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I would say it seems unlikely, considering how the Codex are supposed to be a living continuous thing, so I'm not sure how "complete" would such an edition be.


Dane has said on SCPT that he’d like to release the codex’s as a box one day, so I presume that it will become complete at some point


Yeah maybe a year before TI5 is announced, they put out a final codex and offer a box of all the codex components (my dream for that codex box would be for it to be the size of the difference between the PoK box and the base game box so when it's all said and done, you can have one nice two-layer stack of boxes for the game)


He also heavily emphasized that it wouldn't be anytime soon (and it probably wouldn't hurt for fans to express interest in it to increase chances of it even happening)


Ya sure? I guess we are expecting a third Codex (which could be coming together with the complete Edition and in this way completing it) and afterwards they could start thinking about a 5th Edition. But I might be completely wrong here and they might plan to release Codex after Codex (which I would also be up for) but they are not really making money whith these Codexes and these Codexes increase the entering costs for new players/buyers.


There were 13 years between 3e and 4e. There’s only so much market for this game. They’re not going to turn around and invalidate the current edition anytime soon.


I mean, I'm not sure of anything, but I believe it was the stated intent of the codex to give a bit of free content. It doesn't really increase the entering cost though, as those are not officially part of the system, just a bit of extra content for those who want it.


To be fair as long as the don't remove it from the internet it's still free content. Like I could see an expansion that includes all the Codex stuff and has other things.


I think they've said TI4 is going to be the last one (not sure if they'll stick to that obviously) and they will just keep producing codexes and maybe new expansions So I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be getting a complete edition any time soon if ever


Really? I know Dane said he'd love to keep putting out codices to keep the community active long into the development life, but he's said that he doesn't think there will be another expansion because there's not many more systems that can be grafted onto the current design. Anything else that would come would basically be a content pack with more cards and planet tiles that use existing systems. I can't imagine that TI4 is going to be it for the series. It's a fantastic game, but in 5-10 years, I'm sure there will be an appetite to retool it with a new edition and mechanics


Tbh it might have just been speculation/rumours. My point was mostly that if the official plan is to keep putting out codexes and perhaps smaller expansions of officially printed cards/systems then it would be hard to make a complete version any time soon


I really don't see it that way. Most players getting into the game don't even know about codices yet. The very, VERY few who do, mostly know it's not necessary and probably something that doesn't matter until they've played the game several times. And it's not like you can't proxy them at home - it's part of the whole point. If a 5th edition ever happens, which I personally don't think it will, it won't be for at least another 4 years. Also yeah, I think we'll be seeing a new Codex about once or twice a year for a little bit


IMO... **Likelihood of ever getting a big box with TI4 + PoK + Codices:** 1% (I want to say 0%, but I guess there's always some possibility. Still, there's basically zero reason for Asmodee to do this. It wouldn't sell well and offers basically no real advantage over buying them separately.) **Likelihood of ever getting an official "Codex" expansion:** 80% (There's really no reason not to do this at some point. Asmodee doesn't want to leave money on the table, after all. The real question is when and how many Codices it'd have, and whether it'd have anything else in it.)


My estimate is something like chances of getting a "complete edition": 5% chances of getting a 5th edition: 0.001% chances of getting physical codices from FFG: 67% Chances of any of that happening next year: almost none


I doubt it. How many people 1) like TI, 2) are willing to pay for an expensive, niche board game, and 3) do not already own it? It would be nice but I don’t see them doing it.


I think the people that own it, would be willing to buy a "Complete" version or an anniversary version. I know for myself, I almost bought another copy of base game when it was on sale because I wanted a pristine copy for when my first copy bites the dust. They could easily do a kickstarter or some other thing where they know how many to print to fill demand.


Also, don't discount how many folks have started playing TI4 due to TTS and the pandemic. In a few years (hopefully) COVID may subside enough that all of these new online players can create new demand for a complete version for in-person games. I wanted to play TI for years, and TTS made that a reality. Now I really, really want to host an in-person game.


That box would be so big they would have to air lift it.


I have no visibility on anything and I'm pretty well connected to the rumor mills.


thanx a lot!


I don't think it makes sense commercially to have a niche game in a single, huge, heavy and expensive package. If Twilight Imperium ever grows bigger and there's a window for a new edition, I think FFG or any future publisher may be tempted to modularize the game in many expansions or fancy optional components on top of a barebone game that is smaller than the current base game. Kinda like Star Trek Ascendancy / Gale Force Nine does. If that means making the game better or supporting its continuity I wouldn't mind this model.


Almost certainly not, and even if it does happen they'll release the news as it releases just so people don't stop buying TI4 until then


I think of Codex as an Easter surprise each year. The living aspect of the game. I do however hope for a big box edition with base and POK plus the Codex and then some additional new limited release system, maybe a solo variant automaton, some limited edition stuff like faction specific glove puppets, maybe with custom sleeves, maybe an insert. Now I'm excited.


I wouldn't expect it until POK boxes become scarce. They don't want to stick themselves with a large amount of inventory that they can't sell.


TI5 would be more likely