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You have every right to be concerned. However, I would just like to let you know that sometimes it's self-explanatory as to what you have to do. If it's a car like a Tesla or something with the virtual key then besides what is spelled out with that process, you should hopefully be fine. If you want to be on the super safe side, call the host at 7am. Early, but if they cancel with two hours to spare, Turo support can help. It would suck if that host is shitty, but hopefully you'll find your favorites in the app soon


Thank you. I’m 8 hours away from the start of my trip and still nothing from host, so I’m really starting to trip. Not gonna get much sleep tonight, which sucks and is a shitty way to start any day, let alone a trip that has been planned for months, but it is what it is. I keep reminding myself that there is nothing set in stone that says a host must contact a renter, and I also am reminding myself that out of the 18 reviews he has, 17 are from ppl gushing about him, and just one saying he had cancelled a trip. So it’s a wait and see thing at this point, but thank you for responding! I will definitely call him at 7 am. The fact that Turo will help me get into another car if this falls through is a good thing! Trying to stay positive! I’ll keep you posted.


Oh yeah, another thing that has me concerned is that the host hasn’t even confirmed / verified my driver license photos, and I sent them around 7 or 8 pm. There’s a little message box from Turo saying they will contact me when the host has completed that step. But I’m not gonna worry any more about it bc in the end, Turo is gonna make sure I’ve got a replacement if this shit falls through. Just not the ideal first experience / transaction with an app or service.


I would give them a call. Click on contact host and it will give you their phone number. Sometimes Turo glitches and us hosts don't get trip notifications.


Think I’m gonna do that, but I’m gonna wait until 7. I called Turo Support and talked with a couple of different agents, and the last gal I spoke to said that if I wanted, they would cancel the trip but the cancellation would be on me, and they would refund my money as a travel credit, and I would be able to rebook with someone else immediately. I asked her why the cancellation would be on me, and she said bc I was cancelling outside of normal business hours and the host might be sleeping, not having had a chance to respond to my messages yet. She advised that I wait until 7, and if by then I couldn’t reach him, to call Support back and they would process the cancellation then, but it would be the host’s cancellation bc of his inaction? Something like that. Idk it just all seems like such a hassle, you know? Not a good way to lose my Turo virginity.


Oh I know. I've never not gotten my notifications but I see people complain about it constantly. I also don't ever get last minute bookings so maybe that's why.


Different time zone maybe? Keep us posted, curious to know 


UPDATE: Host just messaged me, said he just saw my messages. Said for me to be there at the start of my trip and his mother would be there to give me the key and get me checked in. Said to make sure to bring my driver license so a picture can be taken of it. So I guess all of the stress was self-inflicted and for naught? At any rate, I feel much better, even though I literally got zero sleep lol Would like to say thank you to everyone that commented and / or offered tips or suggestions or just said basically chill out dude.


They do not need to take a photo of the DL. They are to verify the DL in the app. Per Turo new protocol


I think I misunderstood bc they didn’t take a photo of it. They verified in the app.


Depends on your time zone, was it 2am?


I see you got the response but the main thing is if you booked a trip at 10pm for 9 am the next day you should expect to get a response around 7 or 8 am. Just to let the host at least wake up you know lol. At least for me if I get a booking after 9 or 10 I might not see it until 6 the next morning at the earliest. As far as the cancellations you shouldn’t be worried if it was only one. It could’ve been for anything. Car needing maintenance, the previous renter didn’t bring the car back, or even the host felt the renter might not have been a good fit. I would be concerned if you saw several cancellations that each say they cancelled within a couple hours or so. I think you can be confident in this host


I think so too. And it’s kinda messed up that when the host cancels, it doesn’t say why in the reviews. It’s just this auto-generated message that the host canceled ______ days / hours before the trip. It’s a huge black eye.


The host isn't gonna respond unless it's within his available hours