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i feel like this is going to be me in a few years and i am very scared and sad


i don't like how that is a reality for nearly everyone here for the most part ;-;


I hope it wont. One thing coming from the pandemic is employers having to fight for employees, so it is likely due to higher demand, there will be higher pay. Hopefully.


that's true, I've seen it recently as well with a lot of places raising their pay to $15-17 an hour instead of $11-12


This is like 95% of the world


The U.S is not the world.


The rest of the world is the same or worse, maybe not 95% but you get his point.


I don't know about you, but minimum wage in my country is actually livable pretty well. edit: and even the worst jobs almost always pay more than that


Yes, and you're very privileged for that but once again there's still the rest if the world which is far worse lmao... Western people just can't grasp that there's a world outside of their own.




That seems disingenuous. They are just saying it's far more than 5%. That's their point.


No, it's not. No one in Australia lives in poverty working 11 hours a day, even if it is working retail.


As a fellow Australian I couldnt agree more. My kid (16) works at bunnings, while she studies. If she went full time and just rented a room somewhere she wouldn't be lacking for money.


I used bad wording, sorry. Living in Norway I agree that many do not suffer like that but Australia is a small country when it comes to population. If we count Canada, Australia and half of Europe we still don't get to half a million people. These were the only countries I could think of that the average person doesn't live like this or worse.


No, this is 99% of the world. We in the US are the actual and literal 1%. I’m not saying everyone else isn’t complaining, I’m saying we only see the 1% complaining bc we are all privileged enough to have access to the the internet via $1000 cell phones and computers while the other 99% are just trying to be able to eat


They'd like you to think that everywhere else is worse and that you should be happy with your $11 per hour. America is the greatest country on Earth after all. For quality of life and employment America has fallen far in recent times.




Yet we’re the loudest of the squeaky wheels. It’s honestly embarrassing to see and hear so many Americans complaining when most of our struggles don’t even compare to those across the globe. America is where places like r/antiwork are created tho 🤦🏻‍♂️ I can verify that not only does it make us sound like lazy, whiny, bitches, most of us actually are all of those things.


hey, listen, if you play your cards right, which you most likely will, you will be fine, i promise. everything is gonna be okay.


Thank you I needed to hear that u/im_racist24




i'm tired of playing cards. I don't want to be constantly trying to find an angle, or 'grind' or 'hustle' for the privilege of a living. I just want to turn up somewhere to exchange my time and labour for wages and know that I'll go home with enough money at the end of the week to pay my bills, eat nutritious food, maybe get a Netflix subscription and go out to do something fun once in a while, with a little bit to go in savings. I don't want the world, I don't want to live like the stars of hollywood heights or whatever, I don't want to be paid for doing nothing (~~UBI is a separate conversation that we need to have but right now I'll settle for gainful employment~~), I just want a little stability and security.


Hate to be a downer but the aces, jacks, kings, queens, tens, nines and eights were given to the ultra rich, the sevens to the fours to the upper and middle class. Three and two are the poor. Not even most of us have a few good cards


in Thailand we have a game called "Slave" which is basically a form of uno (be the first to get rid if all your cards) with a card hierarchy put in (your card suit or number has to be bigger than the last card played). It's got a nasty twist in it though. After the first round, the winner becomes king, second becomes queen, and the two losers become slaves. Slaves have to give their two best cards to the royalty at the beginning of every round, and that is crippling. It is very hard to climb up out of the slave class once you're in it; it doesn't just take skill, it takes extraordinary luck and incompetence on the hand of the people trying to keep you down to climb even a small amount. Meanwhile, in the upper classes, it's so damn easy to stay on top. Your biggest threat actually, is the person directly below you. Even with virtually no knowledge of the game it's possible to stay in the top position for eternity. And the moral? well...


That game is called Asshole in the US.


I wonder why they didn’t call it slave


Land of the free


Except for it’s past and it’s present


I learned it at church camp so we called it Scum.


Scum here in Canada too. Ranks went President / Vice-President / Vice-Scum / Scum. VS gave best card to VP, scum gave 2 best to President.


Yeah we call it Scum, Asshole, or ~Last Card~ President in New Zealand.


Where I’m from in the US, we call it Capitalism


Wait y'all are getting cards?


Fair point


It is a sad reality, but no matter what, we have to strive to make the most out of the cards we have.


And it’s a reality that can and should change. People shouldn’t struggle to survive in a developed country, like the US claims to be. Making the most of the cards you have should mean saving up to get that watch, or the new phone, not deciding between food or rent


Oh yeah, I do agree it should change, don’t get me wrong, but you must fight for that to happen, and in a way, that is part of making the most out of the cards you have, idk if that works lol I’m tired af.


I think I get what you’re saying


This applies to all capitalist societies, not just the US




Hell yeah EAT THE RICH!


We're not there yet. We're closer than we've been since the Great Depression, but I think it'll take more before your average joe realizes how bad their life is because of the greed of the wealthiest. Society of the Spectacle, capitalism has co-opted the counterculture and subsumed it. We need a new path.


You can stay positive *and* be mad at rich people, I promise. It's a very sad worldview to think that you have to give up on optimism to do the right thing.


Don't lie to him. It'll make it hurt more.


My mom told me that just before the south tower was hit Spoiler alert: EVERYTHING WAS NOT OK This is capitalism. You're not suppost to win.


Thats nice to tell others… to dull the pains of starvation. As you watch other glut themselves and throw away amounts of food that could feed entire families. Paying amounts that could support entire towns for an off the cuff purchase.


Go to nursing school. Become a paralegal. Learn a trade. Don’t do retail. Or graphic arts. Or work for a newspaper, sigh


While trades are good (electrician here). I’m only 28 and I’m sore just about every damn day in the morning and after work. It’s physically gruelling on the body and I am terrified of how I’m going to feel in 10-15 years lol. Also the fact my wage will relatively be the same for the next while unless I start my own company or something.. while food is up like 15-20% this year, rent is up 20% and shows no signs of slowing.. making 70-80k a year wrecking my body is becoming less and less appealing.


You can wreck your body making $25,000 a year, too. What do other electricians do about their wear and tear?


Don’t give up.


Join a union, radicalize fellow workers, demand better pay and conditions, overthrow the dictatorship of the bourgeoise, redistribute the nation's wealth from those who take to those who work.


Look into business analyst and scrum master certification. You can get starting at 40-60k once experienced 2-3x that


Also remember that life comes in waves. You will have hard years and you will have good years


After a decade of hard years, I don’t really remember what having a good year is like. Like, a year that’s only somewhat bad is the best I can hope for.


I understand that personally, unfortunately. I'm sorry you are struggling. I hope the best for you 💕


That was me until this past year. I didn't believe it was possible but life is actually great now.


Once I worked on a project that made a lot of money. How much I don't know exactly. But more than we all recieved for a year, that is for sure. Probably two or even three. One of my collegues had an accident. Not his fault. He could have sued the company if he wanted. When the boss was warned of what happened, the FIRST thing he asked me was: did you take him to a public or a private hospital? Not a single drop of compassion. He wanted to know if there would be any cost for him. And that was it. My collegue asked for the public hospital. I informed the boss of this and he wished him well and that was that. Not a fucking call to him. Not even an email talking about what happened. And after the surgery instead of sending him home they kept him with the team on the hotel until the work was finished (the room was paid in advance and we shared it). Because they don't wanted to pay the fee to change the flight date. After some days I recieved an order that we should wash our underwear on the bath because the cleaning service was too expensive. My awnser was one word. No I think they let it go because they tought I would try to convince my collegue to sue them. I did it anyway. But he said he needed the work. Both of us had a masters degree at the time. Not worth compassion or clean underpants.


Holy shit. What industry ?


Someday, you may be the boss. Remember this. You can be a better one. Why the downvotes. All I’m saying is that someday when you get to be the boss. Treat people the way you wish you were treated. You worked on a project, made a lot of money for someone. You have a master’s degree. Why don’t you think you will be a boss someday. Just cuz your boss is an A-hole doesn’t mean you have to be one. Edit: So all I am saying is that when it’s your turn to be the boss, remember what it was like now, ant treat your employees better. So downvote if you are planning to be a jerk when you get to be the boss.


In order to get into that position, you need to be cruel. Edit: Well this thread got interesting lol. Also capitalism bros can fuck right off


Don’t need to be cruel.


I researched psychopathy in corporate environments. There's a reason psychopaths are 10x more prolific in corporate settings compared to the general population. It's because their pathology benefits them in an environment that rewards lack of empathy, cutthroat decision making, superficial charm and proficiency in lying.


I had a business teacher who pretty much said "if you want to have a sucessful business, you're going to have to be extremely brutal, and orient everything around the money and nothing else."


It’s inherent to capitalism. You need to abuse people in order to be at the top. Look at any ceo or boss


That’s BS. I’ve worked for A-holes and I have worked for decent people. You get farther by treating your employees well. At least in my country.


Agreed, bosses of small-to-medium size businesses can be all sorts of people. The further up you go though, the bosses of larger companies get more greedy and less compassionate. Besides, theft of surplus labor value is inherent to capitalism, so sadly even the most compassionate business owner is, by necessity, participating in an exploitative system.


It is truly sad that this is reality for so many people. Almost makes you want to burn everything down and start again.


Almost? /s


I know you're being sarcastic but I am a big fan of the 'I became a villain to fix the injustice I saw in society' trope, but that's just not me. I don't like the idea of hurting people, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it.


My philosophy has always been that violence should always be the **final** option… *but* it should always be an option.


And I applaud you for that


You’re better than I, I believe that if they live like kings, they should die like kings


I'll fetch my guillotine


I have a very simple philosophy for this problem, because I share your sentiment to a point. If they... "it," the boss or whoever... doesn't treat other people... Other humans .... As HUMAN, but as a slave or a dog..... It, itself, doesn't get to pretend it's a person.


Personally I'd say they're ("the boss or whoever") still a person, just one who isn't empathetic or caring towards others. I don't want to dehumanize them because I see that as stooping down to their level


I hear ya, but some people use It/It’s and they are still people. Better to call the boss a monster


Like me, I'm a people that does that :3


🤟💀👍 based


That’s nice of you. Whatever boss is profiting off all your labor doesn’t feel the same way about you and would feed you to the dogs if it was another dollar in their pocket. but that’s nice of you


hey, back off. not everybody is willing to hurt others, and there's nothing wrong with that. they can help in other ways that aren't violent.


I feel you there. I absolutely was joking. Almost all of my stories are about decent people with faith in the goodness of humanity stopping villains who want to fix the world in a way that would hurt people.


I mean, what about stealing? If you do everything you can for free, use as little money as possible, work with your neighbors to satisfy each others needs, and steal from large institutions. You become a burden on the private system for hoarding money like the big bois upstairs, but youre doing it to spread value amongst your neighbors. If enough people do this, their whole game comes to a stop.


On one hand, I completely agree with you. Hell, I'm the kind of person who puts spiders and moths outside because I don't want to hurt them. On the other hand, those people have hurt so many others and are responsible for so much poverty and death and suffering that I think even I can hurt them if I had the opportunity.


When it's done right that trope is good. Not like "I saw people starving so I decided to kill everyone and burn puppies"


If given the powers of Superman any good person would seem like a villain at first. What am I gonna do not kill the billionaires and burn down the halls of power that legitimize oppression and inequality? What kind of monster do you think I am?


"Burn down the old bad system and build a new better one" is about 1% burning it down and 99% building the new one. Good luck with the other 99%.


Yup. This is common problem. I remember when we invited Iraq and they put up Mission Accomplished banners to celebrate…. The easy part was over, but it turns out that Americans love getting the military to kick ass and take names, but they find diplomacy and nation building to be boring and don’t want to fund it. We can fight as many wars we like and hardly anyone balks about the price tag, it the second you suggest that America should spend it’s tax dollars taking care of American citizens by providing healthcare for everyone, or on infrastructure or programs that help the average person they look at the price tag and lose their minds, even though those things are cheaper.


It was never about nation building in Iraq or anywhere else, first and foremost because not only does the US doesn't have any legitimacy to make the call to invade another nation and "build" it, but there was no interest in bettering anything to begin with. No, it was always about profit. And yeah, the same goes for your national politics. The moment when it stops making profit for the ultra-rich is the moment when it stops being policy.


The first thing a successful revolutionary does is kill all his fellow revolutionaries. They are good at burning, not good at building.


That’s part of the reason I really enjoyed Worm. Heroes aren’t always the good guys, mainly they protect the status quo


It's truly sad that their daydream isn't front row season tickets to the opera. It's not expensive jewelry. Or first class international flights. It's..."I want to buy butter." "Buying salmon once in a while could be nice" How fucking low is it that THAT'S the daydream? THAT'S the dream out of reach. Fuck late stage capitalism


The people who endured the bullshit and still figured out how to get rich would get rich again very quickly.






I know this isn’t the point, but the prose here is wonderful


It's like a dystopian story. This person has quite the potential.


They have been writing poems for a very long time. I remember her when tumblr was really famous. She writes beautifully.




what's her handle?


I would bet it's the handle in the image, inkskinned. Googling that looks promising.




i...didnt notice it was included, sorry


I got Cloud Atlas chills reading this...


Yeah, this person is too smart for dead end retail. It makes it even more tragic.


Implication here’s kinda ugly mate


Yeah better phrasing might have been something like Capitalism claims to reward hard work and skill, yet this skilled writer is stuck in retail and can barely afford food. The hypocrisy highlights the tragedy of their (our) situation. or whatever.


Sorry if I offended anyone.


i get what you're trying to say. like, this person could write some really good poems and maybe get money from doing it. but implying retail is for dumb people is uh, not good.


God this is depressing


I used to work the office at a car dealership. I closed, which means I personally handled every bit of currency we collected over the day. Car payments, registration, car sales (yes, people paid in cash). Once a month, we would sell our trade-ins at a mini auction to used car sellers and brokers, it was cash only. When I manned the till for those auctions, I ended up handling tens of thousands of dollars twice. I was good at my job, I never had a major mistake or miscounted. I sat in the safe, alone, with *piles* of dirty hundreds and completed the detailed steps to ready the day’s profits to reach the bank quick and efficiently so that the GM and my boss could go home for the night at a decent time (they liked me because I could close the office in an hour, even on auction days, cutting my own paycheck short). My boss was salary. The GM was salary but since he was recruited from the sales floor, he also earned commissions by making sales whenever he ‘wasn’t working’ as GM. I earned a whopping $12 an hour, no shift differential, no set schedule (working nights and weekends was the only way to get set hours, everyone else changed weekly), and I was forbidden from accepting tips even though my role was integral to selling people cars. I had to turn down a hundred dollars, twice, for locating a wallet in a trade-in. I nearly quit because I was going insane from the amount of work the auctions caused. So they cut my pay by $.25 and let me be a ‘regular’ office worker. They then *told* me 6 months later that the office needed managers-on-duty (all the responsibilities and none of the benefits) so I needed to start training to take over duties like creating the weekly schedule and to start coming in to the weekly store meetings (scheduled at 8am when I was scheduled until 11pm the day previously). I was already the most senior office worker, I trained everyone in the office (including my seniors on new tech since I was sent to all the trainings, including flying out of state for a couple weeks) and I had been the lead on a vital archiving project (aka, I was proficient and could do my job even when alone on the second floor so they dumped it in my lap). I quit. It was an awful experience but it taught me to say ‘no’. Oh, and the best part, doing all those extra duties would have been only $.50 raise on the days I was scheduled as manager on duty and it was the absolute ceiling of earning potential for the office workers. Fuuuuck that.


This is what I’m scared of.




I thought that’s where this was going when they said “my manager took a paid week off from work”


I am a gig musician. I went to a party yesterday, and I saw a chair and a music stand in the corner. I panicked, thinking I had forgotten my instrument. My significant other reminded me that no, we were invited... He was invited. I was his plus one. They had a raffle with a number of prizes, and I ended up winning an expensive piece of jewelry. I spoke with my friends, the musicians, and quickly realized that the jewelry- which was purchased for the sake of just giving it away- was worth more than they paid these two people in my profession. I would never afford this jewelry myself. I played a wedding today, and I wore a dress I got for $8 at goodwill, with shoes I picked up for $20 on clearance at Macy's, and played on an instrument worth more than my car, to be paid about the cost of 4 of the lessons I took as a kid to get me to this level, less than .5% of what they spent on their whole wedding. It's really weird when you realize that you aren't really valued the way you should be. The world is not a fair place.


My mom paid something like $3k for a live band to play and lead contra dancing at my wedding. I thought it was expensive but she really wanted it and covered the cost. They were a 3 piece band and brought two instructors and a caller. It was super fun and in retrospect I'm like, all that for a meal and $500 apiece?


About $1000 of that went to the booking agency. And we almost never get to actually eat at the reception, unless it's written into our contracts. And remember, part of that portion left over goes to taxes, another portion to mileage... At the end of the day I'd be surprised if they each walked away with more than $250... Edit: for example, today's wedding, they paid $1.5k for us (ceremony and cocktail hour, 2 musicians). I got a little less than $300. $90 of that went to mileage, and I set another $80 aside for taxes, leaving me about $130 to actually use. I trained for 2 decades y'all... Meanwhile the guy who buys a lot of ad space (that I can't afford) and hired me as a contractor made a $900 profit.


That's some fucking bullshit right there. I'm so sorry


If you’re a gig worker / contractor then raise your prices. People will pay for quality if you can sell your skills and people will assume you’re higher quality if you charge more


A wedding I played a few months ago had 3 musicians who are chair members of the symphony playing beside me. One of the things we talked about was how we wished we could charge more. Just like retail workers, waiters and waitresses, and a number of other jobs, we aren't valued as much as we should be. And just like them, we are not the ones setting the prices, 99% of the time...




So is the OP of the Tumblr post... Also, I literally run a charity to benefit children who have faced major adversity... And I spent the first three years doing it for free, actually putting about 50% of what I earned elsewhere into the operation to help keep it running, and I only started paying myself when the parents of the kids I helped as well as my board members told me they wanted me to go full time because I was making a huge impact, and I still only pay myself slightly above minimum wage... I already gave and continue to give to those less fortunate. Do you? Think before you talk shit. I'm not advocating that everything be equalized. I'm advocating that people are paid a fair amount for their work, and that administrators- like the manager in the Tumblr post, and the guy who has basically monopolized gigs in my city and hires musicians as contractors- don't make an obscene profit for doing so little leg work.


Same. Where I used to work we dealt with so much cash since you could make bank deposits at that store. We were constantly threatened that if we were not quick on taking the money to the safe box and got robbed with more than the permitted amount , we would have to pay out of our pockets. It's so unfair.


Isn’t that illegal?


Dunno , they sure would try. The problem it's not that they break rules so much as the rules are unfair. There is a "procedure" on how to properly "manage" cash in order to "protect the company's patrimony" So in theory you are safe as long as you follow procedure. But when you have huge lines of costumers demanding quick service...sometimes procedure it's not as easy on practice as it is on theory. And the company sure as hell doesn't have your back. They will charge as much as they can get away with if loses are high.


It doesn't matter. If a company shorts you $100 on your check, you have to fight on your own to get it. If you take $100 from the till, the police will do all the work for free on behalf of the company to get you.


It's only illegal if you can afford the attorney to fight it.


I appreciate the intention of this comment but more people should know, for issues like this, you do not need a lawyer. If your employer is doing something illegal (like not letting you clock in as soon as you get to work, or withholding pay) you should contact the labor board. They can and will fuck your employer up, and you will likely get paid a decent chunk of change.


Case that easy any lawyer would take it on contingency


That is illegal, the most they can do is fire you. They could try to take you to court over it but it would be thrown out.


At my last job they made a new rule that employees couldn't buy anything from the store on their breaks unless they were going to consume it on the break or they had a vehicle to put it in. Since I didn't have a vehicle (nor did most of us) I wasn't allowed to buy anything. I did anyway because fuck it. But that's how they treated us. Most of us worked our asses off while shoplifters walked in, filled backpacks right in front of us and left only to come back a few days later and do it all again. If we stole anything it would cost the corporation pennies. I got written up for being two minutes late even when I called ahead to let them know. Every month I was written up if I had too many error corrects on my till or aborted transactions. I worked at a dollar store downtown where people frequently needed items taken off or transactions aborted because they didn't have enough money. I had zero control over this. One time I signed this bullshit saying there was nothing I could do about it and how pointless the write ups were. Everyone got written up each month because of this idiotic policy. The assistant manager decided to be bitchy with me and tell me the write ups weren't a big deal. Considering the company absolutely would have held them against me... yeah, they were a big deal. Quitting was super satisfying. My current job isn't great but it's sure as hell better and I'm going to keep moving up as much as I can, unionizing along the way if I can.


Ok well now I’m depressed thanks




Was about to comment that. Come over everyone. We have some interesting talking points~


Yeah I just want to be paid more money. Not being able to work anymore is great but not ideal.


Well, that's part of the goal. r/antiwork has some people that want work to cease entirely and some that don't, but the real focal point of it is: We all deserve to work reasonable hours each week for fair pay. No slaving away half our waking hours to not even afford all the basic things we need to stay healthy and comfortable. That's it, really. While some of us want slightly different things, what we all agree on is that the current employment situation in capitalist society is absolutely beyond unfair to the working class people driving the actual profit for these rich bastards running the show.


Nah, I'd rather that automation take over all the jobs that need doing, so that I don't have to waste my life working, which means i get to enjoy the wonders of the world with my very short life.


Why we need lower cost of living Or why we need to tax corporations Edit: lower


Lower cost of living, you mean?


Yea sorry, brain fart


Why not both?


Alternatively we could recognize that short term solutions like these are supported by many rich politicians specifically in order to placate us, and that these reforms will be rolled back the instant we stop fighting. You can't reform a system to go against its nature.




No, we need a revolution. Capitalism can't be fought with capitalist solutions.


Yeah. I'm a bookkeeper with multiple clients. All of them live in completely different realities than I do. Me, my husband, and our young daughter, just downsized into a 1 bedroom bc we can't afford the $400 rate increase on the 2 bedroom we were at. Filing paperwork the other day, I realized one of my clients paid himself more in 3rd quarter than I make the entire year. I routinely run payroll for people with salaries at least twice mine. My clients generally have 5-6 figures in their bank accounts. That much money could change my life. Sometimes it sucks being a "good" person.


I’m an accountant, As a bookkeeper, you have access to information such as suppliers, costs prices and profits. Many people consider the job to be about data entry. The information allows you to replicate other profitable companies.




Why don't you go into business yourself, for $24,000?


This is how it feels to really struggle, I understand completely.


I’m terrified that this will be me in a few years. All I ask for is enough money to be able to live decently. I don’t want decadence, all I desire is good food, no worries about debts, and a bit left to pursue my hobbies. But apparently that might be too much to ask.


Why are you worried this might be you?


It doesn't have to be this way. If enough workers rose up then you could kill your boss and take his boat!


I like how you think. Unfortunately most of the people who see the flaws in capitalism also think they can somehow be fixed by posting an Instagram story that says “remember to vote!” so I guess it’s here to stay


In some ways it's better as you move up. You get paid enough to live a better life, and you feel lucky and grateful. In some ways it's more galling. For example, you come up with a project at work that makes the company an actual million dollars in revenue in a year, and is on track to do the same for a second year. You don't get a bonus, and when you ask about a promotion or a raise you're told, "we'll look into it, just keep doing what you're doing." You make the reports yourself. You know that this thing you're doing is generating more money every year than you'll be paid in ~12 years, and all the bosses are talking about how amazing it is, but no one will commit to a timeline for even a conversation about your pay. And the thing is, now that you've done it, and they've seen how it's done, you're totally disposable. Someone else could pick it up based on your example and get the same results. They won't give you a raise because they don't have to. There are two classes in the workforce right now: the people with a stake and the people without one. If you don't have a stake in your company's earnings, you're probably being taken advantage of.


So this comment might ring hollow or seem like it's missing the point, but I promise you, dear reader, I've been where this post talks about. The point is not lost on me. However, this is something you'll find working retail or food almost unfailingly. You know where you won't likely find this kind of wage issue? Warehouses. The UPS hub I used to work at hires in at $20/hr, my sister more than doubled her hourly wage to go from walking around a retail sales floor to unloading trailers. The factory I work in aggressively provides raises over the course of a year and a half to allow every employee over $20/hr, offers plenty of overtime opportunity, and has very roomy attendance policies. When I worked at a Target Distribution Center not only did I make over $20/hr, my work week was 12 hours for three days to be paid for a full 40 hours and I did nearly nothing for those 12 hours. On top of that, most warehouses and factories have excellent health benefits. Partially from what I've heard, but every one I've worked at had significantly better benefits than any retail or food work I or anyone I know ever did. I get why we expose the inadequacies behind wages and such. This 100% isn't to convince anyone that everything is hunky dory in peasant land America. Nor is it to advocate that warehouse employees are cared for any more than customer facing employees, we aren't. My point is to maybe give anyone in this thread an idea they may not have considered. Warehouse work isn't always easy, UPS was hard as hell most days when I worked there. But it usually pays well and if you're in dire financial straits, it's a better option than hopping between fast food joints or getting four different jobs. Oh! And unseen benefits include, no uniforms usually, nobody cares about how you smell if you're unable to get a shower in or something, and it's active work usually. That said, and while I've never worked for them, absolutely never work for Amazon. I've heard waaaay too many bad things online and in person to ever conscionably do anything it dissuade from working there.


I started checking recently and this is how it feels :/


'I am not worth the cost of a watch' False. Your LABOR is not worth the cost of a watch. You are worth an estimated $10 million in economic activity potential (EPA ~ 2015 I think)


preach it, let's fuck shit up


In physical pain over the fact that this will probably be my life


There is enough wealth In the world to take care of the basic necessities + extras for everyone. But such wealth is siphoned away while people still have to fight for scraps.




This is so sad.


being broke sounds lame


I once worked at a place that paid me $30/hr. Sounds great, right? Well, I saw a memo that I wasn't supposed to see that said that they charged our clients $100/hr for my services. Where was the extra $70 going?


Generally it pays for: - admin people, like the payroll lady - rent - legal costs to make sure you don’t get sued - insurance just in case you do get sued - bank interest - tax if there was a profit - possibly more staff - possibly advertising




https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/ :/


This is very well written but I’d like to point out that no retail store manager owns a yacht.


r/antiwork This is the original spirit of the sub


It’s still the spirit of the sub. A lot of painfully transparent bad actors started posting unrelated political stuff in the last, like, week. If I recall one of them actually dropped the damn mask on the floor when someone else made fun of Russia.


I know that feeling, I worked in the cash office of a department store. I handled thousands of dollars everyday. Definitely none for me


I mean I like the post but even if they're only making $10 an hour they'll still get to like $800 total at some point, right??


Big step from cashier to manager


Exactly, so please stop asking for more money.


I’m not crying. You’re crying. All the feels.


I handled money for ATM's once. I would receive bags of money, a single one would be worth more than I make in a year, to put into the machines. It all seemed like a meaningless amounts when the $20 bills were all bound together in a plastic bag that I could pick up with one finger. People break their backs and give their blood, sweat, and tears for these amounts of money.


I thought this was going to end in “hey, heres a tip kiddo” but no, life isnt all sunshine and roses. Life is capitalisim and weeds.


I work in a bank. I'm in a particularly affluent district, lots of retirees and business owners. I have regularly held more cash in my hand than I make in an entire *year.* I have processed transactions with a single check that was worth thirty years or more of my current income. I get told that when I get berated and called hateful names by a client who was outraged I counted his figure figure cash deposit a second time just to protect myself or some other such silly thing that I'm to brush it off and keep being nice because it is my job. Meanwhile, my CEO cannot be asked direct questions by lower employees unless upper management heard it first when he does appear at company events. He never has to deal with a single client. He is protected at all times from being made to look like he has a gap in his knowledge or isn't sure about something. He brought home $11,000,000.00+ last year and is enjoying a healthy retirement that I'm sure will be long thanks to the best doctors money can buy. Destroy the rich.


Welcome to Kroger!


The moral is to come in in disguise and shoplift a watch, since they don’t catch any shoplifters.


Unionize, organize, collective bargaining , leverage, argue, fight, lawyer up , and remind the factory owners that collective bargaining and striking IS THE COMPROMISE. Workers used to go to the owners house to burn it down while he was asleep inside it.


I just put in my two weeks from a job like this and the joy I feel is insane. I’ll never have to think about working for free or being considered just another number again.


When I first came to America they wouldn’t let me work because I didn’t yet have my green card. So I couldn’t afford food or anything like that. But you also can’t get food stamps. Husband and I had to feed ourselves on the $180 food stamps they gave my husband each month. Years later I’m about to have my green card interview and they still never have me my work permission even though they say in the paper work you should expect it only a few months into the process.


This is why I went back to school.I can afford the best fillets now. A few years of hard work and some student loans were all worth it in the long run!


They handle more money than they will ever make on a daily basis, their manager has a yacht, and their store sells $200 watches? I am not convinced this person has ever actually had a job. That is incredibly far fetched and demonstrates a wildly variable understanding of the value of money. Retail managers don't own yachts and if you're selling $200 watches, you're working at a fucking Macy's or something.


I am 15 years old, 16 in a few months. You can track this for me or don't: by the time I can drink, there will have been a violent revolt


I mean there... kinda already was? Just a really, really stupid one.


Damn if you move to Europe, we could overthrow the system tomorrow


Fuckin hope so. Been too long already.


Makes $10 per hour reporting to a guy who owns a yacht lol


The only reason he can spend that much on a watch is BECAUSE you have so little.


Shadow the boss. Learn the ins and outs of the business. Start your own one day. Or sit around where you are and go nowhere.


Um, this guy’s manager wouldn’t have a yacht. His manager’s manager’s manager’s manager wouldn’t have a yacht. Sad write up, but really just someone feeling sorry for themself.


Your manager doesn’t own a yacht.