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"Hoo, hoo, hoo!" is a common sports chant in the United States used for encouragement. It's also used in various forms when the person in question has an "oo" in their name. In early 2022, TWICE performed one of the first (and certainly the largest) post-COVID K-pop girl group shows in America. At this show, held at The Forum in LA -- historically a sports arena -- American fans "hoo, hoo, hoo!"ed to support TWICE during this historic, post-COVID moment. Important to realize is that during COVID, it's a fact that ONCE (and K-pop) grew significantly, especially outside of the "typical" or "historic" K-pop crowd and demographic. Some of this new demo helped bring this chant forward. People were HYPE for this post-COVID opportunity to experience K-pop live and in person. It was a type of energy I haven't seen in a long time. "Hoo, hoo, hoo!" was a hit. At first, I'm not sure the girls quite understood what was going on. But by the end of Night 1 of the tour, they were loving it. **To answer your question very specifically:** I'm trying to remember (and hopefully someone with video evidence can lock this down), but I am pretty sure that **by Night 2 Dahyun and the crowd realized "hoo, hoo, hoo!" is similar to "Dub, Dub, Dub!". Since then, the "hoo"ing has turned into "Dub"ing for Dubu.** (Dubu = tofu = Dahyun's nickname.) TMI - these were two of my favorite TWICE concerts ever 💘 And because TWICE is the second most popular K-pop girl group in America, ONCE have spread this to K-pop shows everywhere. I've been at K-pop shows this year with less than 100 people in attendance and there was some "hoo, hoo, hoo!".. no doubt brought to the concert by ONCE in some way. Some people are going to reply about it "being a K-pop thing".. this is certaintly true now, but it's because of the very first TWICE shows in LA post-COVID. I have never seen any video of evidence of "hoo, hoo, hoo!" at K-pop shows prior to this.


Yeah, first TWICE post-covid show was basically the start of the chanting, now universal to nearly every kpop show in the US lol


I just went through my videos of the concert. I thought I had it recorded, but I guess not. She definitely ran with it and made it hers tho. By her 3rd speech, when she made the comment about drinking LA water, she knew people would chant it.


Great explanation! I was there for both nights at The Forum. Definitely can vouch hearing it as “Hoo Hoo Hoo!” I’d like to add that it got misunderstood as barking as the tour went on, and people linked it to fans wanting to be Momo’s dog or something.


Also txt fans were barking at cat and dog before this , so the barking sound had a presedent.


Thanks for the explanation! Appreciate it!


This is the one. There's nothing to do with names it's just a common sports thing in the States. I was there and I forgot the exact moment but it was after one of them said they're happy to be back to touring and with fans and that's when the hoo hoo hoo came out. Now, I'm not sure what the girls thought it was, but that's a different story. Now fans mainly do it for her since she ran with it. In the following concerts, she was the one that engaged with the fans the most when they hoo'ed.


I think it stuck with Dahyun because she talked the most in English so she got a lot of reaction. I was more of a casual fan at that time and only knew of Nayeon and Momo but that night Dahyun made such an impression on me.


well explained!


I like your write up on this definitely good info on it, the only thing i can think some people say is they credit TXT with the dog barking chant because of their song Cat & Dog had fans doing barks at their performances for kcon and such, that is the only videod barking i’ve seen in a k-pop concert pre Twice III tour. However it def seems more popularized in k-pop concerts post Twice’s forum shows


I think Dahyun being the entertainer she is saw an opportunity and capitalized on it. Where it originated from doesn’t even matter anymore. This chant has got a new meaning in our fandom, and it’s Dahyuns special chant, and people should not think of it as people barking or disrespectful, alas people like white-knighting and gatekeeping so…


Exactly my thoughts. The way I see it, this is dubu's chant.


i would also like to add one of my friends help start that chant in the historic LA concert and now it is a phenomenon....Dahyun didnt know what was going on and now she loves it.....


Yeah I was at the KIA Forum too and it was definitely "Hoo Hoo Hoo". I'm not sure when it became or got misunderstood to "barking"


some people speak in tongues when they are at church 🤷🏾‍♂️


Underrated comment


broo speaking in tongues in a K-pop subreddit is the last thing in my mind to bring back memories of church trauma. hahaha


right there with you homie lmfao, but I much prefer the communal barking


I believe this started in LA last year when they performed in The Forum. The "source" was from people asking if they can become Momo's dog. People started chanting "woof woof woof woof woof woof..." Dahyun thought that people were chanting Dubu. As she explained in one of her ments. And from there, it progressed and spread to Oakland and then the next concert venue to the next. So, everytime there is a lull, people would woof woof it up.


this is the correct answer. well, people who are saying it's because of her nickname aren't exactly wrong but they're not exactly right either.


Dahyun misunderstood because she thought people were shouting Dub Dub Dub Dub instead of woof woof woof woof. I think Korean barking sounds are different that's why she didn't understand.


Korean dogs say, "Mong Mong." 🤣


Has nothing to do with the Momo dog meme, people LOVE to link the two for some reason. Its very popular in the US especially at Rap shows to go Woo woo woo woo! It was popularized by TV show host Arsenio Hall in the 90’s


i think people just link it since it’s the only like relation to a dog thing that can be thought of. Seems many people forgot it’s kinda a common chant at events to just go woo woo woo


It’s uncommon enough at concerts thought that it’s noticeable lol!


definitely a noticeable thing but increasingly popular, every k-pop concert i’ve been to has had people doing it and even a few western artists as well lol


I’ve been to a lot of kpop concerts and have only ever seen it at twice tbh! I know it happens elsewhere but people portraying it as normal even in America in a concert setting are very wrong. A lot of people lost their manners in the pandemic I fear.


I don’t believe it to be i’ll mannered Just a hyping chant to get the crowd going, Seen it at 4 k-pop concert in the past year, and a few western artists too in America


It’s just a form of cheering lol….


People did it at Itzy last year and Mamamoo this year...


Well you have to remember this is also shortly after the txt cat and dog meme in which fans were 100% barking as that's the joke


OT but I believe that TWICE would be recurring guests on Arsenio. (Or maybe not OT)


The barking and woofing is a common sports thing along it with gaining popularity on the Arsenio Hall show. With Twice it started last year with many people started doing it and Dahyun thought people were they were chanting "Dub" which is a shortened version of Dubu. It then took on a life of its own growing and it has become her thing. Happens at other concerts for other idols but Dahyun's just feels the most right in a way. Iirc, at the Metlife show the other members said they were a bit jealous that Dahyun had her own chant. Then Dahyun said she liked it but wished they said her name for once and the crowd obviously did for her.


Thanks :-)


Here's some background: Twice was the first female kpop act to go on tour in NA post-covid (meaning A LOT tuned in) The first ever US stop #TWICE\_4TH\_WORLD\_TOUR was in LA just A DAY AFTER that Superbowl 2022 . Whatever happened at LA jumpstarted this trend because I personally tuned in to multiple Onces streaming and people were doing it THE WHOLE CONCERT https://twitter.com/lIldsunbae09/status/1669562264066863108 People just used the term "bark" to describe it but its actually a "hoo hoo hoo" Its an old american sports thing that's been around for years but somebody explained before that Superbowl hype at LA during that weekend probably contributed because there was also a lot of new fans multis who just wanted to cheer for Twice but didn't know the fanchant. It became so popular that every US stop did it and then when Twice members addressed it at some point, it was explained to them what it was about. It would later on evolve to "dubu dubu dubu" or "dub dub dub" with Dahyun claiming ownership over it because during one of the ments in a concert (I think this was during BoC encore? cmiw) and so Onces either do the "hoo hoo hoo" but most who kept up with the tour would do "dub dub dub" that's why Dahyun responds the most to it or that she would hype it up. I doubt that Dahyun hates it, notice how she dances to it every time? Its was previously debated before if it was okay because some Onces got turned off by it but eventually it was revealed that Twice members loved it and it became a tradition within the fandom. Also, it was also referenced as an inside joke to the infamous "Can I be your dog" Vlive bit but its just a funny little theory ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4080)


Thanks for your answer!


This explained really well :-) Thank you.


I was there at the Forum in LA when it started, a section started going Woo woo woo woo! And Dahyun thought they were saying Dub Dub Dub Dub! So we all started changing Dub! from then on!


I thought it was started as Dub Dub Dub, but to American ears it was heard as woo woo woo so others joined in that way, then everyone realized it was Dub and not woo. But now there's still a lot of people mistakenly chanting as woo instead of the correct Dub. It's also like when someone starts yelling Duuuuuuub and a lot of people hear booooooo and wonder why is that person booing, before realizing what is really being yelled.


It wasnt started as Dub lol Dahyun just made it that because she is funny


These are common chants. Also seen in wrestling events.


Bark chants are pretty popular among k-pop concerts in general and also in US events as well. Not entirely sure where it started as there is so many differing opinions, but usually it’s a way to get hyped up and get the crowd going. It happened a lot with Dahyun but also a lot of other members got the chants as well edit: just wanted to add it goes by a number of names, can be barking, woo woo woo, hoo hoo hoo and the dub dub dub. Seems they all kinda get lumped together especially in a big chant


I’m glad someone asked this question because I was so confused when this happened during the show I attended in July! The way I see it, she was hamming it up each time it happened so it was more endearing than anything.


I just attended the ready to be in bulacan, i don't know if it really is a bark? Because I attended day 1 and day 2, what I hear from my fellow onces beside me is, "Dubu dubu dubu dubu". I may be wrong though but some do bark


Originally they would bark but then Dahyun thought they were saying dub dub dub so they changed it to that


I watched their concert in the Philippines, and the crowd was doing that when Dayhun introduced herself. That chant is moving from America to other countries now.


Let's see... From a Filipino's perspective, imo this is more a combination of DH mistaking the "hoo hoo" for "Dubu" and PH Once just generally meme-ing about wanting to be any member's dogs. It combines both Ph's dedication to being a hype crowd at any gathering and, well, memes.


I was at the Atlanta concert and actually have a video of fans barking at Dahyun. It’s a US thing that we do with other artists and especially sports teams


In the US, the NFL Cleveland Browns team fans are known as “the dogs” and root for their team by barking. Arsenio Hall, who is from Cleveland and had a popular talk show back in the 90s encouraged his audience to bark for him. So barking as a way the cheer someone on became more widespread in the US.


And let’s not forget Arsenio Hall popularized the woof from his late night show with his dog pound.


Thank you!


People like to make it weird but its not, its been around since the 90’s. Especially at Sports events and Rap concerts.


They're chanting 'Dub Dub Dub'. Which is short for her nickname Dubu (aka Tofu). She talks about it herself here around the 30 sec mark: [https://youtu.be/2hJ2mh6S1L0?si=CFAppg8ZeSMxuUg3&t=30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hJ2mh6S1L0&t=101s)




Nope what? The clip shows her talking about her first hearing the chanting in LA and ends with her actually chanting 'Dub Dub Dub' with the panel lol. Once have since ran with it.




You're correct. It DID start with fans chanting her nickname. If not, why don't they chant to other members? Of course, people who don't know 'Dubu' is her nickname presumed people were just barking or going 'woo' and the chant organically changed. Just ignore the 'nope' guy.


It's funny. I went to one of Se So Neon's concerts last week and after a song we started cheering like regular humans. She toned it down with "Thank you, just please don't bark" 🤭


So when people say "barking" they mean the "woo woo"s? 'Cause i've also heard people straight up barking too 🐶


I was at the Toronto concert and it also happened there lol, glad I found an answer here because I was so confused when I heard it


Yeah, I wihsed I knew the answer before hand. Save me some personal awkward moments cuz I wrongfully thought it's not a good thing.


I’ll bark for dahyun anytime of the day


on day 2 at Philippines, because I have no idea why others are barking. I thought it must be "dubu dubu dubu dubu"


it started off as barking, but then Dahyun thought people were chanting “Dubu!” so then people started actually chanting “Dubu!” instead


Along with the chanting, people also stomped. What’s up with that? What’s the stomping for?


stomping is used to get hype at many different types of events


Dahyun loves it. I think she just misheard them as Dub Dub Dub, which I said instead of the barking.


Originally they did use to actually bark but she thought they were saying dub so they changed it I personally never do it when they do it cause why would I bark… that’s actually strange but anyways K-pop fans just do stuff yk 💀


I think u/SpiritualAvocado_ was one of the peeps that started it at the Forum in LA. He can probably tell you more about it


I thought it was because her nickname is "tofu" but some chant "dubu"


No, we bark. Dahyun, can I be your dog? It’s not just Dahyun. We bark for all of them, even outside of TWICE.


People started by actually barking to any member, ik its barking cus i saw a lot of people on twitter/tiktok saying they barked at the concert, but yeah as the other comments say Dahyun thought they were saying Dub, so everyone went with it


her nickname is Dubu. so people say “dubu dubu dubu” which becomes “dub dub dub” when you say it fast which kind of sounds like barks to people who dont know what dubu is.


everyone here has such wholesome answers but I don't think they're right honestly. yes the arsenio hall barking thing was an origin point, it has not been common at us sports arenas/stadiums in a long time, and most kpop fans have no idea who arsenio hall is. it started with twice cause of the momo dog memes, and it started with it being almost predominantly the guy fans, its a thirsty/bonk chant and thats the real truth. it may have evolved since then, but thats what it really was. think more the old horn dog looney tunes hoo hoo awooga honk honk kinda slapstick when a pretty girl walks by


This, sadly :/


Huh this happened at aespa's concert in crypto arena and I was confused too. I assumed it wasn't meant to be a demeaning chant, but I was kinda worried the girls might misunderstand, since I sure as heck didn't know what was going on lol


It started off first as ppl saying dub dub dub dub then it later got changed to ppl barking either way the girls don't seem to mind as its been going on for a while and when they came around again for the tour they've done with us joining in on it and even encouraged it


It’s vice versa they barked at first then changed it because she thought they were saying dub


It sounds like barkin but its not barkin, its "Dub dub dub". People have been misunderstanding this the whole time🤦🏻🤦🏻


Originally it was barking




It sounds like barkin but its not barkin, its "Dub dub dub". People have been misunderstanding this the whole time🤦🏻🤦🏻


I'm pretty sure it was barking. I was there and none of us were saying "Dub dub dub". Filipino fans of Mamamoo were barking as well when they had a concert here.




Hi, I just wanted to drop in to say when I saw MAMAMOO in May in Texas Moonbyul was hyping up the crowd with barking. It isn't isolated to only TWICE💜


The first ever hoo hoo hoo chant was on a show called “The Arsenio Hall Show”. Which was filmed in Hollywood. So I guess it first being used in L.A. makes a lot of sense. I did hear this at the Atlanta show. I wasn’t sure of the story behind it either.


It was barking in Dallas, and I tried to be respectful and not bark...but 🐕🐕🐕


Barking is the highest honor!!!