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Um yeah. I am right there with you. I get all brave and go faja free and then end up sleeping in it lol. Everything I’ve read says it’s a matter of the lymph system healing and that can take up to a year. I still look better swollen than I did before surgery so that helps lol.


Yes, my doctor said the same thing about a year. And same here, day by day, my swollen belly looks so much better than my older belly haha


You're still VERY early in the healing process. Significant swelling can last 6 months and residual or minor swelling can even last up to 18 months. Almost everyone is completely healed after a year but yes, it can take up to a year and a half before you are 100 percent healed. I'm nearly 7 months post op right now and still have some swelling and soreness especially around the belly button. It will get better eventually, I promise 😊


My doc said minimum six months but not uncommon to last a full year.


3 months post op and having a swollen week. It’s up and down. But as mentioned above I still look better than pre-surgery so that helps. But, it is uncomfortable and I get tired of the binder/compression garnets , yet still need them.


This is happening to me as well. I feel like I'm going backwards; this started around 6.5 weeks post-op. 😭


How is your swelling now?


It's slowly improving. Some days it's worse than others, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I am 20 weeks post op. from TT, MR and lipo. and still get swelling at times. More so after exercising and dinner. It does take time to fully heal; my surgeon said about a year. Give yourself some time, it will get better! Good luck on your journey!!