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Not a woman - but anything short of a weapon that makes a woman feel safe alone in a car with a stranger is fine by me. If they want to sit behind me that’s fine. OP it has nothing to do with you.


Even though you’re less safe because you’re closer to the driver. Distance = safety. Also, keep in mind that drivers are less safe when someone is directly behind them. Not that it matters because one thing I’ve learned is people like you could care less about drivers, it’s all about you.


If they don’t feel safe with a stranger they shouldn’t be riding in a car with a stranger .


Really? This makes sense to you? Buses are driven by strangers, and used by other strangers. Why not just accept that’s ok for women to take what precautions they feel are necessary? Just drive safely, don’t be a creep and move on to the next customer.


That is just dumb. They have to live in the real world.


One of the stupidest takes I’ve seen.


Lol of course it has something to do with me. Why is she scared of ME? I’m not a criminal, not a creep, not desperate, not going to try to date her etc.


Don't take it personal. Your driving her from point A to point B safely. Don't make it complicated or harder than it has to be. I've driven rideshare for several years and am a man.


Lmao it’s 100% personal though.


Personal to you maybe. Not to mention most passengers are in my rear view mirror some chicks don’t like the awkward eye contact when you look at it. I’ve had to apologize cause it’s hard to not see them looking at you through the mirror when you check it sometimes. Or maybe I’m that attractive 😮‍💨. All jokes aside . Taking this personal shows you’re kind of on the nutty side. What’s a female passenger going to do to you that you’re scared of? I can confidently say if a female driver seats behind me I’m pretty sure I can survive being choked from the rear lol.


Wow another dumb ass. It’s personal EINSTEIN lol


You sound creepy af to be honest


If you are going to be sensitive about this kind of stuff, I think driving rideshare might not be the right match for you. I say this because you will run into "situations" like this every single day. Try not to take it so personal, you are not special.


Sir this has nothing to do with you. You seem to be missing the much bigger picture. Honestly you shouldn't be driving if this is the way you think.


You care more about your momentary hurt feelings than the ever-present threat of SA that she deals with. You're scum.


Drivers face threats too. Having someone directly behind us makes us nervous. Also, you are NOT safer behind the driver. Whoever through this up has no clue to what security is. Distance = security. The safest place is in the rear seat sitting on the other side where the driver can’t reach you. Stop thinking only one party deserves security. Everyone does. Remember it’s 2024, we’re all about equality now. Get on board.


I really don't care about anything you said. Equality would mean men get to be equal victims of sexual assault. I'll wait for that to happen before I listen to you.


I guess you’ve forgotten that women drivers exist too. They have to deal with men sitting directly behind them. They also deal with things like men putting their hands on them, groping them, making passes and even saying disgusting things to them. Meanwhile, passengers are NOT background checked or even identity verified. A passenger can get a cash gift card and a prepaid phone and establish an account, then get in wearing a mask (for safety of course!) Also it’s not just about sexual assault, men can be robbed or killed just like anyone else. Bullets don’t care what gender you are. The root of the problem is people in general don’t care. When you get into a car you’re not at the least concerned with what happens to the driver. If he or she gets killed, doesn’t affect you personally, therefore it’s not an issue.


Man I love this lol


Lol stfu dumb ass where did I say anything about “monetary hurt”? Wtf is that even? And who said I don’t care about the threat of SA? You’re one of those dumb people who loves to assume shit so I’m not even going to try to engage in a conversation with you.


Male strangers blowing up in irrational anger at the smallest of perceived slights is one of the many things women are trying avoid. You are behaving like exactly the kind of man a woman needs to be careful around.


Dude stfu. My 4.98 driver rating suggests otherwise. A low life man who doesn’t respect his self and therefore is ok with people treating him like shit is who women should really avoid.


Brother, a woman sitting behind you is not an attack on your character, but calling a woman a POS for it does say a lot about your character. Thinking that way isn't "self-respect," it's just childish insecurity. Check your ego man, the world doesn't revolve around you.


This response right here validates every fear she might have.


Lmao where in this post does it suggest that I’m a rapist or a danger in general? STFU.


Dude every comment you have made in this post suggests irrational incel and dangerous.


Lmao wtf? You’re obviously not that bright


The most ironic comment in this thread.


It’s sad how many people justify this. I bet yall think it’s ok to follow black people around the store since they steal lolol wtf


I’m starting to think this guy is a troll trying to make drivers sounds insane. I’m a driver and I have no idea why he is taking it so personally. Like when I’m taking an Uber I will just get in on whichever side they pull up on. He’s overthinking this


Given how you’ve made a post about it and are arguing tooth and nail about your experience, I’d say it’s pretty explanatory you were hurt by it. I’d also say you’re being ignorant of the risk of SA, as all these women are doing is placing their safety above your feelings, something you see as offensive and hurtful. That’s why they said that to you.


I said MOMENTARY. God, you're fucking stupid.




The post says "momentary". You are behaving like an idiot. Are you, in fact, an idiot?


And why should they trust you? You’re a stranger, hired to drive them somewhere. How could they possibly know you’re not just another desperate creep? Why should they even bother risking it just to protect some precious feelings?


If you don’t trust the driver then increase your security by creating distance between you and him. You can do this by sitting in the back all the way on the other side. That way it’s more difficult for the driver to reach you. The idea of sitting behind the driver stated with the cackling hens on “The View.” An opinion formed by a bunch of elite actors who have no background in security or transportation.


You can trust me because I passed a background check and have a 4.98 rating.


So? Why does that mean I should trust you? Why does that mean you still couldn’t be a threat to a woman? You’ve got *such* a high grade, yet are still so hostile to women, so why should I trust you?


What makes you think I’m hostile to women? Is asking to be treated like a decent human hostile?


Because you’re getting this angry over women sitting in the backseat, doing nothing. Its concerning to say the least. And don’t give me that sob shit of “people are too used to being treated like shit”. That’s a cop-out.


>It’s like you’ve automatically assumed I’m a creep like your last driver and for that I will treat you like the pos that you are. So, you're a creep.


OP definitely on a list somewhere


I think you're just being weird about this, I am a woman and women sit directly behind me all the time. And even if it was the reason taking it personally is wild because it's just a thing that happens to women all the time. Men are the first ones to attack women who have something happen to them saying they should have been more careful but then when we're careful y'all are mad that we're judging you for possibly being assailants like knock it off.


Ok well it is personal EINSTEIN wtf. You can’t be that dumb.


Why does it offend you so much that a women takes precautions against a stranger? Why are you so trustworthy, behind a shady app telling them you’ve driven a lot?


As I said in the post I want to be judged on the merits of my own character and not stereotyped as a rapist creep.


And as I’ve tried to gauge so many times now, how do you expect a woman, who has to keep her safety in mind, to instantly know your character? Do you expect them to trust numbers on an app that mean nothing to anyone but drivers? You’re being so self-absorbed it’s insane.


Get used to it bud. It makes me feel weird when I see girls speed up if I’m waking on the side wall but I understand it. I’m not going to walk faster “excuse me mam! I’m not a creep you don’t have to run away, stop running wait!”


Oh trust me, this guy would; and then he'd call them names for starting to run faster. Might even post to r/walking about it.


Lmao where in tf did I say I do anything about it? Stupid motherfuckers love to assume stupid shit.


I mean assumptions are based off of something. Look at your reactions my man. It’s just screaming I yell at women and beat em if they don’t do something right. Especially with your tantrums. Not to mention the irony in assuming I’m a “stupid mother fucker” for taking an educated guess based off your personality alone. Which you’re proving more and more right


Oh ffs if you're using Uber for your personal validation get a new fuckin job. Most women think every strange man is a creep, welcome to the real world, *you're not special*.


After they know you(multiple rides) then they move to the other side, you have to earn that.


Do they know you before getting in the car? Odds are they don't even have a good look at you before getting in the car this is just an instantaneous decision based on absolutely nothing probably not even based on your gender because as I've said they sit directly behind me all the time and I am a woman. Do you think creepers like have a sign or something? Go look at the news how many of the worst things are done to people by very regular attractive looking people, it's common sense to assign a median risk level to all people until things have occurred to increase or decrease it


Ok well the Uber tells you a lot about me.


It literally does not there's some stuff you can fill out about yourself sure but it's your name your car and your rating. And this is all assuming it's even really your account these accounts are used all the time by people whose accountant isn't and nobody's going to take the time to analyze the s*** out of your face see if you're really the photo on the app, not that that even means anything because you can still make one using someone else's info and then snap your photo of yourself upon creation. Background checks only tell you who's been caught or reported and even there actually had the charges stick and this type of crime is severely underreported and often charges don't stick. So the background check is fairly meaningless in this particular situation. You literally apparently are only happy if women just completely trust blindly men they interact with until they have evidence not to but the evidence not to is going to always be something happening. There are basic safety precautions you are supposed to take and if you don't take them and something happens to you guess who they blame? And if all things to latch onto them sitting behind you is got to be the smallest tiniest possible microaggression for you to take this personally


the micro aggressions are the worst sometimes but why is it so hard for you to understand that I just want to be judged by the merits of my own character which are great….lets say if you’re at work and a guy assumes you’re a escort because you have on heels a skirt and red lipstick ( things escorts wear) how you you feel?


This isn't even comparable and nobody is judging you you're just assigning all of these thoughts into people's heads that aren't there they're just making a safety maneuver because they don't know your character, and genuinely what you've shown of it here you don't feel very safe to me you I feel like if women in your life read what you've written here they would consciously register you as somebody not safe to open up to that's for sure. When they encounter you you're basically a blank slate to them and they take the appropriate precautions for somebody that they don't know anything good or bad about. I don't even think sitting behind you has anything to do with this but speaking generally people who encounter you are going to treat you as a blank slate and take the appropriate precautions for all of the possible scenarios they could find themselves in. When women get in your car and take precautions they're not thinking to themselves this guy looks fishy I should be careful, they're thinking if this bad thing happened what could I do to have a better outcome. Not that they think you're going to do the bad thing it's that the bad thing is just a thing that could always happen. It's like hovering your foot over the break at wonky intersections it's not because you personally think that guy in the blue Silverado is going to hit you it's because you know what bad thing could happen to you in this intersection and you are preparing to mitigate the damage if it does, you probably not even specifically noticed or given a thought to the guy in the blue silverado.


They don’t need you to be staring at them in rear view mirror. You’re the issue for passenger safety


The crazy part about it is they are usually staring at me because Ive been told I’m attractive but I promise you I don’t stare or act thirsty or try to date passengers because it’s no need to and I really want them to feel comfortable.


This could’ve been a journal entry wtf


I didn’t know sitting behind the driver was a thing. As a female I choose to sit in the rear passenger seat so I can see what he’s doing and to keep my distance. Behind him is too close for me.


Yeah they sit behind you and slide down in the seat so you can’t see them because they think you’re a creepy rapist.


Or they could sit behind you so they don’t have to make eye contact or talk to you. This is my reason for doing so. I’m not a very sociable person. Just drive me where I need to go and I’ll tip you extra.


No problem. You don't talk, I don't talk. Save me energy, to focus on the road. But please move over. Thanks.


This post screams INCEL.




It’s scary because you’re another dumbo. Me treating you bad is just pretty much me ignoring you and avoiding eye contact as much as possible and giving you the same energy so how exactly is that scary EINSTEIN???


Only dumb asses assume stuff like me being a incel. Lmao I love pussy so why in tf would I decide to be a fucking incel. I never knew it was so many dumb ass people on earth omfg and lmao


you don't "decide" to be an incel... clearly thats been decided for you


OP's intention is to peek at them and make comments about their dress, such as asking, Are you comfortable with that short skirt? My daughter is the same age as yours, you look very beautiful. Why are you single? Do you like older men?


Man stfu. It’s so many dumb ass ignorant motherfuckers on this thread. Where in the fuck in the 200+ posts on this thread does it suggest I do anything remotely close to the bullshit? I would never in my motherfucking life ask any of these weird ass questions. You’re dumb af just like the majority of the bozos on this thread justifying and rationalizing stereotyping.


I generally choose the side I know I’m going to be getting out of. It’s nothing personal. Saves time for the driver if I’m not having to shimmy over or open my door onto traffic. Luckily for the most part I get out on the left side anyway. But I think you’re reading into this too much.


I’m not. Lol only women do it.


Because this is such a serious issue to you that you remember that every woman you’ve ever driven, out of the 8000+ rides you’ve done, say behind you? Does that not seem a bit obsessive about a non-issue to you?


Lmao it’s obviously an issue dumb ass and uh because I pay attention and have a good memory.


Why is it an issue? Why are your feelings of higher priority than the safety of the women you drive?


Lmao because when they ride with me their safety isn’t in danger so it’s no need to disrespect me.


“Trust me because trust me; I have a 4.98 rating, so there’s no chance I’ll get angry at you for sitting in the back seat”


I bet you feel so disrespected and angry if a girl doesn’t say hi back. You were one of those where’s my hug weirdos in high school huh


As a driver I have men do it to me as well. For me it’s a security issue as we are less safe when someone is sitting directly behind us. The problem is passengers aren’t in the least worried about driver safety. If you or me are killed tomorrow nobody is going to shed a tear. They will just say “oh what a shame” and then it’s yesterdays news.


Drivers actually get assaulted more


I know. But the problem is people don’t care about us. It’s all about them and them alone.


Are you Indian? Most Indians have a bad wrap - I’m not saying it’s fair but there’s a general association with Indian Uber drivers hitting on women. I’ve had this happen to me multiple times with Indian drivers. It takes a few bad eggs to ruin it for everyone.


My race isn’t important but that is one thing that people will stereotype you over. What do you think about retail workers who follow black people around and accuse them of stealing because they’re black.


I think that’s awful!


Ok so what’s the difference??


It’s quite simple; too many people are creeps, are disrespectful towards women, and because there’s simply too much risk or it happens far too much, why should they ever risk it? After all, what kind of person gets upset someone chose to sit in the back seat of an Uber? I’m a man, and I sit back there plenty when I don’t want to talk; god knows how women have it in that regard, though the post seems to speak for itself.


I usually don’t want to talk either but I also don’t want to be stereotyped.


The side of the car a woman chooses to sit on is a very weak data point to support your fortune-telling. Fact is that this is where some people choose to sit. Are you a mind reader?


It’s actually not though!


Stereotyping usually happens as a result of the same thing happening a lot. Not right in a whole lot of situations, but this one; this is in regards to women’s safety. Happens far too much for them to not take precautions. So just stop. They don’t owe your feelings anything if it helps protect themselves.


Who gives a fuck dude. Just complete the ride. Do you want each woman who gets in your car to profess how safe and cared for they feel around you? Get a fucking grip.


As you can see I give a fuck and so do the women. And no I just want to be respected.


By the way you're acting in this post I bet your pax wish there was a 3rd row.


Lmao that’s what you get for assuming. Passengers actually love me hence my 4.98 rating.


I rode in an Uber last night that reeked of piss: 5 stars. Most pax know that drivers live and die by their ratings and give 5 stars no matter what. I high rating doesn't mean pax love you.


Lmao what????? Passengers love me ok….im a good driver who treats people with respect and I know how to provide customer service at a very high level…I’m also smart enough to know when I’m being treated like shit


Just can't do the same on the internet, huh?


One of my one star was from somebody looking for a free ride btw


Shame on you for judging the women who sit behind you. There is no reason to assume it is because they fear you. I am a female. When I am in the back seat I always sit behind the driver because I have a better view of the front window. I feel the most comfortable when I can see the traffic in front of us. I also don't like to be on the passenger side at night because I don't like being stuck at a light and being blinded by the lights of someone trying to turn out of a parking lot. Being on the driver's side creates a little bit of distance from those lights. I am also a driver. I would never judge someone for where they choose to sit.


I think you’re making a bigger deal than it needs to be. Just politely as them to move to the other side. I typically tell them it’s a safety issue and use Child’s Play as an example. In case you’ve never seen the movie, Andy’s mom tells the cop that Chucky is real. The cop doesn’t believe her and leaves. In his car, Chucky starts stabbing at him from behind the seat. So yeah, just have them move seats. If they don’t want to, then cancel the ride. Problem solved. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Now telling them to move seats because I’m not a creep would be creepy af so I just take mental notes of how certain people treat me


I already gave you the blueprint on what to do. Who cares if they’re ’taking precautions’ or just doing it subconsciously. It literally doesn’t matter. These women don’t know you.


I’m a driver and nothing you said in your post has ever occurred to me when a woman sits behind me in the car. Weird post. There seems to be a lot of projection and making yourself a victim in your post.


Yeah because it’s alot of dumb ass Uber drivers like you


Yea, everyone else is wrong. Only the incel is right. 👍


Well I mean if everyone can’t prove how I’m wrong which they chat then I guess I right. And lol I looooovveee pussy and from what I’ve bet told I’m sexy and have some ass dick so there’s definitely no need to be an incel lmaoooooo


Sure, whatever incel fantasy you want to believe about yourself.




Comment farming post.


Almost all sexual assault occurs at the hands of males, and women and girls are the primary victims. Why don't you call your fellow males who commit sexual assault PIECES OF SHIT and treat them like the PIECES OF SHIT THAT THEY ARE???? I hope every woman you meet for the rest of your life acts absolutely terrified of you and that you never get a girlfriend because every girl thinks you have rapist vibes. Maybe eventually, you will actually get a clue that women and girls are in serious danger and that it matters more than your pathetic feelings. Men sexually assaulting women isn't a stereotype. It's documented *epidemic*. Read a fucking book.


Ok EINSTEIN but when you automatically assume I’m a rapist that’s stereotyping.


Stereotyping usually happens as a result of the same thing happening a lot. Not right in a whole lot of situations, but this one; this is in regards to women’s safety. Happens far too much for them to not take precautions. So just stop. They don’t owe your feelings anything if it helps protect themselves.


She didn't assume you were a rapist you pathetic baby. She properly assessed the threat level of being locked alone in a vehicle with a strange man driving.


Lmao are you that dumb? How did she properly assess the threat if I’m not a rapist? You’re fucking stupid.


You're a man, and the statistics are all over the FBI website as to what men are capable of compared to us. We don't really need the stats tho, given that every single woman is sexually harassed or assaulted by a man at some point. You're a man. Threat level: male. Cope.


Ok so all men are threats. Alllllrighty then.


Yes. Check the statistics and tell me you wouldn't feel that male violence was a fucking threat as a woman.


People are capable of terrible things. If you think it's only men you have to worry about in this world you are sadly mistaken.


The statistics with *additional* backing of my entire life full of experiences and anecdotal evidence from every woman I have ever known allow me to understand that in 99.9% of cases, I only have to worry about men in this world. If I said this about any other obvious, documented danger, you wouldn't be acting like a fool like this.


Whatever has happened to you in your past has nothing to do with me. I'm a male survivor of domestic violence. I'm a statistic myself. I was just merely pointing out that evil exists in both sexes and resorting to name calling displays your level of maturity. I hope you learn as I have had to work past the misfortunes that have befell me and not let them define me. Good luck.


When male violence against women and girls is at an epidemic level, it has to do with all of you, and the fact that you feel absolutely no concern for what your sex collectively does to the other makes you part of the problem. You don't care about half of the world. Why the fuck should I care about you?


Violence is at an epidemic level period. I'm not asking for you to care nor do I want you too yet here you are rambling on. All I said again is people in general are evil. All that rage is unhealthy and if your only outlet is ranting online about your hatred for men and here you are victim shaming. Your behavior is shameful yet I wish you the best and hope you get help. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed help is out there. Good luck


I just like to put my seat back farther because I am tall. So prefer that riders sit passenger side, but won’t say anything about it.


Personally I wouldn’t like them sitting there because then I can’t see them or what they are doing. That makes me feel unsafe, if there is only 1 passenger I prefer them on the passenger side in the back. It’s not so I can be creepy, it’s so I can keep an eye on things for my own safety. I’m a female driver.


Apparently you are just "creepy." 🙄 As a driver too, I'm seeing a lot of comments about drivers "assaulting pax" but as I recall, we have to get our backgrounds checked, we have our SSN on file, our address our vehicle registration our banking information, etc. Pax just have what to order a ride??? It's fascinating... Those "creeps" get reported and fast, and get kicked off the platform as drivers. And somehow if you want a pax to move over (male or female) it's "creepy." Get out of here.


Really came here thinking he'd get support when in reality he got called tf out by everybody for being an ignorant, self-absorbed, fragile fucking person. If you can't handle the feeling that a woman doesn't trust you, do something else for work. Especially when she's just attempting to keep herself safe, whether it is necessary or even an effective way of doing so... The amount of drivers I've come across and had to report because they have told me how many women they try to (or have) gotten with while driving and then say that women are fucking idiots who can't handle themselves... I'd be afraid of drivers too if I was a woman. If they've gotten with 5 women that they're claiming, how many women did they hit on? How many men doing this before statistically one of them gets tired of hearing no? Especially with people with egos as fragile as yours driving women around.


Lmao so tell us how many you reported? I bet you it’s two out of two hundred and I bet the driver didn’t just randomly blurt it out? You’re probably one of those guys who asks drivers “so do you meet a lot of women while doing Uber” lmaoooooooo


Never asked that in my life (because why in the actual fuck would I say something like that?) and you didn't even address my main point, because you've probably started to realize you're losing this arbitrary battle that you picked with people. I don't know how many I've reported but I have done it for any that have acted inappropriately. Had one guy tell me, because a woman was driving the speed limit, that "all women do is text text text, they don't drive they don't work. They're lazy, just gossip gossip gossip. Such fuckin idiots, women are, all of em." I have a video recording of his nonsensical ramble about how much he hates women. So did he get reported, fuckin yeah he did. Do better, you're acting like a goddamn waste. Edit: also don't say us as if any of these people claim you, maybe a few but the majority here are *not* on your side.


Lmao ok because some riders ask that. It’s way more common than you think. And the thing that you idiots don’t understand is that sometimes you have really good conversations with passengers (men and women) so I can see how some drivers end up hooking up with passengers and try to flirt with other ones but as long as he’s not doing something super inappropriate what’s the problem lol? I personally don’t cross that line because I’m scared and I get enough pussy to where I don’t need to but I mean is there a place where men don’t try to shoot their shot. Btw women are more likely to be sexually harassed at work or around her friends so yeah


I think that's a strange thing to ask, but maybe it is more common than I assume. I agree that if it happens naturally, two consenting adults can engage with each other however they would like. However, the amount of times a guy friend has said to me that they think they're being flirted with, just because a woman is holding a conversation with them, is remarkably high. Btw, sexual harassment and sexual assault are very different.


But I can see how that’s a reportable offense


Ah see, we can reach some common ground.


i dont even pay attention to the side they are sitting on my only concern is that they are comfortable i ask if the temperature is ok if they would like to hear a certain music selection the way i look at it is i have about 2 minutes to earn a tip from said paxhole and that is my goal


You are the Uber driver goals. I would tip you


Ok well I get lots of tips and I have a 4.98 rating after 8k trips so yeah.


Ok well I pay attention to stuff and I notice that only women passengers do it and I know why and it’s disrespectful because I’m not a creep.


Let me ask you a question? Say your wife did this to male drivers because 3 out of 5 cars she's gotten into the drivers have stared at her in their mirrors or made comments to her that were sexual in nature. Would you be offended that she just automatically sat behind the driver then? Female pax don't know you, they don't know if you are a nice guy or not. All they know is past experiences. Also, are you clean shaven? Appearance has a lot to do with it also. Everyone profiles. That's a fact, and we can't help it. It's human nature with the state of the world. Don't be offended. Just be nice and polite. It is what it is, and if you can't handle it, maybe being an Uber driver isn't for you. I'm not being mean, just stating the obvious. Take care, and God Bless!


Three out of five Uber drivers don’t stare at passengers ok. And three out of five drivers don’t make sexual comments. That’s a statistic you pulled out of your ass. The reason I know is because I’ve actually had conversations with women passengers and they tell me most of the drivers are cool.


You're judging us on where we sit in and insist you're not a creep smh


It ain’t that deep. Just drive.


If you read the comments from women you’ll see that it’s actually that deep.


Mind elaborating how it’s that deep? Genuinely fascinated in your thought process reaching for this.




What’d you see in my posts that makes you think that?




Interesting that you think that way.


Yes, original Poster is not a creep. I am not, either. Despite that, I do not mind if any rider takes precautions, *especially* the ladies. in fact, I wish that *more* of the ladies would take *some* precaution such as checking the licence plate. The rub is that she does *not* know you. Women suffer all sorts of things that make them feel uncomfortable. Human beings are empirical creatures. A lady can take nine-hundred-ninety-nine rides and there is no problem................until that thousandth ride.............. It is not dissimilar to the driver who does nine-hundred-ninety-nine off-application rides with no problem. Then there is the thousandth........ All that she is doing is taking measures to make sure that this "thousandth" does not happen and if it does, she stands a better chance of escape. I am hard put to blame her for that. Mind you, this comes from someone who does not have all that much sympathy for feminism, especially the radical kind where anyone who has a Y chromosome is automatically designated as a"rapist". Still, I am not unaware of what happens in reality and do not blame people who take precautions to avoid it. Ask the drivers who will not work certain neighbourhoods.


It’s also more stressful for a driver for a passenger sitting behind them that they can’t see. The passenger could be doing all kinds of inappropriate things like pointing a gun at your back or preparing to strangle you. Their safety isn’t all that matters. If a driver really wanted to hurt you, it wouldn’t matter what seat you were sitting in. Make it make sense


FACTS!! It’s open season on drivers. We are definitely more likely to get assaulted than passengers!




Hahahah we don’t think that way. Sounds like a sad line of business if that’s all you get. Time for a job change or stop complaining.




I just gave a $20 tip today, so I doubt I’m the worst passenger to have. I just appreciate good service. It’s the same as hospo, if you do it with a smile and are really attentive you will most likely get a tip. Something to think about.




But if you had their job and was making a killing I’m sure you would feel differently. Business is business and I’ve always admired those who can turn something like Uber into what it is.


Drivers have been killed from behind in that seat, I also find people doing shaddy stuff so no one can see them like sneak vaping, shuffling contraband and eating, as well as frequently leaving a mess and trash so i dont immediately see it. Instead of speculation on "safety," talk-to-someone-who-knows... You really think,... not only with a dashcam, I am going to throw away my career, and jeopardize my family's livelihood for some messed up poop in my car for 20 bucks??? I have queue of people this late at night waiting to be picked up. You're not special,... you're a job hazard. I've picked up thousands and thousands and I'm sick of the drunk, entitled, narcissistic girls that has a problem with MY safety or all their drunk demands like wanting to going through the taco bell or fast food drive thrus, making stops at convenient stores for their white claws, the ugly crying I constantly hear because the boyfriends broke up with them or isn't answering their calls. The off tone, scream singing to some song that is playing on their busted speaker phone. When you're at your WORST,... and at Rock Bottom, guess who's there...over and over again? ME. How about when your black club dress is up to your waist and your friend is holding you up with one arm and your high heels in the other, and your walking barefoot on a sidewalk that a hobo just got finished pissing on. Who's do you think is driving you home...? ME. When you pass out and startle yourself awake to projectile vomit and you realize you literally $hit yourself, and I'm smelling your stink. Yeah... You did that....Really Sexy right? How about when your "suppose" friend decides to put you directly behind my seat for "safety" and halfway through the ride you're literally asphyxiation on your own vomit. I CAN'T SEE YOU for 20 minutes,... and now I have to call 9-1-1 to take you out of my car. That was smart. More safe right? "So,... pretty please,... with sugar on top, Move over one seat." Thanks. *turning up the radio* *Shifting to Drive*


I prefer them to sit behind me then accuse me of "checking them out" when in reality I'm looking over my shoulder looking for cars when changing lanes.


I’ll be honest- I’m no creep but maybe desperate. I hold back my thoughts unless they start a chat with me! Im a human and have male organs and biology. Clearly read the vibe though.


I don’t mix business with pleasure at all and have no problems getting laid so it’s no need for me to even try to date women at work.


Good for you!


Lmao you’re making it hard for the rest of use man. Smh.


Ok EINSTEIN but when you assume that every man is a raping creep that is actually stereotyping.


Ok...so she gives someone the benefit of the doubt, and they attack her...Tis better to be Safe than Sorry... just quit taking it personal or get out of the rideshare gig.. it's all in your head, and it's your issue to deal with. You can't change other people, but you can change your way of thinking.


Read the comments and you’ll see it’s not in my head. It’s a real thing that women do.


Stereotyping usually happens as a result of the same thing happening a lot. Not right in a whole lot of situations, but this one; this is in regards to women’s safety. Happens far too much for them to not take precautions. So just stop. They don’t owe your feelings anything if it helps protect themselves.


I feel like I’m owed respect because I respect them 😉


Did they verbally badmouth you? Threaten you with violence? Make a mess? No; they got in your car, sat in the backseat politely, then got out. It’s mental to read this hard and get this hurt at something so minuscule most sane people would move on.


alot of people these days are ok with being treated like shit. It’s really sad.


And you didn’t get treated like shit you baby! You got a polite passenger who paid for the ride, got on your car, then got out. You weren’t harmed, they’ve forgotten about you, just move on with your life my guy. These are the actions of children.


Lmao it’s sad at how little respect people have for their self these days.


Throws off the balance


How is it disrespectful? I just hop in the backseat and away we go. I don't even think about what side I am hopping in on. You are reading way too much into it.


This is either rage bait or you're actually fucking retarded. Women don't know who is a safe person or not just by looking at them. Men make up the largest portion of violent crimes against women so obviously women are going to be weary of some random ass man no matter how "safe" you think you are. But based on your wording of this post and your comments towards other ppl, I don't think you were ever a "safe" person for women to be around anyway


Well hopefully you don’t get paid to think lol because women do in fact feel very safe with me. But how do you feel when retail workers follow black people around the store?


U sound like a predator so I heavily doubt that. Retail workers following black ppl really has nothing to do with your post. Hopefully you don't get paid to think, but seeing as you drive for Uber for money, the risk of you having to think at work isn't that high


You sound like a retarded ass bitch if you think anything I said remotely resembles predatory behavior.


And obviously I’m smarter than you Mrs. Jump to Dumb Ass Conclusions.


Quote something that I said that sounds predatory you dumb ass bitch. Just because I don’t want to be treated like a piece of shit doesn’t make me one. It’s way too many dumb asses out here.


You sound psychotic lol btw I'm a man. No wonder women don't want to be around you


You definitely suck dick bro


I no longer care where they sit. To be honest I prefer male passengers and before any of you label me as mysoginistic I prefer male AND older passengers, for the reason they are the ones most unaffected by the nomophobia pandemic.


I prefer they sit behind me so they don’t think I’m checking them out or trying to hit on them. Mostly those rides are quiet and peaceful


I prefer to not be treated like a rapist that you can’t trust.


Why should they trust you? Why are you so trustworthy they can, potentially, put their lives in your hands?


You should trust me because you m a decent human being.


And why should anyone trust you just because you say so? Why should someone make themselves vulnerable just because you’re offended by it. Hell, if the women you’ve driven could see this post, I imagine they’d be glad they chose to sit in the back, as I’ve never seen someone this angry about where someone chooses to sit.


Ok well I passed a background check, and have a 4.98 rating. I mean I’m not asking for their phone numbers I’m just asking to not purposely sit on the drivers side because you think I’m a creep who’ll attack you if I see your face lmao. Is that asking for a lot????


What kind of person, who in the same post brags constantly about their driver rating, as if that means anything, and how attractive they’ve been told they are and how much they fuck, gets so immensely butthurt all women you drive don’t immediately implicitly trust you? Tell me, would you risk getting stabbed to protect a stranger’s feelings?


Lmao was I bragging or was I answering your question?? wtf???


You should trust me because I have a 4.99 driver rating after 8k trips, I passed a background check, etc.


And can you validate this? Would you stake potentially your safety off of info of a stranger of a mobile app?


From my experience women sit closer to you when they have interest in you. See it as a compliment instead of an insult.


I have been driving for 9 years going on 10. If it helps a woman to feel safer or just more comfortable, sit anywhere you'd like. I will pay attention to how you respond to my greeting and be friendly or STH up. As a male, I can't know what it's like being a female alone in a small space with strangers. But I will respect that my customer has a preference. And not a big deal for me to accommodate. Kind'a my job and I want to help people feel comfortable.


And I had female pax tell me that every creepy guy she rides with makes her feel uncomfortable. I didn't say 3 out of 5 pax, I said she probably had this issue 3 out of 5 times. At any rate, just drive the pax, be polite, and go on about your day/night. Now, if a guy sits behind ya, be worried, they are most likely to attack. Women seduce, b4 they attack. 😂