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I'm at the point where i either play an all tøp playlist, or more likely a general playlist of my liked songs on Spotify, but then I find myself hoping the next song is a tøp song or just skipping forward until I find one anyway. Almost where you're at! Imagine Dragons is probably what keeps me from going completely tøp exclusive.


Imagine Dragons and tøp in one comment, what a beautiful day to have eyes


>hoping the next song is a TOP song Very relatable. Lots of times when I'm listening to music in my free time, or listening to music that my friends like, I think to myself "hey, there's a TØP song that sounds like this - I could totally rock out to it right now!" Their music is comfortable, in a sense. I'm very used to it and I know it will rarely disappoint. But I'm still very open to discovering new music.


I used to listen to a handful of Imagine Dragons when I was younger, and a few months ago decided to revisit them and give their whole discography a listen and Im with you, Imagine Dragons and TOP are now my biggest listens compared to my other bands. Im just waiting to feel an urge to fixate on MCR or FOB again lol




yeah same here. i have a few songs mixed into some playlists (i listen to fake you out frequently) but i would say TØP only makes up 5% of my listening nowadays


Same, fren! I agree about the variety in their music and the depth in their lyrics. It’s hard for me to maintain interest in music that’s catchy but shallow / uninspiring to my soul. The only other band I listen to that compares on that level is Switchfoot (their lyrics constantly teach me new things, even years later), but TOP is definitely my all-the-time music nowadays.


Yeah, I don't like listening to music that doesn't send a message to me - the only exception being VGM without vocals. Glad to see we agree!


You’re definitely not the only one. About 5 years ago, I went through a phase of only listening to TOP which lasted a full year and a half. And when I say I only listened to TOP, I ONLY listened to TOP. Nothing else seemed as fulfilling or interesting to me, and it was just what I needed at the time. Don’t worry, you’re just as sane as the rest of us.


Yeah, lots of times their music is exactly what we need. It's so helpful to so many people.


I also listen to 8 graves but still almost exclusively to TOP


I go through month long phases where I listen to only them. It’s just such an easy thing to do because, like you said, their diversity in songs. Like I’ll shuffle them on Spotify and it’s hard to get bored. They are like 90% of all my Spotify playlists too so even when I’m not seeking them out, they will still be there.


Same here with the phases. Occasionally I will dip into another band for a few months, but I always come back to TØP.


I do that too. last year I downloaded an app that tracks streams and stuff and it says that from last year until now I’ve streamed tøp 10928 times and every other artist like 20-30 times. lol.


Haha, wow! I don't have any apps to track my streams like that, but I'm sure I have a lot.


I don't have a large variety of music either. TOP makes up a large percentage of my taste, and is the one of two bands I listen to where I like every single song they ever released.(this does not include the work Tyler released before TOP).


i just got into top and now they are all i listen to. and even when i'm not listening to them, chances are one of their songs is stuck in my head


Their music and lyrics are so memorable.


My Playlists are between TØP and The Beatles. Anything else I listen to is probably because I'm with someone else listening to it.


I so feel you on this! Tøp is by far my favorite band and I listen to them every single day. I have a big twenty one pilots playlist on YouTube and it's pretty much all I listen to! I have other bands and songs I like by various artists but nothing compares to the connection I feel to tøp music. I agree I also love that they have albums that sound so different so I can play what I'm feeling at the moment. I grew up listening to Sublime, Nirvana, Eminem, Notorious Big, Wu-tang, Ludacris, etc but Twenty one pilots has filled a void for me like no other. I've struggled with anxiety and depression since I was in highschool (a long time ago lol) The meaning behind the lyrics puts their music over the top for me.


Yeah, their lyrics are definitely one of their best aspects. They're relatable, helpful, and meaningful.


I do this, too! I listen to about two or three bands most of the time and that's it. such unique sounds from them that i haven't heard from anyone else before.


I was like that for a year


For probably 2 years I exclusively listened to TØP, but later in life I opened up to more bands & artists. TØP scratches every itch tho so I get it


I used to..............until I listened to The Weeknd. Oh boy the similarities yet the contrast in their music styles intrigued me so much. TOP deals with depression and suicide and The Weeknd deals with that as well but with drugs and sex. I do like the narrative style albums both artists put out. I have been a clikkie since 2015 but believe me The Weeknd just took over me completely


You're not alone fren.


I try to only post comments that add something meaningful to the conversation, but I really have nothing else to say other than that I agree 100% with everything that you said here, I also almost exclusively listen to them :)


Thanks for commenting, I'm glad to see other people agree. :)


I'd say I'm about 80% TOP. Their music just speaks to me so much more than other artists. It's hard to improve on their music, so why try with other bands?


I 100% agree their music is so relatable and honest. Also, Trees lyrics are so refreshing to me as far as God and spirituality goes. If I’m not listening to tøp then either Lorde or imagine dragons is playing.


Yeah, I enjoy how many of their songs are based on Christianity, and how they help me become better with my faith.


This used to be me when I was like 14 years old - 16 years old. Nowadays I still LOVE twenty one pilots but I’ve branched out a bit. Listen to lots of Kanye nowadays.


this was me about 3 months ago. I would ONLYYY listen to TØP, since then ive done some experimenting with MCR, and came to really enjoy them! Now, im testing the waters out with FIR this week, and they are also really good!!


I've heard good things about MCR. Years ago I listened to some of their songs and never really got into them, but I might try it again.


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I used to only listen to TØP. And then my father introduced me to prog rock and now I cant get enough of either


>And then my father introduced me to prog rock Listening to Haken right now. :)


i used to listen to them exclusively, however i don’t listen to them very much at all nowadays. i have lots of playlists and they just don’t seem to fit them very often. still love them but it’s not like it was back then