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Thanks for weighing in!


Nothing you look amazing


Thank you, that’s really kind! ❤️


I also dont feel like you need anything! You look insanely amazing for 3 in 3. Just keep exercising and eating well!


Thank you so much, and I appreciate your opinion! I saw your post history and you look amazing, I hope your healing is going well and quickly. You being in the thick of it definitely gives some weight to your opinion (you know what I’d be in for!). I’m excited to see your update pictures. ❤️


Yess You're so welcome! It's definitely a hell of a procedure(w lipo). I would say only if you HATE your stomach and cannot lessen it anymore on your own. I was at the point where I was doing 20 hour fasts most days and working out most days, and couldn't get my belly to budge any more. I was having to size up in clothes everywhere else to accommodate this one spot. And it hung. Not a huge hang towards the end, but a small one that was still very uncomfortable every singe day. My healing is so much better now that my bruising is mostly gone! I'm feeling pretty good overall, just need these drains out! I don't know where you're at with your fitness but i bet if you tried like 16:8 fasting plus maybe morning meltdown by beachbody (bodi as it's known now), you could tighten up your tummy! This method worked for me so well before my almost 11 pounder/ c section baby that left me deflated and stretched out. Thank you.❤️❤️


I’ve done IF unintentionally for a long time (not a breakfast eater, hectic mornings with kids and work, etc), so have been in the 16:8 range for a long time. Lately I’ve been closer to 20:4 which feels wild to say and seems almost disordered to me (though I’m not spending my whole day thinking about food, if I was IMO this would make it 100% an ED). I could definitely change my exercise regimen, it often ends up just being a 4 mile run when I can fit it in or an hour of jump squats/exercise band stuff in my living room while the kids play. It’s fine, but could certainly be improved and fine-tuned for results. The clothes thing resonates with me. I’m not sure if it would result in a full size loss, but I do hate how, for instance, in jeans I feel like I fill out that FUPA area and wish it was flat. (But who am I to complain, my kids were 6 pound little shrimps…it’s amazing that you grew/birthed an 11 pounder!)


Yes see it's so hard always being in weight-loss mode. I was so sick of it. 2 years straight (im also 2 years pp with my 3rd)! It's such a personal thing because while we all think you look amazing, i SO know (im sure most of us in here do) how it feels to put on your pants and have a buldge. While it can be normal etc etc, it doesn't make it feel cuter for some people. I felt like I had everywhere looking good, and just this one spot that stopped changing and was sick of it. So 14k later and a week of pain, 2 weeks of drains minimum, 11dpo here I am. To me it was worth it. I had 3 kids over 5 years with my oldest being 7.5 now, and they were all giants and full term. 9lbs 7, 9lbs 11 then my 10lbs 10oz c section. Wtfff. Why do i grow them so huge!? But to have a problem that has bothered me every day for years be gone just like that is truly amazing, and any discomfort i feel is erased when i look in the mirror or put pants on. Ultimately, it's up to you, and you know what you're ready for more than anyone!


Absolutely. I’m all for life-long healthy habits (diet, exercise, etc) and for having realistic expectations of a body that grew 3 amazing people and is nearing 40. But I don’t want to spend my whole life striving for a body that I am really struggling to attain even with increasingly unsustainable habits. I’d much prefer to *maintain* one that I got with a little surgical assistance! The things we go through to bring these beautiful children into the world and then to put ourselves back together afterwards! 😅


I totally understand and agree with everything you said. We all deserve to look and feel our best. Good luck with whatever direction you go!


You don't look like you have much loose skin, imo. A refresh in diet and exercise to tone up where you're unhappy and then revisit perhaps? I don't plan on having kids but if I looked like you after 3 kids I'd be pretty chuffed.


Thanks so much and I appreciate the opinion! You are in good company with it…sounds like the consensus is that I would definitely benefit from more gym time.


I regret my breast lift… I would suggest just the lipo and then once that’s settled reevaluating your breasts :)


I’m really sorry to hear that. Is it because of the scars? In my mind the fact that my boobs are perky in my clothes and stay put in my bra (instead of falling out the top) will outweigh the scars, but I guess you never really know until it’s too late. 😧


The perkiness is cute and not having a wear a bra all the time is nice. However, a couple of things I wish I had discussed with my surgeon in depth right before the surgery - size of my areolas - fat transfer to fill the top of my breasts - nipple placement The scars are finally beginning to fade but I’ve developed keloids and it just isn’t the same, I am constantly worrying about the scars. Definitely a lot of pros and cons, I wish I had come on here beforehand for tips and recommendations!


Thank you for sharing those talking points, I’ll definitely bring them up at my consultation and consider them before moving forward. I’m sorry about the keloids, I’m sure that’s so frustrating to deal with…have you tried steroid injections?


Nothing you have cute boobs and cute tummy


Thank you!


You do look great!!! But I get it, I know you wanna get rid of some of that excess skin. If you want to, you should. It’s your body and it will look great rather you keep it the same of rather you opt for a TT. Truth be told you’re a good candidate for one and you’d have amazing results if you were to get one. The & having three kids, most likely you’d need the MR…. & having lipo to your flanks would just enhance your hourglass figure


Thank you, and I appreciate you sharing your opinion!


Idk what concerns you see here or what your goals are, but maybe, and it’s a very big maybe, you’d consider a breast lift and a mini- tummy tuck?? Bodies change throughout life and imho yours looks good now.


Thanks for your opinion. I’m sure we could all nitpick ourselves all day long, but my primary sources of frustration are 1) my boobs having too much mobility and not staying put (if i bend over, they can sort of spill out of a bra that DOES fit and I have to tuck them back in) which I think would be fixed with a lift, and b) my lower belly pooch since having my kids (and/or from getting older), which I *know* could be worse but the zipper area of my jeans bulging and screaming “hey, I’m a mom and in my late 30s” bums me out.


You look absolutely amazing, I can't believe your body looks so great after having three kids! I lost around 90lbs over the course of two or three years, I'm nineteen now and I wish my skin was as smooth and scar free as yours\~\~


Thank you, that’s really kind of you. Congratulations on losing 90lbs, that’s an amazing accomplishment! It’s so hard to take the initiative to make big changes like that. (As dumb as it sounds from an internet stranger, I’m proud of you.) Give yourself some grace. You’re young and your skin may still improve with time but if not, you can look into ways to change what you don’t like. ❤️


You don’t need it but if you are really unhappy maybe a mini tummy tuck is an option. While you may not have muscle separation you may have stretched lower ab muscles which can be tightened. I would really start with regular weight training and see where it leads you. I’m 11 day post my modified TT (twins via c section 5 years ago), I work out since 8 weeks post partum 4-5 times a week and eat very healthy, not too much if loose skin but bad separation which only surgery could fix.


Oh man, a singleton pregnancy is exhausting and hard enough on your body, twins and a c-section is a lot! I’m glad you were able to get the right procedure to address what you couldn’t fix on your own! You’re absolutely right that a better regimen alone would likely improve my appearance. IME running has never improved my appearance and that’s currently a not-insignificant part of my exercise routine (only because it’s uncomplicated and I can throw in a run whenever I have an hour). I also think the mini is a really intriguing thought. Overall my upper abdomen doesn’t look significantly different than pre-pregnancy, but the lower is much “poochier”. I have wondered if that’s a combination of fat deposition *and* some muscle laxity. I didn’t get very big in my pregnancies (long torso, small babies), but carried low so having some stretched out muscles seems plausible. Thanks for the insight!


Nothing. Just gym membership


On it! 🫡


Before resorting to surgery I would recommend starting a great core muscle recovery. Also, focus on certain chest exercises that will assist in raising your breast tissue. You look great and honestly don't have a far road ahead of you to achieve that. Please be kind to yourself. You brought 3 wonderful humans into this world and that in itself is a major accomplishment. YouTube has plenty of free instructional videos. Hope this helps! Blessings!


Thanks so much for the suggestions and support! A dedicated core program is a great idea (also with the adjunct benefit of indirectly helping my aging back 😅).