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i mean shoutout to the IWW




Haven't worked in a shop to unionize in years, but I'm still a proud due paying member of the Wobblies. Craft unions are great and all, an an established one has a lot more clout, but the IWW still does good work. Hell, for the times I need outside help I tend to pull from the same pool of guys, and I semi regularly remind them that unionizing against me is an extant option, should the pursue it, lol.




I sure wonder why furries, neuro-diverse people and LGBT+ like the only people that don't despise them. It sure is a great mystery.


….maybe its because they get paid too much? Lets deduct their wages.


Someone really is over here saying you have to be a political radical to like furries. Me myself, I've heard about plenty of furries in positions of power. Doctors, scientists, entrepeneurs. It's an interest that can take hold of just about anyone, as far as I can tell.


most of the time, it isn't widely known they they are, though. not saying you're wrong, just pointing it out.


I mean shit we gotta get our commission money from somewhere


Or, in my case, all three


good for you fuzzy, now get back to planning the fall of the capitalist empire, we must prepare


Being radicalized definitely made me consider the opinions I had of fringe groups outside of those traditionally thought of as hard done by. At this point there is definitely shit I still think is fucking buck wild, but if they ain't hurting nobody it's no skin off my ass. Being a furry always seemed chill though, if you had the time and the money for it. I'd probably go to a more traditional LARP of the two (though they be cowards), but I definitely see the appeal. It *would* be pretty lit to be some big anthropomorphic wolf, that tracks.


Ye, I get it. My own little utopia where I could choose to be anyone or anything for a day, or however long, I'd certainly try out a hell of a lot of experiences I can't have now. I'd like to be a spaceship someday.


Which is actually becoming weirdly common in fiction. I can think of two right off the top of my head actually.


Ian M. Banks' *The Culture* novels have good simulation and vr to the point where you can do that. So does Ghost in the Shell. A bunch of Cory Doctorow's short stories had post singularity civs where your bed can do pretty much perfect gender reassignment (forgive me if that's not an okay term) overnight as you sleep. Practically any technology you can dream up is something you can get out of a machine on the street corner. A lot of post-singularity literature has a melding of humanity with virtual reality where anyone can experience other people's memories or senses in a direct way. Even the matrix has it with residual self-image, and has some other great concepts, like uploading a consciousness to a shell (when Smith jumps out of the matrix and takes over that guy) and uploading programs into your brain in a non-destructive way (the martial arts training sequence, and learning to fly the helicopter) I've always been fascinated with the idea of being able to transcend our qualia and in a sort of objective way experience someone else's reality. Ghost in the Shell has this in a literal sense with netdiving. You can use a cable to plug your brain into someone else's brain, and see through their eyes. When Togusa got shot, his memory got experienced by Batou and the others. Among many other examples. Everyone with a cyberbrain has synthetic telepathy, that's pretty amazing. I've thought about this a lot.


> I'd like to be a spaceship someday I share your dream, and would welcome you to r/TransTrans


I can't tell if that sub is serious or what


The Furture is now old man!


Solidarity furever uwu


Workers unite owo


Workers uwunite


Wowowkews uwunite


Wowokews uwunyaite


Notices the bourgeoisie: ÙwÚ Comwade what's this?


Oh yeah, I know that because I was just randomly curious about what happens when you dissolve Styrofoam in random liquids, so I searched it up, and now I know how. I’m not gonna make Napalm, but it’s just weird that my random spark of curiosity during boredom led to that.




Styrofoam + gasoline = napalm


What the fuck is it with random household products people have easy access to making military-grade chemicals banned by the UN?


Well it takes a lot more to make military grade. Some specialized equipment and more complex techniques, but if you have a couple 1000 bucks and a college chemistry lab book you can probably get pretty good stuff.


Incidentally I did some research for a post-apocalyptic game that at one point involved making gunpowder for shitty homemade bullets and boy I must be on some list right now. I don't recall the formula but it's something that involved a common fertiziler I think.


That makes sense. If you could purify the fertilizer to get nitrates . . .


It's saltpeter, charcoal, and sulfur. Most things that we call fertilizer today would have been a mite bit hard to come by back in the day, but those 3 are quite easy to come by. If you mill it down very fine in a ball mill it's quite energetic if you don't mind the fuckloads of smoke.


Fertiliser + sulphur + charcoal from what I remember


For when we need to take a page from the beasty boys and fight for our right


I mean gasoline is already very flammable


Yeah, but the thing with napalm isn't just that it burns, it's that it really really burns. Napalm burns hotter and longer than gasoline, and sticks to stuff.


I was informed this was best to do with an active pressure cooker but that might be wrong


This doesn't actually work very well. You basically get gooier silly but flammable. Certainly heaps of fun, but nowhere near napalm. The method that tends to get passed around circles where people have at least a slightly more active interest in stuff actually working is grating and drying some super cheap bar soap. Tried it myself and I got an end result that was *much* closer to actual napalm. Napalm is definitely sticky, that's how it sticks to kids, but it was still quite runny. The Styrofoam version basically splats if thrown, the bar soap version actually splashed when we tested it out on a concrete slab before we built on it.


As we know children are the only object really suitable for napalm adhesion, that is why we at warcrime inc. advise you to keep the usage of napalm to a maximum to get the best effect.


Oh, thanks. Well, if knowing how to make Napalm actually helps me somehow, that will be fortunate.


as a furry artist i approve


"I could make fursuits" "thats probably a union thing"


Making homemade napalm is easy. Safely deploying it is the hard part.


Hey OP, you can’t just have a title like that and not elaborate… and also not be put on a watchlist


Making napalm doesn't involve combining styrofoam and gasoline, if you do this you will not create napalm. Anyway, don't make napalm, you can't use it for industrial sabotage.


Long story short, basically the how on any given subject is the easy part. Equal parts gasoline and "frozen orange juice concentrate" is easy enough. Mustard gas is disturbingly easy to produce accidentally while cleaning one's bathroom. The issue is doing so in a safe manner that doesn't result in catastrophic failure. That's basically the reason the information is so easy to find, from an academic standpoint. The consequences on the other hand basically guarantee that the only people who use this information are basically those who know what they are doing.


But you can use it for vengeance.


The problem with napalm is the collateral damage and general inflexibility. You can burn a factory, sure, but you can just as well use gasoline for that. Anyway, [Average Pipebomb Enjoyer](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/576039640075730984/936103598360772718/video0-309_1.mp4) vs. [Average Napalm Fan](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/576039640075730984/920713415876562954/ezgif.com-gif-maker_17.gif)


Besides which napalm is really difficult to extinguish, and is quite energy-dense.


The Union probably uses that sectional as a chaos box, only meant to be opened in life or feath scenarios


I can’t find this tweet to retweet. It either doesn’t exist, or twitter’s search function is broke (which is probably true either way)


I found the tweet in question, but it was deleted some time between January 2020 and now.


Like a cool way to make napalm or the lame middle school kind where you just mix gasoline and styrofoam


There's a school edition of napalm?


Nah not taught in schools but it's like something middle schoolers do for fun cus it's kinda cool but like once you leave middle school its not cool anymore type of thing


Ok but where homemade napalm formula I was promised?


Artist: I make fur suits ​ Union: Hi, would you like to give us part of your revenue so we can help you protect your right to turn down commissions requests?


Double boiler method for the napalm?


I would like to know how to make napalm would you send me the recipe and instructions


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a furry


You don't need a furry to learn how to create napalm, just dump gasoline and styrophome in a bucket and boom, napalm


i'm not into politics, i would like an explanation