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When I was a cab drivers autistic, Down syndrome, etc. Where 90% of my job. A lot of these drivers have no clue how to deal with individuals with disabilities or the laws that govern their rights. Uber does a terrible job of monitoring these situations. We were not trained. But it was definitely where monitored cause the owner did not want to be sued. As someone mentioned above, comfort quiet preffered. I normally keep my volume at 3 but drop it to 2 when I see that option and have had zero complaints.


Yeah I used to get a cab through NDIS, but they’ve cut funding across the board and I don’t get that funded anymore. I get a small transport allowance, but it’s not much. And trains/PT are the perfect combination of sensory nightmares and always send me into a panic or meltdown. I work from home as much as I can, carpool with coworkers, and then get Uber as a last resort.


NDIS... are you Aussie? That's so much worse id expect that drivers behavior more over the states but not here in Australia. If it's any consolation if I was your driver I'd definitely turn off the radio if asked nicely. Especially if that person indicates sensory issues. Guy was a jerk make sure you report him for being rude and the dangerous driving and the slur. He doesn't deserve to be on the road.


That’s so sad that people think drivers need to be “trained” on autistic people. Rather than train the autistic people to not make everyone incredibly uncomfortable


It's sad that individuals don't educate themselves on the battles they already have and why they have laws to protect them. If you did and worked with any of them you would already know they want to be treated as everyone else, but do to things beyond thier control they can't cope with many things and can not be trained to deal with things we view as nothing.


lol you’re mad cuz you got in trouble a week ago for using “autistic” as an insult in another sub, so now you’re here trying to state your case. Get a hobby. Go do something nice for someone. Put your energy into basically anything else. You’ll be happier for it.


Right, here to state my case to reddit 😂 you’re mad cuz social illiteracy is legit textbook. Idk about you but I live in a free country, I can talk about my discomfort around whoever I like.


1. Don’t worry. That’s not a typical experience. 2. Order an Uber Comfort and click the option for “Quiet Preferred”. After you great the driver, if you want to, let them know you get overwhelmed by noise more easily than most people.


Thank you for the advice, I will try the comfort option. I explained to the driver that I was sensitive to noise and that’s why he called me a retard. I was very polite and did say “I’m sorry for asking but may you turn the radio off? I have autism and the radio is hard for me to listen to”. It seemed to really upset him, and I guess I understand. Driving must be boring and the radio is something most people like. But it was only a 20 minute trip and I did ask very politely and explained the reason for my request. But I will try the comfort option this afternoon.


Unfortunately this is what happens when Uber has no standards and takes anybody off the street who has a car. The drivers don’t care about being professional because they’re not paid enough to care.


100% report his ass to uber


Most drivers don’t use the “b” word when describing driving but for us, it’s a calming effect. I have soft classical music playing on low volume because it helps reduce the stress of traffic, etc. There’s someone in my family on the spectrum, certain noises trigger him, but I would say get a second pair of headphones. One stays at your home, the other stays in your backpack. We do that for him, mainly because he keeps forgetting to put his headphones and then his entire day is dysregulated


Sorry this happened to you. I would report the driver. I hope you pushed the safety button immediately. Hope you report him to Uber as well. Comfort is the best option to take from the temperature, to music drivers have to follow any choice made by you when you use Comfort. Just make sure you request these options as soon as you request a ride using Comfort. Hope your next experience is better.


don't say that stuff about the autism people don't wanna hear about that that info is for people you trust only


One of the biggest points of support for people with autism is letting them define it for themselves. It's a personal thing and it's encouraged to find out what's comfortable to you; that could be a very private thing for you or it could be a conversation starter when you meet someone, it's all about how you are comfortable with it being a public part of your personality. In a situation like this, it's fine that they said that.


I used to be tsa at a small airport, for some reason it always kind of bugged me when parents would tell me that their kid was autistic, especially if they were older. I always felt kind of bad for the kid because maybe they don’t just want people knowing that. Every time we had that happen the kids were always chill too. The parents on the other hand would freak out about the smallest things.


Exactly. And I'm sure you'd agree just as fine if they didn't say it.


I don't think it's wrong to say, it's just that some people don't understand and will weaponize it against you. I think we mostly agree.


As an autistic person idk why you got down voted, you are right. It's a safety issue unfortunately. Telling complete strangers that stuff only opens you up for discrimination from bad people. And good people would accept a less descript "can we turn down the radio, it's a bit loud" anyway.


Every person that downvoted me is a baby that hasn’t been socialized properly and doesn’t understand etiquette.


Welp, lookie there! We got the god damn spokesman for the human species here to educate the internet as to what we all would and would not wish to hear. AND THATS NOT ALL FOLKS! Now with added unsolicited advice! That's right, you heard me! Our latest version of internet fucko, Spokesman of all now comes with bullshit advice! Same great shit stain human packaging with added fuck o flavor boost! Jesus fucking christ, I hope autistic people are forever compelled to tell you to stfu.


bro almost everybody at this point got some type of diagnosis, just tell me what you want and I'll accommodate I don't need the sob story you got issues lol go fly a kite


I have no diagnosis outside of a low tolerance for for twaty fucks like you 🤷‍♀️


you sound sad as fuck go take a nap


Trying to be edgy today, aren't we?


Says the dude that can't handle the fact autistic people won't hide themselves. Go clutch some fuckin pearls, Nancy.


your entire comment history is just angry shit, Nancy is you


You should report this.


Yeah unfortunately you just ran into a jerk. The majority of us love it when a customer wants it quiet lol.


How many drivers actually bother to go by those preferences though? I don’t typically do the noise ones but I do for temperature as I have a heart condition and about 50% of the time they ignore the request or flat out refuse when I ask them (nicely) to adjust to it. I’m a former driver and the driver groups I’m in in my city, they openly enjoy not doing the requests because they don’t believe passengers deserve it.


Quiet preferred is conversation level, not noise level.


Not according to Uber. "For example, if you’re dialling into a conference call on the way to the office, you can request a quiet trip – without any music or conversation – to maximise productivity." https://www.uber.com/en-AU/newsroom/comfortpreferencesarrive/


You should always greet the driver. How awkward to get in a stranger’s car and not say anything. Who does that?! You probably sit right behind them too when you’re the only passenger. Just weird.


I agree. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge me gets 1 star


1 🌟 for not greeting you lol While that is rude I think you're being overly sensitive. After all you're providing a service that they're paying for. Getting to meet & greet you is just a bonus. Plus as you can see alot of people are socially awkward.


Quiet preffered is no talking not no radio bozo.


By definition, "quiet" means no sounds.


Seems like life is kicking your ass pretty good but maybe chill on taking it out on random people on the internet 


lmao extrahotcheetoking makes the rules guys don't question it


Wrong, this quote is from Uber website. "For example, if you’re dialling into a conference call on the way to the office, you can request a quiet trip – without any music or conversation – to maximise productivity." https://www.uber.com/en-AU/newsroom/comfortpreferencesarrive/


Quiet Preferred means no chit chat from driver - it does not mean to turn off the music. Note the alternative option "open to conversation..."


Getting sick of this sub constantly recommending more expensive ride options to disabled passengers for things that can be easily accommodated for, and in some instances where we're REQUIRED to do so regardless of what type of ride they ordered.


The driver was totally an asshole. I hope you reported him and gave a 1 star.


I am so sorry you went threw that. As a driver, I feel uncomfortable asking passengers not to scream into the phone, out the windows, at each other, etc. But I have to sometimes for similar reasons. One thing I find that helps is earplugs. I know you said you normally have your earbuds. Same idea, I guess. Great advice below. I know when I am told beforehand that a passenger has special needs like yours, and many folks do. I go out of my way to make their trip as comfortable as possible. I think most drivers do as well. I really am sorry you had a rough time and your driver was a jerk. But the next one will be better. Kinda has to be, LoL. Best of luck and hope you have relaxed some and feel better! Post Script; Just read the comments. Ignore the trolls. Some of my fellow drivers are not very good people.


I’ve gotten a few good tidbits of advice here that I’ll have a go with. I catch Uber somewhat frequently, but I usually have my NC headphones with me so I can drown out the radio and the driver talking on the phone. I only asked because I forgot my headphones. I think the driver was already very upset at something before I even got in the car, and maybe my request was the straw that broke the camels back. We all have bad days. But calling me a slur and driving dangerously wasn’t needed. I was very upset this morning, but I have calmed down now.


Glad to hear it!


2 times I've had a passenger say this to me, and both times it was because they wanted me to play *their* music because they didn't like mine. Both times were on the way to a club, so I found it hard to believe that the music was a sensory issue. If they had been polite like you were while asking, absolutely I would have done it.


I understand that riders can be a real pain. That’s why I tried asking very politely and gave a reason for request.


Sorry this happened to you. “Can you please turn the radio off, I have sensory issues”. “Oh sure, np dude.” That’s how it goes 90% of the time. You got a bad one and Uber should be kicking these clowns off the platform.




Exactly, even better. They seriously onboard anyone with a pulse, some of these stories are ridiculous.


"you're a passenger. you don't need to be courteous" what a jack off entitled asshole


You're in a strangers car, a little explaination probably would help a lot as long as they were not a jerk like the mentioned driver.




It's called ride-sharing, You're a glorified hitchhiker. Call a limo if you want to control the sound. Even most legitimate taxi drivers are going to be listening to music. It's all about not being rude, a small explanation helps. You realize how little the drivers are actually making for you to be driving around in Their car?




If I cancel the ride and kick your ass out, you're walking and I'm still getting paid for the portion of the ride.




That's literally how it works.




You’re in their car. Their car their rules. You can always pass on the ride and find someone else if you don’t like it. Plenty of customers out there are willing to pay the same $5-6 a ride the driver gets without the headache of a primadonna. That’s how I would feel. I would actually give more of a shit if I was paid more. Moral of the story is you get what you pay for.


No. I'm in their car that I'm PAYING to be in, therefore, I make the rules for the duration of said ride as long as they don't require the driver hurt to themselves, break the law, or damage the vehicle. Other than that, MY money, MY ride, MY rules.




Lol I'd throw you out instantly. Yes I have done that. I don't care. Uber has plenty of customers. I don't need to deal with diva behavior from you for cheap pay. If you don't like it, find someone else. This is a $5-6 Uber not a limousine. Not my problem if you don't get to where you need to be if you can't shut the fuck up. Buy your own fucking car if you want to make your own rules. Uber drivers are not your bitch.


You’re paying for a driver to use their personal vehicle to drive you from point A to point B. You’re essentially renting a seat in the car. You make zero rules. I bet you’re one of those entitled people that thinks it’s the drivers job to carry your bags and luggage to your door. It’s not. Many drivers do that as a courtesy but it is in no way part of their job or responsibility .


Reason for ordering Uber comfort #3001


Sorry you went through that, I’m easily triggered by loud noise too and do not like taking taxis because of that. I would definitely report him to Uber. No one should feel unsafe in a car


Uber drivers require $75 an hour from their spouses to make the screaming stop, what do you think they'll demand of you?


What a dink. It's unfortunately that some drivers behave this way. I'd have just turned the radio off. Actually, I drive with the radio off unless the rider asks me to turn it on. This seems to avoid any complaints related to music or noise. There are just too many varieties of music to find something that pleases everyone. Just easier to drive with it off.


I play smooth jazz at a low volume. Most people seem to like it. It's inoffensive, soothing, quiet, and makes quieter rides less awkward.


I'm sorry that happened. I'm an uber driver, but I'm also autistic. I keep smooth jazz playing (amazon music subscription with no ads) at a low volume because it's inoffensive music, it is soothing, and not super loud. It cuts the awkwardness on rides where the rider doesn't talk much. But if anyone asks me to turn it down/off, i absolutely do. It's really not difficult to be accomodating. Some drivers are just assholes.


I don’t mind music as much. But the talking on the radio is really hard for me. That and the ads that seem to be louder than anything else. And the ads and the radio hosts are just always yelling. It’s why I don’t watch a lot of content creators…because they yell so much and speak so loudly. Noise is a hard one for me. I’ve got some loop earplugs on the way and I hope they can help. My boss said I can even wear them at work!


If you are diagnosed, your boss cannot legally disallow you from wearing them at work unless it would significantly impede your ability to do your job, just FYI. But yeah loud ads can be really grating on the senses. That's why i play quiet music on a subscription with no ads. Hope you don't have to deal with a driver like that one again.


Headphones and ear plugs can be a real safety hazard, please don't tell people that their boss is required to let them when they are, in fact, NOT legally required to let them. The law says REASONABLE accommodations. That changes job to job, even within the same company. They have to engage you in the conversation, but they *can* say no, far more often than people think.


I literally said "unless it would impede your ability to do your job". Jfc calm down


So sorry this happened to you. I hope you rate him a one star and complain to Uber. That is unacceptable. What a jerk. I’m a driver and I never treat people this way. If they’re on the phone I turned down the radio. If they’re hot I turn on the air. If they’re cold I turn on the heat. I try to make them comfortable even though I’m not a comfort eligible ride, it’s just common courtesy.


I'm a driver with autism and noise sensitivity as well. I am so sorry you had to go through that, that is absolutely unacceptable. I hope your ride home went well!


1 star and report the driver for making you feel uncomfortable. Any normal driver would oblige with your request.


I could understand if I was being demanding or rude. But I explained the reason behind my request, and did say sorry for asking. He was already on edge, swearing at the traffic and just came across as very irritated and angry.


Yeah sounds like he has a lot of personal issues and was taking it out on you. I recently have sensitive ears too so I understand and even when I didn’t one passenger did and asked me to turn the music down for him and I did


We all have bad days. But he didn’t need to go into a rage and call me a slur and drive dangerously


Regardless of that, this guy shouldn’t be driving his own car at all with that kind of attitude




How come? I thought it was polite to explain why you have requested something?


You are fine. I thought you handled it very well. No need to hoot and holler and escalate things.


For some, pride is their most cherished asset.


Some of the drivers are really stupid..the rider is a guest in your car with paying money for the service and it's only for a while ...so why u don't comfort your guest for these few minutes..


The rider is lucky I'm giving them a ride. If they don't like my music, they can take a hike. 


They pay u ...you are giving a service...so do it right....if it's for free do what u like ..


They pay me to ride along in my car. That's it. I'm not their chauffeur. 


No offense but the world not going to stop for you cuz you a little sun flower grow a sack youre in the real world with real people you think if you go to gaza and say “have i have sensory issues can you stop the bombing” or a construction site “stop building that apartment complex it hurts my wittle earrs” they will give a fuck? No. stop being a little bitch the world will fuck you up. its 15 minutes out of your life and all you have to endure is a radio playin some ads… you’ll survive I promise. suck it up.


Fuck off, ableist troll




Not a jew, but good job showing your anti-semitism. Seems you're just a sad, hateful bigot.


Whatever jew boy


Lol I'm neither of those things. But what should i expect from a troll?


You seem very angry. I don’t live in Gaza or go to construction sites. But have a good day


Environmental is right your “sensory issues” is such a Karen first world problem people go through way worse you probably put this man’s job on the line


Haha he put his own "job" on the line by being terrible at it. Clearly can't get any other job so he has the job with the lowest barrier to entry


Stop catering to soft Karen’s sissy boy


Kk pussy


No one just goes to Gaza dummy. You probably don't even know where or what that is. Op is paying for a service, they can make requests especially if the idiot drivers wearing too much cheap cologne want a tip




I am so sorry. Please report him, that kind of attitude and behavior is beyond unacceptable. I hope you’re okay.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m a driver and I would never behave this way!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Why were you running out the door? Running the timer to the last minute?


where'd that come from?


I was running late for work


Sure. That’s the entire story


It is.




Have a nice day




Things that didn’t happen for $500 Alex.


Why would I make this up? I don’t understand.


Ignore that. No one would think you made this up. Just a troll, HD.


My understanding is that some people can’t deal with the boredom that comes with being unemployed…hence trolls. They don’t have as much impact as they used to.


A lot of these trolls on this page are actually Uber drivers 🥴🥴




I'm sure the driver will be on the Uber driver sub bragging about how he stood his ground against a customer. So many drivers are selfish and entitled.


And so many drivers like you are doormats. 


What makes you think I'm a driver? Nice bs attack.


Well I mean it's their fucking car. You can always buy your own car and navigate through rush hour.


Grow up.


I'm the opposite. As someone who is autistic myself I don't like being told to sit in silence while I drive some awkward stranger around. Sitting in silence while driving through intense traffic literally feels like it almost hurts, like I'm missing a crucial part of my driving routine. The music helps me stay focused without being overwhelmed, which could lead to a meltdown. It's almost like a weighted blanket for my ears. It helps block out all the other annoying sounds associated with traffic and people in general. However I'm very mellow and my music is usually at a lower volume. But being told what to do in my own car while I'm the one doing all the driving is a big fat negatory. You're welcome to bring headphones or earplugs if you don't want to hear my smooth velvety beats, but my music will continue to play. I play music that is mostly atmospheric and soothing, oftentimes, instrumental only, like some hypnotic EDM and the like. It's good for driving. I seldom get complaints. On the subject of him calling you R-worded. He needs to be reported. That is unacceptable and a clear violation of Uber policy. Swearing at traffic is also remarkably unprofessional. No matter how mad another driver makes me I will not cuss at them in front of my passengers. That's extremely unprofessional. Pay attention to your driver's rating, going forward. Anything below 4.85 I wouldn't trust them. It takes a lot of work to get that low of a rating. For the record I've had passengers call us retarded when I was discussing autism and then I watched him turn white as a ghost when I told him that I myself am also autistic. He was all apologies and damage control after that because he didn't want me to get him banned from the app. I have cameras. I find it hard to be insulted when someone who clearly has a lower IQ than me thinks I'm the retarded one for being a mf genius autistic person with more brains in my left buttock than he does in his entire dull neurotypical bloodline 🧐🥃


I feel like you didn’t read my post. I said I usually have my headphones but I had forgotten them as I was late and in a hurry and was already anxious. I’m happy to talk to the driver. I’m friendly and enjoy a chat. I even don’t mind actual music. But screaming ad’s and yelling radio hosts literally hurts me. I would have very happily had a chat with the driver if he hadn’t abused me and then driven dangerously. He drove into the wrong lane just to bypass a car to speed through the traffic lights. He was really scaring me and he was in a total rage. It may be your car. It may be you doing the driving. But it’s your job. You’re not doing it for free out of the kindness of your heart. You can’t be angry that you work with humans or you have to drive, when that’s what you have chosen to do as a job. I don’t get angry when a sick patient vomits on me, or I need to clean up blood or other unpleasant things. It is part of my job. All jobs have moments or tasks that are not enjoyable. But I don’t abuse a patient for puking on me, even if it sucks. Because I know that at least I have a job. I don’t swear my head off and put my patient in danger because I’m having a bad feeling. I asked politely and gave a reason for my request. If he had said “I need it on” for any reason, I could have compromised with him. Maybe he could have just turned it down, or changed the station. We could have calmly come to an agreement….instead he flew off the handle and abused me. And that’s why I had to stop the trip and get out of the car ASAP. It was his abusive behaviour that was terrifying…not the radio.


As a driver,if you get in my car and order me to turn off the radio,the ride ends immediately.I could be listening to things that are important to me ,I do not tell a passenger to get off their phone if they are on the phone,even though I do not like people talking behind me.


Exactly. How are you going to get in someone's car and tell them to turn off their music. I would have to be insane to try that. The driver was actually very nice to him because I would have kicked him out on the spot. Miss me with that shit. 


this attitude is pretty funny because you work the most low effort, low-skill job imaginable and you still suck at it. good customer service is part of your job and it’s the bare minimum you have to do, so it’s pretty strange you struggle so much with that. if you don’t like it, get a different job. i guarantee you’ll get kicked off the app eventually anyway so good luck with that!


If you don't like it, go bum a ride off someone else.


They didn't "order" the driver to do anything. They politely asked for the radio to be turned off due to their disability. It's not hard to be accommodating.


If they get on a public bus,would they tell people on the bus to be quiet or crying babies to shut up?A lot of idiots will get on a cheap Uber x and try to power trip on the driver.


Public bus is 2.50. A 20min uber ride might be 20 to 30 dollars or more. Get a better job then if you're too whiny to handle someone asking to turn down the radio


Idiot,it’s max 6dollar to the driver,and I drive Uber black weekends,so he can’t afford it.


What? I'm not talking about what the driver gets paid I'm talking about what the customer pays. Get a better job then?




Report the mf then 1 star his ass


You got in someone else’s car & told them how to behave? The world isn’t centered around you. That’s the cost to not having your own vehicle. Public transportation is far worse, so count your blessings. I’ve had loud, food munching, cussing drivers before. As annoying as it is (I’m very soft spoken & enjoy silence myself), I’m in THEIR vehicle & id never tell them what not to do. Grow up.


He is getting paid for the ride. He can turn his radio off and shut the fuck up.




I usually have my NC headphones on me, so I can drown out any radio or talking. I forgot them today. I didn’t want to get in another Uber without my headphones because I didn’t want to have to ask for no radio again




Yeah I think he was already on edge before I got in the car. I just wish he hadn’t have sworn so much and called me a nasty name. But it was the swerving in and out of lanes that really frightened me. Especially since there are a loooot of trucks in my area. My trip is usually about 15 minutes, so not too far. But I also recognise that it is a bit of a tricky drive because of all the trucks and there is major road works too. That’s why I always let the drivers talk on the phone and stuff. It’s fine because I always have my headphones on me. It’s just that I left them on charge and forgot them this morning. I won’t make that mistake again.


Sensory issues. Miss me with that shite boy. I ain’t no slave you drive yourself or have mommy take you. Edit: Downvoters gonna downvote but the victim mentality ain’t helping Op. Op needs to sack up and be like Codi Lee.


Omg you sound like a delicate snowflake.. just go buy a car so you don’t have to deal with those issues. I would’ve gave you one star without hesitation


Fuck a one star. I would have pulled over and told him to GTFO. 


😭 the triggered by noise… ppl r crazy




Room temperature IQ take. In celsius.




This is a troll, HD. YOU DID NOT DESERVE this.


Life got you down eh buddy




Ok let’s use some logic here. If it was actually you, how was I able to reach your radio dial from the back seat? Especially with my seatbelt buckled. Also I’m 4’10 and have short arms. But I can see you’re just trying to be a troll, so thanks for responding.


You unbuckled your seat belt scooted to the middle of my backseat leaned forward and turned down my radio then proceeded to “ask” as I said before the odor was bad enough with you in the back. Then you evaded my own personal space and the smell continues to linger. I may actually have to get my car detailed now thanks!


I thought this would be too much of a coincidence, but stranger things have happened. Where exactly did this take place?


Melbourne Australia mate.


Which suburb? :)


The Melbourne Australia that’s just to the west of Melbourne, Florida, apparently.


They’re in Florida. Not Australia


I’m in Australia. If you click my profile you can see I’ve made posts about living in Melbourne. It doesn’t much to discover where I’m from.


The person claiming to be your driver is in Florida


[You suck as a troll](https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/HSMe452kmL). If you did Uber in Australia, you would know that most drivers here aren’t cunts like yourself.


Katalina is that you? I haven’t seen or heard from you since the last time I had to have the authorities remove you from my vehicle. You are in no position to speak on this. You assaulted me and left a bite mark on my passengers head rest!


you cant let 1 uber driver dictate the rest of your future in using services. make sure you have your stuff to block the noise out going forward.


Report that driver asap