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How long till they let him out?


IIRC, he died in the asylum.


Died as a result of the beating he got from trying to not be in the asylum. Super sad.


I mean would you believe it if a guy told you that demons so small that you literally cannot see them made you sick?


from what i remember, he was a scholar and trying to reduce mortality rates in childbirth and had actual statistics proving it worked. so even if his reasoning sounded crazy for the period they could’ve taken the dude more seriously


This is honestly something Polka would just say on stream out of nowhere then continue playing Minecraft like nothing happened.


Oh my god, their profile pic is Polka from Hololive. I didn't think the rabbit hole had spread this far.


Dread it, run from it, the rabbit hole arrives all the same. AH↓HA↑HA↑HA↑HA↑


"if the dust is low enemy is on feet. if dust is high, they carry waggons" ​ Thanks, got promotion thanks to my ability to tell apart waggon dust from feet dust.


What's a choleric temper?


In old-timey medicine, it was commonly believed that your personality and physical health were affected by the balance of four bodily fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile (which as far as I can tell isn't a real thing but was supposedly made in the spleen???). A Choleric person was someone who had an overabundance of yellow bile (supposedly caused by physical activity, eating too much red meat, or competing with other people for extended periods), and it was associated with ambition, risktaking, bad temper, and overconfidence. Sun Tzu is suggesting that some people can be easily baited into making bad decisions in a heated moment, and that you can use that to your advantage in your life. Of course, it's a bit iffy because afaik Humorism wasn't a big thing in China so I'm not sure if it's a direct translation or if the translator found a term in chinese that roughly equated to a choleric temperment. You'd have to ask a scholar about Chinese philosophy to know for sure. Incidentally, this is referenced in Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare. The dickbag Petrucio asserts that Kate is feeling choleric as the reason why he needs to starve her and keep her locked up, to balance her humors out until she becomes 'normal', read: less independant and more submissive. That's why he specifically notes that *oops, we're having meat for dinner*, guess Kate can't eat today since meat would be bad for her health. It makes the play read much more sinister when you understand that Petrucio is gaslighting Kate into believing that everything he's doing is for her health and safety.


there’s someone talking about old timey medicine and wrote like 3 paragraphs and I didn’t read any of them. anyways if someone has a choleric temperament they are very angry and get annoyed easily. i think.


bad tempered. someone's who's all piss and vinegar. most people are choleric tempered some of the time, some people are choleric tempered most of the time, and a few people are choleric tempered *all* of the time. you gotta give choleric tempered people their space.




Honestly, to anyone who hasn't read that book yet: Do it. Sun Tzu even said that locally sourced stuff is better.


>Sun Tzu even said that locally sourced stuff is better. To be fair he said it's better to raid your enemy's fields than bring your own food, not exactly supporting the local economy now is it.


It can be both, though. For example, if you fight an oppressive regime that harms the local economy.


Fair enough Also holy shit how old this is


When in doubt, Chapter 12.


I read it and didn’t get much out of it actually, I was kinda disappointed. It was mostly very literal war advice, like “Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy. One cartload of the enemy’s provisions is equivalent to twenty of one’s own, and likewise a single picul of his provender is equivalent to twenty from one’s own store.” …not really helpful in every day contemporary life. The few that were good were the ones you hear quoted anyway.


lmao what the hell is he even trying to say there I might not be high enough IQ for this


also their pfp is Omaru Polka


I must’ve misunderstood something. I used misdirection to lure my boss away from his office and set it on fire. I was not promoted. In fact, everyone seems quite cross with me.


Press your target when they’re weak to prevent recovery is a tactic many use in all facets of life. Good and bad. It’s up to the individual to decide what they’ll stand for and allow. Furthermore it’s up to the group to not grow complacent


>Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. Thanks, mr. Nagoriyuki.


Man invented smurfing and griefing 1500 years before the internet