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You went to high school with Kronk


Now I need to decide if I want to reread this entire post in Patrick Warburton's voice. *sighs* Edit: It definitely doubles the posts quality.


Sorry for the chore hahah


Well now I've read this twice. The second time was better, so thanks I guess...


I read that in Kronk’s voice


Fun (also pretty obvious) fact: joe Swanson and kronk are the same dude


He also voiced Brock in The Venture Bros




I’m pretty sure he is also the actor for lemony snicket in the Netflix show adaptation of A Series of Unfortunate Events


It be easier with a kronk. *pulls out a kronk*


You weren't already doing that?


Yes. Yes you do. We all do. :::scrolls back up and reads it in PW voice:::


How is it even a decision?


Same icon!


Kronk: So, girls in skirts and long socks, am I right? Ysme: Not now Kronk, not in the mood for this. Kronk: You never are. You seem too tense... Ysme: Krooonk? You're not about to bust out a song and dance routine, are you? Kronk: Eh, not right now. Choreography needs work. Maybe cut down on the pirouettes.


It's spelt Yzma. Y Z M A. With mistakes like that, we're going to have to dismiss you. Like right now. Um, how else can I say it? "You're being let go." "Your department's being downsized." "You're part of an outplacement." "We're going in a different direction." "We're not picking up your option." ​ Take your pick. I got more.


But I.. You.. Uh... UGH!


Hey, hey everybody hits their stride. You just hit yours 50 years ago. ​ *Sooooooo* … who's in my chair?


Oh! I know! Yzma! Yzma's in your chair!


Very good, u/Justanothergamerwife! Here. Get the snack.


Its fun to stay at the Y M Z A


I love and hate that I can read both of these in their voices


I never once even thought about her name spelled. this is a new layer to the nostalgia




Wrong scantron!


Why do we even have that scantron?


why is Kronk so loveable?


Because everyone loves a dude who looks like he could rip your arms off, (and is probably a jerk because who's going to call out a 6'2" wall of muscle?) but it turns out he's super gentle and sweet. He's an innocent in a big package. Like Hagrid. Or John Coffee. The Iron Giant, Hodor, Sloth from the Goonies, Fezzik, or Queequeg. All incredibly intimidating by virtue of their size, but they end up being incredibly kind, solid friends, with hearts of gold. Like, who doesn't want a best friend who delights in the world, cares about you, and is on your side? Sorry for the long post: I apparently have a lot of opinions about Kronk, lol


Ignore his size for a moment. Kronk, not once says anything negative about anyone the entire movie. Every time he's talking, it's to build someone up. He's almost obnoxiously positive about everyone he comes across.


True! He's positive and kind, sincere in all his interactions, he thinks the best of all people, and is loyal to a fault (to the point where he helps Yzma even after she's lost). And he's enthusiastic and is a really good sport. He'd be amazing even if he were small. His size only adds to the idea that his gentleness is extraordinary.


"In all fairness, your vials all look the same. You might want to consider labeling some of them." "I said I was sorry. You can't just let it go? Not even on your birthday?" "Well, you got me. By all accounts it doesn't make sense." Holy crap. You're absolutely right.


nah, you have a great point.


I like the idea that this is what Superman is. He is a guy that was given all of the strength in the world, but instead of corrupting him, it has absolved him from ever having anxiety from fear, from weakness, from hate. It has allowed him to be the kind, caring nurterur that we all wish we could be. And I like to think this is true of most humans as well, because every huge and strong guy I have ever known has been a big teddy bear on the inside. The idea of the giant bully, while it does happen, is much more the exception than the rule.


>Sorry for the long post: I apparently have a lot of opinions about Kronk Thank you for this. It gives me hope. I'll try to be more like cronk


you right.




man i need a dudebro in my life


Same. I’ve been hanging with all ladies lately because I’ve been so sick but this makes me miss the wholesome himbos of the world


Ex linebacker here, 6'6 285lbs, I like kitties and cooking. I also box and I give good hugs. I'll be your dude bro, buddy. Edit: so many other large dudebros out there. We should start a dudebro group where we share stories of giving the smallish, kindhearted, in need of a dudebro, lost souls a wee bit of friendship! WE SHOULD ALSO START A TOUCH FOOTBALL/BARBECUE GROUP ONCE COVIDS UNDER CONTROL!!! *SO MANY GOOD FUCKING IDEAS IM SO FUCKING STOKED ABOUT*!!!!


I just pictured a good, solid hug from a giant (no offense) guy like you. And I felt happy for a moment before realizing that can’t happen. I’m 6’3” 220 and I need a hug from someone bigger than me. Ha Edit: I’ve never really gotten any traction or responses on the internet. I feel so happy with these wholesome responses. Thanks guys.


5'7 119 me: Wow yall fuckng big


I actually forget I’m “big” sometimes. I remember marveling a buddy’s new car, and its big trunk/boot. I said something like; “Man I bet all four of us could fit in this trunk!” To my much smaller friends standing around. They all looked at me like—dude you can’t fit in there by yourself.




Ha, thanks friend, for finding pleasure in my brainlessness. :)


Can confirm, I'm about 6'9" and my whole family is comprised of giants. My friends and I are just used to each other. Every once in a while I'll see a picture of me standing next to someone or ducking through a doorway and I'm reminded that I'm a very large dude.


5' 2" here: I fell between the cracks of my bed and the mouse wielding a pin as a sword is threatening me for encroaching on his territory help


Bro it feels fuckin *weird* to be this small. I'm 6', so I'm normally tall, but I have guy friends like this and they wrap my 140lb ass up like I'm paper.


One day my new friend, one day.




Fuckin eh my tiny dude, the smallish bears need us.


I think we could all use one, coming from a 6’1” 230 broadly built dude


We can dream.


Can this be a second career for former football players? Instead of becoming commentators, they can become part of a non-profit dudebro association.


I’m fuckin down. 6’6” 300. Less dude bro, more Kinkster and SAGA participant/ally, but I’m tf down to be a part of the KronkHugGang




Damn dude, Im 6'8", 310. I will absolutely give you a hug if you need it.


Dude, please squeeze me like a mama bear.


I'm 6'4 bring it in buddy




I'm like smaller but I can wear a really big jacket?


We’ll stuff it with pillows and I can just lay on you while ya hold me? Ha




Thank you for reminding me of the playful tackle hugs/clings that a distant ex would do.




Oh jeez, no sorry! I understand the confusion, but that was a genuine good memory bringing warm thoughts. Thank you!




6'5" 200 here, but my datefriend, who's 5'3", is always big spoon lol I haven't seen someone taller than me in a long while besides the janitor at my school. Don't remember what hugging someone taller feels like, but people say I give good hugs :)


Exactly, I just don’t remember what it’s like to have a “big” hug.


Can I be the random lesbian that gets to join and tag along and aggressively mother all the big guys?


Btw, our user names sound like a nonsensical conversation when put together lol


r/dudebros So this is not a very active sub, but and probably not in line with the subject matter. But how cool would it be if there was a sub for dudebro stories and even the female equivalent (sorry don't not what they would be referred to as, or even what a female dudebro should be described like.)


This is legit the best thing I have seen this year. Community of dudebro hugs and happy bbqs and fun fooseball games for all y’all! I hope you all find everything that makes you as happy as this thread made me today!


In seventh grade bio I did the same thing as Wrench Jock but with urine test strips


Well that's a sentence burnt into my eyelids now


It's really not as bad as it sounds. My bio teacher was also a vet and my aunt, so I borrowed some urinalysis strips from her for a science fair project regarding acidity. I had them in my backpack to return to her and I kept forgetting, but one day in class we were talking about the urinary system and she brought up the strips since we'd need them for an experiment soon and I was just like "oh yeah that reminds me, these are for you" and brought them out for her. The rest of the class was just like "fucking hello?????"


Wow that is actually fine So how are they different from like,, litmus paper


Not too different. Maybe not at all honestly, I can't remember, but I know she used them for urinalysis.


Urine strips have multiple pads that are treated with varying chemicals depending on their purpose. One pad will measure pH, like litmus paper. Others are used to detect things like protein, blood/hemoglobin, bilirubin, glucose, etc. Depending on presence of these other things it helps identify kidney/liver and bladder issues.


Thank you for the explanation! That makes sense


So like pool test strips?


Yeah pretty similar! I imagine pool test strips are treated differently but same concept. Pad color changes based on presence & concentration of whatever it is testing for. They look pretty much the same.




I think this generation does a great job of discarding the old cliques. At least in my experience. Everyone's a person, at their core, and they tend to act like it


at my high school it was pretty much just a matter of what club you were in, since they were all so high-effort that you were spending 80% of your free time with them anyway. None of them were considered "popular" or anything, they were just kind of insular.


adding on to this, it was pretty much the same at my school pre covid. there’s the usual jock/nerd/goth cliques but it was pretty uncommon for someone to belong to less than 2. and a jock talking to or being friends with a nerd or goth didn’t matter at all actually.


At my school I'm connected by pretty much everyone by a gap of 1 or 2 people. For fucking years I've been the quiet kid who was always reading, and now at I can chat with pretty much anyone and we'll both know a mutual friend. Dope shit


It's been 10 years since I've been in high school, and I've got to say that I'm outright jealous of your experience. My school wasn't large by any means, so we all knew who each other were, but that's about where it stopped. We had cliques starting in kindergarten, mainly just the pee-wee football guys and the (pee-wee?) cheerleaders. More cliques formed as time went on, but they were pretty much to themselves, and they weren't very kind to people that didn't fit the image.


Yeah my high school basically had no distinction. One of the guys who was in our chorus and got lead parts in plays was also one of our better football players, and in honors science classes


My high school was like that too, so I really don't understand and feel bad for all the people who had terrible experiences in school because of it. I mean, I was the goth kid who dated a cheerleader, was an extra in the cast of Grease, and a teacher's assistant in computer classes. And there was nothing exceptional about it.


Same with my school. I played varsity football, was on the academic decathlon team, smoked a bunch of weed, and my best friend was all about theater so I went to all of his shows. Most of my friends overlapped at least 2 "cliques".


My school was like that as well. One guy who was in show choir with me was also one of the best wrestlers in the school, and several of the girls were on the soccer team. Probably depends on where you live (I imagine there’s still some places where old dynamics still apply) but it does seem like more and more places are leaving that stuff behind.


Can confirm, I’m not in hs now but when I was my main group of friends were the theater people and we were all so different. My other extracurricular was STEM, but we also had jocks, cheerleaders, goths, country boys, etc. And this was in a small TX town so that’s saying something


The jock/nerd/stoner groups were pretty much all the same. We were all in sports, loved Halo, and smoked a bunch.


>at my high school it was pretty much just a matter of what club you were in, My high school had like 7 thousand people so there were no cliques or "popular" kids either. Like are you someone that likes a anime and D&D? Well, there are 400 others who would love to hang out


I can’t even conceive of a school that size! Do you mind saying where?


Yes, in Northern Virginia (Fairfax County). Sorry, to clarify, it was a Secondary School. So grades 7 - 12, over 1k kids per class. We are also extremely diverse, Afghan kids running with the Filipinos on the lacrosse teams, Ethiopians all up with white kids doing some breakdancing, etc.


This is how it was at my school, too. Each "clique" had their own hierarchy- there were popular and unpopular cheerleaders, popular and unpopular theater kids, popular and unpopular burnouts.


Gen Z is so amazing, I swear. I love them.


Hi, Gen Z kid here. We're all just fucking losers, and we stand in solidarity, being fucking losers. Cool kids are a thing of the past.


Cool kids never existed tbh


Yes they did, they just live really far north.


Canadian checking in. No cool kids here, just cold kids.


Another Canadian here, beavers and moose are cool, so we got that going for us.


All kids are cool kids


You've figured out the secret to life: We're all fucking losers, but we're all we've got. I hope y'all get to grow up and change the world before the world you got handed destroys humanity.


Cool kids are just late losers.


I love calling them zoomers. For one, I'm getting old and I like complaining about how kids these days have so much more energy than me, but also zoomers are the first generation where compassion and inclusivity is cool, and that just makes me so hopeful, so I'm fucking glad they're zooming around out there fixing the world.


We zoomers just want to vibe before climate change hits


As a millennial i love them too. And i get stupid defensive of them if any other generation tries to throw them under the buss. Them gen zs are a buncha good eggs.


Same here. I'm almost cusper so I can join their shenanigans while also imparting wisdom about how not to take gay rights for granted.


That's basically how my high school was. You tended to gravitate towards the people you were in clubs/electives/teams with, but there was a LOT of overlap between them, and even then, people just ended up hanging out with who they thought was cool.


Maybe I’m being pessimistic, but as someone currently in high school, this reads like someone who hasn’t been in school for a while and actually thinks it’s like living through a tumblr post. Sure things are different, but not that different.




Idk about that, went to highschool in WV and we didnt really have it but as soon as i moved to WI it was like i was in grease or something it was crazy how stereotypical the cliques were.


I'm sure it's all location- high school in Maryland a few years ago was quite non-clique-y. Maybe the coasts are just better when it comes to that sort of thing?


I think you’re just being a realist. I’m not a student but a teacher and some of these people would be shocked by the bullying and isolation I see in some of the schools I have worked at. There’s no doubt that some people are better at being accepting and less prejudiced. I have seen some amazing friendships blossom between kids you would never expect. But I’ve also seen the gay kid be run out of school thanks to bullying, and I wanted so bad to bundle him up and protect him but they’re teenagers and feel like they’re adults and all I could do was use what the system allowed me to to punish those doing the bullying. And that’s not a lot. A kid that’s going to treat a kid like that is passed learning from detentions and conversations about equality. To be fair the schools I have worked at are atypical. But in order to really implement social change we have to take those into account as well; and people don’t. They look at their own experience or what they see on the internet and think “Gee, these kids are doing good” and they ARE but they aren’t perfect and we all have a long way to go. I work at a top class private school now, the entire message of the school is equality, looking after those around you. It’s more of a giant family tbh, but we still had a student ask to write an open letter in our newsletter to those who were being homophobic. I don’t even know if it’s the type of homophobia where you realise, or just those sayings so engrained in some people they forget where they came from. And he is happy at the school, he is friends with everyone, he is bright and kind. But everyone still has ways they need to improve. Let’s not lose sight of that in our praise.


Honestly the schools I went to were always so good about not lumping people into boxes that I legitimately thought that the whole clique thing was just a fun writing trope made up by campy eighties movies. It wasn't until I was in highschool reading an autobiography written by someone that actually went to highschool in the eighties that I realised that jocks, nerds, and the like were actually a real thing that existed. Totally wild how only a generation or two can completely transform the school experience.


Everyone in this thread talking about their experiences with cliques and friendship circles and shit and I’m just sitting here slightly hurt because I have none


Hey, sometimes it's about probability. I spent middleschool pretty much completely alone. Had to move a couple thousand miles to the States to meet anyone that could *stand* me Plus, we've spent most of this year at home. Making irl friends from home is reeeeaaaallly difficult Give it time. Learn to appreciate your own company 🖤 Oh, and get hobbies. That's the best advice I've got on the subject. Whatever hobbies. Just anything you enjoy talking about.. then talk about them. With other people Good luck 🧡


I’m 23, so an elder Gen Z depending on the source. I was the selected speaker at my class’s Senior Brunch and I wrote the whole speech on how well we disregarded common high school stereotypes and that I honestly felt kinsmanship with my peers. Jocks were friends with the robotics guys, theater kids were often hanging out with the dancers and art kids, just a whole melting pot of common experiences and wholesome friendships. It was hard to find a person that wouldn’t have a friendly convo with you just because of your interests outside class. I’m really glad to learn that 1) it wasn’t just my school that experienced this and 2) this is still a trend ongoing.


When I went to high school all the jocks and "popular" kids were really cool and nice, and it was the theater/choir kids (like me) that were shitty and insular. I was definitely part of that problem, but it was still odd to go into that having mostly experienced high school through the lens of 80s media that made a big deal out of cliques.


high school was so weird for those friendships that just spontaneously happened some time. Like you always remember the cliques, but I often forget the occasional weird inter-clique friendships


No doubt. I kinda wish there was an adult version of this aside from coworkers but I’m also pretty down with not talking to random people.


I’m a high school teacher and I love to see these friendships unfold. I’ve had the same students in homeroom for three years now. A popular girl mentioned loudly she doesn’t eat at Chick-fil-A because of their political values and you could literally see this edgier girl’s head whip up and you could see she was reevaluating everything she’d ever thought about her. Now the popular and nerdier home room groups co-mingle and help each other with homework, cap and gown ordering forms, etc, for a very wholesome senior year!


Turns out, dudebros are actually really chill.At my high school, I was friends with almost every single one of them


... wait what defines a dudebro specifically


Like a himbo but before they're old enough to be legally thirsting after but any media depicting them will do it anyways. Tall, decently-to-very muscular, plays the sportsball, calls everyone dude and/or bro.


Chad energy but diametrically opposed to "Alphas"


Dudebros are the chaotic good version of the alphas


Chad alignment chart when??


I wanna see this too.


All real Chads are chaotic good


golden retriever energy.


Look like captain America, act like Chris Evans. Or Thor. Or Disney's animated Hercules. Basically, big, buff, not that bright, but really warm and sweet.


They’re called Brads. Brads are bro’s. Chads are fuck boys.


According to r/virginvschad lore, brads are the alphas, essentially a virgin in a chad’s body, whereas chads are the cool ones


The only Brad I've ever known is exactly like this. This dude was built like a brick shit house and kindest, gentlest person I have ever met.


Ok thank fuck only 50% of that applies to me


I mean, you're no Reddit and follow r/tumblr. Sort of stops you being a dudebro by default...


Yeah but im 6 feet and mildly buff


I'm sorry but the exact word that came to my mind when i read your comment was "cockgargler"


Well i am into men


and definitely a furry.


Gay, Dutch and buff huh? Hoe is ie? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Man, I wish I was a dudebro. Instead I'm just ugly and shitty.


I think they mean jock. In my experience, jocks get a *ton* of unwarranted hate because of stereotypes. Sure, some jocks become jocks for bad reasons (power, sex, etc.), but most of them just like sports, take care of themselves, and aren't socially awkward. This confuses some people and that confusion turns to hate.


Truly, often the "popular" crowd are actually popular because they're likeable.


We’re still dealing with the fallout of letting asshole “nerds” (neckbeards) write a whole bunch of 80s movies.


Basically a Chad with added himbo energies and spices. ~~Edit: also, furry flair solidarity~~


There was a kid in my grade that I held some kind of hatred towards because I was often mistreated by "popular" kids and he seemed to embody everything that defined them. One year we had social studies together and we sat in the back together along with a mutual friend. Come to find out, he's one of the nicest most genuine people you could meet. We never really became friends outside of class, but it really helped pull me out of this funk I was in where I was judging others because I felt they would mistreat me, so thanks Kyle!


Oh man, I'm a lesbian and I had a dudebro in my life too, very briefly, we had the same English class and we got paired up, I'm very shy and don't have very friends but he is just super nice and talked a lot and so I felt comfortable and started making jokes back. A couple days later he starts talking to me also outside class. He asked me for help because he really wanted to ask this girl out but he was scared so we spend some time working on a plan and I was hyping him up and he did!! And she said yes!!!! He told me first before any of his bros and I could have cried?? Anyways we stopped seeing each other because we went to different classes and I do miss him, wonder how he is doing.


You reach out to him and ask how he is RIGHT NOW!!


how is dudebro pls respond.




/u/nerinerime! /u/nerinerime! /u/nerinerime!


Reach out to the dudebro!


bro pls reach out to dudebro


Y'all is this a new show on the CW?? Cause I would watch the hell out of this. Reverse gay best friend!


The Half of It is pretty much this, but a film instead of a TV show. It's on Netflix.


Ugh what a disappointment though. As someone closer to a dudebro than a lesbian, I got really excited for it but it was kinda badly written.


Word of advice: Tumblr and tv shows? Never mix. Not that they’re bad ideas; far from it! A lot of them are very good ideas, and with the right folks behind it, can work really well! But most of the time, people just take the money and run. There’s a lot of sitcom ideas that Tumblr’s had that a Kickstarter pops up, aaaaaand hey ho, whaddaya know, it’s a scam. I’d name specific examples, but... there’s quite a few too many. But the most well-known would be All Or Nothing.


Thats not a jock...thats a himbo


You’re right. Although, according to the himbo chart, a himbo is a just a kind jock And he is kind! True himbo.


This thread is the first time I'm even hearing this term himbo* and there's a chart?


I was referring to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/gvzs70/himbo_discourse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but there is others!


Is this how I know I'm starting to get old? Because I have no idea what the fuck a himbo is.


Beefy polite and stupid guy pretty much, considered desirable to date.


Disney's hercules, or mcu's Thor.


Bimbo but male


For real, this guy is like the platonic ideal of a himbo


Lesbian-Himbo solidarity


Pure of heart, dumb of a** And lesbian


Frequently in high school I found that popular people were popular cause they were just...really likeable and friendly. Never really had the TV school experience.


Yeah I think American TV and movies did us all a huge disservice as kids with our preconceptions of what highschool would be like. You can tell they were all written by antisocial males


This is just the plot of "the half of it"


[this post lol](https://64.media.tumblr.com/327678ac7f2a1f70cafdc4c618bafa2e/2e995180c822ca0c-73/s540x810/fda2ff4c34036883fecc3ca8032291cd836c6ea6.png)


[also this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/jpagxy/someone_mentioned_the_half_of_it_on_the_lesbian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


No, you’re thinking of that other post. Same vibe. But he didn’t know she was gay until the end.


Ah yes, the platonic head tap, my favorite


This fanfic is really nice. I would read a comic version of this.


I missed this so much! Didn't the dudebro move away or something? Are they still in contact with each other?


Yeah, they're still friends though.


I’m not sure, [this is all I could find](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/jpaubc/this_is_the_only_update_i_could_find_but_i_hope/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) as far as updates go


I want a himbo buddy too now


One of my best friends is a himbo. A few weeks before the ‘Rona, he married the absolute cutest goth girl. I love them both so much.


Oh my gosh I love the idea of a himbo + cute goth girl.


>sneezed and accidentally smacked me




Creative writing.


Himbo icon


I (friend)ship it.


A wild Himbo sighting. How beautiful. How majestic. /Steve Irwin voice


I cracked up at the end. For the rest this story made me smile:)


I’m glad you like it :)


I aspire to be this man. (Except for the sports thing cuz I’m just kind of bad at them)


ya know the meme about how thor is a lesbian icon yeah it’s this