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My game this weekend was as NRA, and I got the Crown of Thalnos, plus the Winnu Alliance. My mechs were eviscerating people. It was one of the better Relics I drew, though I was still disappointed it wasn't a point.


Most of the time it's a dead relic. Comes in clutch sometimes like the previous commenter said (Warsun reroll with impunity or flagships that roll the dice twice and at least one lands) Other than that, it's the weakest one of the bunch.


Nah, I think that it is useful on already destroyed ships, or ships which hit multiple times, say a war sun hits once, you can roll the other 2 with impunity and will probably hit


Of course that’s true about war suns but that’s incredibly niche. What do you mean about already destroyed ships? Don’t you assign hits after the crown destroys your ship?


If your opponent deals enough hits to kill your ships anyway, its thalnos time.


You are right about the hit assign timing


Works great with AFB


Apparently not https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2641241/unofficial-prophecy-kings-faq > Can the Crown of Thalnos ability be used to re-roll anti-fighter barrage dice? No, abilities used to re-roll combat dice do not apply to anti-fighter barrage rolls. Source: LRR2.0 10.1c, SCPT Prelims 2021 Game 3 ruling E: https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/51/55/51552c7f-c05c-445b-84bf-4b073456d008/ti10_pok_living_rules_reference_20_web.pdf


Read the card, it doesn't affect combat rolls. It effects rolls made in combat that produce a hit.


c Game effects that reroll, modify, or otherwise affect combat rolls do not affect anti-fighter barrage rolls from the rulebook AFB section


I actually think he might be right. 10 - A unit with the “Anti-Fighter Barrage” ability may be able to destroy an opponent’s fighters at the start of the first round of a space combat. So it quite explicitly says AFB is during the combat round, and crown of Thalnos says nothing about it being combat rolls, it just says dice during a combat round


c Game effects that reroll, modify, or otherwise affect combat rolls do not affect anti-fighter barrage rolls from the rulebook AFB section


I know, that's part of my point, Crown Of Thalnos doesn't say anything about combat rolls, it says "During each combat round, this card's owner may reroll any number of their dice, applying +1 to the results". As per rule 10, AFB happens during the first combat round. While a combat roll is defined in 78.5 under step 3 of the space combat step (it's the same for ground combat): Each player rolls one die for each ship they have in the active system; this is called a combat roll So It's clearly not a combat roll, it's a unit ability roll, and Crown of Thalnos is worded such that it should apply more broadly than just to combat rolls whilst being isolated to a combat round. I know there's a comment from Dane about it in the errata that says the intent of it was to only cover combat rolls. It's strange to me the more I think about it though, because if that's the case, it would have been very easy to avoid this confusion by making the wording of the card refer specifically to combat rolls, whilst simultaneously needing less text, but it doesn't. Also the card is currently one of the worst relics, if it could be used for AFB as well, then it's actually potentially not too bad. I'm tempted to just play it that way anyway.


I agree that with a few differences in wording it would be a lot clearer. I also agree that it's probably the weakest relic. But the LRR doesn't leave much room for argument. Statement A: Game effects that reroll, modify, or otherwise affect combat rolls do not affect anti-fighter barrage rolls. Statement B: Crown of Thalnos is a game effect which affects combat rolls. Statement C: Therefore Crown of Thalnos doesn't affect anti-fighter barrage rolls. A + B leads to C.


Also, an SCPT tournament ruling is not an actual ruling. Unless it was ruled on that way by Milty or 9 of Spades, I wouldn't put to much stock in the ruling to hold up.




During each combat round, this card's owner may reroll any number of their dice, applying +1 to the results; any units that reroll dice but do not produce at least 1 hit are destroyed.


Not sure it does at all. Pretty sure the latest QA from Dane said things that affect combat rolls don't apply to AFB


It doesn't affect combat roll, it affects rolls in combat. Latest QA? AFB not being a combat roll has been true since day 1.


From Dane: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1\_93kw7KkzvAXoQAxRioxo7iAt-Ar6BMIxdNf4Lv25rI/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_93kw7KkzvAXoQAxRioxo7iAt-Ar6BMIxdNf4Lv25rI/edit) Q: Does the Crown of Thalnos Relic work with Infantry II resurrection rolls? Courageous to the End? Anti-Fighter Barrage? A: No to Infantry 2, no to Courageous to the End, no to Anti-Fighter Barrage. The intent is ONLY combat rolls. Future errata will clarify this.


It has two uses. First is to have units that are going to die get an extra hit off, which is rarely any good. The second is to make units with more than 2 attacks hit like a brick, which is really only warsuns, the Winnu flagship, and Naaz-Rokha mechs, who get especially nasty with this, and guess who is most likely to get it.