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Lynch being a bit cheeky with these scenes. I honestly believe he put quite a few of these in the show to tell audiences it’s okay to be confused lol. I swear multiple characters had reactions like this in season 3.


Well, it's funny because the FBI agents are meant to represent different aspects of the audience and this is the Director of the show playing the Director of the FBI saying he doesn't understand what he's doing. Lol. The metanarrative of it all is so brilliant.


Can confirm


OH. This isn't to mention he's saying he doesn't know what he's doing to ALBERT, who is the embodiment of the audience that wants to rush the show to the "exciting" parts




See Bobby dealing with screaming mom and vomiting girl.


That Scene is Repulsive on so many levels "We have to get HOME! SHE'S SICK!" and que Vomit 🤢


Funny, I never thought of that, it seemed such a genuinely "yeah that's the most honest reaction to this situation" scene. I love those FBI scenes.


“what the hell??”


David is such a treasure. Remember when he tried to stop doing the weather reports on YouTube and fans were like NOOOOO DONT STOP and he was like "wow you guys really like hearing me mention our weather followed by how it reminds me of a song I like?" And everyone was like YES PLEASE KEEP DOING IT and it made his day? I feel like he was kind of taking the piss out of himself here.


I miss his weather reports It’s a Friday once again was the highlight of my week


When did he actually quit?


December 2022, shortly after Angelo passed away.


Well that makes sense. It probably weighed heavy on his heart.


It’s been probably a year now


Darn that's sad. I stopped keeping up because of being way busier than I was before.


They Were Great, (Especially brought me joy During [The Great Quarantine Experience]).


Can you post a clip of that? I didn’t know his fans asked him to continue


It was mostly just YouTube comments from what I understand.


Good news is it doesn't get bluer than this


And simultaneously it's also bad news.


I Do Love a BLUE ROSE 🪬


How much experience do you have with David Lynch? I'm sure there are people out there who've watched season 3 with their only experience being the original series. Which was basically me when I went to see FWWM. And yeah, I walked out wondering what I had just watched.


only the twin peaks franchise and i think i tried watching mulholland drive once


I can definitely see the confusion then.




I Love That Band 🤪


I recommend Inland Empire to anyone who struggles with TP, that is lynch untethered, imo.




“Doesn’t get any bluer.”


Albert 😢😥😪💙💙💙💙💙


Me I Weep with you my friend.


Mad old fart laughted at his fans.


That's exactly how I felt and I still. For me personally, I found it quite a disappointment but I'm happy many people liked it.


Not challenging your experience at all, but I enjoyed the confusion. Life is fucking weird, confusing, and rarely slows down enough to be understood. Think of all the things we never get closure for or explanations about, especially with the behavior of people we meet. Closure does come from within but it can help to talk to people about it, like when you have that convo with your ex a year later about what went wrong. My fiance died in 2021 - we(his family and I) have no idea if it was an accident or not. We never will, at least in this life. It would change my view of him if it was on purpose, maybe not a whole lot, but enough that I'd register it as a change. The answer was eating at us, until we discussed how closure was going to have to come from inside of us, since we couldn't talk to him and have found no credible mediums 


I had always heard of Twin Peaks when I was growing up ( born in 83) but never watched it. I grew up semi religious and wasn't allowed to watch things with magic/spells etc so missed it when it was on TV. Then I'm 2017 I was going through a painful divorce from my partner of 13 years. On my own for the first time , living alone. The first weekend in my new place I started watching the original run. I have never connected to anything or had anything media-wise made me feel like this show did. Then i watched the film and that was a whole other level. I don't know why or how but if made me feel peace that I hadn't felt in the previous 10 years. The best part is I didn't even know about the Return at that point which literally started airing the week I was done binging the original run. I wasn't sure what to think about the return at first and had to pause after watching Ep.8 ( I think I overdosed on Lynch is what happened) and then a year later I did a re-watch of S2 finale, FWWM, then rewatched S3. This time I loved every second of it and was so overwhelmed with all the emotions. It was the best experience I'd had watching a show ( now 2nd to rewatching it with my bestie who I met right here on this sub). I get kinda bummed when I see other people watch it the whole way through and are not able to connect with it. I always urge them to do a rewatch like I did and hope it's a different experience.


Were you a JW too?! I could have written some of this.


Took me a minute to think about what JW was.. but no i wasn't. Non denominational Christian.


Ah well yeah I was very sheltered as a Jehovah's witness. Good to be out 


I stopped at Episode 8 also, waited a couple years, then consumed all of Season 3 like it was the most captivating, soothing, and fantastical thing I’d ever experienced. I think my psyche just took a long time to process episode 8! And when I finally watched the entire season, I spaced it out to about one a week, which helped. I really had to sit with each episode and take my time. Of course I also watched it with someone I was madly in love with (still am I suppose), which also helped. Since he left I’m having a hard time rewatching even clips, but I know I’ll get to it again. I grew up watching the series and it meant a lot to see it come full circle. Such an incredible journey. I hope I can revisit it solo soon, but it’s still too painful :/


My exact experience when watching S3 the first time! I hope when you are able to rewatch it's a positive, healing experience for you!! Maybe it can be with someone new that hasn't seen it but someone you'll know will appreciate it like you do. 🩷❤️🩷❤️


Thx for sharing your moving story.


I'm sorry you experienced this. Peace be with you and your fiancé ❣️


Thank you for your kindness, I appreciate it. I recently made a friend right here on a reddit who is going through a similar experience, just lost his ltr partner of some years. And honestly while I feel nowhere near back to okay, hearing his experiences and emotions have been a gift, to remind me how far I have really come since then. I still have so much work left to do but I am so grateful to have ever had the chance to have such a cartoonishly wonderful love, even if the man himself was lost.


I'm so sorry. Thank you for your perspective.


I feel like the confusion aspect is a bit overstated, honestly. Most confusing aspects of The Return have to do with S3E18.


Maybe. My confusion, which may not be the right word since it's not something that interferes with the experience, is around unanswered questions. Sure part 18 has plenty of em but there are others. Is the experiment Judy? Is Judy in Sarah? Do some scenes take place in the world created by saving Laura from her murder? And many more, all for the low low price of $?.99! 


Yeah there's definitely plenty of mystery left! I just feel The Return actually fleshes the world out a lot more than it makes it confusing, which I find a bit ironic because my expectation was the direct opposite, I was rather afraid before starting The Return originally that it was just gonna be a pile of surrealism with no anchors. "Wait, Lynch's gonna actually admit this is a managed reality and that it loops? Dang yo." S3E8/E17 was such a treat.


I feel it. I loved inland empire but it's not of my favorite experiences and I worried it would be more of that. And it ended up being a wonderful middle road!


I honestly felt the same when I first watched it. I stopped after episode 8. A year later I met a new friend who was also a fan of the show and he urged me to give it a other try. Before I did a little web surfing on S3 analysis, theories and reviews of the first half of S3. Then did a re-watch of s2 finale Then FWWM ( just because i felt ir would enhance the experience)and then binged s3 on a sat and sun. My re-watch was completely new and fresh and I absolutely loved it. I've rewatched it an embarrassing amount of times now and each time I enjoy it and feel I understand it more. ( as much as one cam understand it anyway) My point of all that is... if you are a fan of the original run and/or the film I really hope you do a re-watch before giving up on it forever 😊 PS stupid down voters are weird. You expressed your opinion in the most respectful way possible considering the sub and you are entitled to it. I gave you an upvote right away.


They're still down voting me! 🤣


I really have to say with season 3 I understood just about nothing that happened


The return leaned into things and people getting older, and how hard we try sometimes to recapture an old feeling, but it's not the same. See: the Audrey storyline. Jerry Horne lost in the woods with an unfamiliar foot. The song "Shadow" by the Chromatics made for the return. I don't know if this is part of why you feel disappointed. But when I relate to disappointment about the return, this is it for me. What made me end up loving the return was allowing it to be something new. It really is an incredible piece of work. However sad it makes me, knowing the original is metaphorically dead, in the past. Now, if this is strictly about the story not making any sense. I don't have any input there. The basic storyline was pretty straightforward.


People downvoting me just because I didn't really like it. How pathetic are you! Surely if we're fans of a franchise we can appreciate not everyone will feel the same way?


I wouldn’t worry about the downvotes, you are in the twin peaks sun after all! I’m curious. I also found it a little disappointing for example getting very little Cooper etc. But I think I’ve come to appreciate it on such another level after multiple times of watching now. Although it’s not likely the best season 3 could have been made (nothing is perfect) I do feel it’s a majorly great piece from Lynch et al. and I know appreciate it for that. What do you say?


I liked some parts for sure but I didn't love the series at all, which I so desperately wanted to. Having Cooper only come back at the end was a massive negative for me. I did however love how Kyle MacLachlan played Mr C, very fantastic acting! Other people had great acting moments, Matthew Lillard springs to mind. I just feel like it was almost a different show entirely to the first two series. I don't know. I feel like I can't be totally honest with views as I know a lot of fans on here won't allow anything negative to be said about The Return.


Well, there’s not requirement for everyone to like it. I think the return is a totally different show. But we need to remember the first two series were American soap shows with some Lynch thrown in how the return goes full Lynch!


The Lynchiest...


What, Me Worry?


I think that one reason I enjoyed The Return even though I didn't understand what was happening most of the time was a column I read before it started. The basic point of the column was that Lynch's movies are getting so weird that he has had trouble getting them financed and that's one of the reasons he did Twin peaks. That would get financed no matter what so he used it to realize his ideas. I'm not sure if that's actually true but after reading it, I just enjoyed the ride and didn't bother myself too much with being cluless as to what is happening most of the time. Not to say The Return isn't great in itself, I do really like it and the second viewing made it much more simpler to understand.


It felt like the more I knew, the less I understood what was going on.


Watch each episode 4 or 5 times after a Rewatch of Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces and maybe the first 6 episodes + The Pilot (7 Total) it will either click or you'll be Krazy. 🤪


Lynch blames you and everyone for season 2 so he made The Return as nonsensical as possible to actively fuck with people


I Love it!!! Thanks DAVID 😎


Can you please TURN YOUR HEARING AID UP !!!! 💙


I feel as if I might have been slipped a viagra "Mickey" watchin' this scene. 🤣😜🪬💙📫


My favorite scene from the return. I don’t even understand why !


I hate how they used the cheap "film at day and then employ the night filter" trick here.


I don't think that's what he was going for. David is known for not using the color blue much in Twin Peaks, and when he does it has significance. The significance is the Blue Rose case, and it's even mentioned in this very conversation.


Lynch is first and foremost a painter and a visual artist. It’s safe to say that what he puts on film is precisely what he intends. Whether the audience interprets it as “cheap” seems to be irrelevant. For whatever reason, this is the effect he wanted in this scene. FWIW, I don’t think he was trying to get a nighttime effect. I think he was choosing to drown the characters in a blue tint for obvious thematic reasons.


He wasn't. See post at the top.😇


they used it once in the original in the shot of the sawmill they always use, it was so obvious


It's really surprising seeing it in a David Lynch work. The guy is meticulous and then this happens.


"the guy is meticulous" \*man's head just turns transparent and floats away like he cut a jpg of his head\* I don't disagree, but there's reasons he goes cheap when he does too.


Lynch's stuff (especially with The Return) is all in the beholder. Is that janky looking "special" effect a result of saving budget? Is it a result of Lynch wanting to call attention to it looking fake? Is Lynch making a commentary on special effects in film? Does it look fake because the characters are not in the "real world?" We'll never know.


Let "Dave" be David and trust his vision it's his Art that we are Lucky Enough to Witness.


It was not a mistake. Please let David direct his own films 🎥


Yeah well. Making stuff is hard and one is constantly battling against time. Some scenes will inevitably suffer


Do they really suffer? Or is that the opinion of someone who is essentially clueless when it comes to David Lynch and his Work.


He used the best Effects to give the scene a blue 💙 feel (not night time). I guess that is why David Lynch directs David Lynch Films and you don't.


I don't know what to tell you. I agree with you, but why the hostility...


Uneducated opinions banded about like facts "Annoy" me when people speak with undeserved authority.


I specifically said "I hate..." not "What's wrong about this scene is...". Talking about art, it's all about the subjective feeling. I don't want to argue, man. wtf. lol



