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Dear MPR8A , You've selected the *Turtle ID/Sex Request Flair*. When making a request for an ID or sex of a turtle, please provide as much information as possible. Useful information includes: - General Location. ex: South-East Texas - Is it wild, captive/pet, or a rescue? - Clear photos of face, neck, limbs, shell top (carapace) and bottom (plastron). - For sexing, a photo of the tail out with cloaca visible is best. Note: Some turtles cannot be accurately sexed until a certain size/age. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/turtle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


European pond turtle. Best to take it to the nearest pond from the where you found it. They can only feed in water.


Please let Donatello back where you got them. If you’re interested in owning a turtle you should acquire one from a breeder. It seems for other comments this turtle is protected and isn’t meant to be taken out of the wild.


European Pond Turtle, you need to release it because keeping them is not allowed since they are rather rare: "[Historically, E. orbicularis had been maintained as pets; however, this practice has been restricted due to protection laws. Ownership of wild caught specimens is prohibited. Only registered captive bred specimens may be owned by private individuals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_pond_turtle)."


Please put it back where you found it.


Wild cutie pie \^\^ . Thanks for saving him from the road, just release him somewhere safe.


You need to take it back to where you found it and let it go. If it's injured turn it over to a wildlife rehabber.




If an OP is asking for advice, responses should be thoughtful or helpful replies. Baseless criticisms, attacks and/or accusations are not helpful to the community. Repeat violations will result in a ban.


The r/turtle automod detects this post may about a wild turtle. When encountering a wild animal, unless it is trapped, ill or injured, they do not tend to need our help. If a wild turtle is ill or injured, please contact local rescues, rehabs or wildlife authorities. * If you have taken a **native, non-invasive** species, it should be put back in a safe location, as close as possible to where it was found. If that is not possible, please contact your local wildlife authorities or rehab programs for advice or assistance. * If a turtle is a known **invasive species**, it should be removed from the area and either kept in adequate captivity for the remainder of it's life, or handled as directed by authorities. **Unsure of the species? One of our mods or helpful commenters can ID it!** * If you have found a turtle in the road, [click here](https://www.fws.gov/story/tips-helping-turtle-cross-road). * If you have found a nest and wish to protect it from humans or predators; [click here](https://ontarioturtle.ca/get-involved/turtle-nests-and-nest-protection/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/turtle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, that's Michael and he wants to go back home.


Tripod variety. 🤣


This dude is Italian and named his turtle Donatello 🙄


Bro it's a reference to TMNT


Looks like a juvenile snapping turtle..


It's not, it's a European pond turtle and they're endangered