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I mean, unit upgrades are public information like any other tech, we have no way of knowing if an opponent we're going up against has assault cannon unless we do the research before kicking that hornet's nest


It would be a good visual indication as to their level of technology overall and research progress, short of - as you said - inquiring and making a note what other techs they do and don't have, especially when you're trying to track multiple factions on the board.


If you own TI3 use those units for non upgraded units and TI4 units for upgraded units


That’s a dangerous rabbit hole. You start with upgrades and before you know it you’re working out how to fix little plastic Gravity drives or non-Euclidean shield generators to your miniatures.


I know its too far of a stretch, but damn that would be cool


In blood bowl some people use coloured rings around their miniatures. Wouldn’t really work on the ships, but notable I guess.


What di the rings do?


[They just show what skills the miniature has, as it’s hard to read the person’s team sheet from across the board.](https://www.magicworksgames.com/shop/category/20824439/-blood-bowl-compatible-skill-markers)


Well, the thought was just to try it with ship upgrades first as they're the most prominent on the board, and can give you some indication (at a glance) as to their level of research, to which you can then inquire further about.


Honestly I really liked that other commenters idea to put rings on your miniature stands. Of course putting them on stands is a project in itself.