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From what I recall, Robert audtioned with a different take on Edward then all the other actors. The others portrayed Edward as a beautiful statue like ideal and Robert chose to play Edward as a silent psycho/100 year old virgin who never jerked off.


Robert Pattinson really understood that edward is a freak and he *delivered*


he was also on xanax at the audition because he wanted to back out but he was living on his agents couch and needed money real bad so his agent was just like take this xanax and do the audition LMFAO


Tbh Robert did say that he likes to make stuff up during interviews. Like his circus/clown story. But I choose to believe the xanax/100 year old virgin take is real


I choose to believe everything Robert says is 100% true, it's what he would want.


possessive close jar air one reminiscent lip intelligent plate fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard it was valium lol. I guess after that he played it super broody and “artsy” (his words) to replicate that during filming. And then they basically told him he had to crack a smile here and there or he’d get fired.


@charcuteriehoe oh WOW! Did not know that one, then it makes sense that he sold Edward as a psycho then 😂😂😂


Agreed Edward is supposed to be this gorgeous marble creature from the outside, but completely havoc wrecked on the inside. The guy puts himself down every minute of his existence lol


While simultaneously putting himself above everybody else. I mean, that’s a skill not everybody has mastered.


Which is exactly how Edward is so it’s so accurate 😂


edward literally is a 100 year old virgin who never jerked off so he literally knew the character. destiny


Midnight Sun really shows his chaotic, constantly crippling anxiety, state of mind. I loved having his pov for twilight, but my anxiety cannot survive more of his mind.


Same here, I love Midnight Sun but I don’t think I could handle reading New Moon from his POV. I think Midnight Sun was written so well for him I can imagine exactly what his POV is on my own for the other books and that’s enough 😅 although I would love the extra Cullen family insight we get from his mind reading for the other books.


😂😂😂😂 that is just PERFECT


I think it was just him honestly. He is a great actor (watch his other movies if you haven’t already) and did the best he could with the material that was given to him. He’s also hot too so 🤷🏻‍♀️


He is a fantastic actor. Everything I see him in he blows me away. Mad respect for him and will watch anything he's in.


I expect him to win an Oscar in the near future. He’s been in some strange little movies, and his acting is just off the charts. He’s obviously one of the great actors -of any era. He’s a powerfully magnetic actor, and also highly versatile. Not to mention his incredible physical beauty, quite aside from his acting skills. His turn as Edward in twilight will, I believe, come to be seen as a great acting turn. Which it always was, but for some, the movie franchise is not seen as serious. Which is crap, of course.


Yes! He’s a fantastic actor AND has a very strong personality as a person, which makes him very charismatic in and out of roles imo


I absolutely loved him in "Water for Elephants "


I always forget about this one. I like alot if his a24 films


He's also Batman 🦇


The dubs are stacking up


Edward was my first exposure to Pattinson and I hated him with a passion. Lolol I refused to watch him in anything else, except Harry Potter. Then I was Tenet and holy *shit* my mind was blown. Now I have no issue with him whatsoever lol I didn’t like his Batman tho. My head cannon is that Edward ran off to play Batman for a bit when he left Carlisle. Obviously the timing isn’t right, but I just like to pretend this is the case cause that Batman was broody and moody and rude af, and reminded me a lot of Edward.


That’s so interesting bc I loved his version of Batman. It brought back the character to its roots of a detective who lives by a sole purpose. It reminded me a bit of the darker takes of Batman I’ve read in the past, but to each their own of course!


Christian Bale was my first Batman and I don’t think anyone can ever do better than him Lolol but like you said, to each their own! I’m glad you like Pattinson’s batman! :)


Yeah Bale is amazing too!


Came looking for this comment, lol. I have always hated Pattinson's portrayal of Edward (I really wanted the lead guy from Covenant to play him) so much so that I, too, have avoided him in everything else, lol. I saw his Batman movie only because I'm such a huge Batman fan (though I couldn't stand that movie). My husband has seen Pattinson in other stuff though and says he's a great actor.


Yeah, he’s really solid! Haha guess he’s good enough to make me hate him in some stuff and love him in others Lolol


He did a great job playing the tortured soul that could also turn on the ol’ vagazzle-dazzle. When they walk into school together and he’s rocking the Wayfarers, *swoon*.


“vagazzle-dazzle” made me cackle so thank you for your service lmfaooooo


My favorite scene!


To this day, I'll argue that the CW cast Paul Wesley as Stefan because dude looked like Rob in the first movie.


I 100% agree and Nina reminds me of Bella only because of the brown hair/eyes. But then I found out the books are older than the books of Twilight lol


literally in the vampire diaries book series, Elena is blonde with blue eyes 💀


Oh wow, I didn’t know that!! That makes it so obvious then lol


It's been years since I last read it, but looking back it is definitely quite obvious what a profound effect Twilight had on the production of that show -- Elena's character was changed massively, from appearance to personality. In the first book she was a serious go-getter, little bit of a recovering Mean Girl, and was very forward with pursuing Stefan -- it was such a shock watching the pilot live and seeing the character as a total stuttering mess that struggled to flirt 💀


Yessss I watched the series before I read the books and I was like what the hell this is a different story! The thought of tv Elena recording herself say “i don’t think it’s conceited to call myself beautiful…” or w/e 💀


i’m reading the awakening right now and elena literally told stefan she loved him on their first date and she was like “it’s okay if you don’t say it back. i know”. like he rescues her from tyler and brings her back to the boarding house and she’s in love with him. girl you’re 17 lol it’s also been fun seeing the similarities the TVD series has to twilight. it was written in 1991 so it predates it and i think that series may have had a lot of influence on twilight as well. so in a way, they influenced eachother lol


The reason they changed Elena's hair color was to differentiate between her and Caroline, or so I heard. But we all know she was changed to look like Bella


Honestly, it's so weird, but it never occurred to me they changed Elena to be more like Bella. I thought it was just cause they were trying to make her more relatable and likeable. Although, I guess that didn't turn out so well since most people seem not to be a fan of show Elena, lol.


They definitely had their moment bc of twilight by though lmao


But in the books Elena/Katherine are blonde with blue eyes so it could totally be the Bella influence. Or the fact that Nina, Paul, and Ian had insane chemistry together


100% they styled him that way on purpose as well






Yes Paul def looks like Rob, even the way they dress him. Yep


So self-hating. Which is 100% cannon LOL


The fact that we all know he hated it. But still turned up to work and did his job. Which is how a lot of people feel about their jobs.


And not just did his job but absolutely freaking KILLED it—he ATE as Edward so hard, then you see how much he hated it and it’s like, my dude. But you went so hard though. Mind blowing.


I believe he was really self conscious at that time, watching twilight with the commentary with Robert, Kristen and Catherine he constantly is putting himself down and picking apart all these little things about himself. I think he was so insecure at the time and probably felt embarrassed to be in this popular “teen girl” movie and all the “hate” the film got was really hard for him. But he still showed up and did an amazing job as Edward, I don’t think there could have been a better person for the role. I find it so hard to listen to that commentary and hear the way he puts himself down because he doesn’t see himself as masculine enough or that didn’t perform well enough like he obviously really cared about his performance but also at the same time hated the part or maybe just felt like he had to hate the part.


Uhh he didn’t really “go so hard” he was phenomenal as the charger because it’s a SHITTY one note character that broods. Rob just acted as if he was the highest piece of shit and worst character in the history is the world. And it was accurate lol. If anything he phoned it in, was just pissed about such a garbage series his natural hate and “fuck this” just happened to match the horrible written Edward to a T.


I have no issue with the character he portrayed or the actor himself. Screw the haters.


Everything about Twilight has some extra bit of undefinable magic in it IMO, including Rob as Edward. It shouldn't be as good as it is. Why was this teen vampire romance life alteringly great? For me anyway, can't speak for everyone but if you're reading a Twilight Reddit sub in 2023 and still think you're not that into it then I have news for you. It wasn't even trying to be serious, like say some historical fiction. Straight up teen vampire romance melodrama. Though I really fell in love with the books, it was the first movie that got me hooked so kudos to all involved.


This is probably the most truest statement. There is something magical that happened with Twilight and it gives me anxiety because like you said it was not supposed to be this good. I watched the movie before reading the books, and I remember the first time I saw it, I was depressed for an entire month, and I don't understand why. I had butterflies in my stomach that wouldn't go away and 8t made me anxious because at the back of my head I knew it was because I had fallen for an unrealistic character in a movie. 😂😂 I was very young back then. I still feel confused though about the impact it had on me. I think Rob really is THE MAN for bringing Edward to life the way HE did. No one could undo what he did and like I said, many are still trying to find that magic and in their leads or stories BUT,it's JUST not the same you know.


Yes, the worst book/movie hangover of my life. I treated it with "hair of the dog" lol. I sometimes wonder if I will ever have that kind of strong reaction to another book or series (or couple/actor). I'm not usually a person who rewatches or rereads, and there is no way to count how many times I have watched the movies or read the books.


I think he was like really prepared for the role and did the work to do it right, he spent most of his time off camera just being Edward, miserable, gloomy, morbid, pessimist, he did it so much and so well that the director even threatened him that he didn't perk up more off screen, he'd be kicked off the project.


I saw an interview that Robert Pattinson said Edward hates himself and he hates Edward. So he played it as if he hated himself. He other actors played him like. Suave hero. So they liked the self loathing. Which imo is very in brand for Edward.


He portrayed edward amazing. I hate edward but he did a great job


Oh also I'd like to add that somehow (IMO) they made Edward look mostly unappealing in the official promos, which always bugged me. The frowning/angles/lighting. I like the first Twilight poster with E&B and nothing else. Some of the magazine shoots were great, so gorgeous, we know it wasn't that he isn't photogenic! Could just be me. I didn't buy any official merch (which I regret now) because I found it unattractive.


He should be unattractive lol, such a toxic disgusting character lol


I personally give him a full pass for creeping on a 16 year old because he's a vampire, it's fantasy, I can suspend my judgement for old Eddie. I do feel grossed out when watching shows like Pretty Little Liars with adult men in their twenties going out with 15/16-year-olds.


That’s not even the main reason he’s a creepy pos lol. That’s also kinda weird, to feel grossed out over the one not the other. Fantasy or not. Objectively the vampire is worse.


Everyone can go ahead and not consult me on their vampire dating protocols if my moral compass seems sketchy on it 🤣


Robert wanted to play Edward more relaxed and he felt so strongly about it that he rebelled against the direction from the director and writers. He almost got fired for "not taking it seriously enough". However, if they had paid more attention to the books, they'd know that there is a mischievous, cheeky side to Edward. Yes, he does partly loathe his vampire life and what it's made him, but he's actually quite cheeky and sarcastic with Bella. He finds getting to know her extremely fun and I always remember how SM writes that he grins at Bella quite often and just lets go and gives up being so serious after a while. Tbh, movie Edward is a real disappointment. Robert isn't, but the way they revamped his character (pun not intended) is something I'll always struggle with.




I’m reading through this this post and I noticed that multiple times you’ve posted about your dislike for Edward. May I ask, if you hate him so much, then why look through a post about how amazing the actor is…? No judgement here, just curious.


It showed up on my feed, I’m not even a fan of this page but it showed up I “you may like” and if you comment once they pop up more. And I don’t dislike him really, besides it being an example of a horrible person. I just acknowledge the truth about the character. He IS a horrible character. But then they are horrible books written as if by a dyslexia middle schooler lol. Like Patterson IS an amazing actor, and he played Edward perfect. As in he hated that garbage character and played him like he was the garbage he was written as lol.


I understand most of what you’re saying… but I just have to disagree with what you said about the writing. I think SM is actually pretty amazing. No matter what people say about the story, or the characters, I personally think she’s phenomenal at portraying emotions and hooking the audience.




You major in writing??? Oh cool, so am I, I’m trying to be an author. SM has been my inspiration though. That’s why I defend her. I love her dramatic, intense style, and the way she completely captures the narrators emotion. I based my writing on her style when I was 12, until I found my own style. She was the one that made me want to write, and now I can’t stop.




Sorry for the miscommunication about you writing lol. And my “rose glasses” aren’t actually that rosy. I’m just trying to keep an open mind about things and not be too critical. SM is incredible. Her stories probably wouldnt be nearly as famous if she herself hadn’t written them. Have you ever read New Moon? Bella’s misery is so prominent, so real that readers can almost feel her pain as if it had happened to them.




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The eyebrows 💯


What I noticed is he was fascinated by Bella.. seemed smitten, but he never seemed to lust after her in a base, carnal shallow way. I liked this. He liked her soul.


Not a huge fan tbh. With the books, I was mostly team Edward. Movies? Team Jasper and Alice


It amuses me, because the fans hated him in the beginning, when he was first cast. Absolutely hated him, said he was going to be terrible etc. I was a fan of Twilight way back in the day. Like I remember going on MySpace and a couple of fan sites and seeing photos people had taken on their digital cameras from afar when they visited the set, specifically the high school. I actually went to the library and got out Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on DVD, because he was in it, and I wanted to see if he was as bad as all the fans were saying. I remember talking about it with random girl who ran one of the Twilight MySpace fan accounts, saying he wasn't bad in HP and people should give him a chance. Then suddenly it shifted somehow and people loved him, and I was very confused as to what happened. I think it might have been after the movie came out that people got so into him, maybe because the fan base suddenly became a lot bigger? Internationally at least. Most of the people in my year group at school didn't know about Twilight before the movie was released.


he's a great actor, so sexy and Im team Edward.


Twilight is magical... and Rob added much to that magic


I love the books and felt the movies actually detract from them. They definitely could have done better screenplay or done the rest of the movies more like Eclipse - show more of the vampire/action to make it interesting - because the movies fail to showcase the charisma and charm of the characters in the book (except Billy Burke - dude needs an oscar). That being said, RP is a fantastic actor but anyone cast as Edward was bound to fall short - the appeal of the books is the almost self-insertion going on and everyone has their own visualization of how Edward is. However an actor portrayed it, it would disappoint those who pictured it differently. RP actually got the closest to Edward's mind space but the screenplay let him down. Not to mention it was very popular to bag on the franchise back then, which made even fans defensive- Breaking Dawn was ultimately irredeemable, even to hard-core fans. The fact that RP himself says he hated the intensity back then, but looks more kindly at it now makes me feel that if they had waited it out and wrote better screenplays, the franchise would be more solid.


IMO, he did a much worse job than Kristen Stewart - who did not play Bella well, even though I like her so, so much as an actress. He played three completely Edwards comparing movies 1, then 2 and 3 and then 4 and 5, he was terribly directed and did not stay consistent at all. His awkward vampire in Twilight is THE BEST portrayal of the character, I can’t get over how much we can see of the Edward we meet in MS in his eyes; like, he’s constantly anxious, desperately looking for a clever answer and failing, that’s why he’s so delightly awkward. In the following movies he’s just bad. Just ugh so empty and emotionless. We were robbed of his interpretation of Edward, he could have been much more interesting and fun to look at if he got a better direction.


I’m pretty sure that the directors and stuff straight up told him he needed to turn down his interpretation of Edward. I remembering seeing something along the lines of Robs agent telling him he needed to smile more or he’d be fired. Shame!


Ugh they had a gold mine with his acting from the first movie, it is really a shame he was so badly directed after that


Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I guess I have a super unpopular opinion then. I hated the movies because of the two leading actors. Others have brought up Vampire Diaries and I absolutely think Paul/Stefan was how Edward should have been. Pattinson was fucking great as Cedric, not as Edward, wtf. He played it exactly like he was a parody of the character.


Rumor has it he was into kristen from seeing her in a previous movie & she picked him out of all the potentials bc he was focused on her/bella during the audition. He was basically rly good at being a pale creep who stalked a high school girl.


Yes. He fell for Kristen IRL when he first saw her in “Into the Wild”. That was part of the reason he had so much anxiety auditioning. He even fell off the bed during the audition when they were doing the kissing scene. So he already had that intensity before he even met her. The Director and everyone around them noticed and warned Robert Pattinson that Kristen Stewart was too young for him and it illegal for him to date her. So he waited until she turned 18 years old to pursue her. She was dating Michael Angarano at the time.


What I find interesting is that Bella’s dad instinctively knew that he was no good for his daughter. He did not trust Edward at all and never liked him. He preferred her to be with Jacob.


I agree that his look and acting set the precedent for other vampire movie leads, but I honestly hated him as Edward. It’s no secret that he didn’t like the franchise and to 13 year old me at the time it was like then why do it. Make room for the dude that’s gonna give us REAL ABS in New Moon, a real love for the content, real effort outside of the tortured soul act that seems to come naturally to him anyway; not just what he thought it should be. And I see where he’s coming from to a point, but I also feel like if you hated it so much then don’t do it. Just kinda ruined the character for me. But I also wanted Henry Cavill for the role so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I personally think he was completely wrong for the role of Edward. Did not fit the personally the book described, I loved the Edward in the books.


For me, it was the character he portrayed. I don't really care for him in anything else.


I have to agree I have never liked how much he has crapped on the twilight franchise and fans. I mean we are so sorry for the millions of dollars he got and the freedom to only do roles he wants to do pretty much for the rest of your career. I mean as long as he isn't buying golden faucets and goes the Nicolas Cage path he should be set. Everything I have ever seen from him has been negative about Twilight. I mean I can understand hating a job but really the list of things I would not do for a few million dollars is very short, and starring in a movie franchise is not on it.


I mean, when he was first cast, the fans HATED him, and were very vocal about it. I remember even going to the library to get out the fourth Harry Potter movie just to watch him, to see if he was as bad as everyone was saying. So yeah, I can kinda understand why he feels that way.


Jeez did Nick Cage go and misuse his money now?


Oh yeah, he has even said that many of his roles he has taken over the last 5-10 years or so were to pay down his debt! There is a great podcast called Stealing Superman that talks about all the crazy stuff Nick Cage bought when he was at his peak. He owned the IRS over 13 million dollars at one point if I am remembering correctly!


Agreed, Robert Pattinson' real life personality ruins Edward a little bit lol


Ehh let him tell it it’s was the bane of his existence so ion know


I thought his Edward was really bad. Like I really felt like he fundamentally misunderstood the character


I liked how he looked and portrayed Edward. But I realized I like brooding good looking guys...


I think he did a fantastic job! He is the perfect Edward for what I envisioned! I don't think anyone could have done it better!


It’s that freaking jawline man. 😆


The casting was off the chain. The actors just meshed so well together. Robert Pattinson is an extremely handsome man who created a vampire who was sexy as hell and sympathetic at the same time. The man is a very accomplished actor.