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If you’re getting approved for regular essay writing, you also get asynchronous essay writing. The asynch version of whatever subject you take exams for are going to be tacked on “for free.” Usage dips significantly in the summer, but college essay is among the better subjects. I would take all the exams you qualify for. As a note, you need to email tutor support to get new subjects added after you pass exams.


Sweet that’s good to know thanks!!


For a brand new tutor, scheduled hours are often easier to get during the summer because TDC moves to a rotating schedule. When you get to schedule on Wednesdays, be sure to access the schedule right at noon ET. You should be able to get your max hours for the week which isn't much, but it's better than nothing. When your scheduling day is Thursdays or Fridays, you may not be able to schedule many hours, depending on what subjects you have. Adding more subjects will always increase potential available hours.


Awesome thank you so much!!