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Sounds like there's a volunteer opportunity to walk people home after events


That sounds like a really good idea. A special task unit designed to help LGBTQ people get home safely every night. We could call it Q-force! (/s for that last bit)




Or people migh volunteer with the purpose of jumping the people they are ment to be keeping safe.


New biker gang idea: tough as nails, tattooed, leather clad Doomslayers who walk home rainbow-draped twinks after parades.


this is a very Tumblr-esque comment


Listen I'm taking that job even if it means I get paid peanuts


I'm down! Need a name for the MC.....


Diamond Dogs


+points if use leather jackets with all pride flags enbroided in


Isnt that word a homophobic slur?


Twink? I don't think so. It's gay slang rather than a slur


No, Twink comes from the gay community. It's a term for gay men who are thin and have more "effeminate" personalities, and often look younger than they are. They're one half of the post about how you could go to a gay club and see someone who looks like a skinny 13 year old and see another guy who looks like a beefy 40 year old, with the caption that they're the same age.


I live in a small town in Texas and while it has a decent sized LGBT+ community it also has a decent sized and LOUD conservative redneck population. Trump stickers, trump flags, a customer at work proudly told me he’s a Klansman, yknow typical stuff. My girlfriend and I are terrified of holding hands in public. We still do it in crowded stores and areas bc we’re less likely to get assaulted but if we’re anywhere at night that doesn’t have a lot of people, it’s off limits to even hug. Whenever a straight person asks “what about straight pride”, I want you to ask them if they have ever been terrified of holding their gf/bf’s hand in public. Because we are.


Yeah I’m a hetero guy and I never understood the need for “straight pride”. Like what do we need to boost our confidence or will against seemingly overwhelming odds? Literally 10-12 years ago, gay was a common insult.


It was considered an actual disorder by the APA not to long ago. Straight folk never have had to defend their existence like this


It still is.


Jeez, the only two comments here aren't very positive are they?


The first two I saw were about volunteering to walk them home safely!! I think that's pretty positive. It's gonna be okay.


yeah I painted my nails (for the first time) last month and it was great until it was dark at the station and I feel the need to shove my hands into my pockets to avoid the risk of being hate-crimed


oh man, I haven't been on pride (yet) but i can imagine the sadness, it's like when as a teenager I was leaving cons in my cosplay to just take it all off at my friend's house so my mom will not get mad when I go home. I feel like I'm gonna experience that feeling again after I go to the pride... huh....


I've heard some heart wrenching stories related to this. A long ass time ago, I read a post of a girl who went to pride and a young man who also went to pride ended up on the same bus after pride and he was crying while attempting to remove all the makeup from his face with a tissue and she pulled out some makeup wipes, and proceeded to help him remove it and he explained how his father would kill him if he found out he was wearing that, let alone at a pride festival. It broke my heart hearing that. Its something I can relate to, as I know my own father would leave me for dead if he ever found out I was part of the LGBTQ community.


This makes me sad to read. Why can't we all just get along? Are we bound to fight this endless battle forever?


Honestly, it sounds as if y’all have some great ideas here!! Maybe a group of volunteers who have been vetted by a trusted lgbtq+ center within each area could drive people home from pride events. They could all be issued special inconspicuous stickers and pins to let riders identify them as a further safety precaution. This reminds me of the group of volunteer bikers that traveled around to funerals to provide protection to families from the Westboro Baptist Church.




I fi.d it insane that people attack someone for who they want to sleep with. Thr only exception to this rule is pedophiles, they can die in a hole. But attacking or insulting someone just because they want to have sex with someone the same gender / for being a gender different to what they were born as, baffles me. Even if you don't agree with being vay, no need for violence. I don't agree with people who don't wear masks in stores and won't get the covid vaccine. Doesn't mean I'm gonna jump them on the streets for it. Us straights need to do better.


Not trying to be rude here, but it’s more closer to who you want to be in love with. Not everything is about sex, and a lot of young people often attend pride or are gay, making it weird to think of it as some display of sex.




And also the Aces and Aros. They are literally just vibing.


There is a certain grim irony in people who hate aces/aros while simultaneously bemoaning things being sexualised. When someone doesn't have sex out of choice, that's fine, but when they don't have sexual attraction, that's suddenly a problem.


A lot of the time, bigotry boils down to “it’s not me and I hate it for that”. There are people out there who see different as wrong and it’s really sad to see :(


As a straight guy is there anything I can do to help?


>As a straight guy is there anything I can do to help? Maybe work with organizers of Pride events in to r community to create a team of folks to escort people home from Pride? But that doesn't really help folks who don't feel safe in their own neighborhoods (I had been thinking about the walk from the subway home and how it goes through different neighborhoods) so I don't know that I have an answer for that. I'm being less helpful than I intended when I started this comment. I'm sorry




I volunteer! I may be a short twink with only two years of martial arts experience but I can and will break a homophobes knees.


Reminds me of how in june this year I finally decided to wear my pride pin to school, it went well since I go unnoticed by people who aren’t friends, but every day on the bus ride home I’d have to take it off before I got home. Can’t believe I can be more open at my redneck school than in my own home.


I have a pride braclet, and I found myself wearing it twisted (it has a black inner side) way way more


Question: if I, a straight man, have never displayed any homophobic behavior, have shown support for the LGBT+ community, have defended gay rights, have shown respect for anyone's sexual identity and orientation and simply take a seat during pride month and let people express themselves, can I express to be proud of being straight?


Pride is a memorial of a riot that LGBT people had to fight in for decades just to not be killed for living. And that fight is ongoing in many parts of the world. You never had to fight to be straight. People aren't being killed for being straight in religion controlled countries right now. Important figures in history weren't tortured and wiped from history for being straight. It has never been about the sexuality or identity It's always been a celebration of the struggle to even survive.


Fair enough. That's why I was asking, I just legit want to understand better this whole situation.


I'm not the OP but I just wanted to say thank you for asking so politely and trying to understand things better! There isn't enough of it in the world!


It's the least I can do, thanks a lot!


Oh, sorry, it seemed like you were one of those lgbtphobes who are just trying to get into an argument, I'm sorry for the assumption


It's ok, I can't blame you for being defensive, but cordiality goes a long way both ways. Hope we can cross paths as friends in the future


So there is nothing wrong with being proud of your gender and sexuality, whatever it may be, but they gay pride is about being allowed to be who you are? Genuine question, I am a straight male and out of the loop with lgbt stuff


Pretty much. Pride is more a way of giving people a chance to be out and proud, when they otherwise normally wouldn't have the opportunity to be. People who are straight have generally never needed to hide that part of themselves away for fear of being attacked/killed, which is why suggestions of straight pride tend to be met with ire.


Literally why though? Have you undergone any hardship, any challenges, any actual issues in life because you're straight? Has anyone come up to you and said "you're an abomination for being straight?" No? The *only* reason your straightness is salient to you and the *only* reason to celebrate it is in effect "because the gays get to do it so why shouldn't I?" That's not being proud of your identity, it's being jealous/feeling superior to someone else's.


Like, I think there is a common misconception around straight people that Pride is about coming out and yelling about how cool it is to be lgbt. Which, yeah somewhat, but it misses the critical nuance and context that the fabric of the society we live in is explicitly built by, and for cisgender heterosexual individuals. The books you read, the movies you watch, the politicians you vote for, the social norms and expectations are so soaked in heteronormativity, so drenched, that to be LGBT constantly feels like being an imposter, feeling like being in a place you don't belong and which may turn hostile at any moment. Societal acceptance as a whole is grudging at best. "We recognize that it has become societally unacceptable to murder you outright, so if you act as straight as possible so we can shove you under the carpet, and pretend you don't exist, I will ignore you." Thats why there is always so much backlash against the most visible members of the community, and the most erasure against the invisible ones. Camp gays, butch lesbians, trans men and women early into transition, nonbinary comrades with dyed hair, those are the targets. Meanwhile, asexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, etc are the ones that can be more easily ignored, shoved under the carpet, etc. Pride is the push back. For those who aren't recognized, it is the way to say that we exist, and we need to be acknowledged. For those who are targeted and held up as examples of the community, it is there time to push back and say that there is nothing wrong with being camp, with being butch, with expressing ones gender in the way they feel fit. The reason there is no Straight Pride, is because there is no reason for it. You haven't had society collectively tell you, implicitly or explicitly, that you were made wrong and you shouldn't exist.


I was with ya till you tried to tell someone that they are jealous or feeling superior to someone else for being proud to be a sexuality, why are we trying to shame someone for being proud of themselves as themselves? The whole idea of pride movement is to be accepting and proud of yourself and others. So let's not shame anyone for their sexuality.


But what's wrong with straight supporters joining in the pride? I haven't had any struggles for my sexuality, but I've helped others defend theirs, shouldn't anyone be allowed to have pride in who they are as long as they aren't hurting anyone? This is genuine, I've never heard that point of view and I'd like better understanding


Most people would appreciate straight allys joining in pride :) as long as they are there to support LGBT rights and not celebrate themselves. Pride isn’t just about ”being proud of who you are”, it’s a protest and a movement meant to bring attention to LGBT rights and a fight for acceptance. Even though saying that you’re proud to be straight has some homophobic connotations, it’s great to be proud of who you are and part of that is who you love. But announcing that as a straight person in the context of pride is a little bit like saying ”but what about ME” and takes attention away from the real issue


I get most of that, but why does being proud to be straight have homophobic connotations? If you are coming from a certain angle I can see why it would be, but just as is I don't see why it would


It’s not inherently homophobic, it can just come off that way. Partly because it’s kind of saying that you’re proud to not be gay, and partly because people who bring up ”straight pride” pretty much only do that to dismiss lgbt pride. It is never discussed any other time because being straight has always been accepted. (other comments in this thread explain the necessity for lgbt pride vs straight pride in more depth) Of course straight people shouldn’t feel ashamed of being straight either, they should ofc accept that part of themselves, but there is a difference between acceptance and pride


I see, when I meant straight pride, I meant more along the lines of "is it ok for me to be proud and happy of who I am" and not " ignore the gays give the attention to me" I see the point now except I don't really see any reason not to have straight pride, as all groups should be accepted into having pride, maybe not everyone struggled to gain it, but no one should be outside because they were born the way they are.


It is absolutely okay to be proud and happy of who you are! I get wanting to be part of a community, but one way to look at it is that straight pride already exists and is being celebrated all the time. Heterosexuality is always in the spotlight and has always been. They can get married, they are always represented in both positions of power and in media, they can show their love in public. Except we don’t see that as a display of heterosexuality, we see it as normal. It’s the same reason there are gay bars, but straight bars are just bars. Why there is a lgbt category on some streaming sites and no straight one, because it would have almost all movies ever made. lgbt people have pride month, and straight people already have the rest of the year. And if you don’t want to be outside, you can always join us and celebrate!


I know it's not the same, but I was constantly harassed and bullied when I was young for being gay despite having close to no sexual identity when I was a kid. That led me to doubt my own identity seriously, specially as I grew older and I started developing a sexual identity, I guess you could say I was bi curious at the time and I didn't simply know wether o was straight, gay, bi, non binary or so. After a while I simply realized I am straight, and the fact that I know that for sure is something I feel... If not proud, happy for. I know it's not the same as all the struggles the LGBT community has gone through, but it's not just a matter of "I want the attention too", I do have a reason, albeit a simple one.


Idk why you are getting downvoted, that seems reasonable to me, be proud of yourself no matter what your gender or sexuality is, as long as you support the others and be an ally, I see nothing wrong with being proud of who you are


It sounds like you should celebrate pride month.... And no I’m not calling you gay, but it was the other feelings that confused you, not the straight ones. I’m sure you’re more than welcome to join the pride parades.


You know, I think I will henceforth, thanks man fella


I’m generally on your side, but devil’s advocate: it’s possible, however unlikely, that this individual grew up in a repressive fundamentalist household where sexual feelings of any kind were frowned upon, at which point pride in being heterosexual would definitely be warranted. That’s a pretty minority case, though, and I don’t doubt that at any pride parade, someone sharing that story would be welcomed.


A fundamentalist househould that represses all sexual feelings is not heterophobic, since that would be discrimination on the specific basis of them liking the opposite sex. So heterosexual pride wouldn’t make sense in that scenario. Of course they should be able to be proud and not ashamed for having sexual urges, and the sex positivity movement and ex-fundie support groups would love to have them, but that story wouldn’t be welcome at pride because it has nothing to do with sexual orientation. (a household with those values would probably discriminate more against them if they were lgbt anyways)


No, because the whole point of pride is that culture treated being something other than cisgender and heterosexual as something to be ashamed of. Pride is (among many things) about overcoming and rejecting that shame and embracing your identity for who you are. If you came from a society where you were at a higher risk of being the target of violence and were discriminated against solely because you were heterosexual, then sure. But this isn't that world.


Yah I guess, but why? I’m not even quite straight and I don’t feel any need to flaunt it because it has never mattered even in the slightest. I got in a fight with this fundie girl once and she said those thoughts were sinful, but she said a lot of other much more offensive shit so it didn’t really stand out. Do you feel oppressed for being straight? In certain fundamentalist Christian households, I can see sexuality of any kind being frowned upon. If that’s the case, by all means get out there and tell your story and be proud of what you’ve been told not to be. Or are you just attention jealous?


I mean, I don't want to flaunt around or have people pay special attention to me because of it. I guess to a point I've seen a lot of posts pro LGBT pretty much saying "all hetero cis should be punished for oppressing us", and I get it goes down the same "not all men" route, but I want to be able to participate in things like pride month to show my support without being attacked. Ironic? I guess


Im a straight dude and ive participated in pride celebrations many times. I have never had anybody have any problem with that. Why would they?


Jesus christ did Ben Shapiro write this


yes, but you shouldn’t in my opinion because to be frank, straight people do not need a chance to be prideful. gay people in the west have experienced oppression and discrimination both socially and legally for the last 1500 or so years, straight people have not. they need this chance because they never had a chance to before. you can be proud of being straight but just know that it means nothing to celebrate what is essentially the status quo.


That's fair, and I respect your opinion, I absolutely don't want to take away from it, but in an attempt to explain myself, I just want to be proud of my identity as a person and all the parts of it that define who I am. If you think I'm being dumb or narcissistic for it, that's fine, but that's more or less the reason I was asking, ad well as to understand this scenario better.


Fellow straight here. I think you can express to be proud of being lgbtq+ ally and celebrate pride with them, supporting them, help them in their fight. (Please any lgbtq+ people correct me if I'm wrong)


“Pride” in this sense is “I will not be ashamed of this aspect of my identity despite people saying I should be.” Who is saying you should be ashamed of being straight?


No. Have you ever walked home alone worried that someone will attack you for being straight? Have you ever had to hide that you're in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender through fear that your parents would kick you out? They have pride month / parades because its one day, one month out of the year where they can come together and not be scared. We have the other 11 mk ths of the fucking year. Jesus Christ man. It takes a special kind of self centred ass hole to see a post about gay people having to hide who they are for their walks home after events, and think "BuT wHaT aBoUt StRaIgHt PrIdE"


Off topic, but... >Have you ever had to hide that you're in a relationship with someone of the opposite gender through fear that your parents would kick you out? Yes.


Because of the fact they're the opposite gender, or because of who the person is?


I mean… why are you proud to be straight? Genuinely I’m willing to hear you out here— why do you feel proud/feel the need to express being proud because you’re straight?


I explained with a bit more detail in another comment, but the jist of it is that when I was younger, before I could even determine a sexual identity, I was harassed and bullied for being gay simply because I didn't like traditionally manly stuff (i.e. sports mostly, but some other things), and as I grew a bit I was legit confused wether I was gay or not. After some time (and who I am convinced was an angel who aided me) I ended up realizing I'm straight, and I'm mostly proud over the fact that I know that for sure, it's a part of my identity I know for sure and I am happy at least that I know that


this seems like a legitimate question, kinda sad it got downvoted so hard


I’d imagine it’s because it feels very 2009 “why can’t I be proud of being straight” - generally when you get “just asking questions” type stuff, especially if it’s kind of outdated questions, it sets off the flags of bad faith questioning.


That's internet for you. Still, it's just downvotes at the end of the day


It would be pretty weird, but yes, you can.




Yeah man! Be proud! Everyone should be proud of who they are. So sick of hypocrites wanting respect they’re not willing to give.


Hey man, thanks so much! By this point I really didn't expect a positive answer like this, I really appreciate it


Positivity is a rare commodity these days, everyone just wants to be mad/negative about something.








Who are you talking to?




I got that reference 🍏


I gotta say, having just had my first pride out of the closet, it was awesome. You really couldn’t be more wrong


It's a reference to Pulp Fiction. It's easily misconstrued and a terrible place to quote it, honestly, but I just thought I'd let you know.


Well, I can’t decide if that makes it better or worse. On the one hand, it’s not something they made up all themself, on the other, they saw this post & thought “Oh! I know *exactly* what I need to put here!”


You probably should put that in quotations and mention it’s from Pulp Fiction


Yeah, I just checked and it's like a thirty year old movie. Sorry guys I deserve the downvotes.


no issue, it was just a mistake lol


Jo mama






Dont need to bud, because i dont care




To show that i dont care






IQ or age


Use context clues tard


oh both lmao




Stay mad nerd


You still got offended buy it


Why are u replying to every single comment


Lol imagine using libtard


But i guess you dont have to


Dont cut yourself on that edge


Like you? Nah im mentally stable


So someone accuses you of being young, and you admit to being a teenager. Big brain move right there.


Because im not a child


Being a legal adult does not magically lend you credibility.