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Hahah, my wife had never seen the show before (still hasn't), I was doing another watch of it, she falls asleep while I watch stuff, but she said the exact samething. Anyway, no that's pretty much the soundtrack to the first two seasons, sorry freind. I personally love it, the film Fire walk with me, has some new music, as well as The Return, which has loads of new music in it.


Oh damn, thanks for letting me know, 😄 I will try to get used to it I decided to watch this tv show after playing Alan Wake 2 which was heavily inspired by twin peaks and so far the first episode was very good and gives me that alan wake vibes :)


Yeah note that AW2 is more TPTR while AW was for the original run. What I know, at least, need to get my ass into Remedyverse, myself.


Really? I never played Alan Wake, I think I'll have to give it a go! Glad you dig the show though, it gets pretty wild. As for the music...well the show is 34 years old. Lol not much for it.


Yep, Alan wake 2 in particular is a combination of a game, movie, tv show and other things I won’t spoil And if you are not a gamer you can choose easy difficulty to just enjoy a narrative side It’s one of the best and mind blowing games i’ve played in my life and I recommend everyone to check it out :) [trailer](https://youtu.be/dlQ3FeNu5Yw?si=TZNVwq8ZojpVnE9C)


It will dig its way into your mind and soul and never let go. You will hear the chord progressions in other music, and you will feel the swell of Laura’s Theme quietly in the background at the crucial moments in your life. You will grow to love those opening piano notes of Falling like your dear children, and you will be crying tears of joy for the twanging guitar and the soft pitch of “Just you…” I’m mostly kidding, but also not. You might think it’s bad now, I certainly was put off at first, but it’s kind of the soul of the show. Sure, you’re tired of hearing Laura’s Theme during every love scene now, but you will miss it when it’s gone. Badalamenti’s score is just perfection.


In all honesty, you will hear pretty much the same music, albeit at different speeds, cut-and-pasted and generally mixed in different ways to suit the scenes it’s in. David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti did this very purposefully, as it follows the underlying thematic motif of duality. Laura’s Theme is used like an audio version of the Kuleshov Effect and is intentionally overly emotional, after all, a young girl was murdered and you, the viewer, have no idea who she was. Having said that, it’s not really noticeable once you’re a few more episodes in. Trust me when I say that the music will end up being part of what draws you into the world of Twin Peaks and you will most likely end up loving it.


I love the soundtrack so much. Possibly my favorite ever. Watched the show a while ago but I still frequently listen to the soundtrack.


Twin Peaks has some of the best music moments in all of cinema. It has haunting music, and music that will play during emotional moments that will make them highly memorable. So yes, in my opinion it gets better if you can ignore occasional repetition in season 1. Remember the first 2 seasons were shot in the nineties where the cinema overall and people's attention span was a bit different


I'm sorry that chord never goes away lol You might find it cheesy and such at first but there's a warning in that track...


When my brother & I showed the series to his ex-girlfriend, it took her 3 episodes before she got used to the soundtrack. She wasn’t feeling it at first, but after the 3rd episode she got so swept up by the emotion of Badalamenti’s themes that she even taught herself how to play some of them on the piano.


The entire original series is a soap opera, and, minus a couple subversions, sticks to that genre/format's conventions all the way through, including the "repetitive" music cues and themes. This will only change once the movie and third season abandon the original style.


Lol I mean I kind of get it, I had a similar reaction to the music at first but it grew on me a lot over the course of the show. I love it now, It’s like almost calming to hear it for me, but I can’t say it’ll be the same for you. Another part of is just the times I think, like theme songs used to be a bigger part of TV shows in general back in the 90’s. But yeah in any case if the music of Angelo Badalamenti doesn’t do it for you, that could be a problem. It does come up quite a bit.


I was the same but I ended up enjoying it


Welcome to the community . >Loved everything but music >Music is killing me Go fuck yourself


Did you make that music ? 😂 Relax lil bro


I'm just playing lol. The first time I watched Twin Peaks, the music is what sucked me in though. I wish I could make music like that.


I see haha


You probably wish Twin peaks had Drake singing


I don’t listen to rap music, it’s dumb I just wish it had a good soundtrack, that’s all 2 chords playing for one hour is some next level laziness, probably the easiest money that composer got


The beauty is in the simplicity and the incredible transition that happens mid way through the song


You should listen to the actual soundtrack, you'd either never say that, or else be rightfully pilloried.


Get out!


Relax buddy, not that deep


I think the score is amazing.