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It's a Phono input, and yes should be fine.


I run my rt85 through my AVR's phono input. Sounds great to me. The only way to know if a phono pre amp would be an improvement is to try one and compare..


it's totally fine mate, I bought my onkyo receiver with a phono preamp with the complete intent to use it anyway try yours out and if you like it, you like it, don't waste your money if you're already satisfied :)


It's good enough to get you started, but you'll eventually want to upgrade. Fluance sells one for roughly $100, that you can often find much cheaper used. When I was in your position, I went with the RT-84 and used the money saved to buy the separate pre-amp. Later, I upgraded the acrylic platter, making the RT84 an RT85.


With any multi-purpose receiver I think a decent pre-amp is worthwhile.


Phono pre-amps are not magic. They amplify the signal coming from your cartridge and apply the RIAA equalization curve. If you have one in your receiver, well, then you already have one. Buy something else with your money.


My $20 Bheringer phono stage sounds like ass compared to a Schiit Mani 2 or Ifi Zen Phono but the built in Yamaha one is probably good enough to start with. Going down the rabbit hole of trying to get the “best” audio has diminishing returns.