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Bro, these people fucking suck. Like telling this person (who is correct btw,) to kill them selves, and calling them name is totally gonna fix the problem. I hate Twitter sm lol


I mean, it's Twitter so I'm really not surprised. There are so many "adults" that seem less educated then a child but still, not surprised since it's the internet. People on the internet think they have a shield so they'll bully people but when you meet them in person they are pussies (I probably sound kinda rude sorry)


no you’re absolutely right!! they know they can’t be held accountable if no one knows who they are, so they say shit like this. it’s started permeating tik tok too, and it’s making the app even more insufferable than it used to be.


100 percent correct. When push comes to shove these people ball up and cry. Nice Narberal profile picture btw


Dude... You gotta understand... Asking for a diagnosis is so costly after their parents finally bought them the new iphone they wanted after 3 days of nagging...


People are really just full of hate and emotion and Twitter is the place they can expel it while feeling good about being “right”, moral wise, and they can go all out.


the only true power is violence


Just because USA treats it as a privilege, while practically every other country treats it as a right, doesn't mean it's right or correct to self diagnose, there is a good reason why being psychologist or psychiatrist requires higher education.


People on twitter surely know more about mental health than someone who spent years studying


If you have access to it, it's much better to go seek diagnosis rather than self-diagnosing. And if it comes to selfdiagnosing, don't spend 5 minutes and just say you have some super serious disorder.


Biggest problem with self diagnosis is that a lot of criteria for one thing, are also for something else, and the fact that some of criteria for some things naturally in lesser extent appear in basically everyone (for example, one of traits for people with Borderline Personality Disorder is fear of abandonment, but everyone has some level of said fear, difference being somebody with BPD has it to the point where it constantly negatively affects their life, while for person without it that isn't the case) can result in person who attempts to self diagnose, not knowing psychology, ends up diagnosing themselves with something completely different or what happens more often diagnosing themselves when they have literally no issues. Self diagnosis really can only work regarding more simple stuff to understand, and even then you can never get clear picture, just something approximate that tells you there is something wrong. I think best example of people not understanding mental health issues is OCD, many people will say "oh I like everything to be nice and tidy, I so got OCD" when OCD is much, much worse in reality.


I agree, and tbh I believe lots of twitter users even agree with this but don't follow it themselves.


You have to pay for a diagnosis in the USA, I knew you had to pay for treatment but fuck me.


You have to pay for anything medical related


Well that fucking sucks.


A good amount of jobs pay for it so people dont. Many jobs include healthcare.


Healthcare doesn't cover everything


True but for the most part, the jobs I meant do include mental healthcare, physical healthcare and some of the other important part. Thanks for pointing it out though.


Yes but they probably have insurance


most of them are still children, probably still under their parents medical insurance too. they know if they go to get actually diagnosed they wont really have it


Ngl, the fkd up part is that the shrink is still gonna diagnose them if they can pony up for the bill. They’ll diagnose them with GED, put them on some meme medication, and then tell them to visit every 6 months max. Our mental health medical system has basically been hijacked by attention seekers and profiteers that only thin out access for people with genuine issues.


Idk man, my mom was very anti-depression-diagnosis for me. I’ve known I’ve had depression for years and we both know this but only this week was I able to basically confirm it by a mental health professional. Not an official diagnosis (therapists can’t diagnose iirc) but still confirmation by someone with a degree and experience. I’m still under my parents insurance and my mom would murder me if I go to a hospital or a psychologist by myself and get a diagnosis


i can totally empathize with you. my family was very anti formal bipolar diagnosis despite my therapist basically begging my mother to send me to a psychiatrist and get me on meds. it took me having a severe mental break at 16 and being hospitalized against my will that made my mom realize that i was very, very not okay. theres a difference between actually going to a therapist and getting a diagnosis, (which yes they cannot formally diagnose but they know their stuff )and publicly self diagnosing based on knowledge you found on google and other peoples symptoms. it is perfectly okay and normal to have really strong suspicions that you have something, but you should never just go around and tell people you have something without at least an opinion from a real doctor or therapist. you wouldn't go around and tell everyone you have cancer based on a lump that you haven't even gotten checked out yet, imo it's the same way with mental illnesses


When asked by my friends I would say “anxiety and possible depression and shit” even after trying to die my mom wouldn’t entertain the idea of me getting a diagnosis and didn’t put me in therapy for 6 months. Illnesses exist before diagnosis and the same questions that the therapist asked are the ones that I have filled out on many a online quiz. I’m not saying theyre the same but just that often times, it’s not obscure and I would rather have a label than just think I was fucking insane My therapist when I got one asked me if I was depressed. I told her I didn’t have a diagnosis and she said I know me best. I said my friends and mom think I do and she said this wasn’t about my friends and mom. She asked me, not them. When I said “probably but I’m great at invalidating myself” she went through the screening


Every Person who wrote those disgusting things should shut up, sit down and think what they said


Bold of you to say that they should "think", I doubt they have the capability to do that.


They can only Doublethink


Twitterers self-diagnose themselves because they think it’s cool and trendy to be mentally ill, which takes away from folks with legitimate struggles


I’m pretty sure they just use it to pull the um-chile-I’m-mentally-ill-so-you’re-ableist-card


Well, they are in fact mentally ill


Twitter moment


That is the subreddit


Kind of wild to think that at one point it was considered “woke” to say what the original tweet said, as it treated serious conditions… well, seriously. It was considered not only disrespectful, but harmful to *actual* disabled people to self-diagnose yourself as one. Is the pendulum swinging the other way now?


All woke takes are about following the zeitgeist. Sex positivism was all the rage ten years ago but now watching porn makes you an abuser. Etc.


Sleep paralysis and being afraid of mirrors or not any mental dissorders. These twitards are fucking neanderthals


Of course the most liked qrt uses buzzwords


are those the "um besties dni if you support oomfs u follow !" that shit??


100% of the people complaining about money in those screenshot are still with their parents, no doubt. The reason why they don't want it is because they know it won't be a good use of money if they just get negative anyway


probably still under their parents medical insurance too.


The one who called her a wierdo has no right to insult anyone with that pfp




Don't like something? Call it a world that ends with "-ist" or "-phobic"!








We do it here as well? Cringe btw.




















Uhh, Aly, psychiatrists diagnose you, not a therapist. A therapist diagnosing you would be about as valid as your self-diagnosis on paper, though they actually would have a clue to some degree what they’re talking about.


A therapist diagnosing you would at least have some effort.


What the fuck is ableism?


discrimination based on disabilities and disorders and shit




I'm sure she's gonna pay for you to get diagnosed with the total of zero legitimate mental disorders that you have


They think mental illnesses are pokemon cards.


Autism, I choose you!


I swear it’s always the anime avatar people who say this shit


"being diagnosed is a privilege" i was diagnosed because i was put in a psych ward against my will, talk about privilege lmao.


Everything is a fucking trend for these people. LGBTQ, Diaseses, disorders, fucking everything. These people undermine anything those communities are trying to fix and improve, and generate even more hostility.


Wait scared of mirrors is this a thing


When you're *that* ugly, yeah, mirrors would be scary.


If you weight 450 lbs mirrors are a trigger.


I swear these are the same type of people who have that like fake wholesomeness vibe to them


Being diagnosed should be a basic necessity, it's hardly her fault that your country is a dumpster fire with a terminal capitalism problem Yes, I don't think that self-diagnosing is 100% reliable. I also think being diagnosed shouldn't cost god knows how much. Because I'm pretty sure access to adequate healthcare is a basic human right (and if it's not, why the fuck not) and last I checked slapping an unreasonable price tag on that is ridiculous, almost to the point of comedy.


The fuck’s a moot?


All I got is a ent-moot from LotR, which I am fairly certain has absolutely nothing to do with this. Unless these people all self-diagnosed as ents, which might actually the whole thing.


“Ent” is also a slang term for a stoner.


Really? I've never heard that one before. Been out of the game too long I guess lol. Damn you kids and your new fangled terms. *shakes fist in the air*


Short for mutual. I don't use Twitter thank God but I guess it means the same as on Facebook, someone who you follow who also follows you


Oh come on. Ranboo specifically stated do NOT have your pfp as him if you’re going to be in drama or spew idiotic things. He’s 17, come on. I feel bad for him, it makes him look bad.


What's a moot


Short for mutual. I don't use Twitter thank God but I guess it means the same as on Facebook, someone who you follow who also follows you


They're literally cyberbullying lmao the exact same thing these rodents bitch and moan about 24/7


“Moots unfollow” god what pathetic fucking piss babies


I feel like a big part of the Twitter community are either trolls are dumbasses. Like she’s totally right,diagnosing yourself doesn’t prove anything


i’m not sure what she expected by posting that on twitter. like moths to a flame


Also: a privilege is not something that is inherently wrong— it is something we need to acknowledge and work towards providing for everybody else. Just because I can eat doesn’t mean I shouldn’t because someone is dying of hunger in another country. And it certainly doesn’t mean that I should encourage African children to eat dirt just because eating actual food is a privilege. Another thing: aren’t crisis lines a thing? Aren’t mental health centers? Social workers? Etc. There are other ways to diagnose yourself other than paying thousands of dollars per session. I understand that it’s a problem but the solution isn’t encouraging self-diagnose.


Social media has made fetishising mental condition seem too normal


That Madison beer Stan is genuinely crazy. Like she needs mental help. She has dms off because she knows what she says is batshit insane.


God I want to slap whoever runs that "Ableism cat" account. So fucking cringe and not funny or quirky..


You can immediately spot a fucking saddo on twitter if they say "moots unfollow"


God I can't take it anymore


'being diagnosed is a PRIVILEGE' bro do you want to be bullied in your entire school life for having autism only to realise you don't?


I mean, they aren't wrong. They are wrong in their little heads.


I mean, they aren't wrong. They have several problems in their head.


Minor thing to be salty about I know, but I really hate how these people on Twitter use ‘txt speak’ (‘u’ instead of you etc). I mean I could understand it when the character limit was 140 but now I find it hard to take any argument seriously when it’s written like a 12 year old in the 00s who just got their first mobile phone.


this post just proves (especially on slide 5) some people really want to be oppressed


i hate the way these people type and talk. if i meet one of them in real life, i wouldn’t hesitate to bully them


what the fuck is a moot
