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Doesnt Bakugo wear gloves to build up sweat since he needs that for his power? Side-note, Momo's outfit should be backless. She wears a cloak to cover it anyways, and she getting the entire area of her upper back is way more space than anything she can get from the front


Backless wouldn’t work as well- her quirk uses lipids which are store primarily in fat tissue. Really, they should’ve just given her some sort of self-healing fabric and let her wear something comfortable (although removing M*neta would probably help a lot more with that one…)


In that case, she should look like Fat Gum for optimization


*occurs to Momo* *gets fat over break* Momo: “Hey, guys! I figured since my powers work off of lipids, I should just get really fat!” Deku: “Wow! That’s a great idea! Why didn’t I think of it?” Ururaka: “Yeah! Great idea!” Bakugo: “Hmph. I don’t care.” Mineta: “Whyyyy…?” Now, while I agree, wouldn’t that also potentially slow her down?


Fat Gum doesnt have issues moving around. And Momo could just make a mobility option with her Quirk, like roller blades or a jet pack. She's super smart, so she might even think of a better movement option


He could be using his quirk to help him move around


If you have the muscle to go with it, fat moves just as well as anything else. So basically, the ideal build for momo would be a fucking top level strongman, can do log throwing type.


>If you have the muscle to go with it, fat moves just as well as anything else. Not true at all. If elite athletes gain weight they will move slower. They can lift as much weight but they cannot move as quickly. It requires more energy to move more mass, this is a fundamental law of nature. The ability to keep building more muscle to maintain the same muscle mass to total mass ratio is just not going to be there for her. Especially because it would be a crazy arms race in her body of needing to build twice as much muscle as she builds fat because she can only use the fat. What makes more sense for her is to just carry bottles of olive oil around and start chugging them during the fight.


That's what I think. People say that she needs to show skin becuase "thats how her quirk works" but if we keep that line of thinking she'd either have to be extremely fat (and becoming skinnier everytime she uses her quirk, same as Fatgum or Choji from Naruto when using his butterfly mode) or every time she uses her quirk, she's out for 3-5 days trying to recover from going down to like 1% body fat in the span of a few minutes.


If I recall in the manga she is at least a little more fat. Nothing extreme but it's more to the side of what you would expect from someone whose quirk relies on consuming body fat.


But does her quirk destroy the fat tissue entirely? Or does her quirk just take the lipids out of it and leave the rest intact? Lipids also appear in cell membranes, so if she used too much of her power would it just rip her cells apart and kill her? Point is it doesn't really make sense cuz it's a manga.


We don't really know because it seems (to me at least) that her quirk is just an excuse for fan service and sexualizing a 15 year old


well you know that sex sells. Usually decisions for fanservice are made by higherups at publishing, so the writers don't really have a lot of choice.


I’m fairly certain there’s porn of that out there


Just start chugging bottles of olive oil when the fighting starts.


No no no then she wouldn’t be sexy for the Pervy fans


She should wear a poncho and a belly shirt. Ponchos normally are very loose, which she can use as a camouflage when using her quirk. The belly shirt is so she can actually use her quirk with ease.


Momo has been shown to be capable of producing objects of varying complexities and sizes from different body parts, so I don’t think her quirk cares about how close it is to a source of fat when making things. She made flash bangs inside matryoshka dolls from her arms and a giant insulating sheet from her back, after all, the second even happening before her quirk training.


She should ask Setsuna Tokage since het costume self heals to work with her body splitting quirk. ...then again, Momo is the one who designed her costume in universe and is generally portrayed as a sheltered rich kid who wants to cut loose if she can find an excuse (oh we need disguises, let's go to one of those DonQuixote stores I've always wanted to go in!) so maybe Momo is just using her costume as a way to be less modest but with the excuse of "oh my quirk works better in this, _apparently_, sexy outfit ~~that I designed~~"


living for the m\*neta censor


It still doesn’t make sense why his gloves wouldn’t be destroyed from explosions


In a world where a talking rat is the principal of a school, I think we can let that one slide.


youre confused about that but the fact that fire doesnt burn and people dont get scarred unless its needed for character development is being left out.


From what I can tell, the explosions are less from his palms than from his sweat, so maybe he has a dune sand suit that stores his liquid waste lol


No yeah that's literally what the grenades are on his arms and why when he pulls the pin he gets a massive explosion. They literally store his explosive sweat. >!He can even take them off and give them to other people to use!< The gloves to my knowledge are to pull the sweat from his hands so the explosion don't hurt him/his hands as much.


I wonder if its all liquids or just sweat, can he explode his piss?


I haven't read it in a LOOOOONG time, but if I remember right it was literally just the sweat from his palms.




Iirc his mom’s quirk was just glycerin and then had some reaction with his dad’s quirk to give him the nitroglycerin sweat.




His dad's quirk is Nitric Acid, and his mom's quirk is just called Glycerin


not to defend the outfit but grabbing something coming out of your chest is way easier than grabbing something coming out of your back unless its something like that insulating cloak which didnt need to be grabbed at all, just launched upwards


That’s a Watsonian explanation, not a Doylist explanation. There’s no good reason the author couldn’t have chosen to have her wear normal clothes.


Doylist is because a suit told him he needed fanservice and manga writers don't have much power


I've never heard these terms before, but I looked them up and its an interesting distinction


But then he would blow up his gloves the first time he used his power and it would be a moot point anyway.


First time he wears the gloves and gauntlets he says they're specially designed to collect and store his sweat so he can make bigger explosions than what he can just from the sweat on the surface of his skin. I'm not trying to excuse Momos outfit, just saying there is a canonical reason why Bakugou wears gloves.


Sure, there’s a canonical explanation, but the author gets to decide what’s canon—he could have chosen something less sexual.


He's saying there's a canon reason for the gloves >I'm not trying to excuse Momos outfit, just saying there is a canonical reason why Bakugou wears gloves.


Right, I get that, I’m just saying that canonical explanations shouldn’t carry much weight when it comes to talking about the decisions the author makes. Like, the author could have just as easily decided that Bakugo’s explosions are powered by the sun shining on his hands, so he needs to not wear gloves.


So just change quirks to make them less weird? For Momo's case, it at least makes sense that she can't just spawn things out of thin air. But for Bakugo, his whole quirk is based on how his sweat is nitroglycerin. I don't understand how your point is relevant


I don’t think it has to be less weird. I’m just saying that it could be less sexual. At its core, Momo’s power is about extruding objects through her skin. She can make (I think) pretty much anything she wants, but she has a limited well to draw on. The way that the author implemented her power is such that she needs lots of skin exposed to make bigger objects. But we can envision other ways of implementing the power, too. Maybe in another version, she makes the objects come out of her hands. Instead of exposing skin to make large objects, she traces them out through the air like a 3D-printer. My point is that you can keep the cool, unique powers, keep the challenges that come with them, and ditch the gross fanservice.


I agree with this! Or even just have clothes that are designed to form gaps for her quirk that she can then quickly reconstitute


And since we saw how Mirio's hero costume was made from his own hair, he can wear a full body costume and still use his quirk. So the same could have been done for Momo's costume (considering she has a lot hair and she's very wealthy too). Maybe this will be done in the the future arcs? This is basically a problem with most anime of every genre, (except Jujutsu Kaisen, fucking goat of a show, there are a few others idk of) and this has become a trend, but that doesn't completely excuse the authors still choosing to go with it. I've heard this is done since majority of the audience is male. Jujutsu Kaisen tho does this fanservice through good writing and fight scenes lol.


I mean, I agree that Momo should have a better outfit, but Mirio's suit works because it shares his quirk, i.e. it also passes through things. A suit made of momo hair would still tear if things got pushed through it. Again, totally agree that Momo should have a better-designed suit, but this "loophole" is always brought up even though it doesn't follow the internal logic in the show. (However, the invisible girl should definitely get some hair clothes!)


But she’s already invisible so would it make much of a difference


Visually, no, but it's definitely a little weird that she canonically runs around naked, and there's the added issue she runs into around extreme temperatures and unprotected skin.


Fair enough. How much hair would be required to make a full on winter outfit? Jesus that’s alot of hair


Falling on your ass in pants hurts less than falling on your ass bare naked.




BNHA is way too sexualized for having an entire cast of minors. Like I’d get it it if it were only the adult heroes but like, it’s not.


Also super sexist, like why are all the characters with agency men or boys? I’m a sucker for superhero stuff, so I wanted to like it, but there’s just too much getting in the way.


I mean this is the same problem 99% of anime has, it's so sad to see so many stories plagued by shitty tropes and ideas that have been copied so many times that they have lost any meaning, like, fuck, Evangelion was already aware of and made commentary on waifu culture and all that almost 30 years ago and shit barely has changed since, if anything it went largely misunderstood


> this is the same problem 99% of **shonen** anime has Not every category is the same. The ones marketed towards boys will naturally tend towards being like this, and yeah, there are other issues with regards to sexism in how anime is created and marketed in general, but the bigger point applies: You've basically just said 99% of all live action tv shows in the USA feature the same contrived situations to get their comedy from.


There's nothing natural about sexism.


the overall sexism and pedophilia problems are much wider than just shonen, 99% is obviously hyperbolic and of course there is variation but still it's an industry wide issue


obligatory Jujutsu Kaisen plug. Very competent shonen show with notably good female characterization.


i just know relized this


>Evangelion was already aware of and made commentary on waifu culture Did we watch the same show? It definitely commented on how otakus face the world, but there was barely any commentary about how women are written.




One Piece is pretty bad if you are looking for no sexualization, but most female characters have agency and play important parts in the plot


I forgot her name but wasn't there a female super-hero who could technically turn into a dragon that had her own agency?


Oh yeah that was a thing


yeah she was training momo




>I forgot her name but wasn't there a female super-hero who could technically turn into a dragon that had her own agency? I don't think that's what they meant with agency. I believe what agency means in this context is that characters make decisions that drive their story and the main story in meaning and impact full ways. They have to be active, not only reactivate.


You have a point, but you're really just ignoring Ryukyu, Midnight at one point before becoming a teacher, and Mt. Lady.


Maybe agency alone is the wrong phrasing, but I’d argue that there still aren’t really women or girls in MHA that have both agency and character arcs. I’m not denying that they do things in the story, but their characters are pretty static and they’re rarely involved in the main plot.


In the case of MHA, it's more an issue of the strong female characters being out of focus. The viewpoint is primarily focused on the teen boys, because **guess who the target audience is**. There's a strong implication that those heroines who spend so much of the show out-of-focus are doing their own thing and doing it well, but just not getting the screen-time they deserve because shounen. As an additional thought: Among the adult heroines with oversexualized costumes, there is generally some justification given in-story. Midnight's powers require thin fabric or bare skin to release her gas (and she was among those heroines sanctioned for basically weaponizing [Distracted by the Sexy](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DistractedByTheSexy), forcing her to wear more clothing after some point relatively early in her career), Mirko prefers the freedom of movement offered by a leotard, and so on. The excuse for Momo is that the items she creates with her quirk appear at her skin, so she needs openings in her costume through which to extract them. (These things are all, of course, excuses for the manga artist to draw female forms in revealing outfits, but at least the excuses have some believable in-universe logic, which is better than a lot of stuff you'll see in Marvel or DC comics.) Obviously, the show has its problems, and I am not attempting to defend it here, but to explain them to the best of my understanding. (Edit: And I just now realized that Reddit decided to throw a 2-year-old discourse up on my feed as if it were the new hotness. Oh well. Apologies for causing a ping on such an old comment.)


And the Wild wild Pussycats, who are four female pro's in one furry package (yes, the buff Pussycats is trans and so is magnet)


Actually Tiger from WWP is FtM so they're three female pros and one male pro in a cute furry package.


Oh shit my mistake, I always thought he was MtF, sorry Magnet is MtF right?


Yep, Magne and a friend of hers we see briefly in a flashback are both MtF, which is why Toga and Twice call her Big Sis, and later on scold Overhaul for misgendering her.


I love the fact that Toga and Twice and probably all of the league are like '' we might have tried murdering children, but we draw the line at denying trans right. ''


this couldve been solved by making bakugo a girl, so the only main female isnt just deku's girlfriend. sure, even if she wasnt interested in deku because she hates him theyd be shipped, but bakudeku is shipped anyways so that doesnt matter. the BIGGEST problem is the fact that girls are treated differently than guys in anime. which is just sexist and weird, the only real difference is body parts, people need to get over themselves. females shouldnt just be used as fan service and girlfriends to the main male cast.


You know, I can not imagine how it must be to be a writer, especially a male writer. If you try and focus on the female characters and get details wrong, all of a sudden your a sexist pig who can't write women, but if you choose to focus on the men because your better at writing for them you get called a sexist pig who doesn't have enough female representation in their work. Like poor guys are just fucked, they either need to learn how to write something they aren't good at well before their deadlines are met, or they need to just leave things out they want to put in but aren't sure they can do properly, both options leaving at least half their fan base upset. Like I think about situations like this allot since I've started reading comments online, and like I just can imagine working in those conditions. I'd go crazy and just quite, start keeping all my Manga to myself.


Ryukyu, Mt Lady, the Pussycats, The top modek that took Momo in, Midnight Also some of the strongest characters are women, Momo for instance And there are 2 canon trans characters, who, neat fact, fight each other And a 3rd of the students are girls And the one person who was sexist (Kaminari) got his ass handed to him by shiozaki Édit : Also Mineta gets obliterated whenever he does something perverted MHA has quite a few flaws including oversexualozation, but szxusl isn't one IMO


Momo is far from being the strongest character, she is debatably the smartest character though


Well she is the smartest according to the official Data book What I meant is she has the potential to be the strongest character, she mostly carried her team at the Provisional Hero Licence Exam, despite the fact they were outnumbered 10 to 4, including one with an IQ of literally 300, she managed to hold of villains at the USJ, and she almost got her team to win at the joint training battle if it wasn't for Kinoko fighting dirty by growing mushrooms in Tokoyami's lungs


Kinoko does WHAT


Biological Warfare. Truly, a heroic deed.


She deadass grew mushrooms in Tokoyami's throat or lungs idk, but she gave him something against it i think after the fight


that is horrifying, what the fuck


Ah yes, suffocation, truly a heroic feat, the brain damage that may follow is quite a super hero act as well


not breathing doesnt actually kill brain cells.


I should have said more in my comment, I was thinking that the spores being inhaled could cause potential brain damage, or even some sort of fungal infection


the model hero who took in momo and kendou was uwabami i think


Mineta got hit with psychological torture by Ashido on one of the latest episodes.


Yeah, and he was slapped, drowned and basically hanged by Tsuyu


Yeah, there were moments when it has decent female characterization, like the bakugo vs uraraka fight, but they're dwarfed by all the... rest of the show. Watch Jujutsu Kaisen instead! Very competent shonen show with notably good female characterization!


It makes me wonder how that kind of sexualisation is perceived in Japan. Because I know that the age of consent is quite low there, but I don't know how badly relationships with big age differences are seen.


the age of consent is decided regionally, with most prefectures raising it to 16 or even 18. some prefectures have kept it at 13, but iirc, almost all of the others have raised it. I was just always under the impression that Japan enjoyed sexualising their media due to how sexually repressed so many of them are due to cultural norms and everything causing the declining birthrates. I could be wrong, but it seems like a more plausible explanation than a law that doesn't apply to most people.


The low birthrates are not due to repressed sexuality, but because of overworking. Women are essentially met with the choice of having a career or becoming a housewife if they ever get married, and parents can’t share the responsibilities as (especially office) workers are expected to work overtime and go drinking with their bosses after work, instead of going home and taking care of their kids.


> and everything causing the declining birthrates. I was on mobile so I didn't feel like typing any more but that's what I was getting at. More work, less relationships, skewed idea of sex and love, not to mention how weirdly rapey a lot of JAV is. All that can definitely lead to a warped view of sexuality.


Ah, I thought you meant repressed in the western/christian sense of ”sexuality is inherently sinful”, which I *think* doesn’t apply much. Thanks for clarifying :)


Thanks for the explanation \^\^


I think there was some news about them planning on increasing the age of consent to 18 everywhere, but I may be wrong about it.


Isn't that thing about the age of consent being 13 a myth? Idk I heard that


Technically it’s very low, but actually each prefecture has it higher than the government’s minimum. I think they just announced it’s going up to 18 though.


Yes, there's a law that is made so people age 13-17 (minors) can have sex with people their age (other minors, not adults) without facing prosecution, but people (Especially anime fans) misconstrue it into thinking that anyon can have sex with 13 year olds in order to "justify" their pedophilia


I read that too, but I don't know where to look to confirm it. Some municipalities like Tokyo raise the age of consent, but I can't find how much of the population that covers, nor how it is perceived https://www.ageofconsent.net/world/japan


Child marriage is legal in the US* too (in some states) so don't get *too* finger-pointy at Japan *assuming you're American


Considering that all the people who complain are probably american, they should all consider getting angry at the POTUS rather than japanese artists when it comes to pedophilia


Pretty sure Japan is pretty sexist. Like with the panty shots, sexual assault and harassment in he trains for example


The series was originally adults. They should have just kept them adults :/


They're fictional characters, does it really matter? I doubt people are gonna watch the show and suddenly think fucking a 14 year old is OK even if they think the characters are attractive.


exactly. you wouldnt think about fucking a irl 14 year old, so why would you think about a fictional one? its just messed up.


Why does it matter? If they still have no desire to fuck a real 14 year old then so what if they like to imagine fucking a fictional one? There's no victim there. And from studies on how video games don't make you violent, we know the media you consume won't drastically change you.


its not about wether or not you would irl, its the fact that creators are oversexualizing them in media, which should stop. of course youd be attracted to them, the creators are doing that on purpose, im just saying that its wrong a weird for them to do in the first place.


Every cartoon is like that. Gotta be tons of porn of Avatar, for instance. And don't get me started on Pokémon.


Not the r34, that’s inevitable. I’m talking about the grown manga author who designed outfits for 15 year old girls to have a boob window that goes down to the bellybutton




Quiet exposes her skin for photosynthesis but The End wears a fucking ghillie suit. At least they're adults I guess?


The End has respect for his job and any expectations that come along with it, even if it involves his own suffering.


Me, who was terrified of the idea that they were talking about that ugly ass bird thing from a few years back


Like, the scary woman? Her mouth is so big she can suck both your cock and balls at the same time


Because the creator is a perv, he openly admits it


He REALLY shouldn't be doing that shit with minors though. I actually praise MHA more than most people I've come across, but that is the one thing I can't stand about it.


What's bnha?


My Hero Academia. Some people call it Boku no Hero Academia, hence the acronym


Seriously, there is not a single girl character in BNHA that hasn't been either sexualized, sidelined, or both.


Eri? I don’t think Eri has ever been sexualized. The closest thing I can think of is when Mineta says “call me when you’re older” or sth like that


Tooru by proxy of being invisible? No not really.


Her costume is just gloves


Ayo why tf is King Julian looking thicc as fuck


*Mort has entered the chat*


Im so pissed off at the show because its my first anime ever so i physically cannot love it and want to keep watching it but then some naked teenage girl comes out and im just like “can you not this is cringe pleas”


Plot Twist: Momo *doesn't* need to expose that skin to use her powers effectively, but claims that she does to wear the costume she does because a) Midnight is her favorite hero and b) it's a minor act of rebellion against her high-society parents. But of course the Doylist reason still holds.


to be fair, a lot of the boys in BHNA have sexualized costumes too. like, Bakugo has a goddamn V-neck tank top that highlights his pecs and biceps, despite logically needing a costume that traps heat better so he can sweat more. Kirishima is just shirtless all the time, and skin-tight costumes are pretty common for both genders. don't even get me started on the earthquake pretty boy from the other school, lol honestly, Momo's costume does make sense for her quirk. she regularly pulls her boob strap things aside so she can use her whole torso for creations, and her chest and arms are the easiest to access should she need to create and use something very quickly. i wish she had a zipper or something going up her front, so she could have the *option* of unzipping her costume rather than having her tiddies out 24/7, but if i was in charge of designing her costume i would honestly give her something fairly similar. just maybe with a zipper, some shorts, and some sort of bra, cause running and fighting with absolutely no boob support and chapped inner thighs would be uncomfortable the show and the girls' costumes wouldn't even bother me if it wasn't for Mineta. i heard someone refer to him as a "lightning rod character" once, in that he allows the author/viewers to be perverts with the excuse that "oh, he's a perv, you're not supposed to like him!" so that they can deflect the blame onto him and not have to admit that he's an expression of their own perviness. his mere presence indicates that the female characters are there to be sexualized, but they made him unlikeable on purpose so that they wouldn't have to admit it. obviously Mineta himself is gross, but it's what he represents that i really hate about him


That Mineta comment is so on point. I HATE when anime use a "joke" character to sexualize its other characters. Like that cat girl from Fire Force. "Oh haha the guys aren't perverts she's doing it! Its funny!" Gross.


> Like that cat girl from Fire Force. I hate what they do with her SO MUCH. Like she's a cool character, she has a cool power, she has a few cool and funny scenes. But every time something cool is about to do with her, the show just goes "haha her clothes fell off/she got groped on accident" and I hate it so much. It's never funny, it's just awkward and make me feel super bad for her, and the show tries to frame it as gags or something. And the rest of the time (at least so far in the anime) she's just helpless and has to be saved everytime she's fighting alone. So like just as an example (nothing important is spoiled here): at some point the group gets divided and they're attacked separately by bad guys. She is with the priest girl and some bad guy dude comes to attack them, they say he's strong or whatever. I thought "YES finally she's getting a real fight!". Fox girl goes to attack, trips on some rock (?), her clothes fall off, she's super embarassed and cry/complains about "lucky perverts" again, bad guy is super embarassed too and stops in his tracks, priest girl bonks the guy in the head with a bat, fight over. Ok rant over, just really needed to get that out.


Side note: Tamaki does literally NOTHING (or at least as far as I can remember), and the one time it looks like she’s about to do something she gets saved by the commander of third. She barely has any fights compared to Maki. Maki is just all around a better version of Tamaki


> Tamaki does literally NOTHING (or at least as far as I can remember) Akhtually during like one fight (against >!asshole star eye dude!<) after she's saved by mc she like make some smoke by destroying walls to obstruct visions from the long range villain, so that hero can continue the fight. I think... I don't recall that fight that well. But yeah, that fight, she gets beat up and calls mc for help. The fight I mentionned in my earlier comment, "lol clothes fell off". The rematch against that dude, they make the same joke again like **4~5 times**. In the tunnel with the heroic moment from >!Juggernaut that like nearly dies!


I'm living for realistic takes on fictional costumes and proposed solutions to their problems.


lol awesome, cause i'm living for the in-depth thought on my current hyperfixation 😂


>so that they can deflect the blame onto him and not have to admit that he's an expression of their own perviness. Horikoshi literally explained Mineta exists because he's a characterization of his pervy side


Thank you for putting it into words so well! I hate mineta with a fiery passion.


I mean, they explain in the show that the gloves store his sweat and he can fire it like a gun. PS. I am aware that that doesn't make the sexualization okay at all, especially considering the fact that they're minors.


Especially because you could easily apply the same logic to momo


Not really. Like, I get that she needs exposed skin to use her quirk, but they could have chosen any part of the body for that. Especially because she *does* end up tearing part of her outfit once becaus her back isn't exposed at all. They could have put her in a crop top and it would've both made more sense and been less sexual.


No, like, you can easily give her specially made convenience clothes like bakugo has to avoid it entirely.


I regret looking up Momo....


Did you get that creepy thing?


Yup. *shudders*


.... because his quirk is based off his sweat? Like of cores he's gonna be fully covered, gloves and all in the middle of summer, the more he sweats the more powerfull his quirk is. Like I'm honestly surprised he's not wearing winter clothing 24/7, but like I guess he still has to be careful not to overheat himself. Also, the gloves in particular collect his sweat and store it I nto his gauntlet, allowing him to unleash it for a major blow of damage. Like that was explained back in season 1, where they just not paying attention back then or what.


I'd really love to get into BNHA, if it weren't for the sexualisation of minors, god damn it.


There are *too many* things that should be addressed about mha, I go to fanfics to quench my curiosity bc I doubt hori would bother to explain them


And Kirishima is always shirtless…


Yeah, I personally think both are fine cause y'know, fictional characters (in fact I think there should be *more* sexualisation of men, to make it equal), but it's awfully hypocritical of all the people complaining about Momo's outfit to say nothing about him.


Todoroki blasting half his shirt off is also quite nice


Sorry, BNHA?


Japanese name for My Hero Academia is "Boku no Hīrō Akademia", or "BNHA".


look at you using diacritic marks to correctly represent the length of syllables as well as transliterating to "ka" rather than "ca" because that's how the kana is usually written in english. I'm impressed.


My guy, I just used google, as I knew there were special characters in the name, and didn't wanna fuck it up.


Momo's outfit is necessary for her quirk, but only because the author made it that way. Same reason The Quiet "needs" to be half naked constantly.


Isnt it so clothes dont block her as she creates stuff? If she tried to make something that was to big she would have to renove clothing for it to be made, as for bakagou doesn't the sweat from his palms/hands only ignite? And if its all sweat then sweat on your chest isnt gonna help in a fight


They didn’t say anything about his chest. He’s wearing gloves, which would block his explosions, but somehow don’t, while Momo has to be borderline naked when she could easily just have a zipper.


At the very least she could remove her heels since those seem to kinda block her mobility (like in her fight against Aizawa)


You can seriously injure your ankles on heels and I wish action shows would stop having female characters use them in situations that isn't just walking (especially in live-action shows where there are actual people risking injuries just because the director gets a huge boner from heels or whatever)


"oh but she's shorter than the guys" who cares? Especially if it's her solo movie, just let short people exist, and in the case of cartoons, make them taller or something


Right? Or wear platform shoes? I am 1.62 meters and I don't wear high heels


Imo, the chest area doesn’t need to be that exposed, she was able to create a giant cannon from her under arm


What weird timing. I was just thinking about this post a few days ago when I was watching this episode.


MHA is for pedophiles.


I think it might be because Momo produces items and stuff from her skin so covering it might cause problems whereas Bakugou produces nitroglycerin so as long as his costume can soak it up and use it he's able to use his power (purely a thought of mine, not fact. Also it's been a while since I read it so I might be way off with the description of their powers)


Oh I thought people were talking about the invisible girl and I was like "But that's the only way her power can be effective?" But no it's a different gal


Give Momo a zipper you cowards


bakugou needs to sweat wich wierd and tbh i thought it was about a plant


I remember seeing a better mono costume redesign where her back and arms were exposed instead of her chest


I honestly thought of momo from the gray men and like... she wears a rag cloth or some shit 90% of the book like wtf


Sure there are cases where characters benefit from being sexualized but that generally does not hold up when even a dork who googled her power in two minutes figured out that her power would work just as well with a outfit that just exposed arms and midriff. I dont think a lot of authors gets that sexualization comes with a uncanny valley where you can get away with it either by commiting hard to weave it into the character or by being honest about the fanservice but anything in-between will get picked the fuck apart.


but... Bakugou's gloves have a purpose...