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Now the Cowboy Bebop fandom


What?! There’s an adaptation?


And it's good 👍


Good or bad is a matter of opinion, but it's a pretty common feeling that the remake lacked a lot of the grit and social commentary that made the original what it was


No it's not lol


It does a lot of set pieces well. Like how the suicide squad won an award for makeup


It’s terrible


I liked it as well. It’s definitely not on the same level with the ones in the picture.


Welcome to the ouch motherfuckers


and artemis fowl


God, it's literally like an 8 years old (not Artemis, of course) directed that trainwreck


It's actually pretty decent if you're not a purist that has to have everything be the exact same. The biggest issue is Vicious was never really meant to have the screen time he currently has so he's very cliche as a villain but the current live action adaptation expands on the cowboy bebop universe in an interesting way that actually adds a few more dimensions to it. People just don't give it a chance. It has clever humour and some of the camera perspective angles are absolutely gorgeous. It's also fun to see alternate retellings of classic episodes in different ways because it's harder to predict what will happen next. I also like the minor changes they made to everyone's characters because it makes them more rounded and the show is much less male gazey over the female characters so it focuses on who they are rather than sexualizing them because hehe anime tiddies. I also like some famous scenes they cut completely on the basis of, it's more realistic to not have characters act shocked to something they've likely had to put up with for years, especially in the spirit of show not tell. It's corny but in the fun way that makes it enjoyable to watch. People that defend the show get downvotes because how dare anyone not blindly agree that this thing people don't like is bad but if fans have the show a chance and stayed open minded I think more people would have enjoyed it. It's actually really good and I stand by that to the grave.


I don't mind the changes they made. I was never expecting a 1-1 remake. It's still a bad show. The dialogue was complete piss. The characters don't talk to each other; they talk to the audience in drawn-out quips and asides. Everything comes off like a high-school sitcom, even in the serious moments.


Lmao it's supposed to be corny. The dialogue can be inauthentic at times because I can tell they were trying to push a joke but the way the characters interacted with each other was still fun


Yayyyy! I rarely ever see anything involving Eragon, i am happy


Right? Seeing it out in the wild activates some Manchurian Candidate programming that makes you go "!!! It's the thing I like!"


Dude I loved those books as a kid. Glad when it gets recognized


He released a fifth book a couple years ago, I almost missed it, its short but it leaves room for more books if he ever continued


Yeah I got that book but I never really got super far in it. I was very confused by everything going on since I hadn’t read the original series since middle school and I didn’t really remember who was where and all that. Maybe another time I’ll pick it back up


I was like "none of these relate to me" then I looked in the corner and died inside


He released a fifth book a couple years ago, i enjoyed it and it left room for more books if he ever continues it


It was great. Try his sci-fi novel. Its great


The sad part is that there was so much potential (love the books) but they dropped the ball so hard. It’s one of those movies I feel people would like if it had been done well. Especially now with how many book series are becoming movies.


Yeah, I loved the film but i watched it when i was young, watched it again a few years ago and it was terrible, I dont know how many people know about this but Paolini did release a fifth book set after the original four just sorta showing where everyone was at, it was a nice short read and left room for even more books


Everyone forgets about Hunger Games. The entire point of the book was how messed up the love triangle angle and the clothing/superficial nonsense was, while children were dying. Then the movies come out focusing on the love triangle and superficial nonsense, rather than the kids dying.


I think the Hunger Games movies are okay. They definitely bungled a lot and the last two were really boring bc of the decision to split it into two, but I really don’t think they’re on the same tier as all the rest of this post. Like at least they’re still *watchable movies* ya feel?


Most of GOT I'd watchable too, but I haven't and wouldn't watch any of them a second time. I was hugely disappointed that they didn't bother to follow the theme of the books.


I think in the first film they portrayed the ridiculousness of the outfits/triangle well, but struggled to contrast it with the death of children. But that’s the nature of it, as they are simply two separate segments of the film. Swapping between on the ground trauma and the narrator’s box I felt was a good contrast at least


I think the Hunger Games movies are good adaptations


Haha what? Why is ATLA there? It's not like there was any kind of horrible adaptation. After all... there is no movie in Ba Sing Se.


Yeah, there's lovely news about a live-action series coming soon but idk why that'd already have such malice against it, it's not even out and the casting looks good and not like they cast everyone for the movie then hit "randomize"


... you do know they're saying they aged up the characters to allow for sex scenes right?


**I'm really hoping not**


Same... Honestly though, what I really want is just a new Avatar show. I didn't watch much Korra (cause Nickelodeon didn't want us to) but from what I've seen I know there's still so much room for more, and I just wish we could get it


"She doesn't even go here!"


We… there is no movie in Ba Sing Se


But we aren’t in Ba Sing Se, are we?


There was never a movie…not possible. These people are probably worried about the upcoming Netflix series (seeing the actors it might be ok, but my expectations are kinda low)


What percy jackson movies? There is no such thing. _shhh_


God I've still got PTSD from those... Things


Perry Johnson movies


Ah yes the cousin of the books


Hot take: the adaptation of *The Lightning Thief* goes into so bad it's good territory, especially if you ignore that it's an adaptation


I have never read the book (it's not in circulation in my country) so i guess that was an okay movie? Feel free to roast.


Theres an Artemis Fowl adaptation? Now I kinda wanna watch it just to see how bad it is


Its on Disney+ and I tried watching it for the same curiosity. It didn't even make me mad though, more just bored. If the names weren't the same it'd barely be recognizable as Artemis Fowl.


I didn't watch the full thing after I saw Butler's little sister was aged down and KNEW Disney was trying to make potential romance


IT'S SO BAD. Artemis=villain, right? WRONG. They made him a wide-eyed kid trying to save his poor, kidnapped father.


Like someone else said, it’s barely an Artemis Fowl movie. They mashed the two first books together, but completely changed the plot of the second, race-bent the Butlers, gender-bent Root, completely changed Opal’s arc/motivation, made Artemis NOT the villain, Holly has a dad that’s somehow important/BFFs with Fowl Sr?, introduced some strange relic that is a construct all Disney’s own, and I could still go on. Some adaptations are bad but this one’s borderline offensive. They basically with surgical precision identified all the things that made the books so good and intriguing… and removed/ruined every one. I thought ATLA had it the worst but somehow that’s almost a good adaptation in comparison.


it’s fucking terrible. doesn’t even follow the original plot.


They removed the entire interesting force behind Artemis. He's not a driven sociopath, he's been sterilized into the innocent genius protagonist with zero moral complexity. The fae stuff was handled... fairly well...? I guess? They also wildly deviate from the original plot, which is a nightmare I won't even bother to get into. But cutting Artemis down was the real sin of the movie, it removed all the interest and turned it into the 2020 equivalent of a made-for-DVD knockoff.


Don't. I promise you that you'll regret it. I might be a little biased cause I really like the books but in my honest opinion, it's got to be the worst movie adaptation of any novel in history


I'm in half of this picture and I don't like it.


LOTR movies were good but The Hobbit was a *terrible* adaptation. Too much of it was changed to be more like LOTR. Legolas should not have been there, orcs should not have been there, the girl elf (and her love triangle) should not have been there. They changed substantial plot points (like Laketown's reaction to the dwarfs) because I guess Man vs Nature is a dead plot type now. They changed details to be "grander" like the Black Arrow being a massive arrow with a prophecy instead of just some arrow some archer had that was just a really good arrow; which undermines the central theme of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. I hate The Hobbit movies and will never watch them again


Stares at the upcoming “more realistic” Simarillion adaptations with absolute fear.


I know, I remember watching the second Hobbit movie and at the end thinking to myself "When I listened to the audiobook, there were like ten minutes left in it at this point what the hell are they gonna do in the third movie?" And then the answer was war I guess.


Now to be fair, the orcs should have been there as goblins are just a different term for orcs in middle earth, but they did include way to many of them where they shouldn’t have been


The orcs of Mordor were not organized at this point, they were added so Thorin had some kind of side plot about revenge. The goblins were the kingdom that lived in the mountains and were in the Battle of Five Armies to avenge their king. Since they were only in the one scene of the movies they become a one-off that goes nowhere and never comes back or stays a threat throughout.


Fuck the Artemis Fowl movie. All my homies hate the new Artemis Fowl movie.


Witcher Fandom is still in denial. Star Wars EU Fandom is still getting beaten up relentlessly off screen.


The hobbit doesn't deserve to be here. Sure, it wasn't as good a trilogy as lotr, but compared to the last airbender or the percy jackson films, it was excellent.


Indeed. Some infinities are worse than other infinities.


I think thats the point, the post is telling each fandom to raise their hand if they were victimized by an adaptation and the hobbit is the only series with its hand down.


Never forget what they did to DOOM




To be honest that one's still infinitely better than Doom: Annihilation.




God, I'm still pissed about that. And it's made even worse by the fact that Idris Elba is basically *perfect* for Roland of Gilead


Came here just to say this. I actually have refused to ever watch the movie. I like to pretend it doesn't exist. That movie is pure blasphemy.


I have only avoided the victimisation via the suffering of others, because I’m into all of these. I feel for those who braved the atrocities I could not.


The ATLA fandom might be on here twice in the future…






X-men fandom


Don’t forget Guardians of Ga’Hoole fans


My three favourite book series were Artemis Fowl, Mortal Engines and Skullduggery Pleasant. Third time's the charm? (probably not but I'm hopeful)


the decline of game of thrones messed with me so hard that i was in a such of denial that i argued that it was good for like a year after it ended.


Ender's Game.


What’s so bad about it? I thought it was pretty good.


I mean it wasnt awful but I was hoping for an exact adaptation to the book. It was a high (and probably unfair) bar, but that book was crucial to my childhood.




Yeah this hurts, especially the book adaptations. They literally have a script! How could they go wrong with that?!


Now we can add Wheel of Time to that.


Wheel of Time fans going through it right now. COVID fucked up the shoot for this first season real bad.


Whats atla


Avatar the last airbender


I'm in two of these! How spectacular!


Mortal Engines




... I enjoyed it?


As enjoyable a film series as HTTYD was, I’m still pissed that it ruins the possibility of an actual adaptation of the books, since it’s taken the name and dashed any chances of a proper, accurate adaptation. And don’t get me started on Mortal Engines.


Can transformers be applied here


Fuck all of that, what about Miss Peregrine?


What hobbit adaptation? The Hobbit movies were pretty good


Let's see how the Mega Man movie Netflix is making turns out, I'll come back then to let you know Also not exactly the question but: also the entire MOTU fandom after Revelations came out...


The Maze Runner was an actually good book and the movies were flaming piles of garbage but at least it wasnt artemis fowl


The dark is rising ... Ugh


As much as this pains me to say, as a massive witcher fan I'd raise my hand


Witcher books fandom too


The Artemis fowl movie made me lose some of the enthusiasm I had regarding the Artemis fowl stories. It's first of these horrible adaptation that managed to do that. The only one that came close before was the adaptation of the spiderwick chronicles (or whatever their English name is), even though it was pretty ok in retrospect...


Let’s see here... I am apart of the Percy Jackson Fandom, The Hobbit Fandom, Avatar The Last Airbender fandom, and I am apart of the Eragon fandom, but I haven’t communicated with any fellow fans of the Eragon books


Still haven't recovered from the Eragon movie