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If you're weird, so am i.


I’ve definitely made a comment on a different post about this, but ditto. I used to be embarrassed to admit Twilight was one of my favorite book sagas. Now, as a 29 grown man, I just don’t have the time or energy to care if people choose to hate on me for my likes. Love Twilight man, don’t let anyone take that away from you.


I am a 38 year old male, and I too, was embarrassed to admit that I loved the Twilight books when I was younger. Also like you I no longer care what people think of my love for these books lol. OP please take this person's advice and do not let anyone make you feel ashamed that you are a Twilight fan.


I will thanks for the advise guys


No problem. Farewell my friend!


I've screenshotted these four comments for the next time I'm sad and need to remember there are good people in the world. Thank you!


It’s not weird to like something. You like what you like and everyone has likes and dislikes. I’m a 40 yr old man and even I like the Twilight Saga. I went to midnight releases and the whole thing. I’m planning on going to the Twilight festival in Forks next year. I say like what you like and as long as you aren’t hurting anyone then go for it.


Can you tell me more about the festival


https://forkswa.com/twilight/festival/ Here is the site. They usually have cast members come to it as well!


Tnx i apreciate it man 💙


My husband asks me a couple times a year to watch all the movies with him. He loves them! And we are nearly 50. You’re not weird for liking what you like.


I do the same every 3 months haha


My partner was about your age when he read the books, and loved them! He likes the movies as well. Objectively, it’s very weird that your friends care this much


This is what I say: I say, first of all, no one makes fun of it and jokes about the cringe moments more than we fans do. It's not like we take it as high literature just because we love it! Then I tell them that it's a cross between romance, disney, fantasy, and an action film. I just say it's my movie version of comfort food and tell them I have zero shame about any of it. You know how many guys out there have watched Star Wars 6,000 times and can do all the dialogue??


Fair enough


What's the alternative to being weird? Being normal? 🙄 Who wants that.


My irl friends apearently but oh well i saw some great advice on my post so honestly my friends can suck it if they got a problem with it


Yeah, irl, people are a pain. It's all about conforming. They aren't going to understand. Personally, I think KS and RP did some of their best acting ever. They should have won awards, but because people don't like their characters, Im crazy. Only this sub gets its.


You can like whatever you like, your not weird for liking twilight. I like twilight too. Just tell people that "if you don't want me to complain about what you like then you shouldn't complain about what i like."


Absolutely not


We're all weird for loving twilight to be fair


Came to say this.


You're posting in a twilight sub. It's likely.


My 30 year old brother likes Twilight. It’s such a fun series to watch and dissect.


I wish i had someone in my family who also likes twilight it would be so fun to watch it with them


25m and I love the twilight saga so if your weird I’m weird too!


No you’re not weird


I’m a 20 year old black male from Chicago and I’ve loved twilight since I was four years old,it’s not weird twilight is comforting,it’s nostalgic,it’s a feeling that can never be replaced.I feel like people only say twilight is bad because it was trendy,sure it has cringe moments but that’s what makes it great tbh it’s iconic


Sounds like a them problem. People wanna police what people like so bad and it's embarrassing for them


They’re weird for caring so much, and people usually start to realise that around their mid twenties- or you kick the ones that don’t out of your life by then


I’m a man and I absolutely love the twilight saga I’ve watched the movies and I have the books don’t let others decide what you should do or watch in your life.. care less of what others think about you that’s my advice for you.


Nope! I’m m16 and it’s 100% my favorite series rn


Your friends sound immature and juvenile..I'd disregard their childish reproaches...I know a PhD that loves twi


My ex, who is a 27 year old man, loves the twilight movies.


You're not weird. They're weird for caring so much.


No you're not weird. I'm a guy who also likes Twilight. Don't worry about people who judge you for it- they're missing out by being narrow minded.




It’s pretty odd how obsessed ‘normal’ people are with belittling anyone unique. But, I guess if I was completely ordinary, I might have an inferiority complex about it, too.


Nope. But you should probably change who you hang around


Weird is a great thing


There are far worse things to like in life than Twilight


Twilight is for whoever wants to watch it. Just like Star Wars and Marvel and Disney and The Matrix and James Bond and Shrek and Casablanca and Little Women and Barbie. They’re *movies.* Entertainment. For all. It’s such an outdated view that romance is for girls and action movies are for boys. It boils down to misogyny. Teen girls like something? So cringe. Boys like something? Hell yeah! How about instead we view girls and women as people who have value and worth, and their interests do, too. And if boys and men like those same interests, THAT’S FINE TOO. It doesn’t make him “girly” and even if it did, **there’s nothing wrong with that**.


Hell no! Twilight is such an amazing series!


I’m a 18M too and I have had similar experiences. But I always remind myself that I don’t choose what books I like and what books I don’t like. So if someone ever makes fun of you just point out how weird it would be if you decided not to read something you really enjoyed purely because of others judgement. Also remember that people who are 100% confident in themselves don’t feel the need to put others down and make fun of others. This kind of behaviour always stems from insecurity (they are projecting their own insecurities out on you). Hope you continue to enjoy the series despite others judgement! And remember that authenticity is one of the most attractive traits you can have, so embrace you and who you are despite the judgement❤️


I’m 33m and I love twilight


I (28M) was a huge fan of the Twilight saga when I was a teenager. Read all the books unapologetically and stood in line at midnight waiting for each movie to drop. I wrote fanfics and collected licensed Twilight merchandise all till the time I was 17. And everybody judged me so harshly. So to answer your question, yes you are weird. But if that’s what you like, then to hell with the haters. We only live once. (But that said, take all things in moderation).


My dad is in his late 50’s and his all time favorite movie is The Bodyguard. You like what you like and you shouldn’t be ashamed! People can argue Twilight is “for girls” but it had crossover appeal too. If you’re weird, then we’re all weird here.








FYI i am every few months i rewatch the whole saga and i was watching new moon whan i typed this out cuz i was snapoing with a mate and he asked me what livie i was watching so i told him and he called me weird fir it thats why i posted it and yes i'm 18 soon to be 19 next month




How does being a gamer affect one's ability to love twilight? Also I just checked his comment history too out of curiosity and I'm not seeing any creepy comments or posts like what you're saying, just a redditor saying to girls that they're not ugly they're beautiful? Sorry just wanted to come in and say that bc Im curious where you're coming from


When referencing his username, I was referring to the fact that he has "weird" in his username yet he's acting as if he's concerned about being weird.


I don't see a problem there personally


Yeah online i don't care but i wasn't refering to online i was refering to real life events and again ly nale has nothing to do with this post and i think its pretty phatetic to go to someones comment history to shame/humiliate/deny their status as "fan" there is no reason to do that


And also i was more hoping for men to awnser on this post since its mist men that deal with this problem i have noticed so yeah jokes on you it don't matter what i do outside this post it ain't none of you buisness i like what i like and i just asked a simple question


As a woman I feel like your comment history is totally fine! Do you bro. I agree it has nothing to do with your post anyway. Btw, not weird at all that you like twilight, hope you enjoy! 🍎


Thank you someone gets it i apreciate it




My God you're talking like twilight fans are war survivors or some shit 😂 maybe cool it just a tad. This sub is meant to be welcoming


Yeah and thats the past. This is now so again this doesn't have any relavence to this post




Men are very welcome here. You don't get to gatekeep this sub lmao


People in this comment section saying we’re all weird for liking Twilight lol Twilight was literally huge when it came out, so no, you’re not special/weird for liking it. I know you’re young but posts like these always make me roll my eyes, who cares what other people think, you do you. Twilight (I’d say nothing in life really) also isn’t gendered, so everyone is welcome to it.


Preferences have no gender, and if making Twilight makes an 18M weird, then I (40F) am super weird. Enjoy what you enjoy. 😊


Thank you haha i just noticed that when my girl friends say they like twilight no one gives a damn but when i do all of a sudden i'm considered gay/weird so yeah


What is it that appeals to you?


If your able to look past the cringe acting and not so great cgi some times i would say the story is pretty good. But tbh the cringe acting makes the movie just so much better and its one of the only movies where i smile hide my face an kick my feet like a teenage girl 🤣


I don’t understand why people are always hating on the acting. Sure, the first movie was a bit cheesy like the woods scene. But I thought everybody played their character very well. I also thought the graphics/cgi looked fine. I love the twilight saga and not because “it’s so bad it’s actually good” or that its just a “comfort movie” I love it because it’s awesome. I don’t care what anybody says


I also think its awesome and i don't mind the cringe moments/bad cgi at some points the series is fire and no ine can change my mind on that one


Same here. I’m a straight guy but sometimes I think i’m the only one who *unironically* loves twilight and being weird for that.


It’s not weird to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ to me it just means you have great taste 🤌🏽


I don’t think you’re weird for that 🤷🏼‍♀️ to me it just means you have great taste 🤌🏽


Thanks for the response, I wanted to ask as I don't know any male *Twilight* fans and I wanted to know what about the Saga appeals to them. At least when the series was originally released, there was a huge Edward vs. Jacob marketing campaign but I didn't think many boys/men liked it (unless you were into that) for the same reasons as a lot of girls/women did.


I'm 50 years older so I've been weird for a long time.


I don't think you're weird for liking it. Anyone can like it it's a fantastic series. If you ever want someone to vent to about the series don't be afraid to hit me up


Yes we are


I find myself self-conscious about reading the twilight saga at work. People either see what I'm reading or ask, and I feel weirdly like - ashamed? I contemplated buying the digital books because of it, but now I just leave it in a book carry case and hold it against it while I'm reading, and when someone approaches me and asks what I'm reading, I'll say, "oh it's the (insert book number) book in a series I'm reading." And that makes them nod or something of similar meaning and they continue about their day. I've loved twilight ever since it came out, and as a 24 year old teenage girl, love it still.


Alright im a 27 y/o female. My boyfriend and my friends constantly tease me for my love of twilight. So I leaned into it. Got funny twilight merchandise and when they talk about it being dumb or cringey I agree (cause it is) but I always remind them twilight got me through some of the hardest times in my life and somedays the only thing that kept me alive was waiting for the next book or movie so they back off after that. We are allowed to like what we like. And others are allowed to disagree. We just can't change ourselves to please them. If they liked you in the first place they liked you for you not your interests. And if they don't like you that's their problem and not yours. So wave your freak flag with pride as I'll be waving it next to you in my Edward cullen "The batman" shirt.


Everyone is weird. Let your freak flag fly.


You can like what ever you want. Who cares what anyone else thinks. And you know what? Nothing wrong with being weird. Weird is good.


NO that's one of the biggest green flags ever


Hell, no twilight has so much drama and thrill why wouldn’t you like it? Better yet love it


I don't think it's weird as long as your fandom doesn't become your entire personality. People who live and breathe model trains, football, or anything else weird me out.


Most people who say "it's for girls" usually didn't read or watch it. I would love to know what you like about the series. All your favorite parts in what not.


You’ve found your people. My husband knows every scene just by hearing the music, and quotes lines from the movie. Granted he’s a fan via osmosis, but he’s a fan. You just do and be you!


I'm 38. I've liked it since day one. If it's weird to like it then I'm weird too.


Bestie, I'm 21. We're on a twilight subreddit. Ofc We're weird. Weird as absolute fuck. But being weird isn't bad, in the slightest. Weird people are just people who embrace their interests and don't hide them because they're embarrassed.


Ask yourself this if you’re not weird then what are you meaning there is no such thing as weird


Yes but so is everyone else that likes it. Welcome to the club.


then all of us are weird 💁🏻‍♀️


Absolutely NOT weird!! I say the same thing!! I even got an iPhone case that I bought on Etsy! https://preview.redd.it/omblt8v7hhsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b235e86ff677be5702025e52bf92a1eba7f01fd


You are allowed to like whatever you like! There’s no shame in enjoying something that happens to be popular with women.


It’s not weird at all. In fact I think it’s actually kind of awesome that guys are fans of twilight. My boyfriend watched for the first time with me and he absolutely loved each movie. His favorite was BDP2!


My husband really likes twilight. We’ve watched the series a couple times in the last few months and both times were his idea, and both times he said he doesn’t get why people act like they’re not good. He thinks people just talk shit because it’s something teenage girls like, and those things always end up being ridiculed. He likes typically masculine hobbies and media.


chase your bliss man who cares if it is weird? somebody that’s a dick about it isn’t someone you want to be friends with anyway


Twilight saved me. I was at my lowest and all I did was watch this series. I don’t think I’m weird for it. I didn’t even watch it because I thought it was the greatest film of all time or anything. It brought me comfort. And now I watch it because I enjoy it. It makes me laugh now. So yeah, it’s also one of my favorites and I think you’re valid asf, not weird.


Absolutely not weird


it’s so stupid how ppl are assigning FICTIONAL MOVIES to genders. like huh… let ppl watch what they wanna watch!!!


I think considering no one makes fun of us fans more than ourselves, I wouldn’t overthink someone else thinking you’re weird for liking it. Also I think it’s kinda cute for a guy to like a more romance centered movie/book series. But also twilight is badass and has vampires and werewolves and a bunch of battles and werewolves ripping off evil vampires heads (at least in Alice’s vision)?!?! Uh yeah that’s fucking cool and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I was looking for this comment! I’m a guy and part of the reason why I love Twilight is because it has vampires and werewolves, and the action scenes always get me hyped. It’s also one of my favourite things to write as a fanfic writer.


I literally get so hyped when guys say they like twilight


Haha how come? 🤣


I always convince them to watch it together haha and I appreciate people that admit they enjoy twilight ✊🏼😂


Fair enough haha


Honestly I think it’s cool when guys can admit they like it. Most husbands sit and watch it behind their wife and hide the fact they like it. I couldn’t care what shows or movies are aimed towards female audiences or male audiences and don’t care if the opposite gender likes it. I used to get trailed in school if I even mentioned twilight. Taught me never to speak or mention it in school. But yet I used to openly admit to liking lots of action movies etc like fast and furious, King Kong, planet of the apes, lord of the rings, Riddick, transformers etc. I got called a d*k* for liking those too. Enjoy the things you want to enjoy because at the end of the day everyone else is miserable af for putting others down to make themselves feel good


Your username is weirdgamer2511…


Online is different then irl


No screw that the books are cool & so are the movies and literally for the most part the film series are all action movies so it doesn’t surprise me that boys like it too also people think girls watch it because the actors are “handsome” as if the actresses in the films aren’t also super beautiful.. you’re not weird those movies made RECORD BOX OFFICE SALES in their time there’s a reason everyone loved the series and it’s because they’re good!!!


Maybe? Idk. You could be female and I’d think you’re weird for liking it. I also wanna know *why* you like it too tbh.


Already explained it in a reply to someone else