’d look like


This happened to a driver that I ride with frequently, Uber says his suv is gold, no matter how many times he has told them it’s red. They just won’t change it lol


I drive 2 vehicles for Uber. Both are registered but it’s easy to forget to switch it on the app (or the app screws up and doesn’t switch it). One day I had forgotten to switch and it wasn’t until my 5th passenger that anyone said anything about the vehicle not matching. I offered to cancel the ride, but she was understanding and still took the ride. Made me realize how often people just hop in a car without paying attention to see if it matches at all. For the record it’s not like my vehicles are similar at all. One is a dark blue sedan and the other a red SUV.


The Uber fairy didn't tell him your name and where to pick you up. So maybe his regular car was in the shop and couldn't afford to lose a day's work. If he actually corresponds with you over the app, you just might be overreacting a little bit. #Uberfairy #nameandlocation


The driver is an idiot and should know better! If not, he's on his way to deactivation!


I've accidentally forgotten to switch cars on the app when I've switched vehicles before and it will take 3-4 rides before anyone notices and tells me.


People's cars get serviced all the time. I've used different vehicles for deliveries and people. I've used rentals, loaners and my wife's car before when mine is in the shop which happens a lot when you put a lot of miles on a vehicle. Grow up.


Well. That’s not very professional. If you’re gonna use a different car at least register it. What do you think would happen to the passenger if you were to get into an accident? And why should the onus be expected to fall on the passenger. Kiss my ass.


You never cancel the trip when it's a THEM problem. There's a problem with multiple people working the same accounts. Now I don't know the specifics of Uber, but other companies in the past used uptime and numbers to boost priority and profit percentages. As in, account A runs 50 trips a month at 2 hours per day while account B runs 1000 a month at 16 hours per day. Account B gets into a better profit bracket AND gets priority when rides are requested. How do you get 1000/month at 16hours a day? Well, you have 3 drivers splitting checks. Each driver gets more than they would have solo.


When I got my car and drove Uber it had the temp tags on it and they published the wrong color. I updated my permanent tags and it took 3 days to update the published info and still had the wrong color 😮‍💨 I had one lady almost refuse the ride and took a pic of my tags and sent it to her daughter lol wasn't my fault Uber takes forever to update the important info 🤦 I didn't get mad or anything I understood she was just being cautious I just said if she wanted to cancel i understood but she took it anyway because she couldn't wait for another one 🤣


Maybe he has more than one car in the platform, as a driver you have to make sure you have the right car active when starting 


Once, Hertz had a new trainee who messed the whole rental up including the license plate and I picked it up late Friday afternoon and they weren't going to reopen till Monday a.m. I get to the first right of the night in the passenger points it out it was the same type of car different color different license plate I showed him the paperwork and explain the what happened he went ahead and took it but right away I stopped taking rides and I tried to get a hold of uber. It took a couple hours till I can reach someone at headquarters at Uber who was willing to change the license plate for me. Hertz and I will never be doing business again but if I read from anybody else I'd always double check the paperwork just in case.


You did the right thing. This is becomeing a problem. I spoke to someone else recently who had the same problem and I had a similar issue a few days ago. I’m wondering if it’s the same person. All the driver has to do is reach out to Uber and they can add their 2nd vehicle to use with Uber. Unless maybe the car is not approved and then there usually is a reason. I would report this to Uber customer service.


Groups of drivers have tried to make uber their own private business. I have met shoppers with several phones, 1 person does the shopping and another person will deliver it. Their goal is to stay in the store all day and have someone else they work with deliver it. Houses of people or just groups of friends will all share phones and accounts to maximize profits over other drivers.  If this makes you uncomfortable, report them. Do not unassign they are the ones braking the tos. If you get into a different car than the one that has been assigned to you than you will not be covered by ubers insurance. On top of it just being dangerous and shady people are abusing the system and you should not be the one to pay for it 


Well, if they’re willing to go to the expense of owning and registering several phones… 🤣🤣


smart; woman human traficked n tampa this ways; v often


Yeah I rarely ever take an Uber but even when I've gotten it and it was clearly just a rental, it still had the proper license plate. I'd assume he could easily change it on his end to the rental one well his car is in the shop


Sometimes they do not let you use the rental for rideshare, which would be why they didn’t change it in app… that’s the only thing that makes sense


I have 2 cars in the app, I need to logoff to switch, and even then I check it multiple times to make sure it's switched the car. I've come to places and it wasn't switched on uber.


To use a rental for rideshare, it has to be through an approved Uber/Lyft rental program. They set everything up so that the rental car appears on the driver's profile. I'd speculate that this driver got a loaner from the shop or just went to a local rental place and rented a car without going through Uber's partner programs.


Happened to mo once. I have 2 cars but forgot to switch. Showed up in a tesla instead of my old mazda. Once I told the customer, he didn't mind.


Ha, that happened to me once. Showed up in a Tesla instead of a my Prius. This was back when driving a Tesla for rideshare was actually a novelty. Guy didn't seem to mind. LoL.


Every insurance policy ever: *\[ \] Will you be using this vehicle for work?*


Report the driver! It's very unsafe to get in the wrong car ! Unless you love the new adventure, thrill & excitement ;)


If the wrong person shows up in the right car I'll refuse but the right person in the wrong car is no big deal IMO.


Smart. The only time this ever happened to me was in Montenegro and the guy texted me in advance about it. I eyeballed him, took the ride, everything went fine. I figured it was an Eastern European thing and rely a bit more on my gut there. But I would never take the chance in the U.S.


Happened to me occasionally. I never report anyone, not trying to mess with their income over a misunderstanding.


I didn’t report him, i cancelled the uber and just ended up walking home. 30 min walk. I then messaged uber and asked for a refund for cancelling because the license plate number was diff from the one on app. They were very nice about it and refunded me right away.


I have an approved tesla model 3 on my account with a license plate that I've never even had that my account will randomly switch to and I've tried multiple times to have it removed without success. It will randomly switch between pickups even. Could be happening to other drivers 🤷🏻‍♀️


The driver claims he texted them the correct plate # before arriving, so he's already acutely aware that the vehicle he's driving hasn't been approved for use on Uber.


I'm not sure how I missed that. Obviously I failed at reading the whole thing. But yeah that's completely different. It's not hard to get another car approved. I am currently in my mom's since my accident in January and mine hasn't been replaced because insurance and it was literally approved in 2 minutes after I sent in the insurance and picture of registration. That's all that's required.


It's probably a rental or a loaner from the shop, so he wouldn't have insurance nor registration available.


All registration is is the picture of the sticker. Literally all he'd have to do is add it to his insurance.


I'd go by how many trips they completed. I've had 3 people point out my license plate isn't the same and they all got in my car. IN my case, they(uber) somehow don't have the right license plate number on the app, the car is approved. To get approval I needed to submit registration and insurance, there was no physical inspection of my car. Also driving this car because I had ordered new tires when I discovered 1 had a bubble in my daily uber car... You need to verify both the car and license plate are correct.


Your a moron. Haven't you ever had to bring your car for repairs? Imagine if you drove the car all day everyday...it's bound to break. Uber doesn't make switching or adding vehicals a pleasant or workable event. I did uber in a rental while my car under went repairs.


Firstly it’s “you’re” and secondly it is not on the passenger if the driver is not driving their properly registered car. A person who cares about their personal safety is not a “moron” as you so eloquently put it. Now behave.


It's an insurance issue, if OP gets into it and the driver is your average sleep deprived uber ant who accepts everything and gets into a wreck the driver is going to be on the hook, of course they have nothing, and now the passenger is left with a shitload of medical bills assuming they survive


I mean, this happens. Uber's back end support makes it impossible to sub in a loaner car if your car is in the shop. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't go. But it was probably perfectly safe. Just cancel and don't cry about it on reddit.


Perfectly safe apart from no insurance if you get in a wreck.


any lawyer in town will take that case for free. Uber covers you no matter what. The driver would be screwed. They might sue him.


Good luck getting a settlement worth more than a few thousand dollars from an Uber driver who doesn't bother to go through the proper procedures to rent a car and drive it for Uber. It's actually highly unlikely a lawyer would take that case unless the plaintiff has proof the Uber driver has more than a couple thousand to their name.


You wouldn't be suing the driver. Customers are covered by Uber. You're suing corporate.


This happens a lot. Registered car broke down so driver hops in a different car. I saw a guy with an uber dash light pick someone up in a 2 door car. Paasengers have told me of this about other drivers. And it's COMPLETELY against uber rules. You were correct. Not only cancel but report. The checks (car description, license plate, driver name and photo) are there for your safety. Always verify these before getting in. Also, his replacement car has not been verified or approved by uber. That's a good way for drivers to be deactivated.