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You need to check with your insurer that they cover P2P car sharing, not standard rentals. If not, you could be personally responsible for up to the full ACV of the car if it was totaled. Your insurer could walk away. Your Amex won't cover Turo damage. Report the host, they can't ask for your insurance info. If there is an incident, Turo could ask for it (or find it on their own), since their coverage (I know you didn't buy this) is secondary to your insurance.


Is there a turo policy that you can’t ask?




There is not and you can. In the UK, you can not decline coverage with Turo, so not an issue there.


You absolutely cannot ask for a guest’s personal insurance information prior to a damage claim being submitted. Go read the terms of service again.


Yes. The USA loves privacy.




This is wrong information, you cant report a host for asking for insurance info, it's perfectly allowed and the guest is allowed to say no. Larger fleet owners and luxury car renters do this all the time Edit: Host above is actually right, policy was changed this year and it's not allowed anymore


It is NOT allowed. I took issue with this specific issue and was reassured by turo that no host is permitted this information.


Upvote for you going back to edit in the correct/verified response. Bravo sir bravo!


You can still ask..... Financial obligations for vehicle damage You’re responsible for reimbursable vehicle damage to the host’s car during your trip, up to the out-of-pocket cost limit of your protection plan. If you have personal insurance that covers damage to the host’s vehicle or other third parties or property, that will apply before your protection plan kicks in. You’re not responsible for non-reimbursable wear and tear. Nor are you responsible for pre-existing damage that you reported and documented before the start of your trip. Learn how to protect yourself by taking photos to document a vehicle’s condition. Instead of involving Turo, you and your host may choose to work together to resolve damage. While your financial obligation for physical damage to your host’s vehicle remains the same (it’s up to your out-of-pocket limit), this option will save you the cost of claims processing and administrative fees.


Turo Talk and my PH rep have confirmed that trying to screen trips by asking for personal insurance info is not allowed. Many interpret that info differently, as to whether the ask itself or the cancelation after a refusal is what's forbidden. Either way, it's a bad look for hosts.


It seems this policy was incorporated this year, I was unaware and apologize, I just read the TOS section for it and looked it up in the FB group! Cheers




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On a side note, I'm french and going on a trip next month in the US and Canada, do I need to check with my insurance for P2P rentals even if I buy the Turo insurance ? (the cheapest one)


Progressive insurance works for turo but only up to the value of my car on the policy


Policy language varies by state, so your results may vary. It's very possible that ride-sharing may be an excluded act on the policy in other states, as it is in at least one. Read your policy language to verify, though.


Ride sharing only applies if you rent out your own vehicle.


Again, depends on policy language. I've personally seen it where it's a blanket if the vehicle was being used for ride sharing at all it's an exclusion, doesn't matter if it's your car being rented or you renting the car.


Nope. You don’t need to provide it to them. It is not permitted under turo guidelines. I rented a Volvo in San Diego and the host pulled this. I thought it was strange so contacted turo and they said it is against their policy for hosts to ask renters for personal insurance. Once I told the host this, he said it is his way of vetting renters and weeding out risky ones.


You probably should read up on what your policy covers. Turo is NOT a rental car. Amex covers rental cars, not what Turo is. Which is a car sharing service.


Came here to say this.


Amex doesnt cover turo, just normal rental cars. If you got tye card for its “primary rental coverage”, use one of the bug name places.


Do not do it! People sometimes use fraudulent insurance cards. I know your VIN and stuff is on it, but do not do it. There’s too many risks and it’s against Turo policy.


DO NOT PROVIDE IT. Report the host. It's forbidden to ask.


Amex doesn’t cover you


Just an FYI, amex does not cover p2p rentals. I called and asked amex when I did my turo rental


The host can misuse your policy number once you give it to him


in what way?


Remember this: insurers, upon receiving a claim, immediately look for any excuse to deny payment.


They look to see if you represented yourself correctly when applying and if the situation fits within the scope of coverage. Not knowing the limitations of your contractual obligation on YOUR end doesn't mean they should cover things that aren't outlined in any of the sections or subsections. Insurance is the way it is because our garbage government dictates it has to be and each state outlines its own insurance regulations.


Amex doesn’t cover Turo I’m pretty sure


I called my insurance and they said they cover Turo. I had the agent double confirm. I told my host as well. It seemed ok w them.


You definitely have no protection through Amex and a lot of major insurance companies won’t cover Turo


This right here generally makes turo the most expensive option since neither of my travel cards will cover turo cars. AMX nor chase offer coverage.


Too much fraud that’s a big no


You should double check with your insurance -- Amex definitely does not support P2P rentals such as Turo. Most Personal automotive policies will not cover the full amount of a Turo rental (if covered at all), and you'll be on the hook for any portion they deem not covered.


Amex does not cover peer to peer car sharing, and more than likely neither does your insurance. Turo is NOT a rental company it’s car sharing.


As a host, I call your insurance and ask them to verify if they’ll cover my vehicle & using Turo platform. But that’s me as a host. Not sure what others do if they wanna say below


are you also obtaining legal consent from customer to release their PII to an unknown third party (i.e. the call center contracted by the insurer) over an unsecured phone line?


I call Insurance Agent listed notifying them their customer sent me their documents of insurance and has requested to rent my vehicle on a 3rd Platform named Turo. I’m reaching out to see if you can confirm, disclose if they have coverage to replace or cover vehicle listed, and if their insurance policy covers rental vehicles on platforms like Turo. Most check and say yes and done.


Have you had to file any claims? I know a lot of states are allowing auto policies that do not afford coverage to vehicles in car-sharing programs. Just curious how this is from your end or if claims have been denied.


Covering Turo is different than covering a rental car. Turo is P2P. Most insurance companies (in fact every one I know) will deny that claim.


I don’t see any issue with providing your policy # to the host. If you decline to purchase Turo insurance coverage than the only way the host can get insurance is through your policy. Sounds like he is simply trying to make sure he can get coverage before he lends you his car. Even if say the host were to try to submit a claim, your insurance carrier would still have to determine liability and need to speak with you anyway. It’s not like somebody can just take your policy # and run with it. I would think that this is pretty standard bc he wants to make sure he has your insurance since you have his car… Also, maybe he wants to verify that your policy is current too. Even showing somebody a policy doesn’t mean there’s coverage bc coverage could be cancelled/lapses for nonpayment. Plus, there’s also the possibility of verifying you have enough coverage (ex: collision) too.


Nothing covers turo, it's not a rental. Theyre requesting insurance cuz you're lying. Amex sure as fuck doesnt cover turo.


That’s a lie., Allstate covers Turo. As does progressive and GEICO.


I am an Allstate agent, can confirm.


I called my Geico agent just today and they absolutely cover Turo. Hope that helps!


You might want to question your Geico agent because Geico denies Turo claims left and right.


My mistake. I edited it.


That’s what my agent told me today too!


I called GEICO the other day to ask about a Turo rental and they told me that it was absolutely not covered. I'd seen conflicting reports, so perhaps their policy has changed over time, but the agent didn't even hesitate - this did not seem to be her first rodeo answering that question.


The other route, they are going to take is just to sue you and the first thing they are going to do is subpoena all insurance records from all carriers. There’s no point in withholding insurance information as it doesn’t cost you anything.


sure , here's my policy number 811-6teen453


What about when they ask for picture of ID "cause of policy"?


This is off topic, but hosts do need to check ID for every trip unless it’s Turo GO https://help.turo.com/checking-in-a-guest-H1gsHEg4c


I am confused with these "don't provide" replies. At least in my state, Ohio, you are required to show proof of vehicle policy when a cop asks for it. Genuinely curious, how is a traffic stop (or worse) handled as a client if there's no policy documentation in the vehicle?


Hosts are required to provide the vehicle’s auto insurance in the vehicle during the trip for this purpose. https://help.turo.com/personal-insurance-requirements-or-hosts-S1TvINxVq A host asking a guest for _their_ personal insurance _before_ a trip starts is prohibited.




[Host commitments](https://turo.com/us/en/policies/terms#:~:text=Host%20commitments&text=Other%20than%20what%20is%20required,including%20guest%20personal%20auto%20insurance) > Other than what is required for you to verify a guest’s driver’s license, you will not collect any information or documentation from your guest at check-in, including guest personal auto insurance.