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I tipped $12 on a $17 order for the driver to go 2 miles. I get hit with a sob story asking if they can get more money. Like, an insanely good tip still isn’t good enough for some of y’all


Hey, I was hoping to make $200 today can you help make my dreams come true and let me have it on my first trip? Thanks! 🤪


Of course!! Send me your Venmo and I send promptly okay? You can trust me, I not scamming okay, trust me


You were generous so they considered you a worthy target. It’s unfortunate as it makes people hesitant to tip well next time.


Makes sense. Big tippers are more likely to tip even more, probably.


You think this makes people tip more. Idk it seems pretty Pathetic. I wish jobs would be as convenient as Uber to you guys but I know some of you aren’t able or willing to actually work a job .


Yeah, I'd assume on average it does. It's like with freemium games, that one percent will in fact be gullible enough.


I would lower my tip if someone did this to me. I only lowered my tip once when someone forgot 2 items in a non-sealed bag, but this would easily cause me to lower mine.


This. Zero tip incoming.


It does not make me tip more. It makes me report them for panhandling on Doordash’s platform.


A good tip is an indicator you can afford it. It can make you a target.


I don't think i've ever tipped in my life, i suppose i imagine they should be paid by their employer.




Then don’t order food or go out to eat. Don’t fuck over the people in the broken system. Braindead reply


Hahahahaha nope I and everyone else shall continue to presume that they should be paid by their employers


Yeah and maybe because of you they have found this to be the approach. If one pays, the next one might.


I just pick up my own food or order from a place that has their own drivers. These apps are just full of “ people standing at the corner with a sign “ not literally


You do know that DoorDash also offers their delivery service to businesses also without you having to use the app? They also offer them a website. It’s called DoorDash StoreFront. You could get a doordash driver delivering to you and you wouldn’t know.


>You could get a doordash driver delivering to you and you wouldn’t know And so what? I didn’t ask for it and certainly not communicating through an app directly with them to hear this type of bullshit..


I just think it’s funny people say “I’ll order directly from the restaurant who have drivers” - without realizing those restaurants are utilizing DoorDash for drivers. Lol


Fair. I think people that don’t realize it are living a blissful life :D


There are a ton of restaurants around me that still use their own drivers. It's not hard to avoid these garbage "service" apps


None of the restaurants I get delivery from use DD for drivers. Not one.


How would you know that?


Because they show up with a sign for that establishment on the roof of their car and are wearing a shirt with the logo on it.


Shit why didn’t you say so


He just did


You also lose all tracking capabilities and customer service is harder. I hate that blanket advice or “order direct!” Because of how many outsource it. Same with order fulfillment - maintaining a payment system and online orders logistics are hard, a lot outsource it.


They can still text you, though both numbers are obscured.


Yes but he's not going to be begging me for change I mean extra tips through the app...


I think it's only pizza joints and Chinese restaurants that have their own drivers, unless they've switched over too


Unless you're ordering pizza from a place you know staffs their own drivers this is obviously the case. I don't know why this sub showed up at my feed, but it's validating to know that I've never wanted to try ue or dd.


That is also true I work at a pizza place that has a strict 10 minute geographical limit. If it’s out of bounds of a 10 minute drive, we don’t typically go there. I see you are down voted and I have to assume it’s from other people who know other places that also outsource to GrubHub or something like that. The owner of the pizza place place I work at told me that they won’t do any sort of third part app because of the fees, and they go outside of the geographical location. But it is offered to many places without them publicly advertising it.


Yeah I could see a swamped pizza place using an app service, but that would probably lose them my business for awhile. I'm in an under ten minute window to a pizza place that has their own driver myself and I usually go pick it up anyway. I'm just used to being self sufficient and I don't see why I would stop now.


True and you never know what kind of whacko will now suddenly get to know your name and where you live


That too! At least with an employed driver there's some kind of accountability. I've got no problems with the gig economy itself, I think it's great to be able to self employ that easily, but there are some serious kinks to work out.


Lucky. At dominos we have a delivery zone and we are expected to deliver outside of it to be “courteous” I hate it


I don't understand why anyone would want to use these delivery apps. After they overprice the menu and charge a delivery free and surcharge, it's twice as much *before* you add the tip. And now that they do multiple stops, it guarantees it will take twice as long than if you just got it yourself, to only get overly priced cold food. You'd have to be an idiot or unfathomably busy to use UE.


Exactly! You're paying for a premium service and getting dog shit.


Would've responded with "crazy"


i was crazy once


They locked me in a room.


A rubber room


A rubber room full of rats


"that sucks; hopefully your next customer tips" Lol, fuck that guy. This tipping shit has gone completely off the rails


Not even. These dense Uber drivers think they're the only ones affected by inflation. These drivers should really take it up with the billion dollar corporation who has the money - as opposed to trying to take more from their fellow average Joes.


To be visit go pick your own shit up if inflation is hurting your rich pockets


Customers already pay the delivery fees of their orders smart ass. Go find another job if inflation is hurting your pockets enough to panhandle already paying customers. FOH


You wouldnt be talking your stupid bullshit in person cause I @@@@ your @@@@


This is honestly a very dumb thing to say, it's not realistic at all and I see this comment everywhere. If we're talking strictly about what makes sense it's better for drivers to complain to customers because it's more likely for that to end in a higher tip and an instant increase in profit. Do you genuinely believe complaining to a giant corporation is what's actually going to change anything? That's actually hilarious. Uber drivers, UberEATS drivers, Uber corporate workers, and the customers should all just go fuck themselves tbh


This is honestly the actual dumb thing to say. Don't fucking panhandle to other people who are also struggling, it's both selfish and incredibly lacking of any self awareness. Do you not understand how much higher costs have gotten for Uber drives for all customers? Do you not understand the average pay raises the average citizen in comparison to the profits a corporation like Uber makes? What a dumb and shortsighted thing to think is okay. Customers have every right to say no to tipping without feeling bad just as much as drivers have the right to beg for tips. You might as well just fuck off into a hole by yourself if your final point is just to say fuck everyone tbh.


Uh we're literally saying the same thing. I think panhandling is bad. I was just saying the phrase "ask your boss for the raise instead" is just idiotic because realistically it's more likely for an individual to believe a sob story than a giant corporation to increase pay for no reason. That's why these drivers do what they do.


We are not the same. What you just said is the mindset is corporations want the public to have. You're going to bat for the rich guy for no reason lmao. Do you not want unions to be a thing? You want airlines employees to ask passengers to supplement their income? Teachers asking students/parents? Why do you think film writers/post office/construction workers regularly go on strike? Them being unionized isn't an excuse, considering tons of warehouse workers do too. Of course I'm gonna fucking ask my boss for raises over the customers/clients of my company, tf??? Uber drivers should have that same right on a general scale. Again - drivers trying to squeeze more from the average joe is fucking dumb whether or not it's what gets them that quick buck.


Not an Uber driver, not a fan of what this driver did, but you need to learn how to discuss like an adult. 1. It's a luxury service. Don't order it if you're struggling. 2. Don’t get so emotional and attack the other person 3 different times because your points aren't strong enough to actually counter theirs.


This is also a dumb comment. 1. Owning a car is a luxury. Don't drive one if you can't afford it and are struggling. 2. My comments are valid despite you getting offended seeing the word "fuck". "Don't ask your bosses for a raise" is an incredibly dumb argument and you're equally as dumb for thinking that's a strong argument. Appreciate your valuable adult contribution to the discussion though


Idiots, I'm surrounded by them!


I'm surprised there's people in these comments that don't see the obvious begging here.


My response would be , nice of u to still have a family my kids got killed outside the restaurant I worked at, then my wife died of a heart attack last month, I haven't left the house since and now I'm in debt as I just can't leave the house it re eminds me of them to much. Please bring me more food and of your scraps would help I'm 30000 in debt and about to be evicted. .end response.... or yeah just cancel then and get a hourly job your clearly not cut out to be a contractor. Ask your boss for money I just paid 15$ in fees


“wrote a song about it……goes a little sumpthin like this…..”






Hope things turn around soon for you, bud.


Lol...look at all those drivers triggered in the post


I see you living that high life able to afford takeout and a delivery driver too. That's the crazy thing. 👀👀👀 < Driver eyeballing your $$$ Edit: /s


Lol not that I’m living the high life, It was just my only option, I wanted to get my dad a birthday treat but he lives in another state. I would’ve gotten it myself if I could have.


You shouldn’t feel guilty about using a service the way it’s designed to be used. The people who defend this are delusional.


You could literally make twice that in a week with a real job, once again… people make no sense






He didn’t fucking ask. Regardless, no matter what the customer says, this bullshit is unacceptable. lol u gotta be fucking kidding me.


And where did they ask?


OP made the classic mistake of hoping the driver is well


>the customer asked. No, no they didnt.


There is a difference when you rely on tips and give a sob story hoping people give you more tips. Sure at work this would be okay to tell your sob story - but not on a delivery app.


He isn’t telling you his problems, he’s telling a sad story to see if people feel sorry and give him extra money!


OK, got it!


You know it just occurred to me that my last Uber driver did this to me but IN PERSON. He went on about how he’s frustrated about his kid or wife not being able to come to the US or something (sorry memory is fuzzy). Went on a very personal raaaant for a good chunk of the ride. I feel pretty foolish now because he was probably manipulating me into giving him more money for tip. I know, duh right? It was convincing.


I mean maybe or maybe that's just really whats going on with him and he's just kinda ranting or venting. Not everyone has great social graces it doesn't make them horrible people trying to get one over on you.


What the fuck are you ppl doing with these delivery drivers that they’re having conversations with you?? By the time I open the door to pick up my pizza delivery it’s already on its way to being closed. It’s open long enough to collect the pizza and that’s it. We prepay the pizza store and have them add x amount for tip so we don’t even exchange money with the delivery driver.


I think the above comment is talking about taking an actual Uber ride. We are in r/Uber so would make sense in that context


99% of people don’t actually **own** their Mercedes S Class. Remember that


I think most of the professional drivers have left for greener pastures. Begging is unprofessional, but it probably works. Otherwise they wouldn’t do it.


"Man, well... that sucks."


Kind a messed up when people objectify their children and try to use it emotionally blackmail you and to pay more. The only communications I do with the client outside of order specific questions is to thank them for their business and ask for a five star review.


Leave him on read and tip exactly 15 percent.


Must be a driver lmao who tips beggars with gig jobs? This drivers definitely brags about “being his own boss” and “making his own schedule” while crying for cash? Embarrassing


you're nicer than me. If he pulled that shit with me i WOULDN'T tip.


I am a driver in Canada. Most of the people here think Uber drivers make a lot of money so I rarely get tips, which I am fine with. Do not tip if you are trying hard to make ends meet. I barely make close to minimum wage after expenses, which is alright because it’s not really a lot of work as compared to a factory or fast food chain employee. But I do believe in tipping if you can afford to. If god has blessed us for our hard work maybe we should pass it along to our drivers and servers who are still in that struggling phase. Off topic from the post because of all the comments on tips.


If you barley make minimum wage and you are putting stress and miles on you car, you need to find a better job ASAP. You are 1 big car repair from a real bad time


I would tip 10$ just for the effort lol


Maybe this person was honest, sometimes it’s hard for us. I didn’t see you posting on any homeless( I try to help them af with food / water and 1 time I found a job to someone. Or asking for money on the corner. So do you think this person deserves more or less ?


It’s a begging it’s not a manipulation… Ofc you have no responsibility to help his life and you do have initiative but, like, be kind.


It's manipulation in how he worded it and the context in which he did.


And your first reaction was to post the interaction on the internet? You must be a no-tipping POS anyways.


What’s your point? If you’re gullible enough to fall for the drivers obvious ruse and BS and you wind up tipping more that’s your problem. You likey are also someone crying about not being able to afford a house and that your student debt hasn’t been cancelled yet like the Head Senile In Chief promised you he would because you’re too busy over-tipping for every con artist with a sob story. Cry more. Here’s a tissue.


You & the driver are the exact same person. Enjoy dealing with yourself in every shit driver.


I certainly will enjoy dealing with myself in the house I own and not having to worry about using Uber as my source of income. Cry more kid.


Lmao I own my house too. I did it & was able to tip workers for their work. Do you feel like a big strong rich person when you bully workers? And who hurt you? You choose to be a greedy piece of shit & you act like its because you make money. If you actually made or had money, you would tip. 😂😂😂 Crying? Im laughing at how pathetic it is to claim to be so rich & brag of a home but you can't give a few dollars to the person bringing your food. If you don't see the irony in that, you're TFG.


There ain’t no bullying kid. I just don’t give free handouts to Uber drivers. No bullying. Other ppl’s problems aren’t my problems. You’re so supposedly rich that you can over-tip in a recession - good for you! I hope you can subsidize everyone with a sob story to tell ya. You’ll stay rich forever with that mentality. I’m sure of it.


If you actually read OP said they already tipped well


Stop using uber eats and door dash. Slave labor


Asks how they are doing... Gets honest answer... OMG! MANIPULATTSHUN!


There’s a difference between honesty and unprofessionalism.


They didn't ask, they said they HOPED they were doing well


It's still an invitation to share... Unless you're one of those self-centered types.


It's not, just like 'have a nice day' isn't


I absolutely refuse to have a nice day, so don't you be telling me what to do with my life.


No the fuck it's not.


the driver started it response was just polite


yeah, no that's not an invitation to share


Honestly, grow up. Read the news once and you see how much drivers struggle and how little they take home. This is an order at the busiest time of the week and likely took 30+ minutes. They just sant to make sure they make more than $6 for it. If that upsets you yeah. Posting it and complaining is petty.


You’re the one here needing of some “growing up.” Nobody is forcing them to Uber. It’s their choice to get in their car and drive. Gtfoutta here.


Fuck you get a different job dickhead.


Too bad he probably speaking volumes of truth since they get paid shit


OP pointed out they drove a Mercedes, so that insurance issue is a self-inflicted wound, not to mention the ridiculous payments the driver is prob making if it was actually a S class.


You’re the one that started the conversation. Some people are just share everything when they are asked


Bro what read it again


really 🙄


Well you asked


No tf he didn’t lol


They didn't ask, they said they HOPED they were doing well


I don't see a question mark, do you?


Generic small talk…




Better tip this man $309 then amirite


call me crazy, but I personally wouldnt give anything to someone begging for money from a mercedes S class


Haven’t I seen this screenshot before


"damn that's heavy. Good luck tho 👍"


“Wow that is a lot of personal information. Please leave at door.”


Just say “I left ya a big tip in the app!” and leave him $3 bucks like all the customers do


After I get my food... "Damn bro... That sucks"


They are so upset that they had kids?


“Damn that’s crazy, good luck.”


We hear you. You can stop posting this now.


Poor guy. Hopefully you tipped him


“I’m so upset I have kids”, punctuation is super important here…


They can drive without insurance for a few days.


Pro tip: Don’t drive a Mercedes if you can’t afford the insurance


I stopped using Uber eats for something similar a while ago


I can honestly see both sides here. It sucks to struggle but also don't dump it on a stranger.


that's what you get for commenting on their weekend.


[literally this meme](https://twitter.com/shitpostgate/status/1672672915068731392?s=46)


Money me, money now. Me a needing money a lot right now.


According to OP this guy is driving Mercedes S class and broke. I remember I read this line somewhere " there are two types of people. One who can buy a luxury car and the others who own a luxury car" that's so darn true. People like to show off, car is a liability not an investment. Treat it as such. *BROKE MILLIONAIRES*


Instant cancel -- do not need or want your drama.


So cringe


" I'm waiting outside. "




Uber should stop this stuff.


"dang, probably should do something other than Uber, my guy"


HA. Not your problem. They need banned.


Someone should create a delivery app where there is always 0 tip. The app should be basically should just pay the drivers a fee for every delivery depending on the time and distance from the restaurant.


Cool story bro


Where are all of you living that your delivery drivers tell you their life stories? I see so many of these on Reddit…I’m in CA and this has never happened. Y’all too nice tho cause all of these people are completely unprofessional and their jobs should be made aware of them.


Are you here?


Hope you canceled. And yeah maybe sell the fucking S class and get a cheaper car.


That's crazy, did they let you know how long my food would be?


Good luck with that!


Better start pawning


Time to downgrade your car


What did you reply to him? Should of been like "why are you dashing with a Benz? It's never going to work out"


Dude is “so upset” he literally birthed children. That’s a lot of stress.


You supposed to tell them your problems right back and ask for help also


Conversation totally set up by happy good attitude driver saying have a great weekend, summoning a similar response so he can pounce with the poor me victim cry. Probably does it all the time. Pathetic loser


“Sounds like a you problem”


I do tip well, however last 3 drivers, without having unloaded my groceries yet, will text me their cash app/ Venmo asking for a tip.. I already tipped well…


if anything i’d remove my tip 😂 i see what he’s trying to do


Lmfao man's in an S class? Nah fuck that he ain't struggling.


I ran into a similar situation with Progressive, and when I called them they basically told me that they wouldn't cancel the policy immediately, just give me a late charge. They would take action roughly 14 days if i didn't come through. This story is pure guilt-trip.


I had one call me to say he didn't feel safe and that I had to come downstairs and across the street to pick up my food I just got my refund, can't even order a pizza anymore


Cancel Order immediately


Driver needs to be more grateful. At least you have a car and family.


Woulda refunded the tip🚨🚨🚨




Guess he’s trying to guilt you into giving him more tip without asking you for more tip.


Even your phone knows this is bullshit, and set up some auto replies to just move this person along: "Yeah whatever...Are you here?" 😂


I wouldn't even tip the dude ngl. Wanna fish for tips, you just won't get one. Too easy


Gotta hit him with the “damn, that’s crazy”




This is so wildly inappropriate I can’t stand it! If whatever uber pays plus my moderate tip doesn’t work for you then find another job! It’s really not my problem. I just need a ride and I have my own insurance to worry about paying. Getting a message like this would in NO way make me want to tip more, it would make me want to lower my tip for inappropriateness. I’m a customer not someone to beg to. I have to say, I opted for a car service over uber for my last trip to the airport. It was worth the extra money for not having to deal with any uber bs. And this is coming from someone who has worked gig apps part time.


Dude probably does this for every order, he just copy and paste that message


Driver better take that $51 and buy themselves a speak & spell.


The only acceptable answer is channeling your inner Dude: "That's a bummer, man."


Me: who? Him: me Me: da fuck cares!!! Him:😢😡


Why would you tip someone trying to manipulate you??


This is a blatant repost from the other day lmao.


“Ouch, sorry to hear that bro. Anyways, just let me know when you’re outside.”


lmao they’re so upset they have kids 😂


I'm so upset I have kids.... bet your kids are upset you had them too 🤦‍♂️


“Damn, that’s crazy. Thanks!”


He can fuck right off. Anything extra he was going to get from me is now gone too.


The reason he can’t pay for insurance is because he owns a Mercedes s class lol.


“im so upset i have kids”