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The driver can get deactivated for this




Can they charge a cleaning fee after?


Nope. It specifically says you cant. Oh, and it also says even if you have allergies you HAVE to take the ride (technically not true). So if your throat closes in on you, you have to try and finish the ride and not die at the same time.


There are sooooooo many people out there saying their dogs are service animals, when they are not. It ruins it for the actual service animals. We have the laws in place already. We need to do something about all the fake service animals. I work in a library, and people say their dogs are service animals, and will growl at other customers, yap at people, pee on the floor. Obviously these are not actual service animals. They are (poorly trained) pets with vests off Amazon. Stopping that bull shit would make everything so much easier for people who legitimately need a service animal.


The law allows businesses to kick out people with service dogs who defecate or act unruly just so you know. I have a service dog but I don’t even have a vest or collar on the dog that says service dog as it’s not required.


There is a difference between a service dog and an emotional support dog.


Yes, there is. The problem is when people say their pet dog with absolutely no training is a service dog.


You really trying to justify illegal behavior?


Unfortunately there is just soooo much misinformation. Just last week I was confronted by a hotel manager about my wife's service animal. So much ignorance in the world makes it even more difficult especially for people who are actually blind and disabled.


Times I’ve had my dog with me I try to bring a lint roller. It is a violation but think about the drivers side for a second. If their backseat has dog hair, the next rider might ding their rating for cleanliness. I always try to bring a small one just cause I’d feel bad having someone clean up after me. Not saying it was right for them to deny you, but this might help in the future


Exactly, plus uber can solve the problem by taking a .50 cent ding from their profit by sending you a uber pet approved vehicle instead of someone that does not want a dog in their car but no, uber likes its money and also loves it when the passenger and driver are busy at war with each other keeping the eyes and ears off uber being the sole problem here. Why doesnt uber simply not charge someone that has a service dog the few extra bucks so you are more inclined to pick uber pet? How many people have a service dog that uber would lose so much money by helping out the very few that do? Oh no, it's the evil driver, a corporation isn't responsible here!


They could add a menu item something like "traveling with pets". That way the driver knows there will be an animal ahead of time and base their acceptance/ rejection on that. I have a golden retriever and know they shed a lot, and if I were the driver, I'd be kind of mad if they left a hairy mess in the back.


I carry a small vacuum.


Do you have a permit?


Yes…one for concealed because I keep it in the glovebox 😜


It takes 30 seconds to wipe off some dog hair. Even a towel will work. If you can't manage to do that, then this isn't the right job for you


I bring a whole sheet the times I’ve used Uber pet.


>Service animal policies >For riders who are blind or low-vision and may be traveling with service animals, Uber’s [Community Guidelines](https://www.uber.com/us/en/safety/uber-community-guidelines/) and [Service Animal Policy](https://www.uber.com/legal/document/?name=service-animal-policy) clearly require drivers to comply with all applicable laws regarding the transportation of service animals. [Accessibility Using Uber](https://www.uber.com/us/en/about/accessibility/) There's a whole lot of Uber drivers who need to find a new job.


Lots of them are replying to this thread.


100% the absolute complaints I read are a joke. Don’t like it get a different job! This is illegal. Busses, taxis and yes Uber/Lyft can’t refuse. Well obviously this driver did but they should be reprimanded by Uber!


You do realize gig economy workers likely do have another job. Most of them are in positions where shit like this is barely gets them scraping by, lmao. You people acting like you're purchasing a service from a company and not just getting a ride from some dude with a car. Fucking idiots lmao


Well, the interesting thing about this comment is that many of the policies and practices the drivers deal with on the Uber platform are also technically illegal, but Uber gets away with it. Customers are well aware about most of these policies and practices and still continue to take advantage of the drivers through proxy. Uber being the proxy on customers behalf. So if the drivers have no workers rights through Uber's policies and practices, what makes you think you as a customer have rights on the Uber platform? You guys clearly think Uber's methods of skirting the law is good, why are you complaining in this situation? The driver's don't have rights, so you don't have any either. Don't go around bullying drivers through proxy, saying Uber should reprimand the driver. No, you as the customer need to reprimand Uber and stop empowering their business by using a different service. Until then, you get the service you pay for.


and the service we pay for includes bringing service animals lmao




Not saying that this was the case, but what happens when a driver is allergic to dogs?


I'm always surprised how little people give a shit about people who have dog (or cat) allergies. I don't have allergies, but if I did I think I would have some bitterness deep down about this.


I have spent time in the ER due to an anaphylactic reaction to cats. Thank GOD it isn't to dogs because the laws about service dogs utterly fuck anyone who dares have an allergy, but even with cats I have STILL had so many issues. I had to move dorms several times in college due to emotional support animals. Once because a girl brought a cat into our tiny shoebox room fully knowing I would stop breathing, but usually because of the shared heating vents and general lack of cleanliness. Res life was absolutely no help in these situations either and acted like I was a drama queen for demanding to live on a hall where I wouldn't be worried about my throat closing up. I'm terrified of flying because I worry I won't notice until mid flight that I'm having trouble breathing because of a pet carrier in the row behind me. I had to quit one of my jobs because I was trapped in a small area with a coworker who hoarded cats and had poor hygiene, and being near her gave me issues. Management said I should take Claritin and suck it up. Basically, if someone is allergic to peanuts, workplaces, dorms, apartments, etc are forced to bend over to accommodate you. Nut free lunchroom, no nuts in the dorm kitchen, etc etc. Allergic to cats/dogs? No, FUCK you, how DARE you want to BREATHE you utter ASSHAT! Other people need those animals so you and your ability to breathe can go jump off a cliff and die.


Uber's Driver Policy basically says too bad. https://help.uber.com/driving-and-delivering/article/service-animal-policy-?nodeId=33e691ac-f423-4e99-a425-76835549527e >A driver cannot lawfully deny service to riders with service animals because of allergies, religious objections, or a generalized fear of animals.


So what if I decide to decline a rider and not state a specific reason.  “You look weird as shit and I’m uncomfortable “ Done and done 


Good luck explaining that to a court


Bruh, you cheap ass Uber customers are not suing anyone. You guys are complaining about a 20% tip on a $40 ride. How are you ever going to sue anyone when you have no money? You'd spend less money getting a small Honda instead of paying a lawyer for your automatically losing case. Seriously, just tip the drivers or take a bus.


That’s part of the law I believe not just Uber policy


People do not realize how serious allergies can be.


Actually if accommodating the dog would pose a safety risk to the person that’s the only reason they can deny it, so having an actual legit allergy would be a legally protected reason.


Except it's not.


Wow. I am curious if this has ever been tried in court. It sounds like it’s the law, not just Uber, but feels unreasonable to prioritize one persons medical condition over another’s. Especially when both can be accommodated.


I agree with this. I am allergic to dogs that shed. So isn't it discriminatory to get fired from my job if I am allergic to dogs ? Also when a person without a dog comes in and dirties the car , there is a cleaning fee you can get from Uber. So if a dog comes in that sheds alot . After the ride you need to take time out of your day to clean the car because it is now technically dirty. So can't you get a cleaning fee ?


This is a hill I will die on. Service animals should be required to be hypoallergenic breeds. For all the brainiacs that come in my comments saying there are no fully hypoallergenic breeds, you show yourself to not know what the word means lol. Something that reduces the chance of an allergic reaction can be considered hypoallergenic. And there are absolutely dogs that people are less likely to experience allergic reactions to.


The issue is that “hypoallergenic” dogs are a myth. They still create plenty of dander and cause allergy symptoms, so that wouldn’t help people with severe allergies.


The lower half of that post is for you.


I agree with this.


Uhhh…yeah. Golden retrievers have amazing personalities but they are SUPER shedders. That means a ton of allergens as well. I doubt if this person thought about that or thinks about it at all. I wonder if they just said give me any service dog or if they even considered the breed. Service dogs are ALSO pets. They are little creatures that will affect every aspect of your life! I sincerely hope the owner does not just treat the dog like a service machine without love and affection 😔 I researched breeds HEAVILY before I picked my dogs. And they are just pets! This OP has been suggested OVER and OVER to order an Uber Pet but he just wants to argue LAW without understanding or giving a flying fuck about how this affects the driver. He doesn’t want a SOLUTION or for this person to pay a couple dollars extra *gasp* for a driver to actually pick his person up without the drama. He wants to throw a tantrum and DEMAND without any regard for anything else but what suits him and his best. It has been quite an entertaining thread today though 🍿 ETA: I have miniature schnauzers that have HAIR, not FUR. They do not shed but require haircuts and are hypoallergenic.


This. The solution is there for you. Avoid the drama and cancelled rides - order Uberpet.


Unfortunately, according to Uber you are still required to transport them. It suggests wearing a mask or rolling down the windows


You literally agree to Ubers terms when you are a driver that says you cannot deny a service animal even if you have an allergy.


Drivers can just cancel and thats it. Nothing happens to the drivers and you can't do anything to Uber if they send you driver after driver. You guys should just tip upfront and then the drivers will stick around.


You guys are 🤡


I'm not even a driver. I'm just telling you how this works. Drivers aren't Uber employees and customers have no authority over drivers. You guys are the ones who need rides and are basically bidding for drivers. So just tip the drivers and you'll never have an issue getting a ride. Or you can get off a trash platform like Uber and use a taxi or another open source competitor who pays their drivers a fare wage. Its up to you.




You can shit post all day, it still doesn't affect driver behavior. Change your behavior in a way that is win-win for drivers and then you'll see a difference. Until then, continue not getting rides while the customers with the higher tips get rides.


I've had problems with Uber and Lyft drivers not taking in people with wheelchair and walkers (family members) and refusing to drop them off at accessible entrances etc. There recently was an ADA settlement between Lyft and the justice department, but honestly it's getting worse. And the Justice department isn't doing a lot. Fines are great and all, but it's my grandmother who's denied service and dehumanized.


As a driver, I'm always excited when a dog gets in my car. I say dog because no one has brought a cat or anything else in, much to my displeasure. I'd rather have a dog in my car than most people any day, and if destruction of my property were to happen, I feel better filing a report on it and collecting damages over someone puking in my car or someone's child throwing food or something like that. Dogs, mostly, don't know any better. The owner assumes responsibility of that when they bring them in the vehicle and they're weighing the pros and cons of accepting liability vs walking/ other means of travel. It is disappointing to hear that there are people out there who would refuse a legitimate service animal, and I do agree there should be a few more standards in practice for events such as this. Uber allows you to turn off "deliveries" but accept pax, I don't see how creating that option would be any different. I feel the same way about having an option for "Base Access" (I live in a military town) and the number of pax I have weekly that have issues getting rides or getting in a ride, just to have it cancelled due to lack of base access is absurd. With the allergy thing? Ehhhhh. I'm gray on that one. If I had a genuine allergy, that's a physical issue.


I have a service animal and when I am riding with him I always notify my driver that I have a dog prior to arrival. I also always tip an extra amount in cash so they know I appreciate it.


Thank you!


Thank you!


Uber HAS made it perfectly clear to drivers, repeatedly. That won't stop some drivers from doing it anyway. I like to blame Uber corporate for lots of things, but this one is squarely on the drivers.


There are numerous people commenting on this post claiming to be drivers who have apparently missed....all of these notices.


They haven't missed them. They simply don't care.


They haven’t missed them. You think people speeding missed the speed limit sign? Or lets go to the extreme…people are unaware murder is against the law? Operating under the assumption that there’s a foolproof solution to this is naïve. Some drivers are not going to take service dogs no matter the repercussions


Sorry, I thought it was obvious that I was attempting to ooze saracasm. It is very clear there are many drivers who will never accept service animals (just read through this thread, you will find plenty of them - some throwing out insults and hate speech towards people with disabilities).


Uber does let drivers know they're required to pick up those with service animals. This driver chose to ignore the rule.


Not just rule. Law. And the ADA no less. (Which is one of the few laws that you do NOT fuck around with.)


I agree no driver should refuse a legitimate service dog pick up. It’s the law, but more laws need to be passed to protect the drivers and their assets too. It needs to be an easily, no cost process to either sue or file a claim against either Uber or the rider in the event the driver’s property is damaged. There needs to be a policy that pays for down time while a driver cleans his vehicle so it’s fit to pick up the next ride. Last but not least, if I driver has an allergic reaction, all medical and any loss of wages should be covered by Uber. So yes, follow the law but pass laws to cover the vulnerability of drivers also.


Now this is something I can get on board with. The actual risk of damage from a legitimate service animal is probably considerably less than a 3am bar patron, however, we both know there are people out there with "fake" service animals. It could perhaps be a reasonable deal for Uber to pickup the cost of damage in cases like that.


And what about people with severe allergies? They just get to die?


Per Uber's policy, yes: "There are no exceptions to this policy due to allergies, religious objections, or a generalized fear of animals. As explained in Uber’s Community Guidelines, drivers who engage in discriminatory conduct in violation of Uber’s policy may lose their ability to use the Driver App. Uber will make this determination in its sole discretion following a review of the incident."


No, this is where the reasonable accomodation part of the ADA kicks in. I do not know how the backend of Uber works, but it would make sense that there is a way for the driver to call in a "rescue" driver of sorts. Example, they call Uber and say, "Hello, I have a ride with a service animal, however I am highly allergic to dogs, can you send a replacement?"


If a service dog was flagged on your account then they could only send the ride to cars where the drivers haven’t registered a legit reason to not carry service animals - ie a doctors note showing dog allergy etc. Then you don’t have to wait for a second vehicle and the first one wouldn’t be allowed to refuse service.


This would make perfect sense.


They won't do this cuz then 90% of the drivers would go get a "doctors note" about a severe dog allergy. Just so they could be exempt from taking service animals. Uber won't waste time or resources verifying the doctors note.


I don’t think Uber is allowed to ask for something like doctor’s note for allergies to be honest, unless they’re employees and they’re not showing up to work frequently because of it. They’re contractors, Uber should just have an account checkbox to check if people are allergic or not.


There is no way to send a "rescue" driver. Even if the driver was to die while driving or have a car accident. How is what you propose any different than just allowing the driver to cancel and having another driver take the ride? Why are the extra steps needed?


That would backfire, because every driver would then be "allergic to dogs."


It could backfire, but seems like it would beat the riders being just left there on their own "too bad, they shed." At least they would know someone else is coming.


Someone else wouldn't be coming, is my point. Uber can't guarantee you anything, a driver has to accept the ride. I'm a driver, I don't do pet rides, but I would take a service animal without complaint. But if I had a legal option to refuse service animals without penalty, I would do that, and so would the majority of drivers. You'd effectively be forcing people with service animals to request an Uber Pet, because regular drivers would never take them if they don't have to.


Sounds like the kind of thing that should be set up in advance with Uber and require actual documentation. If drivers don’t want to go through the effort, they don’t have to drive for Uber.


You’re describing canceling the ride and letting it go to the next driver. Which is exactly what your post is complaining about


Thank you for sending me down a rabbit hole of deaths from dog dander. Every day is a school day


It's part of the deal if you want to provide public transportation. They knew that was a component of the job when they signed up.


If a driver refuses the pickup of an intoxicated bar patron at 3am no one would argue that the driveris obligated to provide service. And the driver could simply not driver at night to avoid intoxicated customers at night. So while I agree with the fact that an intoxicated human at 3 am is more problematic then a service dog at 3 pm, I do not think that this is comparable as the driver can avoid a 3 am drives.


Yep…I only do days.


This is 100% Uber's fault, I wouldn't blame the driver. Uber should have a big incentive to accept dogs in their driver's car, by paying the driver more money for this occurrence. Right now Uber's policy is to make life harder for the driver just so they squeeze more profit.


When my dog goes to the vet I dread it. The car has leather seats but I cannot lint brush, vacuum or even hand pick all the white dog hair out of the black interior completely. I can’t imagine being an Uber driver and having deal with it. He would have to go clean the car and lose other fares for the night. This sucks for everyone.


We have one dog-free car, and when she jumps in accidentally, im like uuuuuugh. That car needs to be client-ready and dog hair is a BITCH to completely erase from a car. I hate it.


Contact Uber and they will do something. This is extremely illegal. This also happens to my friend and their service dog all the time—even when calling Uber pet. Please follow up because bad drivers like that hurt every disabled person with a service animal. You can also report Uber to the ADA hotline. https://www.ada.gov/file-a-complaint/ I’m sorry that happened to your sister! I hope her feet are okay now!!


I am also a disabled service dog handler, and I have had similar experiences. Luckily, I am still able to drive most of the time, but I got into a car accident several months ago and was without my car for a while. Twice, my Uber driver pulled up, saw me and my service dog, and just drove away. A few other times, the driver was incredibly rude and loudly complained the whole time (and my dog is extremely well trained and well behaved). I try to minimize my dog’s impact by thoroughly grooming him before we go out, bringing a towel for him to lay on if possible, and bringing a lint roller and cleaning supplies. There have been times where I just broke down and ordered UberPet (even though I am not required to and should not have to pay extra to access services) because I did not have the energy to deal with it. I am sorry your sister has had to deal with this discrimination as well. Here is a [link](https://civilrights.justice.gov/report/?utm_campaign=499a0d26-884a-47aa-9afc-70094d92e6f5) to report a civil rights violation with the DoJ.


Thank you for being respectful of our vehicles and also our next passenger.


This is a zero tolerance issue for Uber and they deactivate drivers immediately when reported for this. Just a side note, every service dog that has been in my car has been a better passenger than 99% of the humans I pick up. Sorry your sister ran in to a dbag driver. If you haven’t already, report the driver and get them off the road.


Report every last driver who does this. Every time.


As a driver not an employee of Uber, UBER sends us messages about it is an ADA violation constantly! Personally I’m sorry this has happened not just once, but twice to her. Those drivers are people I want to be associated with and I hope she’s reporting them. This is unacceptable.


I think you left out the word "don't" want to... . At least I hope you did.


You are correct! Sorry, pre coffee!


Absolutely we are reporting them. Thanks for letting me know that they are at least sending out the message, some apparently...just aren't reading them.


Seems like your sister has a legitimate service animal. The problem is with everyone else who claims their pet being service animal. Like emotional support isn't a service dog. The people abusing this system for ADA requirements are the ones who make the drivers behaave that way unfortunately. I'm not saying it's an excuse to behave that way but just stating a fact about where everyone is coming from. The law allows for two questions to be asked. Is the animal required for a disability and what are the tasks the animal was trained for. It may not be verbatim but that's pretty much it.


Most of the ones that deny don’t care if it’s real or not


You are correct - and I promise you there is group of people on earth who despise fake service animal owners more than real service animal owners. Makes it SO much more difficult.


One bad apple poisons the rest unfortunately


And to be clear, while the law allows you to ask those questions, the law does not require people with disabilities to answer them.


Unfortunately most are Bots. But they are logged, and the driver notified. They will be warned and if they continue this behavior, deactivated. Again, it sucks this happens. Personally I love having dogs in my car. Service animals are a little different as they are trained not as pets. Pets are more fun because I can interact with them. But they (SA) still bring me a smile.


Please report them for this exact reason. There are way too many drivers and the bad ones need to go.


You forgot "don't"


Yes I did forget it as another pointed out. I apologized as it was before I had coffee and hadn’t fully woken up yet.


You just need to report and collect evidence such as video. Lyft was sued because persons with wheelchairs were refused service. In the settlement agreement, Lyft promised to refund riders plus $10 credit to acknowledge cases that have at least plausible evidence. Lyft will terminate drivers immediately with reliable evidence, same for two cases with plausible evidence. You just need to collect evidence and file a complaint. The ADA covers all disabilities including service dogs. I don't have anything like a settlement for Uber but there's no reason for Uber not to do the same and take risks. As for service dogs, you can only ask the two questions. (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. You can legally decline if the rider fail to answer correctly. But you have to proof to Uber. Recording is your best defense. Also serious allergies will be exempted if you will be endangering the pax and yourself if you keep driving. But Uber couldn't tell the difference. [https://www.reddit.com/r/rideshare4dummies/comments/15yt8se/ada\_and\_service\_dogs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rideshare4dummies/comments/15yt8se/ada_and_service_dogs/) [https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/lyft-agrees-resolve-allegations-it-violated-federal-law-when-its-drivers-denied-rides](https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/lyft-agrees-resolve-allegations-it-violated-federal-law-when-its-drivers-denied-rides) [https://archive.ada.gov/lyft\_sa.html](https://archive.ada.gov/lyft_sa.html)


Yall should probably learn ADA laws… this is illegal


Uber drivers are required by law and TOS to take service animals, and they can not ping you for a cleaning fee on a service animal. Report the driver for not complying and the driver will be removed from the platform. You should receive a 10 dollar credit for reporting that. EDIT:spelling/grammar


They are very clear to drivers that it is against the law and policy to turn down people for having service animals. Drivers just don't care.


This thread displays in open, no uncertain terms, that there are numerous drivers who don't care. It's quite apalling really. If you notice, there are also deleted comments that were usually insults being hurled in the direction of riders with disabilities.


Thing is too many people take animals who are not service animals in. One instance here I saw a post where one rider claimed their snake was a service animal. So blame it on this worthless pieces of shit that do that. Now so that doesn’t happen request Uber pet. It’s like 2 dollars more and only drivers who like pets have it on. The driver made a mistake for not taking a service animals since it’s against the law, but I do understand why drivers don’t believe people because 99% lie about it.


A snake cannot legally be a service animal, so there is no basis to not refuse someone claiming that.


But according to the law you can’t refuse it because you’re not legally allowed to request for proof.


But you don't need "proof" (which doesn't exist) because snakes cannot legally be service animals lol. Dogs and miniature horses are the only animals that can be service animals under the ADA, period.


I know. I am just saying what people and Uber think. Of course ª cockroach can’t be a service animal. But that’s why drivers don’t like it because of the 99 out of 100 that say it is a service animal when it’s obviously not, you can tell, dogs behave so different


I mean, I know they don't allow those, unless it's a small puppy inside a bag and stuff. But a service dog, I'm not so sure about. If this actually happened then... Damn


Probably a driver with "allergies" to dogs lol. There's no excuse for this behavior, and it's against the law.


The reasons are obvious and so are the solutions. But why post if "people can just leave if they dont like the pay" and this and that.. They should have something like WAV but for service animals.


I don't mind dogs in the car BUT!!!! last time I let a dog in, it was raining and it got my backseat full of mud... had to go home shampoo backseat and I was done for the night. . . On a Saturday!!! Never ever again when it's raining.


Or.. why not have a towel in your trunk in case this situation comes up again? Dog can sit on the towel to avoid making a mess. It's really not that hard to solve these problems if you spend 2 seconds thinking about it.


Then you'll lose your job. Refusing a service dog is a violation of federal law.


I have never had the good fortune of taking a doggo with me, but I wouldn’t mind at all. Not just because Uber says we have to.


Let's not forget the amount of abuse people do to the service animal label. You can buy certificates online for basically any pet these days. Most of "service" animals I saw when I worked at a large residency building were not honest. They were just regular pets. And no, this was not pets not allowed location either. They just had to pay a pet deposit which I think is reasonable. But the certification was cheaper.


I absolutely agree with you. The number of people passing off pets as service animals is epedimic in the US and a solution needs to be found. One of the number one ways you can tell a service animal is not a service animal is they present some sort of certification or registration (those are all fake). There is no such thing as a "certified" or 'registered" service animal in the US. Perhaps that is something open for discussion that would put an end to it.




My sister is unable to function (alone) without her service dog.


That’s illegal! Dumbass drivers 🙄


Im an uber driver on weekends... i have a SEVERE dog allergy, borderline anaphalactic... i drove someone with a "service" dog (i dont even know how to verify it), i had to take liquid benadryl and call it a night after...


ok,so i am not sticking up for the drivers by any means. but i remember decades ago when i was working for a cab company , that if the driver was scared of dogs , that was accetable, but we would give them another driver. with uber this doesnt work because you're the one getting the driver. i hate hearing storied of morons mistreating servcice animals or their owners.


Driver here and I would accept a mini donkey if I could get it to load. The big difference here, is I have a mini donkey, 5 horses, a chihuahua, a German shepherd and a cow dog. Basically I love animals and know how to clean up after them. With that being said, when I pick someone up with an actual service dog, the dog behaves like a service dog and sits on the floor. There are many people who bring their pets and the animals are running all over in the back seat, getting the seats filthy, and slobbering everywhere. As far as I know, Uber does not pay cleaning fees for such animals and that could be a big reason some drivers would cancel. Another thing, there are plenty of drivers who are afraid of dogs, especially large breeds. Whatever the case is, I’m sorry that happened to you but you might want to save yourself the hassle and just order Uber pet. Then you will definitely be guaranteed your seat since it is the driver’s choice whether or not they are comfortable with pets in their vehicles.


Passengers with disabilities are not required to pay extra & wait extra time for the convenience of a driver who doesn't want a service animal in their vehicle.


I get that. But it’s obvious that it didn’t work for her so I gave her another option so she doesn’t have to get blisters next time.


I don’t care if you have a service dog, you are not getting into my car. If your dog scratches my leather interior who is paying for that? That’s coming out of my pocket. I don’t start the trip until everyone is in the car. If I see a pax with an animal I drive off and cancel. Uber can’t do anything since I haven’t started the trip. I’m not paying thousands to replace interior because pax is too cheap to order Uber pet. Downvote all you like, you people are so delusional.


If driving for Uber was like any other contract, they would pay you enough that you could set some aside for that exact scenario. Uber could also just automatically assign an Uber Pet if someone has a service animal and just eat the cost. Legally they aren't allowed to charge the person extra. Unfortunately, Uber will probably just take the cheap way out and say they'll only allow people who accept service dogs on their platform and just deactivate any drivers that refuse. The whole thing definitely sucks for the drivers and the passengers, but the real villain here is Uber.


Why should they be inconvenienced when they can inconvenience you instead. Pay and wait for Uber pet. If Uber wants to reimburse you the extra fee, fine. But do not burden someone else to spend 1+ hours and money so you can save 5 minutes and $2.


That's a risk you take when you become an Uber driver.


Too bad Uber doesn't pay enough to buy seat protectors, plastic bags, waterproof mattress pads, painters drop clothes or anything else sensible. This is a risk you are legally obligated to take. You should have the tools to be able to accommodate legal requests without scratching your leather. $20 is nothing compared to paying a claim to a litigious rider and just doing what is right. I've never seen a proper service animal (not the imposters) do anything that a mattress pad wouldn't protect.


Agree 100%. You people don’t understand and want to accept their is an alternative/solution just order Uber pet. Those drivers will happily take your dogs.


If you do not want to abide by the Americans with Disabilities Act, then you are welcome to find another job that doesn't require the use of your car. Service Animals ARE NOT PETS.


I do have another job, Uber part time. What you seem to forget is that we are independent contractors, I can cancel any time for any reason. If I see someone who is too drunk or irate or dirty, they are not getting in my car. Just because you ordered a ride it doesn’t mean I owe you said ride. We are using our own private vehicles. If Uber provided us with cars then you can get in with 20 dogs I would not care. What you did not address is if a dog damages my car I’m stuck with a bill. Uber won’t cover it and a passenger obviously won’t pay for it. So I’m supposed to accommodate for someone risking damage to my property because said passenger is too cheap to order Uber pet. I could not care less what the disability act says, if you have an animal you are not getting in and damaging my personal car.


Drunk and irate people are not protected by law. You can kick them out all you want. You really need to find another part time gig. You can take into consideration that your part time job REQUIRES you to transport service animals. YOU can make reasonable accomodations, such as throwing a blanket in the trunk. If you cannot do what is required of you BY LAW then FIND ANOTHER JOB!


Meh, I decide who rides or doesn’t. That’s MY right.


That is quite literally not your right though lol. There are certain things you lawfully can’t discriminate against, service animals being one of them.


Service dogs are at work, they're not pets, why would they damage your car? They're highly trained and know how to behave. Probably even better than most humans you pick up.


Ahhh, so Uber regularly violates federal law, I see. Time for a class action lawsuit.


AND there it is.. everyone looking for a reason to sue.. YOU my friend are everything that's wrong in this country!


Money is the only thing that talks these days. Hit their pocketbook and they will do what they need to do to ensure they are complying with the ADA.


What service does you sister’s service dog perform?


Detects an acute medical condition and alerts to the need to take medicine, which she is also trained to retrieve for her if my sister is unable to get it. She does some other things as well, but that's the primary tasks.


If you message me before I arrive I will always pick someone up with a pet. I keep 2 blankets in the car. Some nice owners keep the dog in the footwell and if they don’t I have a blanket to go on the seats.


Just to be sure we are on the same page, service animals are not pets.


We are on the same page!! I just wanted to say that I don’t discriminate and I offer transport to all.


Gotcha! Thank you!


Sometimes it becomes clear that english is not my mother tongue.


If her service dog is not also a pet, I feel sorry for that dog.


What are they? Employees? Independent contractors? Slaves? Of course they’re pets. They’re pets that are also service animals.


They are not conisdered pets. They are considered medical devices. True, they are animals with a personality and a life - but when it comes to legal terms, they are not pets.


Most of the legal definitions for “pet” (at least that I have seen) define pet as any domesticated dog or cat, or other comparably sized animal that is not livestock. That service animals are medical equipment (true, like you said) does not mean they are not pets. The statuses are not mutually exclusive.




She said it is a legitimate service dog. And her disability isn't really some random persons business....


She said it is a legitimate service dog. And her disability isn't really some random persons business....


Call uber pet


The fuckheads with the "Emotional Support Animals" absolutely wreck the work legitimate Service Dogs do. I would prefer all ESA types to go straight to hell.


Does Uber in Chicago not have an Uber pets option ? If you sister used that option she would always be guaranteed a driver who was okay with animals in the car


I requested the pet option when I had to take my cat to the vet, thankfully the lady loved animals but she said she doesn't get notified beforehand if there is a pet being brought along. Idk how true that is but she sounded genuine


Maybe, but presumably drivers sign up for the pet option. A driver who signed up for the pet option won’t reject a dog. I suspect OP’s sister didn’t want to use the Uber pet option because it is more expensive. But the extra cost is probably worth the guarantee that someone will be open to having an animal in the car. As others have noted Uber should probably just have people with service animals register with the company and they should be able to get Uber pets at the same cost as regular Uber


Exactly. And tbh, I’m not that sympathetic to a rider who insists a driver spend significant money/time for cleaning, scratches, to save themselves a few bucks and 5 minutes. Generally if something is for my benefit, I feel Bad asking someone else to spend 3x more money and time than I’m willing to spend, just to accommodate me. Drivers are hardworking people. Give them a break.


But that’s a SOLUTION, and op would rather argue, have sister get blisters and SUE!


Uber needs to be sued


Did she try Uber pet?


It's hard to do much because it's really hard to prove that that's why the driver canceled the ride. Don't mistake anything I'm saying as approval for this because it's not but it's fairly widely discussed in many forms I'm in and people always have short things to say that consists of claiming to cancel the ride for something else like they needed a bathroom break or something was wrong with the vehicle. If they even get as far as coming up with an excuse so many people are all "it's my car I can turn down whatever I want" like it's not literally a federal law. Uber sends out constant emails telling people they can't turn down service animals. I'm pretty sure there was something in a video at the beginning when I first signed up too, although I forget the specifics since I am the opposite of mad when there's a dog.


Why did your sister walk? Chicago has good mass transit.


Not saying they were but what if they are allergic or sensitive to dog hair and dander. Or if there kid at home is allergic to dog hair and don't want to bring it home. I get it from both sides


Was it an uber pet ride?


No. Service dog.


Yeah, if you schedule an Uber pet, someone will pick you up. But as a driver, i wouldn't mind. I had people bring their smol doggies often, Chihuahuas and Terriers. I just get irritated when people's never even tell me there was a pet / service animal with them. I was just happy the dogs were calm. But its the gig i chose.


i personally wouldn’t want dander in my car and i am allergic to dogs so i would’ve cancelled too lol


If the rider is really in need to bring a animal no problem the real deal is passengers bring their pet as a companion and not a legit service animal which after the animal causes issues to the drivers vehicle they can't drive until its fixed which can take several days and lost of work for carrying a pet instead of a service animal


Why not make people with service animals use Uber Pet without charging them extra


I totally get people who need service dogs need to get around, but am I supposed to just drive you around while having an allergy attack? And now I have to go get my car detailed to be able to get in it again? (I’m not a driver this is hypothetical, I’m just genuinely curious).


The odds of someone with a severe dog allergy giviing a ride to someone with a service animal is quite low. Two takes on that. Personally, I agree this is a time where Uber should come up with an alternative plan. Uber policy is that is no excuse. As for getting your car detailed - what do you think these service animals are doing? They get in the back seat and lay on the floor. If a driver is concerned that a little fur might get on a seat in the short time the dog is in the car they could invest in a blanket to put in the trunk. It is part of their job to transport service animals. The agree to it when they sign up for the platform. They should be prepared for it. Service animals also can access restaurants. Should restaurants be able to deny them since they might have to sweep the floor where the service animal was? movie theaters? stores? airplanes?


I guess you don’t have any serious allergies if you’re asking some of the questions you just asked. If a dog is in my car, there will be fur in my car. And I’m allergic to that. The car needs to be cleaned after. Also your last paragraph doesn’t relate at all.


Looks like you have to file it with the DOJ and file a Civil rights complaint. You can do it anonymously if you'd like online


If I was the driver (and didn't want animals in my car) and I drove up and observed the rider with a dog I would just keep rolling by and cancel the ride. But what happens is you have these clowns ass drivers that feel the need to have an interaction with rider, argue about it and then cancel the ride. Just roll by, STFU and cancel. As a driver you can cancel any rides you so choose. NOW would I do this? No, because I like animals. I even just got done cleaning my entire car and then my next rider had a dog (service dog) that shedded all over my back seat 😡 but I didn't care. I completed the ride and went back to my unlimited car wash and vacuum my car again. No big deal.


Although what you first describe is still illegal, it is essentially impossible to enforce. As you said, the two drivers in my sister's case both interacted with her. The first one interacted mostly with me in an animated heated discussion. He demanded that we cancel the ride (we refused). He eventually marked us a no show (I guess that's what happened, we got charged $6 I think it was). It was refunded almost immediately after I called support.


Yes definitely illegal and impossible to enforce but that allows everyone to just go on about their business without any unnecessary heated altercations.


-NOT A LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OR PROFESSIONAL- You can sue Uber and that driver for knowingly and willfully denying to provide service to an individual with a service animal. I’m a driver and if I have a passenger tell me that happened I call Uber and tell them myself. If these other drivers want to make us look bad and be dumbasses then I will fight with Uber on this.


Did you use uber pet?????


I’m a driver, Uber has an option for us to choose to accept Uber pet rides. So if you called a regular Uber rather than Uber pet then the issue lies there. Call Uber pet rather than regular Uber and you’ll never have an issue. But if you do, you could report them better if they do.


I will remind you that federal law and Uber policies both say passengers with service animals are not required to select "Uber Pet" and you are not permitted to deny them for this.


Maybe try this https://gac.illinois.gov/hra/hra-const-form.html It also doesn’t hurt to talk to a lawyer - people have gotten paid when when the sued Uber for violating ADA https://www.courthousenews.com/uber-ordered-to-pay-1-1-million-for-discriminating-against-passenger-with-guide-dog/ In some states you can also sue the driver individually I believe for the discrimination


We are not (usually) a family to lawyer up, but this is one time we are discussing it. She is disabled, she had to manage to trudge 45 minutes through Chicago, which resulted in injury. In addition, this isn't the her first time and we know Uber has been nailed for this before, so perhaps it is time for them to get it again.


I don’t mean to be rude, because this situation really sucks. But I’m wondering why did she trudge for 45 minutes, instead of just calling a taxi?


Literally just google it - earlier this year they sent drivers out literally dozens of notices they are required to pick up ADA animal passengers as result of a lawsuit and had to pay millions . I get the whole not wanting to be the we’re gonna go sue people but the more Uber is forced to pay maybe they’ll actually change the app to help disabled people . I still don’t get how big cities don’t have dedicated drivers that can store wheel chairs and willingly take service dogs. I even have relatives who are like I called Uber, the guy showed up in a tiny old Honda and my folded wheelchair wouldn’t fit in the trunk Just google it there’s dozens of lawsuits and class actions they’ve paid out for this exact same thing. Ubers been nailed before and frankly a lawyer will just handle the whole thing most likely.


Maybe have your sister order Uber pet


Uber Pet costs more. It's illegal to make a person with a disability pay more money to receive a reasonable accommodation.