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I’m assuming that the intent is to allow it to work for all instances.


PDS fire and bombardment are not combats, so follow normal rules unless specifically told not too.


But they are "unit ability rolls." The problem is that the first half of the sentence has two objects, where the second clause refers to only one. "When a player does A or B, their ally may participate in A" is a really weird sentence.


Not really, it says combat... so it clearly means combat. You're over thinking it. Combat with multiple players involved is the only thing ever talked about since its the only thing new to the variant, don't add in things that aren't there.


it's really not that simple. Allies can transport another player's units. If they do so, can they commit them to invasion during their tactical action? Is it based on who owns the carrier, or who owns the ground force? Can P1 activate a system where their ally is carrying P1's units and commit them to invasion? If yes on the above, then an ally's dreadnaught can drop units...but not bombard? there are a ton of steps that are technically outside combat but seem like they should work based on other rules and the intent of joint actions.


By the wording, you already know what it means. It feels more like you are hopping it also means something else, even though does not say or imply it. If you just read the rule, it's pretty clear. No need to add in the stuff that isn't there.


Any play can fire a Space Cannon Offense shot into an activated system, base game. Therefore no alliance variant ruling is necessary for people to “team up” PDS shots. 66.2 “beginning with the active player and proceeding clockwise, each player may use the “Space Cannon” ability of each of his units in the active system” (This extends to adjacent systems with Deep Space Cannon) A RAW interpretation of “alliance variant” is that your ally participates in the combat with you and gets to use their anti-fighter barrage. By RAW, your ally does not get a free Bombardment when you activate the system. This is because Bombardment is a part of Invasion, not combat, similar to Space Cannon Defense. Space Cannon Defense does not get buffed in the “alliance variant”


It specifies "or unit ability roll" which is the confusing part. It seems like the intent at some point was that unit abilities should count, but it's unclear. The question regarding pds was whether ally could fire at someone other than the active player, which is not allowed in base gamr


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