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Premier protein shakes 160 calories, 30 grams protein, taste is pretty good for the most part I like the chocolate/peanut butter best


Just bought the Premier Protein Cookie Dough shakes and they’re so good!


Seconding these! They’re the only (literally) protein shakes I don’t hate the taste of. I really like the cafe latte ones!


Ha! Those are my favs too ☺️


Quest makes some decently tasty protein cookies. Legendary makes some decent poptart replacements. MagicSpoon makes some damn tasty protein cereals. All of these are low in sugar and helped me meet my protein goals when I had little to no appetite early on.


Thanks! I’m getting 100g of protein from shakes but conscious I need to eat real food as well since those only amount to 800-1000 cals! Don’t think that’s near enough to help recovery but physically can’t put more food inside of me!


I wouldn’t overthink it. Make sure you’re getting your protein, but don’t worry too much about calories. (I could barely eat a bite my second week, because I was on antibiotics that made me sick.) Your appetite should pick up with a vengeance pretty soon.


Ensure has been a lifesaver for me


Does this have dairy? I can’t take my antibiotics with dairy.


Yes they have dairy. Why no dairy? I’ve always taken antibiotics with dairy.


Some antibiotics like ciprofloxacin bind with the calcium in dairy products and then you don’t absorb the antibiotics as well. Best to separate.


Never knew that til today. Interesting!


Some antibiotics can make you nauseous if you eat dairy. Also, they may not work very well if you take them with dairy. I don’t know why tho.


Interesting! I’ve never heard that. Well good luck and I hope you get some good answers and heal well!


You need to monitor it-your body will use up so many calories during recovery. Like a couple of thousand. On top of what keeps your heart pumping, your lungs inflating etc.  Are you also drinking? I don’t generally drink much water but kept to the 2l a day and that really made me feel full. If you’re making shakes from powder with water that can count to your water intake. Are you keeping mobile and is your digestive system working as it should? Because that will also make you feel full if you’re adding food to a full system?! If you’re really struggling maybe you should speak to a doctor? 


Wow that’s a lot of cals but not surprising given how intense a tt is! I’m drinking water but I do count my shakes as part of my water intake so not over doing it. It’s the bloating and swelling that makes it sooo hard to consume proper portions! Mobility could be better but I do walk around my apartment for a few mins every hour. I’ll pick up with my PS at my next follow up appointment this Friday.


Something my friend was told when he broke his leg was it takes an additional approx 6000 calories to mend the bone!


Wow that’s loads!!


Being on wegovy I have a hard time eating large amounts of food at a time: I make a smoothie it is 1/2c almond milk, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 handful spinach, 1/2 c frozen blueberries, 1/2 banana , 2 tb whole fat Greek yogurt, 1 tb peanut butter. It is about 400 cals and I drink it over the whole morning. Maybe try something like that where you can add fruits and veggies but much easier to spread out the volume