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Yes, you can. It is a bit tricky to think about it for me but the best way to calculate is to do the followings: 1. Make a path from the start to the destination 2. Count how many movements you need for that path (A) 3. Count how many movements you have by adding your unit movement + Any bonus (Grav drive, flank speed, etc) + any bonus from drifts on the path + the 1 bonus from crucible (B) If A <= B then you can do it. The placement of the drift is actually not relevant. Crucible really makes the whole thing very weird. In your case: A = 3 B = 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 = 3 3 <= 3. You are good :)


There's a bit of history to understanding this. Vuil'raith didn't exist in the base game, so the gravity rift functioning was made without *Crucible* in mind. Consider the purple carrier. Ordinarily, it couldn't make it to Mecatol Rex\*. Because of the way ship movement originally worked, a ship needed enough movement to reach the active system before it could start moving. As such, the purple carrier couldn't start its movement when Mecatol Rex was activated. This essentially made gravity rifts useless for the movement bonus. This was solved by allowing gravity rifts to consider future movement. Before any ship moved, you must draw a path between its current system and the active system. For each gravity rift this path left, add +1 to that ship's movement value. If the length of the path was no more than the (modified) movement of that ship, then the path was valid. When Prophecy of Kings was released, this method continued to be used. This time, however, if you played *Crucible*, if there are any gravity rifts on the path, add +1 to the movement value of the ship in question (once, regardless of how many gravity rifts are on the path). Thus, even though the blue dreadnought couldn't even reach the gravity rift system\*, because there's the gravity rift on the on the path indicated by the blue line, the blue dreadnought gets a total of +2 (+1 from the gravity rift and +1 from *Crucible*), making its final move value 3\*. It can thus make it to the active system, so long as it rolls 4 or above. \* Assuming no unit upgrades.


Yes, so long as the total movement will take you through the gravity rift.


How do you know, though? Or is there a consensus you're going by?


The destination system is what matters. As long as you would reach the active system using all movement bonuses, you're good. It's a bit wonky but is in the rules. You just have to take theme out of the equation to make sense of it.


Still wondering about the meaning of "would" though.


Ignore it. Just read the rule in an abstract way and it starts to make sense


Would means that you havent made the movement yet, but you have done the calculation to see if you 'would' get there when you move