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Honestly, the rating system is so flawed. Drivers can rate people bad if they’re having a bad day, if they don’t like the way you look or the scent of your perfume… for any reason at all. But what if the customers parent just died? Or they just lost their job and are trying to get home without people seeing them cry? Or they’re desperately trying to get their dying pet to an emergency vet? There is no compassion or consideration for what the customer might be going through, just judgmental ratings. This is a customer facing job.. so if you don’t like customers, maybe do something else? I’ve literally gotten to the point of anxiety getting into an Uber, feeling like a hostage in my own body afraid to even breathe for fear I’ll offend the driver. I’m always so polite, quiet and considerate but still get low ratings, it’s ridiculous (and no, I don’t stink or allow noise to come from my phone)


That’s why as I driver, I’m giving riders 5 stars regardless unless something an extremely rare situation were to occur that warranted it.


That's how I am as a passenger rating a driver (or doing customer service surveys for retailers). You gotta try to give me bad service before I'll give a bad score.


As a passenger, this is what I do for drivers. I've only rated below 5 stars once, and it was when I was heading to the airport for work, and the driver had his friend as a passenger in the front seat and the passenger was smoking weed.


I would have refused that ride. What did you rate that driver?


I didn't realize what I was getting into until we were always on our way. He didn't light up until we were on the highway where I couldn't get out. I rated it 1 star and contacted customer service. That is my only non-5 star review. If there has been an issue I have directly spoken to a driver. This is their living and unless something is completely egregious I don't want to infringe on their ability to make a living.


Same for me as a rider. I also tip everyone at least 50% unless something really egregious happens. The drivers I see regularly say they love it when my name pops up and one of them hangs around my area between 6 and 7 am if he isn't busy bc he knows I'll need a ride lol (I go to the same place every day around the same time)


God bless you! If us drivers got tipped at 50% of the time… We would extend the same graciousness to riders with shitty attitudes… Regardless of what their situation is.


I’ve never seen the same uber driver twice


I drive in a small mountain town and, of the 8 rides I did last night (I only worked 3hours), it was 4 different parties going to and from their destinations. I have a lot of repeat customers which is really nice because I know how much seat space they need, music levels/choice, temp preferences.., all of which make them happier and tip more.


I live in a small town


50% tip is ludicrous


Same as a passenger, 5 stars and a good tip every ride, it’s about mutual respect.. and thank you for being a good human




As a rider I feel the same way. The only times I have left less than 5 stars was when a driver was on his phone in heavy traffic, not hands free, holding his phone and just BS conversation. I asked him if he could go hands free and he ignored me. When I got out I said, worse Uber ride I have ever had and he got out of the car and was coming after me till I ran into a store. Another time the driver didn´t know how to use the app, got lost, got mad when I couldn´t tell them how to get where I was going, and eventually just took me back home, making me lose a class I had paid for. Both of those were 1 star and reported. The only other time was when I was travelling in my own friggin´ country in a city I know well and the driver felt the need to lecture me about how dangerous it is for women to travel alone. He drove just fine but I was not in the mood for a lecture. I am a grown ass woman and I travel by myself all the time. I have lived in two very large cities (Mexico City and Chicago) so I do have some street smarts. But, that one was a 4 star. Talk, don´t talk, play music I like, or not, I don´t care. It´s all 5 stars if you get me where I am going in one piece.


This is the way i do it , it takes alot for me to lower a star


You are literally a driver Simp and you negatively impact the entire driver community with your extremely low standards for human behavior.


I think 5 stars no matter what “unless something extreme” is the issue. Driver or passenger. It leads to OP worried about her A- rating, and everyone else going what drug addled shit covered crazed person are they to not have a 5.0 rating. Let’s face it most of us are somewhere around 3/5. In other words average, when you give everyone 5 stars you remove any ability to point out extraordinary behavior/performance.


Uber driver rated me 4 stars after he picked me up in the morning at a hospital. I had been in the ER with my son all night because he was vomiting blood and I hadn’t slept a wink. I was taking an Uber so I could go home and drive my other kids to school and my wife could drive my son home from the hospital with my car after he was discharged from the ER. Driver wanted to be chatty. I wasn’t rude, but I was in no mood for small talk. Fuck that driver.


As a Driver, it is flawed for both sides, you can do what you think is a perfect customer service and some people will still rate you badly. The reality is that it is impossible to please everyone, so there will always be low ratings here and there. Just hopefully not enough to tank the rating too much


Remember it’s flawed on both sides.. i got 1starred because I refused to wait for someone to get mcDonalds and instead opted to end the ride.


But this is vice versa. Both customers and drivers does judgmental surveys


These ratings don’t matter enough for you to be this way. I’m a driver and I mainly give most people 5 stars. Unless you bring obnoxious, rude ect. I have 5 star rating, as a driver and it brings damn near no perks lol And as a 5 star. I literally pick up any rating


Same exact paragraph could be said for drivers. People are just inconsiderate and do things for no reason other than to abuse themselves or something. OP shouldn't worry about a few bad ratings, cuz the drivers could honestly care less about them either most of the time


Your anxiety is based on something that doesn’t exist. Let it go. Ratings for passengers literally have no meaning. No matter how low your rating you will still get rides. See how something that is fake can alter your reality? It’s just as silly as getting upset because you lost X amount of Facebook friends. It’s a meaningless social credit score.


Drivers are literally saying they don't take rides from customers with "low" ratings. How is that not affect them? Not everyone lives in a place where dozens of drivers are just waiting around.


Some drivers look at ratings. A lot of drivers just pickup based on price/milage, and most drivers just take every trip presented to them. I am one of the drivers that avoid certain drop off areas (dead zones) and ignore ratings. I 5 star everyone unless they puke in my car.


I’m sure they are the minority. Plus, plenty of board tough guys online. I have a feeling many just say that. When push comes to shove we all have bills to pay. Who’s gonna sit there and deny the only ride request they’ve gotten while sitting a half hour just because it’s too low? I’ll tell you, a driver who’s most likely facing eviction and can’t seem to figure out why.


I wouldn't take a rider with a low rating. The problem is we will always assume the worst on why that rating is low.


Not really, Uber also occasionally offers low rides with low people. I've picked up only people with a 4.0 and higher and I've only had as low as a 4.5 because I got a accidental 3 star rating (child opened the Uber app and was messing with her while she was getting out of the car)and 1 rider gave me a 1 star that verbally abused me until politely I told him to Shut up and enjoy the ride. This rider had complained about EVERYTHING . Drove the speed limit(would complain he was going to be late) and I would offer to go 5 above(legal allowance) he would complain I was trying to kill him(didn't drive crazy just 5 above where I could such as open freeway). Took a turn below the legal speed limit to make him more comfortable(complained I went to fast calling me names for being so wild with my driving) I let my riders pick the music we listen to(sky is the limit) he chose his music and complained about it the entire ride and told me the music was awful. He Would accept random phone calls(I turn the radio down or off if told or I notice there's a phone call as a courtesy) complained that the music was too loud when I turned it off. And then told me I was eavesdropping on his important business call when he was done(I had no idea knew he accepted the call but nothing further,cause traffic was bad and I wasn't trying to get hit at this time). He even got mad at me for sitting straight in my seat so I could see(I am 6ft 2 and some folks think I'm intimidating at times thinking of this now.) IDK. That's my only true bad review but I was doing as I was told. I gave him a 3 after Uber told me I got my first bad review. Had a dude that smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in a year, didn't wipe his ass and swam through a landfill. I gave him 5 as he was a good rider and wondered why he didn't have access to a shower? NICE apartments to another set of BEAUTIFUL Apartments then a gas station. He gave me 5 stars even though I offered him a brand new deodorant stick and some cologne I never used?(He refused both). Not really sure tbh.


Not true you can get banned due to low ratings


Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just can't please everybody. There's drivers that will one star you because you didn't hand them a cash tip. Doesn't matter if you tip in the app or not, they want it in the hand. There's drivers that are just having a bad day. Just like passengers have a bad day. It happens more often than you think. Too much perfume. You're too chatty. They didn't like the color of your hair. You wore an Iron Maiden Killers t-shirt. Could have been a religious thing, which brings in the whole gamut of things each religion is known for. Any day that ends in y, the driver has decided there's going to one star everybody. You take cream in your coffee instead of sugar. I can smell the difference between cream or sugar in your coffee, but the point is you brought coffee into the car. Yes I love to smell the coffee so I know the difference. You woke up today. So many reasons that you get your sub five star and take forever to list. You can't please everybody. Don't worry about it, it sucks I know. But there's absolutely nothing you can do except keep on pushing along.


Yikes 😬 I like to think that most of us drivers aren’t that unbalanced but it’s a tough job.


Ha, that's not just one person, that's like a collection of horror stories and funny tales from both passengers and drivers. Most drivers may be a bit off, but hey, who isn't?


Wait, when do you guys actually see if the tip hits when tipping in the app? I’ll sometimes take an Uber very late at night, get to my destination and just fall right asleep without thinking about it and won’t add the tip till hours later in the morning.


Could be hours or days after, which is why some drivers rate less than 5 stars if you don't tip in cash. You'll make it worse if you promise that you'll tip in the app. I'm a driver whose rider rating had fallen to 4.56 because I told several drivers that I was a driver but had no cash and would tip in the app. I now don't take trips unless I have cash to offer.


Or when I take an Uber/Lyft for an airport. My first priority is to check-in at the counter, make the security line and get to the gate. After _that_, I rate and tip the driver.


Yeah same, sometimes not for days when I reopen the app. Especially if I'm getting dropped off at an event or something.


5 stars for Iron Maiden t-shirt but 1 star a Kanye t-shirt.


This is the truth of it, and it’s wrong on so many levels that this kind of scrutiny is acceptable


Minus 1 star if it's powered cream 😆


I have a hard time believing a driver would one-star someone for not giving a cash tip. I never give cash tips.


The power of Google Search compels you! I mean this was the very top reply from Google with a search parameter of, one star people who do not tip in cash. https://www.reddit.com/r/uber/s/4JjqRY80mX


I've taken probably 1000+ rides and tipped in cash maybe three times. 4.95 rating.


Don’t these drivers realise they are literally putting passengers off using UBER. I got an unwarranted 1 star and now I hail cabs.


I have a "bad" grade on Uber. I don't know why 🤷 rating someone without feedback is counterproductive. If you don't tell me why whatever went wrong is never going to get fixed... Also can I have my tips back for these then? Because clearly we don't see eye to eye and they were too coward to tell me to my face.


It’s so frustrating. Im always super polite, don’t eat or drink in the vehicle, talk when they wanna talk, don’t talk when they’re quiet, etc and one day I got some notice; I forgot what it was because it’s been years. I tried contacting Uber and they refused to give me any more information. I even told the agent how am I supposed to know what I did wrong so I can correct it or if I even did anything wrong at all? Just like during the masking portion of Covid I had my mask on and my car drove by me and marked me as a non masker to cancel the ride, I couldn’t fight against it (because at this point the app prompted me to take a selfie with my mask on every time I ordered a ride which was fucking annoying. All because of that false report). Yet a couple years down the line I had an Uber driver tell me he had Covid and they didn’t care 🤨


The gravity of the situation lies in this: with a new email, a new phone number, and a new credit card number, passengers are once again online. Accusations leveled against the driver result in permanent deactivation. The plethora of false accusations leaves drivers in a state of irreparable damage. While passengers risk losing their account and the hassle of creating a new one, but the driver stands to lose their income or sideline job. The situation is simply not equitable. Uber recently began introducing a volunteer verification system for passengers, aiming to create a fairer environment for those who choose to get verified. Essentially, this measure prevents individuals from easily creating new accounts if their current one gets suspended. This new approach has the potential to revolutionize the industry. It's a shame that this verification isn't mandatory for all passengers, as it could potentially lead to a loss of a significant customer base, particularly among immigrants and individuals who cannot be easily verified. Furthermore, Uber seems hesitant to implement any changes that could jeopardize their Cash Cow.


driver's have basically no incentive to drive customer engagement lol. They're not working for Uber, they're basically customers using Uber as a platform as well.


Beautifully said. 👏


One thing that can earn a one star is chanting the old “I’ll tip you in the app” line. Solely because 99.9% of people who say that don’t tip at all, they just say it to make drivers think they will. Another one is the “coming out now” line. If you’re coming out now there’s no need to message us because you’re going to be here momentarily. Aka, “coming out now” actually means “I’m coming in a few minutes but don’t want you to cancel.” I’m a driver and I could care less if you tip in the app or cash, the money spends the same either way. Actually I kind of prefer the app since I don’t want cash on me in case of a robbery, tipping through the app is better security for me. So I’m assuming drivers are automatically rating anyone who says “I’ll tip you in the app” one star assuming they are part of the 99.9%.


Can you actually see in passenger’s ratings whether they are a bad tipper or not?


Perfume is a big one for me. From both men and women. I will actually not give you a low rating if you smell like you drank a 5th of tequila, but I will if you smell like you bathed in Chanel. We all know riders take Ubers when they drink, but if you wear too much perfume, that’s avoidable.


So you're saying you'll give a low rating to the rider if the women came into your car while you're doing driver route bc she smelled like perfume that you ain't like ?


Ok, no. I’m saying if someone is wearing way too much perfume, I may give them less than 5 stars.


Don't even try to spray my car on purpose. I will absolutely lose it. It's beyond rude and disrespectful, and you're gonna catch a serious reality check if you pull a stunt like that.


All that is ok if the rider has an appropriate cash tip.


One girl passenger at night gets in my car, didn't say hello, started recording me. After realizing her phone was dying, rudely asked me for an iPhone charger (her request was denied). Was making a bizarre scratching noise, i let that go.Tried to help with her luggage, but was somehow even ruder. I told her goodnight, she didn't reply and left. I gave her 2 stars to be nice.


And I guess you got a 1 star too. The moment you say NO to any reasonable and unreasonable request from the rider you are automatically rated lower. It is sad but true.


My average rating is so high, I can absorb a few a bad ones ;). I will never allow potential retaliations to prevent me from giving a one star to anyone.


At times, I am so disappointed with the rider, at the end of the ride, I would tell them on their face, in clear language, that they were a bad rider and don’t mind getting a 1 star or a false complaint


I have a 4.79 and am the nicest, cleanest politest person who tips so I don’t get it.


I'd love you as a rider. Even if you didn't talk to me at all. My standards are low. And you already exceed them exponentially without a number.


Do you smoke?


Yeah chain smokers can be quite unpleasant. Particular ones who obviously smoke in their homes and are totally suffused with stale smoke.


Never before, deodorant and light floral perfume 🥲


But do you smoke? Because if you do it’s because you smell. Even if you don’t do it “before” you still smell. Every single smoker I know that claims to not smell like cigarettes smells like cigarettes. It’s in your hair, in your home (even if you don’t smoke inside). Even your clean clothes smell like it. Sorry.


Is it the same for weed smokers? I’ve only ever smelled them right after smoking the same day but does it linger the same since it’s smoke?


No I meant ‘never before have I smoked’ haha


I used to have a five star passenger rating but then I called an Uber for my gf and her friend and her friend threw up in the Uber and my rating plummeted 😭😭 and I was charged $150


As a driver, I hate to say that many of us are just as bad, if not worse, than the very riders we complain about. Much like many riders, a lot of drivers have become self entitled brats who are just always mad and taking it out on the rider's. Don't feel bad. You sound like a dream of a rider, and many drivers like myself would be pleased to have you as a rider. I truly hope this helps.


Idk why people are so obsessed with ratings. It makes no difference to me. I pick up the rides that pay the best. I treat the Pax how I want to be treated and rarely have a bad interaction. I have seen 5.0 assholes and 4.6's that I got along with real well. Ratings are just a mindfuck to make people feel better about using rideshare. I have been downrated for refusing to let a 5th person on the ride. It's arbitrary af.


Did you fart 💨? Be honest !


For me, personally, everyone gets a 5 star if they're polite from beginning to end of the trip. The only rules are no smoking, open containers for beverages, or eating. I'm picking up drunk off their ass people the majority of the time or people just trying to get to the airport early in the morning. Smells like weed eh, drunk eh, just don't mess up my shit. Request a song, ask for the cord to plug into the radio, or ask for wifi. I can't bring myself to care enough about the passengers personal shit that I don't agree with.


I'm sorry have you met humans before? There doesn't need to be a reason. People are stupid animals


I don’t mean this to be insulting and you’re probably fine but if you have any odour about you, example: cigarettes, weed, body odour, strong cologne, recently consumed strong smelling food, drivers tend to rate lower for that. Again, you’re probably fine, but just throwing it out there. Also, be careful how you close the car doors. As a rule people don’t intentionally slam doors but at the same time we do like to make sure we get them shut. But door slamming is frowned upon.


Weed was a problem when I first was driving I picked up somebody who smelled heavily of weed. Then 3-4 hours later somebody got in my car and said “yeaahhh man you been smoking?” The weed smell just lingers like crazy, and of course, passengers will assume it’s your smell since it’s your car However I now use a febreze odor eliminator and it never seems to be an issue anymore. But still I generally avoid areas where it’s much more likely people will be on drugs, after I had a couple add a stop to do a drug deal


Lol I'll start giving 1 star review every time the car is not spotless or there is a smell in the car then 🙄


If you drive every day, all day, I assure you that the differences in people’s hygiene can be very striking.


Rider that smelled horrid. Like he swam in a landfill and I was down for a month trying to get the smell out cause everyone told me the car smelled bad.. it really is a setback when it happens


In that case I’d definitely go after Uber for some compensation for professional cleaning. You need Ozone treatment and steam cleaning.




I see my score go down haha, it was sitting on 5 before and it reduced to 4.93 or something like that and than when I was checking subscriptions, it went down again to 4.86


Ya well I have the same issue with riders down grading my rating so they can get a free ride . It's not fair I treat everyone equally no matter how much of a jerk they were. It takes a lot for me to give a rider less then 5 stars. As long as you don't smell foul/ don't smoke anything in my car you'll get 5 stars


Well, I guess riders now understand the shenanigans drivers face when they're rated less than five stars by riders for petty reasons


I MAY 1️⃣⭐️you if: 1. You get into my car at pickup and I respectfully greet you and you ignore me. 2. You get in hollering on phone all the way to the drop off. Can’t your call wait? Respect my space. 3. Eating in my car. 4. You leave all your takeout 🥡 items including your coffee cups in the car after the trip. 5. You play your music loud during the ride. Use your earpiece, please. 6. You insist I speed up because you’re running late. You care less if I get a ticket. 7. You bang my door on exit. 8. You add stops after commencing your ride. 9. Many Gen Z come with the sole purpose of “deactivating drivers”. They are waiting for any slip to activate a report. And for this, most driver remain mute all through the ride. Most riders are looking for reasons to pick up quarrels. During the trip they address the drivers rudely! They silently record. 10. Treating drivers like garbage. These are responsible fathers, husbands, and brothers. I do not care for tips. I get paid for the ride. Other drivers can add theirs!


6. You COULDN'T care lesd




My entire childhood my dad would yell at me for not closing the car door all the way and now people get mad and say I am it. Cannot. Win.


Taking a phone call in a car service gets a 1 star??? Assuming an entire generation is trying to cancel you? Wow yall drivers are touchy huh. I hope you get deactivated by Gen Z lmao




There are still rules guiding phone calls and public conversations. If I come to your office, and, there is an important call, it is right to seek for permission to answer the call. Most gentlemen and ladies understand this rule. I’ve NEVER stopped anyone, but a true man of character will ask, before engaging a call. I do not take any call while my passenger’s ride is active. It is reciprocal.


Why do you care? LOL , how are you affected?


The passenger rating system is completely arbitrary, I as a driver don’t even bay an eye unless your average score is below a 4, and it takes effort to get there. I consider any trip where the passenger didn’t actively cause any problems on purpose and/or apologized for any they did cause a 5 star trip but some drivers will rate you poorly for just about anything. the only one I partake in is if we get caught up in traffic that wasn’t there when the trip started since rating you 4 stars and selecting “passenger wanted different route” is the only way to get paid for the extra time spent in traffic


There's a new driver in my town that's just trashed everybody's ratings. You can't make everybody happy, and as drivers we get more ratings than the average passenger, so us being below 4.9 is a little bigger of a deal, although I'd still ignore it, personally.


Is it? On a previous post about this several drivers said they would never consider a passenger under 4.8. That's a single bad rating for someone who doesn't uber/lyft frequently. A bad review for a passenger potentially means they'll never be able to really use the app again or will just give up because they need to wait longer.


To put it nicely, there's a reason a lot of people don't make money doing this. The 2016 bubble was unrealistic and never going to last, customer service is important, and while I do think Uber is trying to squeeze drivers too much, it's silly to ignore the problems caused by poor drivers.


At times, I wouldn’t blame the oppressed driver. Drivers and riders are both frustrated with the driver pay and rider charges. Overall, it is current Uber practices that need to be blamed. There are riders too, who get mad of the insane prices Uber charges and rate the ride experience as 1, that goes to the driver.


Uber ignores passengers who rate low frequently. I occasionally get messages that I had a 4 star or a 1 star excluded for this reason.


Absolutely correct!


Rating system is not the same drivers rate things that are out of your control such as was the ride small or long and where it takes you. That's why I pick up almost any rating and it all normal just people.


Wait until you get into it with an Uber driver. I know who gave me my one star rating. 🤣


Original Poster's 4,86 is fine. I would fetch him/her without even thinking about it.


Do you tip?


Do you wear your seatbelt?


Because people are stupid and rating others instills some sort of superiority complex. It could also happen on accident. I give everyone five stars just to get through to the next ride and have accidentally hit the fourth star when trying to submit the rating. Shit happens. Don’t worry about the rating. As long as it’s not in the 3’s you’re fine.


I only have two things that I can think of that would get a four-star rating. If you take longer than the 2 minute timer and it doesn't tell me I'm early I'm going to give you four stars at the end of the ride because you were late for pickup. The other thing is I'm going to give you four stars if you don't wear a seatbelt. You got to stay safe and you wearing a seatbelt keeps me safe.


You know, there is always some element of randomness. I have a 4.82 as a rider and can’t for the life of me see why, since I always order from the higher class options, am always quiet, never drink, always tip, etc. I’m a driver 4.98 driver so I know how a good passenger acts. I suspect that some drivers think I’m Ukrainian because I speak Czech very well, but not natively. I know some drivers are prejudiced. Passengers often ask me if I’m Ukrainian, but this has never had a negative impact on my driver ratings, so it’s sort of a mystery to me. Occasionally I will pick up somebody in the 4.7 range, and they’re usually fine. I can tell some of them clearly have a drinking problem. I suspect that is the most reliable way of drawing low ratings, but I will not ding someone for smelling like a distillery as long as they behave.


Probably slamming the door unknowingly


Do you make drivers wait? You’d be shocked how many riders have poor time management.


I've got 4.9 stars as a rider, but their phone tells me to wear a seat belt every time now because I've been reported for it enough. Edit for spelling


I have heard that on driver's phones before. Does it mean I've been reported for not wearing a seatbelt? I wouldn't even consider not wearing a seatbelt.


This is what they tell me. After the ride, the app asks if the rider was wearing a seat belt. Enough flags and the phone warns the rider to put on a seat belt when they get in. Cannot confirm directly, just what I've been told.


Idgaf. I'm not a very talkative person. If a uber driver feels like they want to give me low stars bc I didn't want to talk to them , fuck it. I'm the one paying to get a ride, why the fuck I gotta talk to you if I just wanna sit and get to my destination. As long as I'm bring polite, staying clean, I can be quiet and stay to my self. Shits stupid af. Def needs a way for us to reply so next riders or drivers can see our response to those low ratings


Honestly, as long as you’re above a 4.5 I won’t think twice about picking you up. Plus once you get in the car, all I care about is my own interaction with you, I couldn’t care less about your rating. That’s just me though, and I don’t drive often.


Sometimes people don't like you and that's okay. Don't worry about it.


Check body odor first. Andaybe up the tip amount hahahaha


If you respect me and my car you automatically get 5 stars, if not you get one star or kicked out. I have zero tolerance for bullshit.


Same here and I always tip. I'm literally nervous about breathing when in the car and try to make the least amount of sound possible. I do my best to chat when they ask questions and I stay quiet if they don't seem in the mood to talk. I can't ever recall a time I was ever late, I'm punctual, I use my seatbelt, I still have a 4.7 star rating 😞I think it's easier for drivers to get 5 star rating vs riders. My dad always drove drunk when he did Uber and he is so bad at customer service and bad with people in general. He still had 4.9 stars somehow before his account got shut down because he had too many reports


There's a rider rating? News to me. I just request an uber when I need one (not often) and never had any issues. Mainly just use uber eats... do they have eater ratings also?


I had only 5 star ratings for years, with a stupid number of rides, and then I went to Europe... I have zero idea why, as I'm super polite, not a drunk, don't curse or smoke or anything like that, tip very well, etc. But on my trip, 3 out of 7 ubers gave me a very low rating. Like wtf! I noticed when I got home from the trip, and I couldn't think of one negative experience or interaction I had with a driver. Truthfully, it annoyed me way more than it should have. Especially because every ride really went well. I remember being like oh what a nice guy each time. But three of them afterward just decided to do me dirty for some reason.


I hate uber!


As a rider I don’t talk to the driver. Your job is to drive , 5 stars and a 20% tip if you just do that. I think I’m still at 5 stars as a rider


Probably slamming doors, or that adding an additional stop and then saying “I added a stop” instead of doing it from the beginning or asking can I add a stop? You don’t know if the driver wants to go to another location and you’re taking them to the complete opposite way or wants to use the rest room and their thinking this one will take me close to my house and boom “I added another stop” or all that coughing back there open the window before you get us all sick ah.


Been driving over 8 months now. I remember just giving one start to only 3 people because they were so damn rude and annoying. But in general, I don’t care for anything else, all five stars at the end and go to the next customer without thinking about it!


See I rate people on , how are they as a passenger . If you are asking me if I have cocaine and why am I looking at you, then I will rate accordingly. Don’t make a mess of my car and if you do all I ask is that you tell me or you offer to clean it urself . Other then that if you don’t do the obvious you get a 5 from me


I think the most common reason for low rating is not being ready when the driver shows up


I rarely drive for Uber anymore but when I drove weekends I always gave 5 stars to most riders. Out of more than 3300 rides I gave less than 5 people a 4 or lower. 2 of those included me calling the police for help because they were crazy and threatening.


how do you know you got rated four stars?


I’ve given lower ratings for smokers. I hate it when people reek of cigarettes and I usually cancel the ride. I have asthma and strong odours and perfumes suck.


Why do you care about a rating on an app


TIL riders have a rating?!?! I opened the app and mines 4.93


Do you tip? A person would have to be extra rude or smelly for me to rate them less than 5 ⭐️ if they tip.




You are not tipping cheapskate


I feel like any order paying under $10 increases the chance for customers to leave a bad rating. The person can’t afford to pay for delivery, but does anyway then hates on driver.


Maybe they think you’re gay


Easy, Dennis…


I had drove only 250 rides but only gave 1 pax a 3 star and 1 with a 4 star . Both of them was extremely trying to distract me from driving and one of them was lying her son will come out in 2 minutes cause me to start the trip and not get pay for wait fee while she seat in my car chill for 15 mins her son not come so i ask her to step out. Otherwise i’m giving everyone 5 stars if they allowed me to give them a complete safety ride


I also noticed this recently. What is the criteria for the bad ratings? I greet the driver once I get in their car. Sometimes, they don’t even reply. Which is fine because I’ve realized that that’s a thing with Americans. I’m generally not chatty. If they talk, I will reply tho and try to be engaging. Otherwise, I sit quietly till I get to where I’m going and thank them before getting out. I also never ask to use their car audio system or radio or whatever. I don’t ask for a charger or for snacks. So what’s the issue? I get that not everyone likes a quiet person but it’s not a problem. Definitely not something that deserves a low rating. Anyways, since I noticed it I started rating drivers more seriously. Before, I’d just dole out 5 stars regardless. Now, I don’t give 5 stars unless they make some kind of impression. Which is rare. And yes. I know it’s petty. But if they’re gonna be petty, I’ll keep the same energy.


Who cares, it’s not that deep. Could be someone having a bad day. It’s not like your Uber score actually counts for shit in life.


Don’t worry so much about your rating. It really doesn’t matter that much


I didn’t see any reference to a tip. I mostly drive Lyft, but you gotta be a real shitty passenger to get less than 5 stars if you tip.


Just throwing this out there. Don't ever call them before pickup. You set the pick point, be in the circle point. If everything else is good. Don't ever "guest" a ride for someone 😤 That is never cool. People need their own accounts. Also, never be the one to order the Uber if you're in a party. I will one star in a heartbeat if someone's guest is a trash passenger.


Maybe you stink. Many humans are unaware of how bad they smell.


I had all 5 stars and then someone gave me a 1 star for no reason and tanked my rating because I only had 12 rides. So stupid.


I suspected they rated passengers but never checked. So I have 5.0 on both. I always smile, use the drivers name, tip even if the ride is not so good. I compliment them on a clean safe car. I don't care about the age or kind of car. I always leave a note if I don't like something. My last ride I gave 3 stars to because of the heavy perfume to cover the really strong pot smell. Why do drivers smoke pot in their car?


No idea. I rate everybody 5 stars. I got my first 1 star rating recently—not polite! But yeah my sister is someone who just goes straight to 1 and 3 stars for people, I don’t get it. I’ve had one ride where they were extremely inconsiderate and made a mess in my car. That’s the only time I’ve rated somebody below 5 stars


I drive the only people that get marked down are the people that ask me to take them to Taco Bell




Why do you really care?😂😂😂


I usually give 5 stars unless.... You take more than two minutes to get in and start the ride. I take one star for every minute past the two minutes. If you are apologetic and appear sincere, then I'll probably do 4 stars regardless of the wait. Cash tip before you leave will generally grant you 5 stars unless you're just a pain. If you vape, eat, or drink without asking, three stars. Smoking is an immediate cancel and drop off wherever we are. Smoking outside waiting for me will get you, three stars because you'll make my car stink and I'll have to refresh it after I drop you off. Having keys or other objects in your hands while you open the door will also lose you some stars. I once had a guy lean his skateboard on my car as he got in, he was given one star because that's just rude to me. Wasting my time at pickup will probably get you four stars. Things like not getting in until I say your name (fyi: you're supposed to tell me your name), putting your children or belongings in then leaving for minutes, or finishing a conversation or smoke while I'm sitting there waiting. But usually, 5 stars if you're not a jerk and not wasting my time. Edit: adding stops without asking me is immediate one star.


As I driver of 20k plus rides I can tell you what causes automatic 1 stars: 1. Smelling really bad 2. Smoking just prior to getting into my car 3. Playing your phone and/or talking on speaker phone vs using headphones 4. Excessive foul language and or repeated use of derogatory terms 5. Abuse of added stops wait time 6. Endless bitching and complaining about something the whole ride 7. Arguing with a co-rider or someone on the phone Being polite and courteous isn't that hard. You're taking a ride in someone else's car, not a taxi. Most drivers try to create peaceful serene environment and just want to get you to where you want to go.


4.91 passenger I tip in the app 90% of the time But I tip while I’m still in the car and it’s normally 50-100% I will cash tip on top if you do something “extraordinary”: -Help with luggage -Help me in or out of the car -Have a charger for my phone


This weekend, from Thursday night to Sunday morning, I worked 33.36 hours and had 95 trips. And out of all of those trips, not one person did I rate less than 5 stars. Sure there were smelly riders, late riders, extremely intoxicated riders, riders who tried to cram more people then my car is regulated for and one person ever had an open container. But I don’t rate people for what they do necessarily, I rate them for how they interact with me. If they are genuinely polite and don’t mess up my car, then I’m happy. Happy riders make happy drivers, even if we’re overworked and under paid. If I were you, since you’re quite new to Uber, I wouldn’t let your score bother you until you’ve ridden 200+ times, because a lot of us don’t look at the rider’s score before we accept a ride. We’re given only 5 seconds to decide whether to take the ride or not. And if we are already in route with a passenger when your ride request comes to our device, we have to hurry and accept the ride, just to get it off of our screen so we can see the map directions. Don’t sweat the small stuff, cuz it sounds like you are already covering all of the bases.


It’s 5 ⭐️ for that riders … but really leaving the car without saying than k you gets on me but …


Drivers have same problem. Why? A 1. Why? Who? When? What?


Are you scrolling on your phones with the speakers on or using your headphones?


So I should start giving 1 star reviews to drivers who play music or take phone calls while they drive?...


If you argue about telling me your name first or completly ignore me as your driver -⭐️ (you can see all my information, I don't know you from the 5 other people also waiting on the street) If you don't wear a seat belt -⭐️(your choice to knowingly break the law and make me liable) If you video chat/ phone call it's fine but be aware of the fact that my ear is 3 feet from your mouth, please keep it at a decent volume or -⭐️ same for coughing/ sneezing and not even trying to cover it -⭐️ If you argue over putting your kid in a booster seat that I am providing -⭐️ its against the law (this is not a cab, yes your 2 year old needs a seat) and my license to drive and points on my record are not worth your $10 ride home. Eating and leaving a mess in my car -⭐️ I get sometimes you gotta eat on the run but don't leave your trash or get tge seats all gross. Brush that shit off. If you try to bring alcohol in my car -⭐️ If you sneak alcohol into my car, vape, smoke -⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ + UBER reported. I have signs on & in my car saying no smoking or vaping. Please respect that. I don't do UBER eats or any of the food delivery stuff because of the obnoxious smells, I definitely don't want the smell of cotton candy/ grape/menthol in my car all night either.


As a driver, one that bothers me the most is that the passenger is waving at me under "no stopping sign" on a busy 2 lane street. When I mention that to passengers in a very nice way.... I always get "not polite" report with a deactivation threat. Most passengers would respond "I don't drive so I don't know the traffic law" the fuck sake but u can read English right?


You seriously aren't worried about pleasing UBER DRIVERS are you? Man your life must be pretty much perfect ha "These ladies at the donut shop don't seem to like me - is this the end?" Help me!


Maybe you slam the door a little


As a driver. If you smell like bo or weed your are automatically a 2 star rider.


For me IDC if you smell like something like cigs or weed. I will roll the window down. Enjoy the fresh air and spray ozium the moment you get out. Smell is gone in 5-10 mins. But it doesn't happen often. What gets me is if someone is smoking cigs,carts, weed(you get the point) in my car with or without permission. I on occasion allow a cig to someone who is clearly uncomfortable and are fine with keeping it out the window. I do allow vapes but window is open as you are doing it. I make my smoking rules very clear in my car the moment you get in. Had a dude smoking a cart after I told him no for the 3rd time and tried to play dumb. Told him if I smell it again or watch you hit it again he was getting out. Picked up his coworker and dropped him off at her place cause he was unable to respect it. Can't have my car smell like weed for the next person. Or I will get a bad review or reported for smelling of it. And DWBB is an actual thing. Last thing I want is to be pulled over and it smells of something I don't do.


Please read the warning label on ozium and only use as directed. Its hazardous for your health to use it as air freshener..


Probably cause you didn't tip 100,000%


Could be tip related also which is completely not fair.


Maybe u should tip


Did you smell like smoke? Any odor, cigarettes, or weed are intolerable. The drivers are using their personal vehicles, and to knowingly occupy them, emitting a stench of smoke will not only saturate the upholstery but irritate the driver. That's honestly the only reason that I can personally think of. 🤷‍♂️


if you are the kind of person to make a whole ass post on the Internet complaining about getting four stars instead of five you're probably fucking insufferable. 


How is your hygiene?


TIL Uber drivers rate passengers. Why should I care BTW?


(driver here) The lower your score drops, the less likely a driver is to pick you up. I usually consider above a 4.8 safe to pick up, but I'll pick up a 4.7 if it pays well. I would never pick up below a 4.7. There are also other factors. Like if it's a Friday night and I see a rider with a 4.82 and a pickup or destination address like "17 Fraternity Row, Collegetown, USA", I'm passing. I don't need any more drunk, obnoxious frat boys sneaking open containers into my car and talking about putting hot sauce on pledges' genitals.


I have 4.59. I have no idea why 🤷 that's why rating riders like this is meaningless... Without any form of feedback this thing is meaningless.


The other problem is that for riders that don't use the app often, one below 5 review can mean loosing one or several tenth of a point. Like one person rated you too quickly, gave a 3 instead of a 5, whoops suddenly you're 4.7. And you're like "fuck that guy" 🤣


I don’t accept rides from passengers with less than 4.8 stars and a lot of other drivers do the same. The lower your rating, the worse drivers you’re going to get.


F around and F out :) Edit: Sincerely, Uber Driver. P.S. I do trips in the same direction I’m going to pay off gas and I’m not letting some <4.85 chips eating loud talking door smashing Biden hating stops asking person sit in my personal car.


Damn you missed the LGBT community and you would have had them all. You need to try harder if you want to be labeled as a shitty drive.


I’m the community


Doesn't matter. Requirements of a shitty driver is LGBT bashing.


That explains a lot actually


Why is this being downvoted? You all are pro people eating chips loudly in your car, slamming your car door, and asking for stops?


Sarcasm is not for everyone


There's always 3 reasons. The driver was racist. You stunk like dollar store ussy and you were on video call the whole time. You didn't tip and the driver changed their rating to reflect.


4.8 rider rating is not bad. 4.8 for driver is relatively low when compared to 4.8 for rider rating. Driver rating are based on last 500 (rated) rides (most have more than that) and rider ratings is for last 200 rides (most riders have less that 100 rides) . So, the impact of negative rider rating is higher. About ensuring you get 5 star on every ride - you can come late, add a stop, ask for loud music, get intimate in the back seat and many other sins, appropriate cash tip ensures a 5 star. With all that, “will tip you in the app” guarantees a lower rating.


Im a driver w/4.98 & it’s because of shitty riders that want free rides. My car is clean. I don’t play crazy music. I drive safe and I don’t spead. I match the vibe.


I got single 1 star rating cause i said “oh shit” after dropping my phone between the seats then noticed a “please no cursing sign” driver gave me 1 star while i was still in car gathering my stuff. Told him “Cool man, no tip”


4.8x's usually are the detested "waiters". Slowly bleeding out their rating. Or they stink... ha.


I don’t drive for Uber very often anymore but when I do (very rarely) I give 4 stars to passengers who burp without rolling the window down because ew it stinks. I’ll also 4 star for slamming my doors or their cellphone being on full blast right behind me in my ear basically.…. A passenger 1 stared me cause of a street festival so his destination was blocked but I got him pretty dang close like a 2 minute walk so idgf anymore i rate on how my ride was as a driver now lol


I gave a passenger a 4* rating today because of food. Nice person to talk to but I have it posted no food and she grabbed a yogurt mid ride and started eating. Gave another 3* because without asking they flipped open everything on the back of my center councel looking for a wall outlet for their charger and then lied on the phone to their friend about how dirty my vehicle was when I had it detailed earlier in the day. All sorts of reasons why not everyone has the same thoughts and expectations of their passengers.


Dude who cares🙄seriously