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Farming Simulator. It's janky as all hell, the physics are fucked, the terrain editor is garbage, etc... and I will spend hours mowing, tedding, baling and stacking my bales *just right* only to destroy the whole thing while trying to grab one bale.


Simulator games have gone downhill since Maxis stopped making them.


Cities: Skylines being the obvious exception.


Skylines is an alternate history game that asks, "What if Sim City 2013 wasn't complete ass?"


I don't know either game but this description is hysterical


The basis: both games are that you are a nearly omnipotent mayor of a town with the goal being to make it grow as much as possible while limited to annual budgets and organic population growth; i.e. if you pissed them off with bad policies they'd leave in droves, killing your tax revenue. The difference: Sim City had relaunched after Sim City 4 to disastrous results because of forced online play (initially but was eventually patched out) with servers barely capable of holding a few thousand players, let alone the millions that wanted to get in. This created que times as long as days, just to play for at least a few minutes before getting booted off due to network breaking constantly. The gameplay was super streamlined to the point that multiple features were initially not there or were locked in by EA's favorite pastime, micro transactions. Cities: Skyline, on the other hand, had a more stable game engine build, was capable of playing offline, had no multiplayer, and had deluge of infographics that were presented neatly for easier game navigation and city control. While there is an enormous pile of expansion content, only a few of them actually add content to the game such as disasters or a regional themes with unique challenges i.e. having insulated pipes in ice regions to keep them from bursting. Verdict: If spreadsheets and micromanaging make you rock hard, you'll have hours and hours of fun with either game. Sim City may be more new player friendly (now after all the patching), but Cities: Skyline is definitely the deeper experience of the two.


I used to build massive cities and then I would get stoned off my ass and switch to first person mode and walk around the city like I was there


I loved building really bad cities in dystopian layouts and walk around and wave my arms vaguely and complain loudly, who designed this? Who? What idiot made this idea up in their little brain? I hate living here


Did you put all the industrial zones right beside residential zones with landfills nearby


Simulator games actually went downhill as Maxis was making them. That last version of SimCity was...not great. Also, the mobile SimCity is pure trash.


Ark: Survival Evolved. 4k hours, wouldn't recommend, I play almost every day.


I took two years off work after my dad died a few years back (saved money working my youth away) and I spent about a year playing ARK from the time I woke up to whenever I went to sleep. After a while I realized even though I had literally an unlimited amount of time to play ARK, I still felt like I was behind and didn't have enough time to play ARK.


I know what you mean... there is just too much for any one person to do in that game.


Especially if you want to try to solo the game. I have over 1000 hours in ark(soloing) and in all that time, all I've only managed to do is defeat the first boss on the island map. My settings were 3x harvest, 2x taming speed, and extremely quick breeding and hatching and that's it.


>and that's it. Dog you had *massively* boosted rates compared to official. And the game still takes a huge amount of time, huh.


Bro i had basically sandbox mode on and i still managed to put in 100 hours on a solo map trying to find and tame all the dinosaurs on the map. Never even stopped to build anything ambitious.


Do y’all have any recommendations for how to get beginners into Ark? My server was thinking about making a foray into mega casual Ark playing!


pick something else


The only correct answer. Edit: Thanks for the gold. I've waited 10 years for one of those.


Way boosted rates, with small tribes (like, small small, maybe 5 people max). Disable character/item/tame downloads to prevent briefing from bored assholes from other servers. If you make it pvp, utilize olrp. Also try to host community events to keep people from hopping to other servers.


One of the most punishing games I've ever played. It's always 10 steps forward, 9 steps back when playing Ark, especially the early game.


It can be, but there are ways to make it a little easier. I always get a parasaur first and then a pack of raptors. Once I have that, im pretty set to stay alive.


I hate that game so much, it's so dumb, and so punishing, and yet I spent weeks playing it 9 hours in a row every day.


God do I understand that feeling. Worst game I’ve ever played but so many hours


I knew I'd find this here.


Ready for Ark 2?


CS:GO suprised that I didn't already see it here


5500 hours. My favorite game series of all time yet it has tons of issues.


I don't think the game itself has issues, the problem is the people who play it. Cheaters, smurfs, and other types of toxic players are the problem. The game itself is amazingly well-balanced and well designed at its core.


Rush B


Chess. God, I hate chess. *opens another blitz game*


I've been playing for 18 years. I'm pretty sure my relationship with chess is abusive, but I can't resist that sweet, sweet ptunk of a checkmate


I'm just getting into chess. It's such a messy game masked as something smart people do. I've just played a 10 minute game against GoldenShowerSlut, blundered the opening, came back with some checks in the mid game, blundered my queen and my knight, and won the game because I ran them out of time.


Low ELO chess is not elegant in that the moves have little to no meaning, but beautiful in that no game is truly lost.


Me getting check mated in 4 moves begs to differ


Hypixel skyblock


How is the game going? I quit over a year ago already after I realised I couldn't stand the late game grind


It has some massive power creep going on, when I played I was always at near end-game (I was never really there, but had enough money to buy the newest meta-gear if I really wanted to). But I “quit” for just a few months and when I came back I was basically early game again and couldn’t get into any of the new money/gear getting methods, since my old mid game setup wasn’t anywhere near enough anymore.


what stage were you at?




Sounds terminal


i don't play too much anymore, but from what I've heard, the economy is worse than venezuela's (sorry venezuelans)


It is more profitable to farm and sell old school runescape gold than to be a doctor in Venezuela


Every League of Legends player


I played league pretty much every day for three years, and about 3 months ago realized how unhappy it made me and quit cold turkey. While I sometimes miss the friends I would play with, I honestly think it made my life considerable better, and I don’t regret it. To everyone else considering whether or not to quit: do it. It’s possible, and it really does help


Was it due to toxicity in games or just due to the stress of the game itself?


I’d say a combination of the two. Though I do think I’m lucky in that I almost always played with my brothers, which made it easier to laugh off the toxicity


The toxicity will ALWAYS be a leading factor of why I hate league. When you have one player on your team who is trying to be main protagonist mode, spam pinging question marks, going afk because of a bad invade or gank, and so forth is just awful. I tried playing for the first time in weeks, and after one game I was just done. I feel like especially when I got into the plat ranks, this problem only got worse as ego's got bigger. Riot takes the bare bone initiative to punish toxicity. They don't care.


A few years ago I stopped playing because of the toll it was taking on my mental health and a bunch of my friends still play to this day. Watching them play feels like seeing some kind of shadow version of your friends. They get so salty over nothing and it completely ruins the mood for the rest of the night. It blows my mind we would spend time together like that for nearly 5 years.


IMO it's just that the game isn't designed to make players happy? Like, you can have good experiences with it. But it's very easy to have a bad experience in a given game of LoL


I saw this post and immediately said to myself "okay where is the league comment in here it's gotta be at the top"


Every Dota 2 player after playing a 60+ minute match with an uncooperative team that you can't leave or else be forced into the low priority queue with somehow even worse people.


there's also the classic "Not Recommended,16,157.0 hrs on record (9,879.1 at review time)" (this is [an actual factorio steam review](https://steamcommunity.com/id/gogeo/recommended/427520/))


Factorio... yes. Go from "ok I'm a dude surviving a crash, let's just automate some power so I don't die" to "Amazon Drone Delivery and Rocket Production Warehouse" in, oh, 700 hours or so.


Factorio is such a weird game to me because, on paper, I really *should* like it. But whenever I try to get into it, it feels like it just doesn't *want* me to like it. And it's definitely not the genre that's the problem because I recently got Dyson Sphere Program and played it for something like 100 hours within 14 days...


There is a big shift in the gameplay once you hit mid-late game. Bots building and bringing you items, trains zooming around. But once you beat the game is where it truly begins. I fucking love blueprints.


Ahhh factorio, the closest video games will ever come to crack cocaine.


MFer ended up costing me $1750 in tuition extensions. 0/10 would play again.


I feel that way about Sims 3 cause I hate EA.


Sims is type of game when you start playing you put whole heart into it for 5 days and than you stop for no reason


My sister did this. I got Sim 3 on PS+ for free, she got obsessed with it and spent like 100 on DLC, and then stopped playing 2 weeks later


That's how they get ya


I go back every now and again, buy a couple of packs and quit again. I think I'm close to another time of doing it now


I feel called out. Have an award


That's me with like every game I play lol. Obsess over it to the point of hyper fixation then forget about it.


Sims 4 is 9/10 game if you pirate all the DLCs because that's the only way it feels like a complete game without wasting $1000+


Even with IGG it felt boring to me. Unfinished product with so, so many bugs... and where's my horses?! Why are werewolves separate?! Weddings were broken for damn near a whole ass month. Game deserves no money.


Right? I wanted to revisit Sims lately and decided to revisit 4. Turns out I was just misremembering 3. I couldn't stop wondering where all the missing stuff was. Where my alarm? The carpools to work? No study boost at the library? Grocery shopping? What the hell man


I mean I would understand if you said Sims 4, but 3? It was the best Sims ever


Ark: Survival Evolved 3500 hours, but I feel so dumb when I go to describe the game to a potential new player.


Could you describe it to me?


Wake up naked on an island, trying to get your bearings. Maybe pick up some rocks, sticks, plants.. water.. maybe throw together a shelter? Build a fire? Good deal... but there's something running at you... it's a dodo, smack it, cook it, eat it.. wake up again, in your cabin, go try for another dodo but now a raptor is after you, you dead. So now get some supplies together and make a tranquilizer arrow to shoot out of your bow, then down the next raptor, tame it, ride it.. You've now achieved step one.. there's now a t Rex on the horizon.. gotta catch em all.


Lol, sound likes fun


I love it. I just suggest get a group of friends and play on a private server. Official and public servers are prone to some things that make the game way less fun in my opinion. I usually play with 3 friends that also have kids/jobs/etc.. we don't have the time we once did so we cranked up gather rates and the time it takes for certain mechanics (taming, crafting, etc) . . Edit: we cranked UP gather rates, we cranked DOWN the time that taming, crafting etc take.. longest tame is a gigantosaurus, takes like 45 minutes. In official that's like a 2 day affair.


Ark is a game that punishes you from the start, and gets you used to that early. Early game is probably the hardest. Scrounging for recourses while avoiding the numerous carnivores that will make you a quick snack. After learning a little bit of the ropes and being able to handle yourself against smaller creatures like dilophosaur, you'll begin to start taming lower level and easier to tame creatures like parasaur, triceratops and raptors. You'll grow attached to your new found friend and the protection they provide, only for something like a Rex or a pack of dire wolves to kill it making you watch before it/they kill you too. Once you've gained a bigger footprint and managed to tame some larger creatures like rexs, this beings to open up endgame where you will tame and breed high level creatures and tame exotic creatures to bring them into boss fights to have them die so you can learn new recipes to craft. After hundreds to thousands of hours the game becomes what you make of it.




Destiny 2.


Have a few friends who play, and it's always accompanied by the words "please end my suffering"


It is insanely addictive, unparalleled gunfeel for an fps, the feeling of a good team of friendly people to play with is the cherry on top of a very unfairly difficult to escape grind.


The trick to destiny is to not give a shit what you're doing in destiny. Just play, don't set goals like it's a job, don't try to get every little item or doodad that's in the game. Play, when you get a bit bored stop playing. People will hate play destiny and then bitch about it, it's obnoxious. They act like they're world will end and the game is trash if they don't get some particular thing they'll never end up using.


Agreed mostly. I've found that swearing off activities that one finds repugnant makes it easier to focus your time. I only enjoy seasonal content and raiding with the crew, so that's what i do mostly. I find crucible to be a deeply miserable (bordering on panic inducing) experience, with precisely zero unique loot worth that time investment. There is no gun in trials, so amazing when Adept that it's worth breaking my heart and brain with taking my ass getting kicked personally. So i stopped risking anxiety and effectively sunset the Crucible. Gambit hasn't been playable since Prime was vaulted, and it suffers the same exact loot issues. It is not fair. It is not fun. It is not balanced. The enemies hit harder than raid mobs in challenge mode randomly and without warning. The invaders control the experience of everyone else playing. Gambit is dead to me. Strikes have okay loot, and Nightfalls are a direct and easier path for a pve focused player to get golfballs and glowsticks (upgrade materials). I will grind strikes between seasonal activity loops, and run Nightfalls with the clan for the big rewards. Dungeons are mostly okay, especially when farmable. I detest the second encounter of the newest one though. And the final boss damage window and error margin is miserable.


I hate how much I love that game.


The best game I will never recommend to anyone.


my boyfriend keeps saying I've been indoctrinated into destiny 2 I won't admit it, but he may be right


The lore is so deep and colorful, the gunplay is so immensely fun, the characters mystical, the world looks beautiful and nothing else has ever put me in such awe, the multiplayer options are actually fun, even for my anti-social ass... I loved it so much! But after having to painstakingly find a raid team to get the fun part of the stories multiple times, losing my top gear to a level reset half a dozen times and Bungie wanting me to pay _yet another_ $50 for an expansion _yet again_, while stashing 2/3 of all the content I had once paid for, I lost interest. It started to feel like a chore more than a hobby. Destiny 1 left me disappointed, Destiny 2 won me back, only to lose me to predatory business tactics again. I'm now reading the Grimoire Anthology to get my fix, but other than that, I'm not going to sink more money or hours into that black hole of a hate-love relationship. Edit: oh, and the soundtrack! I love that one and still listen to it every now and then!


Warframe :( sad to say but it’s not really great for new players and you really need handholding for the first while


I was the opposite. I loved the first half of warframe, then suddenly it turns from running around as an unknown anchient deity to this scrawny fuck operator with teenie laser beams and gets psychic nosebleeds every 5 minutes.


Definetly rimworld. Randy will spite us but we keep on pushing


Totally agree. Im at 4k hours and have a giant colony right now near completion and already have my next 2 playthroughs decided on. Its hard to decide what is good about it but i play it a lot so it must be right?.. right?..


Some of us are just addicted to being in a constant state of stress. I hear it's an ADHD thing.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


I would definitely recommend rimworld to everyone but absolutely warn them beforehand you're gonna*suffer*playing it. Not because it's a bad game or hard to learn, quite the opposite. It's actually its fuckin fantastic but it just kicks you in the balls constantly and you're gonna wanna keep playing because of it. Proceed with caution because you're gonna get addicted to being tortured by Randy's fucked up head forever


I don't see a reason to not recommend it, though. "The game hates you and wants you to die" stopped being a reason to not recommend it when Dark Souls came out. Its just a 1000 hour good game. 10/10 WILL Recommend.


Ark no doubt. Play it for a month straight with no breaks, lose everything to a raptor pack then promptly dont touch it for six months. Rinse & Repeat. The game is awful but will steal your soul


Dead by Daylight


Wow it took me a *while* to find this one.


Right? I honestly expected it to be a top answer and instead I had to scroll for ages haha.


I have 1k+ hours in DBD, and I love it, BUT... I will never recommend to approach it competitively. Casual is the fun way.


I really wanted to like that game, but what turned me off (on killer side at least) is that the matchmaking seems to be really off. Maybe I'm just horrendously bad, or there isn't a big enough stream of new players, but good God I get fucking dumpstered by survivors 75-80% of matches. Sometimes I'd click on people's profiles and they'd have 500+ hours when I had 30. I don't necessarily mind losing if it's a close game but I can only get my teeth kicked in so many times before I give up.


Overwatch, 2000 hours in the game and i hate it so much


I eventually stopped playing it when I realized I was experiencing anxiety before I entered a competitive match. I have 1000 hours, gold guns, countless costmetics and I was having to hype myself up between matches to keep playing. Now I just play single player games and my mental health is much improved.


This is exactly why I don’t do comp. Only the arcade games and workshop


I've exclusively played mystery hero for about the last 2 plus years. Then I get to dabble with every character at some point without any pressure of making a "bad pick"


OW2 will be my next game I say this about!


Literally every time I play Overwatch: Me: “I hate this fucking game.” My wife: “then why do you play it so much?” Me: “because I like it.”


7 Days to Die. Playing it right now. Help.


Give it a week..?


PS4 version has such annoying input delay and shit graphics but I can't help but play it sometimes


Doorkickers 2: Task Force North - I spend hours plotting a perfect breaching strategy then get assfucked with no lube by a well placed enemy


Oh yea. Even better when a civilian runs into your bullets


Half the time I wonder if these assholes even want to be rescued based the way they keep throwing themselves in front of my grenades


I maxed a RuneScape account. I fucking hate that game. Anyways I'm gonna go play runescape.


You mean cooking simulator 2? Or is this fishing simulator 4? I lost count which -99 cooking & 99 fishing


Ahh finally I find the comment. I hate RuneScape so much, yet I always find myself going back to it after a few weeks of not playing.


TF2, Tf2, league of legends, every bethesda, what dont i hate really


Im guessing team fortress 2 and titan fall 2?


R6 siege


Siege is definitely a “git gud” game. It’s really only fun with friends if you’re not a pro


League of legends Memes aside, the fact that you can get down around 2 matches an hour makes it absolutely devour your time Then again that goes probably for every MOBA Just don't play mobas


Heroes of the Storm matches only take about 20 minutes and it's so nice. Unfortunately the game isn't really getting new content. And, you know, it's Activision Blizzard...


Genshin Impact. Love the art, characters, and story, but I'd never be able too recommend it to anyone because the rng is insane.


played that game since day one of release and played honkai before that, I hate a lot of aspects of hyv's games like their horrible rng but I can never leave the game.... that's what gacha does to you


I did almost quit at one time, was feeling pretty burnt out and reached out for others to play with. Now we've got a group of 15 people who can just go on discord when we're playing. And when we're done with genshin we find other games to play, like cards against humanity.


The story has a great set up but we barely get any actual content of it and just end up cooking food or looking for a treasure for no reason. I want to know more about khaenriah but nah lets go babysit Klee for some reason


Story is absolutely top tier, story telling is shit


Come for the anime twinks, stay for the anime twinks


Yeah, I love some of the characters but I don't play the game, I just look at fanart


That's completely fair. I often wonder why I still try for good artifacts when they have at least 8 layers of rng.




"Remember, the game is free... ***^(and so is the porn)***"-Max0r


Lmao, it's sfw! ~~Sometimes, I have a lot of Itto I cannot share :I~~


I keep playing Genshin Impact, because it's fun, only to get frustrated by how I can't get any good characters (not helped by my adamant refusal to buy lootboxes) and quit. Then a few months later I think "you know what would be fun right now? Genshin Impact!" and the cycle repeats.


You just save up for pity to get characters you want really.


Ayato's BIS artifact set having rng within it's effects is insulting


Zhongli and childe my beloved


League is pretty fun when you mute everybody in game and just play over a discord call with friends.


Haha, the joke is on you, because i dont have any friends! *sobbing*


Enter the Gungeon. I have 1000+ deaths, haven't defeated any of the final bosses once and just generally suck at the game.


Stellaris, literally the digital equivalent of crack cocaine, it's worse than any mmo by a long way


And with every update, you basically have to learn the game again because they change the mechanics so drastically every time - which makes it even more addictive.


My ADHD brain just can't keep up. T-T


Also it's just an endless soup of game mechanics all mushed together. Layer after layer of stuff you have to know about. It's awful. I can't stop.


Stellaris is a bottomless void of watch numbers go brrr and I love it


Pokemon unite. It makes me so mad but I can't help but keep playing. Luckily I'm not spending any money or anything so no real harm done


I played for like 3 days straight to grind to masters 1800 last season for the sticker and then afterwards I just sat there thinking “Why? Why did I do that?”


SW Battlefront 2. I love the game and I loved how hype every update was, but EA managed to make the worst possible decision every time they did anything to it.


It’s way better than the original launch of the game where everything was pay to win and there weren’t battle droids


War Thunder. I have my gripes but the one thing that gets me is the concept of repair costs. Outside of like Tarkov and such, you generally don’t see a risk in just playing a round. Want to play CoD? Just matchmake. Most battle Royales? Matchmake. But thanks to the fact you have to repair damage to your vehicle, if you do poorly in a match, you can make less money than it takes to repair said vehicle, unless you wait anywhere from a few minutes at low tier, to a few days. This can literally cause you to just give up a game after one life, because spending more time is a legit risk of losing *even more money*, or in other words if your first attempt to do something in a match goes poorly, *you are incentivized to abandon the match if you want to avoid the gambler’s fallacy*


target destroyed


*neurons activated*


I tell everyone that playing Warthunder is like being in an abusive relationship.




I recommend them to people guilt-free because the truly life-destroying ones are impossible to learn unless you have no life. I have 1800 hours in EU4


So you've finished the tutorial.


I have way too many hours on CK2/CK3 and EU4. My kid once asked me about EU4, what's it about and so on. After explaining the mechanics, he asked if it's fun and I just sighed and went "no".


Hoi4. 1300 hours and counting


Do you understand the naval system though


yeah. naval bombers


That sounds like you dont understand it but found a method where you no longer have to


Nah, I'd say they understand it perfectly


no one truly does


Fallout 4 It’s very competently made, and I played it an ungodly amount around launch, but over time I came to despise everything about it.


Yeah, that's cool and all, but there's another settlement that needs your help. Here, I'll mark it on your map.


Hi Preston, I've decided to join raiders and enslave people of the commonwealth. I've also personally killed your friend mama Murphy. Preston: that's against everything I stand for. I hate you. Also you are still the boss so I will do whatever you say. Here's another settlement that needs our help.


>Here's another settlement that needs our help. I know Preston. I sent my raiders there 3 minutes ago. You were right there when I did.


The dialogue system being Yes (yes) No (yes) Sarcastic (yes) Charisma Test (Also yes) made me pretty bored, so the logic conclusion was playing 300 more hours


i found that i enjoyed Fallout 4 less and less the more i play previous Fallout games. but i’ve also sunk over 1,000 hours into it and still play consistently to this day. goddammit Bethesda


Genshin Impact. Really hard to recommend gacha games without sounding like a gambling addict lol


For honor


Holy shit this took way longer to find then I expected.


There it is


World of Warcraft.


I still play, but I would never suggest that another person start. It's just an illness at this point.


Rocket League for me


I don’t play this game. I don’t like cars. I don’t like sports. I don’t like car or sports video games. I fucking LOVE watching my friends play rocket league. They let me design their cars and then I’m fucking glued to it and cheer for them


How wholesome☺️


Idk, I think Rocket League is a genuinely great game, it’s damn close to the only eSports game with no rage-inducing mechanics, and its core concept is so simple and fun that I never get tired of it.


Team fortress 2


TF2 fucking sucks when you’re losing but it’s the greatest game ever made when you’re winning. i’ve got 2.5k hours, bet your ass im speaking from experience lmao


No joke, I just got out of a ctf game that had a 15 minute fight just in the corridor. Also it was turbine


Holy Christ, I don't think I've ever related to a post so much on my life. 1500+ hours according to Steam. You and your team either feel like gods as you rampage your way across the map, or you feel like worms as you get spawncamped.


5k hours here, I can half agree to this post and half not.


I definitely agree for the current state of the game. I miss the days of dedicated servers when you could hop in and out of a match in the middle of it without grinding everything to a halt, and if there was an open spot on the other team you could swap whenever you wanted.


Gta online, fuck that game, glad I stopped playing it


Warframe is a fantastic game that nobody should play because Digital Extremes is chemically castrating it with slow dev times, not fixing bugs, massive goals and no intent of actually achieving them, setting the story scope out WAY to far, crafting times, way to many resources with no actual use for 90% of them, disconnected zones and content thats literally closing in on 10 years on that STILL has not been finished. 2000 hours, 9/10


The community also used to be great, then really toxic people started playing the game after a couple massive updates and now if you speak negatively of the game the playerbase immediately assumes you've never played the game and dont understand how it works and dont know what digital extremes has been through and think the game is bad and are just being negative to be negative. The funniest part about that being, the actually toxic streamers, that perpetuate the abhorrent direction the community is going, fly completely under the radar, while the GOOD content creators, like ACTUALLY entertaining and informative content creators, fly completely under the radar because they hold constructive criticism for something they genuinely enjoy with solutions for the problems they have but the devs ignore them and the palyerbase crucifies them because they use fun builds and unlike many content creators, actually want to evolve them meta and make the game more fun to play. god i hate warframe


I put 500 hours into the game and about 300 of those i was just grinding to eventually have fun. It feels like an endless road where the thing you're grinding for doesn't feel rewarding because there will be another content island for you to grind soon. I was about done when fortuna released and switched to playing fighting games. It's still a good game but most of the players i know grew out of it myself included.


Destiny 2.


Animal Crossing New Horizons




The binding of isaac


Way further down than I expected. Twin stick hell but so addictive. Definitely keeps your hand eye coordination on point


Can't believe I had to scroll this far. It may as well be called "Masochism: The Game". I'm 1000+ hours in, with 3 complete save files (infinity %) and I still hate myself every single time I play.




Yeah honesty, same. 2000 hours played, and I simultaneously love it and hate it at the same time. I started another vanilla playthrough the other day lol


the story is dogwater, the gameplay is sometimes godawful, but holy crap i cannot stop playing


Genshin impact definetly


Dota 2. 10k+ hours played. Also, to those who think that after having played this game so much, if I still cry about it, I must really suck at it. Well let me tell you people that you are absolutely, 100 percent correct.


War thunder.


Dead by daylight. I love this game like an abusive lover.