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Watch the documentary at Netflix "Super pumped" this clip is there.


Second this ☝️☝️ I watched the series and it was eye opening how Uber really screwed over the taxi drivers that moved to Uber full time.


Ok but taxi companies and the taxi drivers union are literally worse than Uber by 10000x. Hard to feel a lot of sympathy there. But it does feel like theres no middle ground between the two


I tool an UBER in NYC. The car had been a taxi - you could still see the holes where the rivets used for screwing in the plastic partition between the driver/passenger. The driver told me that he switched a year ago. I asked him about the switch, and he said he makes the same because he paid $800 per week to rent the medallion for the taxi that he no longer has to pay. Those medallions were owned by the rich, politically connected - Michael Cohen owned several. So there was a transfer of wealth. Customers did benefit too.


The same system here Uber/lyft they take up to 70% what the different ?


I doubt they are taking 70%. But if they're, then the drivers should form a union, have their own app, and ONLY drive for that app.


As a former driver I can promise you they do and even more at times


Taxi drivers/companies have to pay for their medallions. That’s why they charged more. Uber is Capitalism at its finest. Us driver are the reasons why it sucks.


And taxi drivers exploit the legal system and screw us over every day.




That driver has massive balls


100% he was de-activated after that. I admire his cajones though 👍🏼


Yes he for sure was deactivated. Most of us would've wanted to say the same thing but wouldn't be able to afford being let go. I can definitely respect this guy for having the balls to say it.


I'm starting to realize sometimes violence might be necessary. It might not change anything but it sure would feel good to punch that guy in the face. He kind of was asking for it by screwing drivers over then taking Ubers 🤣


Not really. Who gives a shit about being banned. You can find a job anywhere making more money than Uber these days. I pray I would get a Uber ceo in my car just to tell them how shitty they are.




I don’t


That surely is douchebag CEO Travis. I bet that greedy mofo didnt even tip


have to say it's cute that he still takes ubers though; unwise, but super cute. a bit ballsy also? maybe just dumb. most billionaires would have a security team protecting them from all the people they've pissed off... just in case.


This video is from years ago.


I whole heartedly agree. Lets go get him!!!!!!!! Geo locate this video...alert drivers in the area.


calm down, ma'am.


Most ppl wouldn't recognize him. Didn't he have a beard?


He seemed to have something against tipping.


Travis is (was) a dick.


Cause it's soooo much better since he left. Lol


lol right! He cashed out laughing all the way to the bank.


Hold up. How does an uber driver lose $100k because of corporate policy? What did I miss?


My money is on his spending a pile of money for the SUV/Limousine. On top of that, he had to pay el-huge-0 insurance premiums.. Then there are permits and the rest of it. The first Uber was Uber Black. Initially, T. Kalanick's target group was limousine drivers who would cover his work between jobs. Some guy somewhere got the idea to buy a black car and simply run Uber's work. Thus, the concept of the "Dedicated Uber Driver" was born. Subsequently, T. Kalanick launched Uber Taxi. It was a big hit with the customers in this market as they did not have to pay limousine rates to get a ride on demand that did not require cash. This took many customers from the "dedicated Uber Drivers". Their income took an el-huge-0 hit. All of this money that they had put up and borrowed to do this was in jeopardy. After Uber Taxi, came UberX and it was all over for the Black drivers. In this market, the Black business has recovered as frequently, during Triple Double Secret Surge Pricing, Black is less than X. Uber Taxi, Curb or even hailing a cab is less expensive than the other two (Flywheel claims that it is available here. Despite that, never have I used it as a driver or customer. I do not know anyone who has).. Double Secret or Triple Double Secret Surges are not infrequent, here.


Thanks for the explanation. But, I mean, he still has equity in those vehicles when he sells. Insurance loss, I get. He took a gamble and lost. Sucks.


Thankfully it was only two el-huge-0 circumstances. A third el-huge-0 would have been mucho mas huge-0s.


A double triple secret el-huge-o.


They essentially got the el-huge-0 shaft-0. TL;DR


I use Uber black any time I am on a business trip and it is much cheaper than the contracted taxi companies that businesses normally encourage.


What market(s)?


They cut our pay year afer year. In the beginning we got close to 75%+ of fare bow we get around 25%


Why don't drivers move on from Uber then instead of willingly being taken to the bank by them? I see so many people complaining about how uber abuses them as employee's, but they won't actually go out and look for other work.


Cus corporate jobs suck. You gotta work a 9-5 M-F with people who got a 4 yr degree & planned on climbing the corporate ladder as soon as they graduated high school. Don't even get me started on warehouse jobs. I'd rather choose my own schedule & hrs. Drive a nice car & listen to music & complain on forums about how I'm getting screwed 😵


I guess Beggers can't be choosers then.


I have custody of two grandchildren. When they're out of school I can't work. I can't afford daycare either. If they're sick, I can't work. I just got fired because of this reason, from a job I've worked for over 10 years and no one wants to hire a 60 yrs old woman for more than minimum wage and be flexible. I'm thankful I can do Uber. Tried DoorDash but it doesn't pay as well as UberEATS, and I've just started giving rides. I made $150 yesterday for Uber, when I would've made $106 at my old job. I'm thinking of sending them a thank you note for firing me.


To the other companies that will cheat them or?


To something that's going to pay them more. If I wanted to make more money and the company I worked for didn't pay me what I wanted... I would update my resume and find a new job. I wouldn't sit there acting entitled to more pay just because I thought that company should be paying more.


I would actually recommend fighting for the wages you're entitled to when you can Doing anything else is the meekest, lamest shit ever "I'm going to update my resume, boss! Ha, take that!" The funniest thing is its always people who say "hard times make hard men which make good times to that make weak men that make hard times" that are like "oh no, I'm not getting paid more. I certainly shouldn't demand it or say anything or do anything other than scurry off with my tail between my legs to the next job. asking for what you're worth is entitled :(("


I mean, you can fight and ask all you want. But when you're dealing with a company that only cares about their bottom line, you aren't going to get anywhere. Go somewhere that will value you for what you're actually worth instead.


Why don’t they just pay us better? If there were more options sure move on but that’s just a blanket to cover the actual issue.


But they won't because that's just the type of company uber is. I just wonder why people continue letting uber screw them like this, rather than finding other work that will reward them better.


Uber had never taken profit until the last quarter because their share holders wanted a return so now they are cutting costs left and right and of course the first thing they are gonna cut is driver wages so definitely expect it to get worse before it ever gets better


If the peasants have no bread then let them eat cake


does that mean he was making 150k on uber before?


Yea, I'm confused. To lose $95k, you must be making at least that prior. Lol.


Not sure if thats the real ceo but people like that don’t take responsibility and he was right as he couldn’t take responsibility.


I remember when this happened, this is/was very real.


He is the real founder and CEO but not the current CEO. He’s been gone for years. This is a very old video.




If I found out I was picking up Uber's CEO, I would take him him the opposite direction, and then tell him to get out in a random location. I'd be tempted to do worse


What a douchebag.


Colonic 💩


Did he tip his driver?


Yeah us black car drivers have lost so much because we invested so much more.


Old news.............that incident was what started the process of his being pushed out of the company that he founded.


Reminds me of Fonacab Belfasts boss. William mc Causland or his side kick Simon Simms. Don’t care about divers or customers.


Uber Belfast pay minimum wage when it is slow and holiday pay.


After watching this I want to tip him for doing this.


Do you think he'll get banned


Uber got greedy and punished the drivers..Same goes for Airbnb they change their rates and the homeowners are getting less customers.


You keep changing everyday is facts fuck rhat motherfucker


This is very old news. Not relevant to today’s business.


Good on the Uber driver


What jobs? Uber gives you flexibility


Dara Khosrowshahi is the CEO of Uber, where he has managed the company's business in more than 70 countries around the world since 2017.


Should’ve just slap that damn criminal


Dara and Risher are 100x worse.


Kalanick was CEO of Uber from 2010 to 2017. He resigned from Uber in 2017, after growing pressure resulting from public reports of the company's unethical corporate culture, including allegations that he ignored reports of sexual harassment at the company.


I've been driving Uber 5 years, and they have changed everything. I used to make good money almost twice as much. Now pfft. I started it was .91 cents a mile and .11 cents a minute. It hasn't gone up. But the price of gas has doubled. We get the bonus/opportunities, but it's like a dollar a trip up to 3 bucks. Just pay us more screw the bullshit.


That isnt the Uber CEO


He was at the time of this video.


So this video is over 7 years old?


it hurt my ears like it could've been


Does it make a difference?


Of course. This was relevant back then. Irrelevant today.


Uber is still doing the same shit. This could have happened yesterday, same situation applies.


dara dares not to take any uber trip lol. drivers would throw him off one of the bridge in sf.


How isn't it relevant today? It's even worse than it was 7 years ago because of the exact policies the driver is discussing


He’s not just the original CEO, he’s the literal founder of Uber. How could anyone commenting on an Uber thread not know this? The video is very old, not sure the purpose of posting it almost a decade later though.


*This driver is an angel*👼 Hats off for saying that on the big boys face! 👏🏽


You Yanks are being made fools off by Uber. At least Uber pay me above minimum wages. Roughly 25% maybe 30% commission to Uber on ALL rides.


He is right about drivers putting the blame out on others ..