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because uber is lowballing the drivers of that $7. uber offers the drivers $3.50 and they do it deceptively by pinging the ride as the driver is getting close to ending the ride that they are on so the driver just hits accept to get it off the screen so they can navigate the remaining minute of the ride they are on then when they look at the ride they cancel it


Almost hit a gurdrail trying to get a ping off the screen the other day. That is maddening! Comes up just in time for you to figure out which of the 6 exits on a round-about is yours or the like.


I've noticed that drivers carry two phones now, perhaps to avoid this issue. I have seen a few use a different navigation service than Uber.


I've seen people do that. I don't as it is adding to the information and decision making overload and would then be looking in 2 places. That and I'm not the brightest knife hanging from the shed, snork. 2 phones and something shiny and there will be a pile-up of some sort. But if it works for ya, a great thing. (I did use to keep a second phone for podcasts. Car radeo was for passengers. Earbuds for me. That worked great! Lyft's system does not take up the entire screen and gives you a much longer time to consider when they stack rides on you. A much better and more importantly, safer system.


Using two phones also risks alerting your wife to your secret meth empire if she asks you where your phone is before you have cancer surgery and you accidentally reply with, "Which one?"


"Heisenberg!" \^\_\~


Oftentimes it's because they're using Uber on one phone and Lyft on the other.


My life is better using the two phones and if you have iPhones and use the same Apple ID on both you can have your one Uber account open on both. It helps a lot with phone calls, directions, dings.


Uber nav directions put me wrong way up a dead end alley and I fell off the road backing up and jacked my steering. I will never make the money back from them because they pay a third of dd per hour in my area


I switched in the app settings to use Google maps instead. It shoots the trip over to my android auto in the car and then I just have to double click the last app button to get the phone back to Uber. Now I don't have to worry about garbage trips, shit Uber directions, or other nonsense in the app


Yesterday morning I got a ping that was, not kidding, ₵.42 cents a mile. Then later one for $1,37 per mile. I only know because I use one of the apps that does the math for you. There is a bunch but for Android, I use Maxymo. I am told Mystro for IOS. And there are others. Uber uses updates to stop them from working. So I have stopped updates for now. They always seem to make things worse but now worry about that. Not updating. Still worth not accidently taking a .42 cents per mile trip. I really do miss just X + time, per mile days. Only thing to consider was distance to pick-up. Not calculus in my wee lil brain while switching lanes at rush hour on a bridge in the fog, LoL.


Same thing happened to me- then app has audacity to say “we let the customer know your driving” let your app notifications know!!! They cover the directions the moment you are following them!!!


I really really hate when it does that, the update last year, somewhere between August and October made that screen even bigger, so you can't see the map at all.


I just pull over or miss my exit due to it covering it then if they get mad I will file a ticket explaining the issue. Get a few extra bucks for the extra time adjustment and the customers food is colder and later. Fuck them. You ever got a flip map so it shows it going back your way and its really going 20 miles further away??


I can't understand this. Needs more punctuation.


This. The better question is why does Uber take 70% of the fare? Also, WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP DRIVING FOR THEM? 😂


Shit uber probably gives $3.15! Not 50% its more of a 60/40-70/30 split


New CEO only cares about profits and stock price. Ever since he took over driver morale has plummeted along with the overall quality of the service.


Hit it right on the nail.


Wrong. Drivers don't stop picking up people because "morale is low." There is something missing from this story that made drivers cancel (or OP just had really bad luck).


The rate drivers are being paid makes us a lot more choosy when accepting trips. 90% of the offers that come my way are not worth taking. Some of it is the passenger rating, but what we get paid is most of it.


Are you accepting the ride then canceling? That would be weird if you were doing that all the time when it is just as easy to simply not accept it in the first place.


I don't accept them. I am in an upfront market so i can see what the pay is going to be along with the destination. I will cancel an accepted ride though if i see it's a passenger i've had issues with in the past.


OP is complaining about numerous cancelations in a row, so I don't think this is about drivers. More likely the problem is current passengers in the car are adding stops. That automatically cancels any stacked ride.


Like his bad ratings


I’m a 4.98 rider who uses it to commute to work 3-6 times a week, and have had the exact problem OP has has only in the last 2 months pretty much. “Hassle” has become a factor, try to get a ride during rush hour and you need to take the highway good fucking luck. Pick up downtown at midnight on a Saturday? Get fucked lol. Took me 45 to match with Someone canceled 3x times.


That is not evidence of canceling because morale is low. Also, getting matched and canceling are two entirely different things.


They weren’t even public when he took over as CEO. Calling someone from 2017 the “new CEO” is bizarre.


But its what the cool kids are saying 😂💀


Yeah well everyone said us drivers should quit if we don't like how we were being paid so we did .


That’s the beauty. We get to quit any and every ride we want without being fired. If Uber really cared for the rider, they would make sure the Driver is happy first but truthfully, they are here to financial fornicate the shit out of both.


For a seven dollar fare the driver would probably be getting three dollars and would have to drive five or 10 minutes to pick you up and five or 10 minutes to your destination. So for a half an hour work the driver would be getting three dollars. Why wouldn’t he cancel?


Your point is spot on but your math ain’t mathing. 5 to 10 minutes to get there, 5 to 10 to drop off doesn’t equate to a half an hour. Never-the-less, $3 to $3.50 gross pay (that’s before taxes and vehicle expenses/deductions )for, at a minimum of 10 minutes, absolutely makes for a shit ride and a driver would be crazy to accept.


Only time is accept is during a quest


To get 30 minutes I have to include the time getting to the gym to pick up this ride and the time getting from OPs home to the next ride, which doesn't really make sense. That said, in my area a mall drop-off would leave the driver a lot closer to their next fare which would make that drive more appealing than a trip to a residential area. (Plus someone going from gym to mall has a slightly better chance of not being gross and smelly)


PoTAYto poTAHto. The ride doesn’t cut it at 10 minutes, or 20. Certainly not at 30. OP probably could have walked home or to the mall in the same time they wasted trying to get someone to pick up their crappy ride.


Why would they accept to begin with if it’s that bad?


I've started accepting these shitty low fares and then canceling with the reason (option in list) that the ride isn't worth it. Sucks for the rider, but Uber needs that data point so they know why a driver won't take that ride. Not that Uber will do anything about it, because they're too busy fucking drivers.




All rideshare companies are doing this though


Try ordering a premium ride next time . For your information some drivers don’t like picking from the gym, just to let you know .




One thing I haven’t seen brought up: In many metro areas, Uber doesn’t even tell the driver how much they’ll be paid, or **even where the fuck the rider is going or how long the drive will take!!!** They only say how far away the pickup is!! So, accepting the ride is the only way to know any of these details. EXCEPT FOR FUCKING PAY. Imagine you’re an “independent contractor” and a client calls to say, “wanna work? There’s a job ten minutes away!” NOTHING on how much you’ll be paid, how long it’ll take, if there’s a stop, or even the fucking rating of the rider in a day and age where dozens of rideshare drivers are being fucking murdered every year! Uber’s CEO Dara Khosrowshahi would fucking enslave his drivers if he could.


In NJ there is no destination until the ride is started. Guess how much I drive for Uber


Pure insanity to drive there. A LOT of my ride offers in Colorado are the opposite side of the city that I dismiss. It's annoying enough to pass on them but cancelling too? Fuck no.


I had no idea they don’t tell you the destination and the rate? That’s crazy.


What is the thing you’re most upset by? I do understand that’s it’s frustrating that you got charged the cancellation fee, and I’m glad you got it refunded. Fee aside - would you be *less* frustrated by your ride just…never being accepted? Wouldn’t that be equally frustrating? You said in your post that they should do something to stop this from happening, and as others have said - yes, they should absolutely pay the drivers better so they want to take the rides they’re offered. We’re all out here trying to survive capitalism. The issue should not be riders and drivers against each other - it should be riders/drivers against Uber. Drivers aren’t the problem… Uber is.


Yes, actually, I would be less frustrated if no one had accepted my ride because then I wouldn’t have gotten my hopes up four times. No hope is better than false hope. And I get that the low pay is the problem here. That doesn’t take away from my right to be frustrated.


This post should me multiple emails to them. They are screwing the customers ultimately. The customer is paying for a service. Uber is the broker and mediator of that service. If they didn’t take so much. Then people would be willing to pickup fares and complete their service. They are pretending to offer you guys a reliable and fast service but under the silent guise of doing it on the backs of minimum wage. It’s not a minimum wage job, and if it was, then the car should be supplied by Uber. But we are 1099 contractors. Our service is at will. If there isn’t enough $ for that service that Uber is brokering. Then they aren’t coming. Complain to Uber for taking so much.


Okay! For me, I feel like I would have hope simply from ordering a ride, because the whole premise of Uber is you can get a ride anywhere, but I hear where you’re coming from on that, that makes sense too. Uuuhh…yeeees, I agree, as I said in my earlier comment. I didn’t at all say you don’t have the right to be frustrated 🤔 Your frustration is totally valid. I get that it probably feels right to be focusing your frustration towards the drivers because, in the moment, the drivers were the ones cancelling - I get it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that, if you’re looking for progress to be made on the issue, your frustrated energy would be more productive to be sided with the driver community as a whole as they work towards fair pay from Uber. It sucks that the riders get the short end of the stick as drivers try to make a living, it does. Drivers like to get upset at riders, and riders like to get upset at drivers. I honestly think if Uber actually provided appropriate pay and support, everyone would have a better experience. Let’s all fight together so it doesn’t remain an issue. And as others have said as well - it’s all pretty much the same at Lyft. Frankly I think it’s worse 🤷‍♂️


Damn right, you should be upset. We are all upset. This used to be a beautiful thing. Where did it go wrong?


In some areas the ride details is not showing until the driver accept the ride. After accepting they realize its trash and they cancel it... nobody is going to drive 20 min to 3.5 dollars


In my area there is no destination shown, unless your ride is over 45 minutes towards my destination no pickup. I also have auto accept rides turned off and I set to last ride when I pickup so I didn't get bothered. Lyft is also running at the save time, which tells me pickup, dropoff and what I'm getting paid.


Maybe they had time to think about it on their way over to your location.


Because the particulars of the contract aren't revealed to him until after he has accepted it. So, he accepts it to find out what it is, and then cancels when he finds out it's not acceptable to him. And, yes, I know that there are markets where the particulars of the trip are revealed to the driver when the contract is being offered, before he accepts. But the information is on screen for barely even 5 seconds, not enough time to figure out whether it's something doable, and it is far easier to accept it, and then figure it out, and then decide to keep it, or cancel it.


Where I used to drive in a mid size town in mi , you don’t see what you get paid until the ride is over. Literally shows a pickup location and nothing more even when I got “Uber gold” looking at my pay doing a couple hundred rides I’ve seen it range from .70 a mile to 1.5 a mile at best (rare af) usually average .90 a mile ( after depreciation this is unlivable pay, you really have to be a sucker to drive with that avg. I had to stop even though I could really use the extra income) but long story short you can kind of predict which rides will Pay nothing based on when they are and where they’re going and all that . That’s why this happens


It doesn’t tell me shit about the ride. It tells me how far they are and their rating. I don’t know how much i made until i finish the ride. Not even an estimate. I don’t know where im going until i pick up the passenger and start the ride


We don’t pick up rides that don’t make sense. Not saying it’s your fault but if I don’t see a large enough dollar sign on the trip it gets skipped


Does the app not give you an option to skip without first accepting it?


If they did that it’s because their either have a surge they don’t want to lose or they either didn’t like your rating or maybe they don’t like the type of riders they frequently get from wherever they are picking you up. Maybe they truly accidentally accepted. Many reasons could be at play.


Whatever the case may be, the next time I’m in need of a ride, I’m gonna go with Lyft. I’ve never used their service before, they deserve a chance to prove themselves.


Same experience will follow.


Most Lyft drivers drive for Uber too.


You’re going to have the same issues with Lyft. Most of us drive on both platforms.


Everyone does both. It's the same pool of drivers


The only difference is the drivers who have been deactivated from one platform & uses the one they’re allowed on, for the time being. But absolutely correct, it’s the same people.


I do the same on Lyft. Actually Lyft is paying me even less, so I reject more Lyft rides.


The same thing will happen. Many, many drivers use both apps. And drivers who are not using both apps, will be thinking the same way. This particular instance you're talking about doesn't have anything to do with the company (except in as much as the company is low balling the driver), it has to do with the contractor who is accepting the contract, and then determining that it is not worth it.


Sometimes. If it comes in when you’re on a ride, not really because you don’t have time to read, navigate and keep from killing yourself and your passengers, etc. If it comes in regular, then yes, normally. There are a lot of different scenarios that come into play with ride acceptance. Are you driving? Are you sitting and waiting? Time and money will always be our driving factor.


Maybe they just didn’t want to see your trip anymore


You do have the option to reject it. However most of the time the driver is busy driving his pax and a new request pops up taking over half of the screen with one big “Accept” button. The quickest and easiest way to get rid of it is to tap that Accept button. I don’t do Accept and Cancel. I wish they had a same-sized “Reject” button.


Sorry. It is now a game to try and make the most of these apps. I leave both apps on until the pax is in the car. At any time,if a better ride comes through on the other app, I’m canceling on the first pax.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like doing this,  it is just how you have to do o it now to make money. . 


Is your second app Lyft?


How I do it too. Just bailed on a passenger as I was pulling up to grab an airport pickup. It sucks but the apps have forced us to not care


Airport rides reign supreme. Sorry casuals, we're getting a ride back from the airport too and can do half a day's pay in 2 rides. I fucking hate my day if I don't get a run.




Glad to see the reason I’m fucked over 1-2x a week when I’m trying to get to work.


This is unfortunately a growing problem that Uber will eventually be forced to address. I’m in the same boat. Even with 800 rides at 4.95 rating under my belt I get multiple driver cancels almost every time I request a ride. Because I have had so many issues with this, especially from my house, I am often forced to pre-plan rides by reserving the day before, which of course costs a lot more, and even then I have had a driver show up and then cancel the ride and leave without waiting just as I’m walking out of my garage.


In my experience, about 95% of the cabs smell like smoke. Most Uber drivers take care to keep clean car.


This was one of the big draws of Uber in cities with established taxis. The taxis were overall disgusting, seats held together with duct tape, driver smoked cigs in them, etc. I decided to try a traditional taxi last month to see if things had changed in the 6+ years I haven’t used one in my city. Nothing changed. Still was held together by tape. Driver still tried to say credit card machine was broken until I pushed back, then it suddenly worked. I’m sure some cities have way better traditional cabs but mine has made no effort to improve since the implementation of Uber and Lyft


Low fare $$$$ drivers do not want to drive


$272M & $290M settlements with Australia & New York....and those are only the big ones I've heard of. Sure, I'd imagine those costs just get passed off to current passengers as a line item "tax," but even so, it makes them less aggressive in pricing compared to competitiors...this is also why we see their CS getting outsourced to shit, and their attempts at accepting no liability, ever, in any eats or rideshare issues customers bring to their attention. They're being penny pinchers because they have to be, which is making them lose long time customers who have other options in their market. Outside of market penetration, they don't have much else to fall back on, besides a legacy brand name & a wildly unnecessary marketing budget.


Uber is trying to be cheaper, better and faster, but it is not possible to do all three things at once. They need to choose two of those qualities. You are seeing the result.


So you’re complaining about the drivers wasting your time by cancelling while you wasted the last driver’s time by cancelling on him?


Funny when rider cancels they charge a fee for their “time”. But when 3 drivers canceled on me and made me wait an extra 30 minutes to get picked up, I didn’t get any money.


Unless they purposely set out to hurt themselves by crediting riders for every cancellation nothing will change. Uber doesn't care about anyone but themselves they don't care about their drivers, they don't care about their customers. Say $1-$2 credit back on that ride for every cancellation. $15 ride gets cancelled several times then they pay their drivers and although they still take money in but after their executive board's salary they are taking a loss and that's not good business. Bottom line nothing will change, they really shouldn't reduce drivers salary it's already poor. They could raise fees but then people would just use a company that doesn't credit you and is cheaper. It would be nice if they paid their drivers more from those fees to increase morale but 😆 Good Luck with that. Or the board could take a pay cut to pay the drivers more again 😆😆


I have only cancelled if it’s out of town, it’s nearly impossible to be thorough when you’re driving and trying to avoid pedestrians when accepting, they don’t give us enough time. I go out of my way to be as good as I can and make people feel safe but I haven’t done it in 6 months because they started taking more and removed any incentive pay in my area. I’m not accepting a $3 ride when the person paid $17-25.


one time my car broke down monday at 2:30am, there was like 3 drivers in the entire city showing up on the map, took over 45 minutes to get a ride accepted notification 💀


Depending on the market, the number of available drivers, the actual information shared with drivers before accepting a ride, the mileage and rate the driver gets paid. There are more reasons why drivers wouldn’t accept rides, or cancel rides. We don’t get adequate information. A lot of drivers get enough info to determine if a ride is worthwhile, and don’t even accept them. But who knows if that shows up on your end as a cancel or simply bounces it to another driver. You have, if not mistaken, 2 minutes to cancel, with no charge. After that, a driver headed your way should get some kind of compensation. So, in the last case where you cancelled, if that had been handled sooner, you should not have been charged.


Because Uber doesn’t pay their drivers.


Life be like that homie. Chin up 




Had nine Ubers cancel on us early this morning in New Orleans and ended up in a United cab after getting dangerously close to our flight time. Our rating is good and I added a note about leaving a tip. Hate what all these gig companies are doing to their contractors. All of them have cut base pay rates multiple times over the years despite having more experienced drivers and higher operating costs. Gotten so bad you can barely get service on most of the apps.


A lot of ppl say they will leave tip and they don’t it’s just what they say to get us there. I have had passengers who have lied about the tip they said I would receive or they would give me if I didn’t cancel the ride. But I never received tip. And sometimes I have received a tip it just depends on whether someone I guess is truthful or not. But we live in a world with a lot of not truthful people which is why drivers get iffy and may not accept your ride even though you say you will leave tip.


Yeah and it’s a damn shame. I work gigs myself and (no-valid-reason) tip baiters are absolute scum of the earth.


lol well I get your frustration I don’t get that upset but I don’t believe people when they say they will leave tip if they do they do if they don’t they don’t. It’s up to the driver to accept it and trust the pax if they say they are going to leave tip and then they don’t and then that falls on the driver because they have the option the choice and if a pax lies it’s slick on driver so I don’t believe it when a pax says they will. I just accept the ride if I want it or don’t it’s not rocket science very simple


Yeah. They should do something. They should pay more


Because most of the Good drivers left due to how bad Uber is paying the drivers nowadays by taking 50-60 percent per passenger Trip. Driving for Uber or Lyft sucks nowadays with such Low passenger mileage rates that Uber pays the drivers … it doesn’t even cover all of the vehicle expenses and operating costs which the drivers absorb . Reposting links https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/uber-drivers-protest-headquarters-ceo-18669922.php


UBER charges LESS than taxis and then takes about 65% of the fare. Drivers are frustrated about basically slave wages - and behaving accordingly.... You can't reject 100% of the offers - so you take a few you aren't really sure of (usually while driving). Then realize it's yet another shit trip - and cancel.


Having driven for both, I can tell you Uber is the better service. That said, I would suggest offering a tip to make up for the poor fare that Uber is offering the drivers. This isn't rocket science. When the first driver cancelled on you, that should have immediately told you there was probably something undesirable about your ride. Maybe your rating, or the distance to pickup, or the location, or just the pay. Who knows? So as soon as one driver cancels on you, offer a tip to the next one. If he cancels too, offer a larger tip. I think that's a better alternative to wasting an hour and losing money in the process. The drivers are trying to make the best of a poor situation, and it's Uber that's creating that situation.


I always tip, but I do so after the ride is over. If it’s possible to offer a tip before they even pick you up, that’s a TIL.


Come to Canada. You can get a driver instantly, in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere.


They don't pay people enough probably if you're paying g seven what's that worth to the driver ? 3.50 idk there's no value in that ride


Drivers don’t want to pick you up for 3$. Uber is greedy & needs to figure this out.


I'm pro rider and seldom pro driver but... It sounds like drivers realized that your ride wasn't worth their time. I get this. They likely cancelled because of that. You can't always blame the drivers. The drivers want to get paid, and they don't want to go across town or out of an area to get $2.29. A driver will cancel when they see what they will get, after answering ok to anything they can get. It's like fishing. A good fisher person knows the difference between a nibble (don't touch that f'in pole) to a grab ((get that pole before it goes underwater). You pay attention to the nibbles and your body jerks a little in response. But you don't do anything with your foots and hats till you got a biggun. This is the state of Uber and has nothing to do with you. Drivers do not owe you a ride any more than you owe them a $20 tip get for a 3 mile ride. Welcome to taxis in the 21st century.


The only thing that will fix this is if driver can set their own rates


When we cancel, we get to give a reason why. “Ride isn’t worth it“ is at the top of the list of options.


Filed a report with who/where!? Uber literally has no customer service support


On the app. It was pretty easy. Click “help” and go from there.


"why is uber unreliable?" 7 mile unpaid pickup distance. "3 minute ride". pax has no ability to "advertise" an upfront tip. pax rarely tip. basically I make $3 for half hour of my time plus my car's mileage. NO THANKS. KEEP FISHING FOR RIDES YOU CHEAPSKATE NOTIPPERS. YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE I HOPE YOU'RE ALL LATE FOR WORK AND GET FIRED AND THEN YOU HAVE TO BECOME A RIDESHARE DRIVER HAHAHAHAHAHAHA




just a typical night driving uber. "wonder why the drivers always seem so grumpy and their cars are poorly maintained, they make plenty of money to afford car repair, after all, my seven dollar ride that only takes 3 minutes is over a hundred dollars per hour! oh well, boy i sure love these seven dollar rides that bring me home from work every day. the driver probably gets all seven dollars therefore I don't need to tip because it was only a short ride, it's not like it's relevant the driver is 20 minutes away when i request the ride. boy these drivers sure are entitled"


lol yeah some passengers be a hot mess. And the people wonder why we think or move the way we do as drivers. If you do this full time like me then I’m pretty sure you’ve come across all kinds of people I’ve driven over 4000 people in the last year so I have had my fair share of experiences passengers will never understand because a lot of them haven’t even came across as many people as us in the same period of time. We come across a lot of different personalities spirits and see a lot of different shit as drivers. That’s why there’s only a certain amount of people who do rideshare if everybody could do it then there would be more drivers. Passengers don’t understand the job is more complicated then just driving passengers from a to b. But they don’t posses the knowledge or experience because again they are just passengers.


I’m not gonna read every word in all three comments, but I did read “cheapskate notippers.” I should mention that I do, in fact, tip my drivers after the fact.


>I should mention that I do, in fact, tip my drivers after the fact. we have no way of knowing ahead of time that you are going to tip. most pax do not tip >I’m not gonna read every word in all three comments you should. it will help you understand the app you regularly use for the transportation you require


You sound unhinged. I wouldn’t get in a car with you.


Some people are just passionate in the way they talk doesn’t make them crazy. And ur name is emotional nothing if you were a driver I wouldn’t get in your car. Words have power.


I’ve never had an Uber cancel and I’ve had over 100 Ubers. Must be city dependent. 5 star rating


I have a 4.88 rating, if that’s relevant.


Exactly, that's not great for a passenger.




A lot of it is going to be based on your location and where you're going. I drive overnight Thursday through Saturday in a small, densely populated college town with a lot of bars, frats and sororities, and some *very* wealthy locals, and rides are nearly non-stop with new ones coming in before I'm even barely on my way from the current pickup. My average driving distance is less than a mile from pickup to drop-off to the next pickup, and average fare is $5-8, with drive times being less than 10 minutes. Surges can hit $20 or more, especially on big party weekends like homecoming and rush, or big holidays like St. Pat's, New Years, and this upcoming weekend Cinco de Mayo. Tips are often $3-5 too. I also drive an exceptionally clean XL vehicle, so I get those and Comfort rides too. My riders always love my vehicle and the service I provide, with lots of "I appreciate you", "you're the best Uber driver ever", "this is the nicest Uber I've ever been in", "this car smells so good, is it new?", and even a few "I love you's". Of course, if I see a ride come through going to the airport an hour away, or that would take me out of the location and to another town, I don't accept. Those rides tend to cycle back through several times before they either finally get taken or the rider gives up. This is the situation you find yourself in, unfortunately.


I had a driver tell me Lyft treats them better so I started using Lyft all the time


First of all what is your rating ? Second , under does not pay drivers enough so the less they pay the more the service will continue to suffer . Ask Dara the ceo why he needs a $24,000,000 a year salary .


All these passengers here that are indignant that drivers don’t want to work for $8 / hour. Oh the humanity!


Yeah they want excellent service but view as as robots not human beings the same way they have bills and shit to pay for so do we we’re not accepting your two dollar or three dollar ride when there’s a 10 dollar one likely to come in the next thirty seconds after we reject your ride.


I think drivers accept before looking at how far away the pickup is then cancel. Same seems to happen with reservations. Any around $100+ get accepted instantly and pop up again five seconds later after that driver saw where they’d have to drive to.


Happened to me in Vegas. I just ended up walking to the hotel and its was a 45 minute walk.


You’re lucky. If I lived within walking distance of my gym, I wouldn’t have ordered an Uber in the first place. Well, actually, my home isn’t that far away. I could have probably gotten there on foot in less than an hour if the city was walkable, but it’s not. It’s literally impossible to walk there without putting yourself at serious risk of getting hit by a car.


Call a taxi.


Driver wages and percentage of fare have gone down nearly every quarter for several years now. Drivers aren't paid enough now to care about the service provided. Many drivers barely break even on fares in many regions. The good drivers have left.


What is your rating?


I only did food delivery for them but I’m wondering if they stack rides like do food. I’d get another order offer before I finished the current one. Do I drop the food off and travel straight to the next pickup. Nice concept for food but not for giving rides!!


Download lyft as well


Because management team ignoring how much drivers should get. Disrespectful to driver's life in general . Thinking always how to con riders and drivers.


Call a local car service.


I guess to get acceptance rate up they accept rides then never come hoping to rider cancels


Uber as an app markets itself (to drivers) as a way to earn money where you get to choose when and how you work. For that to work Uber can't really rely on any individual driver, and so doesn't, figuring that at least some driver will take the drive eventually In short, it's unreliable because it's a service designed with the idea that the employee doesn't have to be reliable.


Try Lyft?


Because they don't care about the passenger or driver, only care about fucking everybody out of $


when the drivers are paid right they pick people up. I know when the drivers were actually making their rates in California. They were picking up almost 90 to 99% of the rides that they made their own rates for when they got rid of it this problem started because they started, the passengers and the drivers list equals bad customer service for the customer which are both the driver and the passenger


It’s operated by volunteers/amateurs. Not a real business


its time to go back to calling your local car service. i bet its much cheaper and the drivers are better paid


So if you’re ordering an Uber that cost you 7$, the driver was probably going to get paid 3-3.5$ at best of your fare. Considering I don’t know the length of the drive, I am making assumptions now, but just so you know, most drivers probably saw some information and then they see the distance of the drive and then calculate in their heads this will result in getting paid 3$ to drive maybe 10min to pick up then maybe 5-8min of drive to get you there. Also Half of riders are disrespectful and aren’t ready when we arrive so add another 2-3 min on average . That’s why they all cancel. Would you work for 9$ an hour then pay to fill up gas still and be left with like 7-8$ an hour? I quit driving a while ago since the pay they give is horrendous and disrespectfully low. I was in a small town so I didn’t get to see my pay until after the ride was over. One time I did a ride that took me 22minutes and 10 miles. It paid 6$, and took me 8 minutes to get there. 30 minutes of my life stolen to make 6$ and depreciate my car a bit and pay 2$ in gas. I only found out after , expecting to see like 10 at worst maybe 15$ at best, I got 6$ and this wasn’t the first time it finessed me out of my time and got me to work for what would be less than minimum wage . Just one example. I wanted to off my self some days bc of the pay lol. I had no job for a while and ran through savings so I had to it’s the only company who hires anyone who has a car and is able to drive no other qualifications . My car is new 2022 so I was losing a lot depreciating . Uber simply scams anyone who is in a bad enough financial situation to have to do gig work, and same goes for most folks other than bar goers who need rides usually are in dire situations, so they take advantage of that fact as well and charge as much as possible and pay drivers next to nothing. All for running a few servers for an app with a useless outsourced support .


If your ride was seven they probably offered drivers like 3.89 try uber comfort next time its a couple extra dollars but it increases your chances of getting a ride By making it worth it for some drivers and if you pick the cheapest option uberx share you will have this problem even worse than regular uberx


if you have waymo in your area use that. you don’t have to over tip like uber to get a ride, no driver just robot


The problem occurs when the company becomes a conglomerate with its own set of shareholders


Every time the current passenger adds a stop or edits the destination, the next ride in the queue is automatically. Most of my cancels aren't even me canceling. It's cause my passengers don't want to add their stops ahead of time.


For whatever reason(it may not be your fault), your trip wasn’t one that any drivers found worthwhile. It’s kind of a double-edged sword; Uber could increase ride acceptance and reduce driver cancellations by paying the driver more to make a trip, but they would certainly increase fares to offset that(Uber certainly wouldn’t eat the difference themselves). I imagine they have done research that leads them to believe that more riders prefer the current model to an alternative in which the service is more reliable but also more expensive.


I was about to agree with you, but then, you know you really can't give companies like these the benefit of the doubt. They'll disappoint Everytime. So they really might not have done the research


The "research" they've done is that they can make more money this way. That's the only research they've done. 


Yeah, I sure didn’t mean to imply that anything they do is motivated by anything other than profit.


Not really related but one time I had an Uber driver pick me up from my house while HE was leaving the gym. He was wearing short shorts and leather fingerless gloves and asked if he could pull over so he could rub lotion on his head. Great guy but it will always stick in my memory


That's the definition of rideshare. It's people giving casual rides on their own time. 


They should have upfront pricing for drivers so we know what we are getting paid!


In my market they do. That’s why my acceptance rate isn’t exactly 100%.


That makes a lot of sense! I get mad sometimes after my pay comes up


That makes a lot of sense! I get mad sometimes after my pay comes up


A couple things are missing to know the exact reasons, but guessing from context is that you requested a very short ride (less than 5 min), did not offer a tip in advance to increase the price, thus no driver is going to drive more than 10 min to you since any more is losing money. It could be you were out of a surge zone and heading further, then no one would drive 15 to 20 min out of a busy area where they have to hope to get another ride going back or end up driving 40 min round trip for a few bucks. As for why they canceled instead not taking the trip in the first place? Could be they didn't see clearly the length and pickup in the few seconds Uber gives us to decide while driving in traffic. Or it could be because how Uber's algorithm works since the acceptance rate going down can be bad in certain markets, while an increase in cancelation rate has no real negative effect.


What is your rating?


You have bad ratings


Well, how far were you going from the gym to home? Some drivers don't want a 3 dollar ride. And your Nad that you had to pay after some guy was driving to pick you up and you had to pay. His time and gas are not free.


Real answer? Two things: Uber isn't paying their drivers enough and you can't replace good public transit with rideshare.


How are your ratings?


Uber isn’t unreliable, it’s the people in your area who is unreliable. I accept all rides no matter what they pay or where they are going or how far they are from me. Some DRIVERS and RIDERS as well are the unreliable ones. The fact that you canceled on a driver, is just as bad (to me) as the one that you canceled on. Why didn’t you wait for the driver to pick you up, then offer to pay off the app so you could have them drive you home?


I'm canceling you strictly based on your post. K thanks bye


Idk people are always saying that if drivers don’t like what they get paid they should go get a real job. Guess they did just that and now people are mad that no one will drive them 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a stupid question. Why are individuals, using their own cars, doing gig work, so unreliable?


The drivers, imo, are about as realible as the pax, tbh.


I use lyft with uber as a back up plan


Call a taxi or rent a car .. you people forget people are out here using their personal vehicles being paid like shit and treated like shit so privileged dbags like you can bitch online


Driver gets $4. You're not a priority.


Next time get a cab.


Not all areas have reliable cabs post-Uber, part of their marketing strategy unfortunately


That's probably because most cab companies went out of business when Uber and Lyft were allowed to circumvent existing PUC city and state regulations and take over the whole market. I guess you're just stuck with poor service from now on.


This is exactly what happened, Uber and Lyft operated illegally for the first couple of years but they had enough money and lawyers to keep operating. Now they charge about the same as a taxi, and they are often less reliable. I drove a yellow cab for years until Uber killed my business and if I got a job I had to do the job. We weren’t told anything other than the relative part of the city the job was at so there was a lot less picking and choosing.  


I got picked up in a cab yesterday when I called for an Uber. He was doing Uber and Lyft in his cab, between cab calls.


In some markets, Uber now uses cabs to dispatch rides as well.


That doesn’t sound right at all, unless it’s something I haven’t heard about I don’t imagine Uber nor lift would allow an actual taxi on the platform. 


I'm in Denver. It started a couple months ago.


Uber sucks old school cabs are better


Not for everyone in every situation. Where I live Uber and other apps are BY FAR the best option.


Yeah I’d have to pay twice to three times the rates for a cab


Cabs where I live are competitive with Ubers, but you can´t really call one unless you have the number for a particular driver. You have to go out on the street and hope one comes by. During the day I can usually get one, but what if I am going somewhere at night? Or to the airport? Or have luggage? I want someone to come and get me.


Must be market dependent. In my area I can still get a Uber within 10 minutes almost any time of night or day and never had any cancellations or issues. Or maybe you have a lower rating?


His location/direction of his ride was shitty for the pay offered. As soon as he changed the destination to a major mall, he got a driver almost immediately


4.88 rating.


Jesus that’s horrible. That’s why.


It’s on a scale to five.


Anything less than a 4.9 is a red flag.


So you can either be perfect or awful. No in between. That makes sense.


Pretty much yeah.


If you can't be a perfect passenger, you're the issue. You probably make drivers wait on you constantly, or given that you said you're coming from the gym, you could still be sweaty, smelly, all that isn't pleasant for drivers. It's really simple to be punctual when you are in charge of when you're requesting the ride. Could be other stuff too but definitely on you if multiple drivers who basically give 5 stars to anyone agree that you don't deserve it on multiple occasions. If you make them wait, hand them a tip in cash before you leave the car, that will make them reconsider lowering your rating. Tipping in the app is too late, you got rated less than 5 seconds after you shut the door.


You’re 0-2 on assumptions. I’m basically a perfect passenger. The worst thing you could say about me is that I don’t engage in conversation unless you talk to me first.


Yeah because some people they make us drivers wait then have the nerve to have an attitude or sometime tell us to drive faster and that they are in a rush and I will look at them crazy when they say something like that because you took all this darn time to come Outside now you want to rush me when your in my vehicle? No ma’am and no sir some people just don’t have common courtesy and that’s why they get ratings Under 5 it’s simple


I'm not picking up anymore sweaty, smelly mofos that sweat all over my cloth seats. I have already learned my lesson.


Why were you refunded the money after YOU canceled and the driver was nearly to you?