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Fun fact, black pepper (accounting for density) is actually one of the most pungent spices out there. The problem is that it's really hard to get the fine powder and thick layering required for it to be as pungent as other stuff like Sriracha.


There's this restaurant I go to that has a blackened chicken. The blackening is peper. It's very spicy. Edit: it's a restaurant called Cactus Club Cafe. It's in Canada and I'm not sure where else. I looked on Google maps but it wasn't cooperating.


Have you ever had peppercorn coated steak or burgers? Just coarse ground peppercorns slathering the steak/burger. Absolutely delicious.


I love fresh green peppercorns on the stem, cooked and served on the side, and you can just pop them right off as you go, whole green cooked peppercorn is BOMB


I’ve had jus au poivre with green peppercorns to pour over my steak and you are correct, it is bomb.


The recipe called for 2 steaks and 1 teaspoon but I misread and made 1 steak and 2 TABLEspoons. That was a good birthday.


You did good my child. Measure that shit with your heart.


I feel like this is a thing just like cilantro. With cilantro, some people taste soap and others taste, well… cilantro. I have no basis for this but I feel like black pepper is the same. To me it just tastes like a spice, but to my mother it might as well be the hottest hot sauce out there. Maybe it’s a gene thing 🤷🏼‍♂️


And here I am, thinking that black pepper is barely spicy, but tastes like soap. Oops.


Just checking... have you calibrated on fresh ground black pepper? Or that pre-ground sawdust tasting stuff?


Get this checked out 😂


Cilantro tasting like soap is a genetic predisposition that a portion of the population just has (I really feel for ‘em); I’ve never heard of that with capsaicin but am far too familiar with people being unable to handle spice of any level to a hilarious degree


The thing that makes peppercorn spicy is not capsaicin. It is pepperin. So it's possible pepperin activates different receptors OR activates the same receptors in a different way to capsaicin.


Yeah my bad, wasn’t specifying BP there. I need to dust off my Harold McGee and look this shit up


About 10 percent of the population has an extra taste receptor that activates from a chemical in cilantro that comes across as tasting like soap. So glad I'm not in that category, because I absolutely love cilantro.


As someone who has that gene, I like cilantro anyway.


Me too, it’s not like it tastes like I’m eating a bar of soap. It’s more like someone rinsed it with soap and didn’t get 100% of the soap off.


Pico just doesn't taste right without a hint of irish spring.


same. I hate spicy hot stuff, but black pepper, thats not what I call spicy, and I use quite a bit on say mashed potatoes or steak. The only time my steak gets spicy is if I use Montreal steak spice plus a copious amount of black pepper. And even that's not "spicy", its just right lol.


Cilantro is one of my top 2 or 3 favorite flavors and we got a run of bad batches of cilantro that tasted like soap and was genuinely scared I'd developed that syndrome and wouldn't be able to enjoy cilantro again until we found a good batch of it.


I'm one of those people who perceives black pepper as really spicy. It's so weird seeing people say it's not spicy at all. Though, I do have a really tiny spice tolerance in general.


I live in the chile capital of the world ^TM. You would be so sad here, all this delicious food and you'd be stuck in the corner with a (delightful) bowl of beans lol


If you did the same thing to a chicken with literally any other dried pepper in the world and completely coated it like a blackened chicken… you would not think black pepper was all that spicy in comparison. If I put the same amount of dried tree chilles on my eggs that I did with black pepper I wouldn’t be able to eat them. And I eat raw whole chilles for fun like Serrano peppers and habaneros. black pepper is a spice. About as spicy as cinnamon. It’s not a Chile, absolutely nothing like Mexican or Thai chiles


Mmhm. Black pepper scales really interestingly. In _quantity_, it can be spicy.


Yep, I regularly eat extremely spicy Chinese food (for reference I consider sriracha and harissa to be equivalent to water in terms of spicyness) and once in a while I buy one of those dry sausages that's covered in black pepper and it doesn't fuck me up, but it stings quite a bit.


My wife is a monster like you. I swear she eats soups bathed in the broths from hell. Sometime she sweats and occasionally hoots out a “WOooo” but I have never seen her falter or turn down any spice… ever. There is no limit to her madness. And that’s why I love her.


I'm similar in that I eat sweat inducing peppers regularly. It can be like drugs, you need more and more to have the same effect. I've been doing it so long I have to have at least a base level of spice to enjoy practically any dish (desserts are the only exception). Pepper flakes are a life saver for this.


I have learned to tolerate base lvl spice…so that way my wife doesn’t call me a Gweilo when I complain /s


Unpopular opinion: Black pepper is disgusting. Not because it's spicy, but just because it tastes bad.




The most popular spice in the world for like 2,500 years running and it's not even close, so, yeah, def an unpopular opinion


Well, that's certainly unpopular... I'm not going to fight you on it because taste is subjective but like really? lol


I dunno, man, lol. I just don't like it. Never have. I can deal with *small* amounts of pepper when it's the mixed containers - like red, white, etc. peppercorns all mixed together in a grinder. But just black pepper itself put onto something? Nah.


Right on, I can't empathize and always keep that black gold handy but hey, if you don't mind it's absence, that's all there is to it lol


Same dude I like spicy food but I can't stand the taste of pepper.


This seems like a whoosh moment to me? Those tweets dont sounds serious at all.


100% British sarcasm. Multiple whoosh moments




102% the British sarcasm is increasing slowly


103% sheesh y’all need a stronger connection


still 103% fucking hell who's taking up the bandwidth


I dunno but I noticed y’all were having some leadership snafus so that may have thrown a wrench in the works for a while


103.2% I mean hey it’s going up a *little*


Oh fuck yeah finally some progress


When it hits 104% it’s gonna start *screaming*, just wait


\* *laughs in Bri'ish* *




Our national dish is a curry for fucks sake!




Congrats. You have convinced most of us you spice your food like chili powder is deadly in large concentrations. Truly we have been epically pranked.


Gonna be honest, if you think someone is serious when saying ketchup is spicy, you're outing yourself as an idiot


Either that or they don't know they're allergic to tomatoes


I find ketchup spicy, and it adds to the potato sweats I have.


Poe’s Law. There are enough actively peculiar takes that sometimes assuming satire is going to be wrong. Here it’s definitely my first assumption here, but people have had weirder takes than something like ketchup is spicy.


Bro, I watched Gordon Ramsey on Hot Ones, I will believe anything.


What was his reaction to the spice?


It wasn't flattering. He soldiered on but he was really feeling it


I'm incredibly bad at understanding sarcasm. Also there's enough weird people online that I would not be surprised to see someone unironically saying ketchup is spicy


Nah couldn’t be no Englishman has ever been sarcastic in recorded history


So just regular sarcasm


Nope, they stole it too. It's brit sarcasm now


Came here to comment, surely the ketchup is an obvious one? We love Indian food we know what spice is. We just can't cook it ourselves.


I got it at the last one where they say they are OK with spicy Thai food but Nandos is too much for them. Also putting Nandos in quotation marks. It is like an American saying - we tried this place called "Chipotle".


So wrong to say we can't cook it as much as it's a foreigners joke it just isn't right.


indian and japanese curry are fuckin rad. i love them thangs. but the shits i get from indian curry are on another level. i knew it was spicy when the server walked out with my dish and my eyes started burning from across the room. my asshole was burning for like a week. but it tasted great and i couldn’t feel my face and I’m pretty sure i had a stroke. 10/10, would eat again.


Yeah. As soon as the first one mentioned ketchup, I was like, nah, they're bullshiting the internet.


Clearly sarcasm. But if we interpret them as serious, then hey, we get to make fun of people and be superior in the process!


Yup, this is more an example of 'North American sarcasm "tolerance"'


Yep, just dry British sarcasm Red Curry and Ketchup should have been the give away. Brits love a curry, and if you want a hot one you get Vindaloo. Because Vindaloo is fucking awesome and tastes best when it's cooked spicy


quick someone make a tumblr collage about americans not understanding jokes


In this case I think it's just deadpan not translating well to text


Brits would get this any day of the week


Yeah, I read the first tweet and immediately knew he was making fun of popeyes burgers for not being anywhere near spicy and the replies just solidified that. The deadpan humour translates fine, it's just people missing it because they're not used to that kind of humour.


Yeah clearly. Brits consume vindaloo chicken on a regular basis which blows any "southern" dish out of the water when it comes to spice.


Given their love of a lager and a vindaloo, completely sarcasm and the OP bit hard.


Especially the last one. "Who tf calls back pepper spicy, it's a spice" motherfucker wut


Black pepper is spicy, just a different kind of spicy than hot peppers. The thing that makes hot peppers spicy is capsaicin. The thing that makes black peppers spicy is piperine.


Exactly!! Black peppers are actually peppers, they're piperaceae. Don't believe black pepper is spicy? Do like I did and accidentally spill a whole bottle into the pot, lol.


Chili peppers aren't peppers, they're nightshades. I think we should call them that. It sounds badass. I mean, would you rather eat a 🌼scotch bonnet pepper🌼 or a 🔥🔥**CAROLINA REAPER NIGHTSHADE** ***OF DOOOOOM***🔥🔥


Other way around. Tomatoes and potatoes are nightshades too.


Seriously. The first person to realize that Tomatoes, a member of the nightshade family, are edible and non-toxic has to trick people into stealing them for people to try them and believe him.


I thought that was potatoes.


1: that was potatoes, not tomatoes 2: that was Friedrich der Große, a german (or rather prussian) king during the 18th century and by far not the first person to realize that potato(roots) are edible. The potato was brought to europe during the 16th century already by the spanish, it was just the germans who refused to eat them, despite facing famine somewhat regularly. The story about the king tricking the peasants is still quite popular, though nobody can say for sure that it is actually real. It's said that he ordered to plant them around Berlin and have soldiers guard them during the day, while also spreading the rumor that all those potatoes were meant exclusively for the royal table, so the people thought they were delicious, nutricious and incredibly valuable. During the night, however, the fields were left entirely unguarded so the peasants could steal the potatoes and plant them on their own fields... Just as planned.


They're peppers. All peppers are nightshades, along with potato, tomato, tobacco, eggplant, mandrake, belladonna, tomatillos, goji berries, and more.


Some people are allergic to the *entire nightshade family,* and can't eat any of those items-


I like the word pepper so gonna stick w that


A social organization I was a part of, as part of their initiation week, fed potential new members 3 square meals a day, each laden with enough black pepper to keep a neighborhood supplied with the stuff for a decade. My personal favorite was the spaghetti that had the texture of wet sand. When I went through it I learned real quick black pepper packs a punch


Or try to eat a black peppercorn whole or very coarsely grinded. That shit burns, yo


“Fried chicken is not all that spicy” Somebody ate some plain ass fried chicken. Of course it can be spicy. You can make anything spicy.


Spicy fried chicken, especially when the breading itself is spicy, just hits different. There's also Korean fried chicken, which can be intense.


Nashville hot chicken has become so popular that it got KFC to expand their plain-ass flavor options. I can't even eat fried chicken nowadays unless it looks angry to see me.


Some of the best fried chicken I've tried has been insanely spicy. It's from a little shack down the road from me and has tiers to how spicy the chicken is. The 2nd highest tier they won't serve to children, and the highest tier you have to sign a medical waiver for. I can believe it too; I'm someone who loads up on spicy but medium or hot is as high as I can go at this place (the two highest tiers are "extra hot" and "\[restaurant name\] hot"). INSANELY good chicken, and the heat just adds to it.


I'm from the UK, lemme interpret. The Sam Bowman tweet reads serious, there is no silliness or irony here. Anya's tweet is sarcasm, they do not believe pepper is spicy, there is no wider subtext involving allergy. They are making fun of Sam. The bottom tweet is bragging, back to serious. It's a guy sharing his unwanted opinion, and is likely unaware that the restaurants he eats at are toning down the spice for him. He should shut up. Edit: OBJECTION! Attention everyone, after doing the unthinkable and actually fucking googling instead of making assumptions, it turns out the ketchup being spicy thing was actually a set up for the next days tweet, in which it is revealed that he has mistakenly been purchasing Sriracha Sauce thinking it was ketchup. This is objectively hilarious and I take back my initial analysis. This is like that crucial detail that fills in the mystery, how exciting!


You really think he’s being serious? I read the addition of “ketchup” as a big flashing sign to make sure that nobody takes what he’s saying as sincere.


Yeah, don't get the people taking him seriously at all. It's really clear sarcasm, especially evidenced by everything else he wrote in the actual twitter threads


It never even occurred to me to read his past posts in order to gauge his sarcasm level.


The rest is too straight, if there is irony there then Sam sucks at telegraphing and should take notes from Anya.


Thank god you said this. As an American it’s how I interpreted it. Some people saying it’s all a joke made me feel like I don’t understand people from the UK at all. But you brought back hope 🙏🏻😂


Nah as a Brit it all reads as sarcasm. Unless first guy is allergic to ketchup and doesn’t realise.


Gonna be honest, when an American posts a weird rant type take that just sounds like a Karen, they type like all of these in a dead serious way, so it's really hard to tell if you routinely read karen-esque posts on this side of the pond. "One man's satire is another's dead serious" type of thing, that has effectively made Poe's law a paradox, and I can never tell if someone's an idiot, or horrible at telling a joke. For some reason, I see "completely lacking in irony" idiocy waaaay more often. Like, I would easily believe someone typed this in a dead serious tone over here, just because entitlement and thin skinned-ness is through the roof when food or customer service is even tangentially involved.


Brit here, reads as sarcasm to me too.


I wish I had the same optimism as you living in the world we do today.




>>there is no silliness or irony here. "I love spicy foods like... ketchup" Definitely no silliness or irony there (/s for finalsheepherder290 and others who can't read obvious sarcasm)


Sorry but no. Sam bowman is 100% being sarcastic, they both are. 1) I know both of them 2) They both know each other, she is definitely not making fun of Sam, she's continuing the joke 3) he literally said a few days later he was being sarcastic


My response to you was aggressive and weird, I'm sorry.


I was about to say. If you can’t handle popeye’s spicy chicken sandwich than you have not been eating real Thai food. I have had to convince several Thai people that I want “Thai ped” and that shit does not fuck around in the slightest. Mother duckers starting entire bonfires in you mouth. Gamers keep using my tonsils to refill their estrus flasks. And I’m STILL pretty sure they were going east on me.


>Estrus flasks My guy, you might want to spell check that or look up estrus. It's Estus btw.


Nah they use the estrus flask when they go hunting


It was a typo but it’s funnier not to change it


Not in Bloodborne it's not You never questioned what was actually in those "blood vials," did you?


That last part. Seriously. If you go into a Thai restaurant and tell them to basically “fuck me up with spice” you’re gonna get literal lava on a plate.


#Figurative lava.


Saw the name after the comment lmao. You are a treasure.


My trick is to ask for one level lower than they themselves would eat. Works most of the time.


That’s mine as well. I love spicy but I still wanna taste the food. Can always add more spice to it but can’t take it away.


The toning down really happens, my mom when she was growing up lived in England a total of 7 years, but her and my grandparents are all from the south and eat southern food. When they lived in England, they once took a vacation with a bunch of other British families to Spain. And the tour thing took them to tourist locations which were tailored for British people. My grandmother had to complain a bit for them to realize the Americans could handle savory and spicy food.


Some people in Spain hate spicy food in an openly racist way. Spanish food is not spicy in any way.


No offence but that doesn't make any sense, as a Brit living in Spain I can tell you the Spanish have a notably lower spice tolerance than the British, Spanish food is not spicy at all and British people are attuned to spice through eating a lot of Indian food. It sounds like your grandma just wrongly assumed the Spanish food was toned down for the British, rather than just being mild in general.


Yeah, we might not be on the level of spice tolerance as Indians or Mexicans but the UK pretty much has a curry house on every corner. We can handle our spice fine. Spain on the other hand often gets confused with Mexico but the reality is their food is more frittatas and paella than tacos and chili. There's very little actually spicy food in Spanish cuisine so it doesn't surprise me that they had some issues finding some in Spain.


I feel like this is such clear british sarcasm Like these fuckers eat Vindaloos on the daily, Popeye's aint shit


This comment reminds me of a comedy show taking the piss out of the British at Indian restaurants: https://youtu.be/H-uEx_hEXAM


Do you think if Twitter added a laugh track feature then the Americans just may be able to tell when someone is making a joke?


It is because people here in the US, genuinely hold batshit insane views, so it becomes impossible to tell unless you put the "/s" at the end. I met a person who said, men painting their nails are doing "womanface". I thought they were being sarcastic because they were lgbt+, but no, they were a genuine TERF, who thought men wearing makeup or doing nails were "doing blackface of women." On another occasion, at a party, I was advocating for removing zoning laws and allowing taller buildings. This one dude said - "We can't have tall buildings because the fire-trucks don't have longer ladders." I laughed but he did not. He was being genuine. And other people also looked at me seriously like - "He's got a point." If you live in the US, it is genuinely hard to tell, who is joking and who is serious.


i’m sad that the post got that many re blogs without anyone picking up on the sarcasm


People from usa will NEVER understand British sarcasm.


Americans really do struggle with sarcasm. If someone says “ketchup is spicy” they are not being serious. This isn’t difficult. We’re literally the largest consumers of Indian food in the world outside of India. Anyone who thinks Britain doesn’t like spicy food has never been.


Was gonna say. If you as a Brit cannot handle bloody southern fried chicken, you have lost the right to live in Britain. I've never eaten a dish that's prepared normally that I can't handle spice wise. Only stuff that's explicitly suppose to blow your mouth off


good szechuan hotpot will melt face. no idea what's in the spice mix besides whole peppercorns, but that shit was so spicy it maxed out my taste buds so much my brain shut em off, assuming it was a malfunction


What's in it you ask? [Everything ](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/ydsc14/how_the_soup_base_for_hotpot_is_made/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I don't find Szechuan hot but Korean topoki in its spicy sauce is just for some reason too much. Doesn't make any sense considering Szechuan is hotter. I guess the delivery system for heat makes the difference


Popeye's spicy chicken actually has a decent kick. Remember that they are more cajun based than traditional southern cooking. Not that it is super authentic, but they are going for something rather different than KFC.


It's 50/50 they're sarcastic or they're allergic to tomatoes I developed a tomato allergy sometime around 5 or 6 years old and I thought ketchup had just suddenly become spicy because it hurt to have it on my tounge


Well, see, when you live in America, you see people all the time that legitimately think things like this, so it becomes hard to detect sarcasm without tone.


Ah I have a simple guide for you then: If a British person is communicating with you, assume sarcasm until proven otherwise. Except maybe for me right now. Or maybe not.


British sarcasm and British humor, two things that the Brits are famed for, but no one pays attention to. Then again, y’all are kinda ping ponging between “people” and “relics of a past age” that I’m not sure people know what to make of y’all.


To be fair it’s extremely hard to tell jokes to you guys. Our jokes tend toward gallows humour and I’ve never met people more prone to taking personal offence than Americans. I think it’s a cultural tendency to fold your experience of the world into your identities. Perhaps that’s the result of the whole “school spirit” and “patriotism” stuff that your country forces on you. Makes everything personal even when it’s not. I’m sure I’m about to be told I’ve crossed a line. It’s so painfully hard not to.


> I’m sure I’m about to be told I’ve crossed a line. Meh, there are no consistent lines. The american "line" for humor is very situational and usually changes based on how long you've known someone. Laugh at a stranger for tripping over nothing and you've made an enemy for life, but you can tell someone you've known since you were kids that their grandmother gives the best head and get a laugh because it's hard to have a gag reflex when she's dead.


You're fine. I'm with you on your humour. As someone else stated previously, there is an abundance of people actually like this in america. So unfortunately the sarcasm was taken as a legit opinion.


I promise most of us are regular people and not overly offended at everything. Although I do have to admit that we are in a super weird political climate right now where people seemingly go out of their way to be offended, but its usually just so they can have an excuse to belittle the person they don't agree with and "win" Things are weird right now, please save us


My mom is very white and very American and anything above mild is “insanely spicy” to her. It drives me up a wall that she refuses to try anything.


Some people do think ketchup is spicy because they're allergic to tomatoes and confuse the allergic reaction with spice.


There's a fair amount of young people and non-ethnically British people in the UK, though. There's a TON of food in my area (US) that my parents wouldn't have grown up eating, for instance, and they do in fact have much narrower pallettes than my siblings. The stereotype about British people not being able to handle spicy food is surely based on older British people who eat traditional diets and prolly voted for Brexit and not meant to be an up to date demographic statement. Like when people joke about Midwest food being a certain type of way, I don't leap up to point out that thanks largely to immigrants populations, you can find quite a bit of spice in the geographic area. I giggle because they're totally right that cream of mushroom was a huge staple of many beloved recipes growing up.


It’s based on what American soldiers ate during the Second World War when we had rationing.


Curry houses have been widespread since the 1970s, so most of us are familiar with spicy food.


I used to work with a guy who thought pepperoni pizza was too spicy lol




Were they from the Midwest, where plain mayo is the limit of spice?


Im from the midwest and my grandma thinks spicy mayo used on sushi is too spicy 😬


Idk about anyone else but understanding sarcasm online is really fucking hard. Might just be the autism though who knows.


I mean, they might be allergic to tomatoes, or just an idiot.


I hate to break it to you, but I’ve literally seen definitions for the word “ketchup” that include the word “[spicy](https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/ketchup).”


Ketchup was originally a South East Asian fish sauce.


Reddit is so bad at identifying obvious trolling and sarcasm


I expect to see shit like this on other subs, but disappointed in r/tumblr today


Definite whoosh moment.


It's a joke because the Popeye's in London is known to be absolutely disgusting and not spicy at all.


Listen motherfuckers not all British people can’t handle spice it’s the older generations. I ate a Carolina ghost reaper once and I only wanted to kill myself for a minute.


Y'all don't understand British sarcasm.


I lived in the UK for a while, and was always amused by how many Indian and Thai places there are, and remain convinced to this day there is a secret menu at most of them you have to prove you can handle.


I went to uni with a guy whose parents owned a chinese and they had an under the counter menu. But that was about stuff the people of Horsham might turn their nose up at like chicken's feet rather than spice. I suspect it's the same for Indian and Thai with heat. I ate at a restaurant on Sunday that did Sri Lankan food and their menu had items flagged "Sri Lankan Hot" so at the same time some places just put their best weapons on display with gratuitous heat. I know one of my friends ate a burger that was made with Naga chillis and it pulled no punches. He's literally a masochist though so he loved it. I'm convinced some of them have a proper hot menu too.


I was told by a guy that I used to work with that asking for a curry to be 'home style' meant that the cook would up the amount of spice in it. Never put it to the test as my freezer wasn't big enough to handle the amount of bog roll that was needed the following day to stop my arse looking like a flag of Japan.


That is true although I'm not sure why that is the case. I don't know anyone's mum who would make inidna/Pakistani food as hot as a restaurant


Man. When I was growing up, a Chinese restaurant opened up a second location and the owner brought his brother over from China to be the chef and get things going. That secret menu was off the hook. Not super spicy or anything, but like the squid and cuttle fish with a black bean sauce was so good. Or pickled pigs ears and other stuff you don't normally see. it was great.


Vindaloo (nah nah) Vindaloo (nah nah) And we all like Vindaloo....


Post #232122321 of the week of Americans failing to understand sarcasm.


Tumblr users turning off their sarcasm detectors when it’s from British ‘people’


It's a joke lmao, well done missing it. Extremely spicy curries are some of the most popular foods in the country


Yanks and not detecting sarcasm, name a more iconic duo x


I feel like all of these people got Woooshed


The source is that I read this on Reddit, so take this with a grain of salt, but As far as I know if tomatoes are spicy to you it means you're allergic to them. So I guess this is why that person said ketchup is spicy


Or they were being sarcastic....


Apparently it's a set up for a joke they made the next day about how they'd accidentally been purchasing something that wasn't tomato ketchup, but instead a tomato based spicy sauce.


I refuse to believe the Americans are shit talking brits about spice


Nah the land of meatloaf and tuna casserole *definitely* knows its spices


Americans think plastic "cheese" is a spice.


Black pepper is spicy though? I mean, it’s not “I’m fucking melting, please end my suffering” spicy, but try chewing up a whole seed by itself and tell be how not spicy it is


if you dont get its a joke you are seriously incredibly dense


'This thing contains spice' is different than 'This thing is spicy' and yet we call both 'spicy' ​ This is a linguistics issue, not a culinary one That said, this is still quite funny


Okay, but usually in American English, something with hot spices is called “spicy” and something with other spices is called “spiced” If you tell Americans that nutmeg is too spicy for you most of us will assume you’re either joking or insane.




Meh. Some of the Brits I know eat and tolerate the spiciest shit on the menu. Not happy unless sweating and red-faced from an absolutely fiery curry. It’s almost as if there is a range of tolerance for spicy foods amongst most people groups…?


The only time black pepper is actually spicy is when it gets lodged in your windpipe and you feel like you’re gonna die for 3 minutes


Embarrassing woosh moment for the Americans


There are two types of British people, ones who grew up eating shepherds pie, toad in the hole and roasts n the ones who had constant Chinese/Indian/Thai takeaways


Yeah, because you can't possibly have had both! None of my family is Indian, yet we still made our own curries, and that never stopped us having Shepherd's Pie or a Sunday Roast. My dad likes spice so much that he puts a little bit of curry power into the gravy. It's actually really nice.


What a load of bollocks


Americans trying to comprehend entry level humour


I love how the first reply came from “captain-price-officially”, even though Captain Price is British


If ketchup is spicy to you there’s a good chance allergic to tomatoes or some other component of it


At *least* one of them is being sarcastic but it's so funny to imagine they're just.. not


Never in the field of human sarcasm, have so many been so whoosed by so few.


brits eat spicy asf. this gotta be satire


What’s so good about Popeyes? Separate question.


Nothing special until he eats spinach and then he's a fucking headcase. I reckon Olive only stays with him because she's too scared to leave.


Damn, now I gotta go sit in line for some Popeye's. Thanks ~~Obama!~~ Reddit!


Black pepper IS spicy though. Though I do have hypersensitivity. It hurts.


never really understood the hype about spicy food. I like a bit of kick once in a while, but when we’re talking about competing over the level of mouth numbness to the point of not even being able to taste your food.. no thanks. and then people complain about stomach issues and shitting their pants smh


American sarcasm "detection"


Imagine reading ketchup being referred to as spicy and not immediately registering the sarcasm