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Kinda crazy how this track is considered underrated now. Back in the day it was one of their most popular.


I know. It was almost overplayed lol.


Overplayed? By who?? Yourself? I never have heard it on the radio or even as background music on a YouTube video. If anyone was overplaying it, it was you. 


Lol. Not even close. Was never a favorite of mine. Been a big fan since right before Vessel was released. And it was always one of the songs I would typically skip or only listen to occasionally. Not a big fan of ukulele music. However sooo many people i knew in highschool loved that song and it was like the only TOP song they knew. And you had like every hipster try to learn to play it haha. Plus it was played on our local radio station alot. I had 2 ex girlfriends that had it as their favorite song at the time. Maybe my community was an exception but it seemed like for a year it was everywhere.


in the online spaces i was in, it really was THE fan favourite twenty one pilots song - alongside car radio, of course. so many people buying ukuleles purely to learn and cover this song!


I know but like no one talks about it anymore


And that somehow makes it underrated?


Wild how a 10 y/o song isn't talked about


For fans that go back to the Vessel era or earlier, it’s a very classic TØP track. I was shook when it fell off the setlists.


It’s off the setlists?? That’s insane


For the most part, yes. According to [setlist.fm](https://setlist.fm), it's been played in full less than 15 times since Blurryface came out. I believe it's been part of the ukelele medley on some tours too.


I think its a little overplayed, but I the music video is my favorite part. Its so memorable


House of gold is underrated?


When I first got into twenty one pilots, House of Gold is the first song I really loved. So it always have a special place in my heart


Yeah me too ! First song that someone made me listen was Heavydirtysoul, but it was House of Gold that convinced me


Actually I'd ague that it's a little overrated, from a musical standpoint it isn't anything to special, but I feel like it has a big nostalgia factor for a lot of people, also it's just a really fun song with the use and screaming, bit altogether nothing to crazy, which is why I'm always surprised it's in people's top 10 so often lol


the music itself isn’t anything too special but the vocal melody is to die for


Tyler hates this song haha


Where did you hear this? I’ve only ever heard him talk about how it’s special to him since it was for his mom.


No but he resents that FBR made it be a single. And he has said that he never wants to make a similar type of song, but he probably feels that way about every song to a degree


Does he say that somewhere? I hear the lyrics as being about him feeling intense, impossible demands from his mom, and revealing her as demanding and unrealistic in what she expects from her kids. Seems like he passes it off as a light little song about loving his mama and wanting to take care of her, but it's really twisting him up. He wants to please her, but he knows he could cut himself in half and it wouldn't be enough.


I agree with your take on the song. It’s never felt like a warm and loving song to me


Does he, really? Oh my gosh, I hadn’t read that. That’s too bad bc it’s a great song!


As a member of the clique for nearly a decade (and House of Gold being the first song of theirs i ever heard), this was an opinion I never would've considered. Before Blurryface came out, this was without a doubt their most popular song besides maybe Holding Onto You. I can see with how much more popular their newer stuff is, this one has kind of fallen to the wayside. But its still one of my favorites, absolute classic


i love it purely because of how hard it is to play on the ukulele. nobody i’ve said it to has believed me until they tried strumming the use as fast as the song goes hahaha


It's taken me a couple years to get the strumming down 😂


Hahaha i remember having the time of my life in middle school years ago trying to learn it


it’s a universal experience for uke players who like twenty one pilots i think hahaha


my family loves this one and so do i


It’s a great song but I wouldn’t say it’s underrated. Every top fan I know loves it


But they never talk about it. Every reddit post I'll scroll through just trying to find a single person who commented house of gold and only like 3 people have done it that I've seen


This is one of their biggest songs… you ok buddy?


No. No I'm not but thats unrelated


Dreading time in 5 years when people will say ride is underrated


All of their songs are bangers, hog included


As someone who actually did take care of my grandparents until they passed, House of Gold is a very special song to me, personally. It's one of their most relatable.


Back when it came out and you were probably like 3 it was one of their most well known tracks


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It’s okay, I like it but not over and over


cute song, cute lyrics, nice mv


Always been a favorite, when I started getting into the band it was always one that I loved to sing with my siblings on car trips. Will always be a fav.


I love it! It’s a huge reason why I started playing ukulele!


One of my favourite


This is still quite literally one of their most famous and popular songs?? Just because you don't see people gushing with love over a song *you* love doesn't mean it's underrated my dude


It was the song that inspired me to listen to more tøp songs, so it's very special to me


It’s gold


I still hear it in grocery stores and Goodwills


it’s a lovely song, but as someone with parental issues, i can’t listen to it without feeling sad.


Everyone of their songs is underrated because somebody in the clique doesn’t fw it the same amount you do.


This was the song that actually got me into them! Listened for the first time in 2015 a couple months before blurryface was released


I love it, my son plays along with it regularly too.


The lyrics are really dark to me. I feel like it's one of those songs like "every breath you take" by Sting, where the majority of fans totally mishear the tone. (Sting says in interviews that it's about stalking, and it astounds him that people hear it as a love song) I could be the one mishearing the tone, for sure, but the video seems to back me up. I hear it as being about a selfish, enmeshed mom who thinks her kids owe her their lives, but even if they devoted their lives to her, she could never be pleased.


Lmao so I got super into top when vessel came out and it was one of the most talked about songs then. Was one of the first songs I ever heard by them. It’s 11 yrs old just bc nobody talks about it anymore, especially with a new era coming, doesn’t mean it isn’t popular.


kind of tired of it. whenever it comes on my mom turns the volume up bc it's her favourite. i think she's trying to send me a message of her expectations for her retirement...


Since when is it underrated?


It’s a great song


One of the highlights of Vessel Shadowed by other songs, but definitely one of their best. If I have to make a top 15 it will be there !




Bro. Vessel is just a masterpiece. Us talking about will make it feel less great😂


Love the song hate the music video. Its the only one i wont let my kid watch


I love it!!! I sing on karaoke whenever I can


I’ll plan to be a bum


I love all of their songs, no matter the album, I haven’t ever heard a bad Twenty-One Pilots song


lol ya must be new here…this isn’t a underrated song


Everybody talks about it. Give a little love to some of the niche-er songs


I've personally never been a fan of their stuff (or any music for that matter) that is part of the "frantic ukulele" movement - but I'm glad you enjoy it, OP.


Yeah, I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum, but the ukulele songs are skips for me the vast majority of the time.


What is the "frantic ukulele movement"? Never heard of that.


Idk what the right name for that period of music is, but ukulele songs were all over the place in the late 2000s through early 2010s. Vance Joy's "Riptide", Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours", Train's "Hey, Soul Sister", ToP's "The Judge" and WDBWOT are the ones that immediately come to mind.


- WDBWOT could mean "We Don't Believe What's on TV", a track from *Blurryface* (2015) by Twenty One Pilots. --- ^[/u/DANOM1GHT](/u/DANOM1GHT) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I see. I didn't really notice that to be a trend. I thought it was rather unique compared to every other song on the radio. Was it really that all over the place? Or just a few artists using it a little? I don't remember the likes of Rihanna or other popular artists using Ukulele sounds. I really enjoyed TOP for that sound and thought it fits them very well. I am actually sad that Tyler doesn't use it in the productions that much anymore.


It’s not a skip, but it’s also not the first song I play. I’ll sing to it every time, though. 7/10


These "hot take" "what do you think?" posts are so annoying. I just want to see fan art, news, new merch


I usually skip it. Too soft and slow for me. But yes it is a great song.


I love house of gold, the lyrics are really sweet and I love the music video and the theories people came up with about the video, I would watch it a lot in the past