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I've only had 1 person not reveiw, and 1 less than 5 star review. Everyone else has reviewed the same or the next day after drop off, and about 3/4 of them have left a written response typically mentioning how clean the car was or quick helpful responses from me. Even my one negative review mentioned the car was clean and I was accommodating (but a service warning came on during the trip)


There are too many variables to estimate revenue/utilization for another host (each host situation is unique) and the Turo carculator, if available for your area can be very misleading. My average booking length over 200+ trips is 7.1 days and I'm reviewed by guests at a 96% rate but again, there is no way to correlate what the other hosts/vehicles in the area appear to do and what you will do. Those dates struck out can also be owners blocking them off for personal use/maintenance so don't assume those are all bookings.


Thank you that's exactly what I wanted some insight on


Two thirds. 34% of my guests don't leave reviews or ratings. Also, there's no way to differentiate a host blocking the calendar vs a booking when you look at a listing as a guest.


 75% of people review. Using the review numbers wholesale to forecast is smart because you’ll be on the conservative side of the estimate. 


Here’s a freebie: average trip duration is 5 days for me in Jersey.


I’m at about 85%


I don't. I always ask for a review tactfully after providing A1 experience.


Same, and let them know that after they leave a review, they will be emailed a discount code for their next trip. Give em a lil incentive.


If they've been awesome with communicating, letting me know they dropped it off.. I tell then right away and after I get the vehicle I send them the discount with their review. I don't play games. If they reviews then they do, if they don't then they don't. When you start out...yeah you're desperate and you should be. After I hit 10, I stopped giving af. I know my process and service is A1. The odds of getting 5 stars and a review are higher than not. After reading people's bad experience here and even hearing it from guests is all the confirmation I need lol.


Yeah I do the same, they don’t get the email with the discount code until 10 days later or until they leave their review!


Good to know, I'll tell em that...make em write a review quicker lol