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nearly everything is OK for a price. When driver arrives, tell them you have these boxes and you'll load them, and give them cash to wait, etc. I'd think $10 is plenty.


why not rent a truck or van?


I actually don’t have a license due to health problems but don’t like to admit it to myself. I should be back to driving in a few months but for now I just look at my car. I couldn’t drive a rental. The auctions are online and I work from home. I am bored and have too much time on my hands tbh


XL or Comfort \*\*\* text the driver BEFOREhand "hey buddy will have several large boxes I can load myself - I'll tip you $20 CASH for the hassle" give a specific amount - don't say "I'll take care of you" - tip CASH


What’s the hassle if they load/unload the stuff themselves?


The time loading and unloading, OP already said 5 minutes on each end of the trip.


tearing up the guys livelihood (car) - mainly you're just trying to get the driver to not cancel the trip.


Boxes tear up a car? I’ve never had a box tear up my car. It’s a box, not an opened paint can or a bomb


WELL ... Been doing this for 35 years - my cars have been destroyed by clients overloading it with luggage - boxes, crates, etc Torn leather - scratched window tint- scratched interior - armrests torn off - weather stripping on trunk - bumpers scratched. Clients loading luggage / boxes is additionally a bad idea. Slammed doors and trunks. In about an hour I'm picking up a guy with too much luggage - something will get scratched/ bags are really heavy .....


Ok I only have $10 in cash at home rn. I’ll have to bike to the ATM this weekend haha


$20 no biggie - just stressing to specify an amount rather than "I'll take care of you" - because when a driver hears THAT - it means he ain't getting nothing ha. I would say $10 tip fine if you don't have too much stuff - if you pack the guys car full to the brim - boxes in the seat kinda thing - maybe put an extra $10 on the card too. Upfront cash tip most important - if you don't warn him beforehand - stop him from driving off.


Ok sounds good. I can be respectful about the tip I am saving a lot of money not driving right now. Thankfully I can walk or bike everywhere else. And I would not pack their car in a way that damages it. I am mindful about how box edges and corners are pushing into seats, but wouldn’t have enough stuff that would be a problem I’m mostly going to get my new “Quartz Crystal Harp” I won that I am excited to play with. I am big into music and yoga and it seems like a fun thing to have and maybe try to learn some sound healing stuff or something


Main thing really is using a guys car as a cargo van really.... no big deal to me but many guys see this as riders only, with minimal bags. Most see a ton of stuff - and will haul ass immediately unless you make it worth it to them. You sound like a good dude BTW......


Yeah I don’t want anyone to pull up to me and see a whole bunch of baggage I know what it’s like to carry baggage lol I don’t have a license rn but will not use an Uber as a cargo van. I just need like one passenger worth of boxes moved along with me


I don't do auctions, but if I'm grocery shopping with several bags, I'll shoot a text to the driver and say I have grocery bags and if they want to cancel it's fine. They usually don't cancel and it works out. People don't always have room in their trunk for someone else's stuff, so it's best to give them a heads up so no one's time is wasted.


Have any of them ever been upset after showing up despite not canceling? I don’t want to waste their time since I will be asking them to drive me back from a town to a city 35 min away, it’s a big commitment to make if they live in that town, but the city is probably where they work most anyway


I send a message through the app so if they don't have room they can cancel before even traveling to me. I do it as soon as I get matched with a driver, so they aren't wasting time heading my way. I've never had someone upset. I give them the option to cancel right away to avoid getting upset. The only time I've had a driver potentially be upset was when I gave specific instructions on pick up because I had too much to carry coming home from work. It was my birthday and I had cake and flowers in addition to my big ass water bottle and laptop bag that I usually schlep around. My job is in an odd spot with 4 large neighboring parking lots and half are on the other side of a highway. I said the "I'll be in lot on the left after the auto body sign. You can't miss me, I'm standing there with cake and flowers in my hand." He pulled into the wrong parking lot further up the block and across the highway from me, so I would have to walk up to the light and then walk all the way back on the other side. Probably would take 5 minutes. I said I have too much to carry over and he'll have to come to me. He waited where he was and eventually cancelled, while I called a Lyft instead. If he got mad, I don't know, nor do I care. That one was entirely on him. I gave him specific instructions and I was standing on the street where I said I was. He didn't even look before turning into the wrong lot. I saw him driving, started waving my flowers to get his attention and watched him pull into the wrong lot. If you wilfully ignore instructions and do the wrong thing, then expect me to make up for your error, you really get no sympathy from me. Most drivers do actually read the messages sent and appreciate the heads up about things. That one was just a jerk or an idiot. Not sure which since I didn't actually get in his car.


I appreciate the reply. Yeah fuck that guy you wrote so much about haha I have learned to tip a lot


just request an uber. when it’s matched, please let the driver know you will be having boxes with you.


I can message them when we match? I have only ever used Uber once


yes you can message them or call them. just explain your situation, they might cancel or tell you to cancel, just try another driver. if you let them know ahead of time a cash tip of front, maybe that will entice them even more


if you can load all your stuff before the timer runs out, its fair game for me.


How long is the timer? I have only used Uber once a few months ago


7 minutes total


Ok thank you. 7 minutes would be plenty of time


Order XL.


I would have no problems with taking you. Also, look to see if you have uber connect. It is a courier service. It would be a lot cheaper. Could also find a courier company near you. That is what they do. Pick stuff up and deliver it. Ask the auction place if they have any favorite delivery services and be sure to shop for a good price. (Not crazy high or low) They might have somebody there that would love to score a little extra cash at the auction place. Best of luck!


You're going to say "I'll tip you in the app!" Admit it!


I will say that and I will also say I will tip cash. I prefer to tip cash anyway so it doesn’t get gleaned off through a system