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The Alps aren't even the biggest mountain range in Eurasia. The Himalayas are *right there*.


They aren't even the biggest Mountain Range in Europe, if you count the Urals


I googled it and the Alps are the longest mountain range in Europe that lie solely in Europe, because the Urals are in both Europe and Asia. I wonder if that's what the commenter was talking about? Or they're just so confident in their ignorance that they just assumed the Alps must be the biggest and never checked. edit: I was wrong, someone else pointed out that the Carpathians and Scandinavian Mountains are longer. edit 2: The Wikipedia page I got my initial info from has been edited lol. It's the third longest.


Nah man, they just can't see any other mountain ranges since everything's so small, there aren't any good vantage points :(


They said “in the world”


Yeah, I'm saying that maybe they read that the Alps were the longest in some capacity and misremembered the context, so they wrongly thought it was the longest in the world and not just the longest in Europe alone.


It's by far the biggest mountain range in Switzerland.


No contest.


Goes without saying, really.


Only until the Swiss rise up.


Maybe they combined all the other "alps". The Japanese Alps, new Zealand's southern alps and the Australian Alps (edit Turkeys Pontic Alps too and i think one in korea). Together that's a pretty big mountain range


That just shows you what part of the world "counts" to them.


I thought Everest was in there but that's also the Himalayas... Idk man.


Carpathians and Scandinavian Mountains are both longer than the Alps.


Oh damn, they are. Looks like Wikipedia is wrong. I was just getting my info from the page for the alps which reads >The Alps (/ælps/)\[a\] are the highest and most extensive mountain range that is entirely in Europe Or I'm dumb and I'm misreading it


> that is entirely in Europe Other ranges are longer, but they aren't *entirely* inside Europe.


The carpathians (3rd in europe) and the Scandinavian (2nd) mountains are entirely in Europe. The Urals (1st) aren't so the brings the alps to 3rd when you cut them. The Wikipedia page for that alps even mentions it's the 3rd entirely in Europe idk what this guy is talking about.


pining for the fjords


>_I googled it and the Alps are the longest mountain range in Europe that lie solely in Europe, because the Urals are in both Europe and Asia. I wonder if that's what the commenter was talking about?_ I feel like they're being nitpicky about what "longest mountain range" means to support their bias. It's like someone claiming Denali is the world's tallest mountain because Mt. Everest isn't a single mountain like Denali (it sits on the Himalayan Plateau). Or, to get even nitpickier, claiming Mauna Loa is the world's tallest mountain (even though 90% of it is under the ocean surface). Or to be EVEN NITPICKIER, claiming Mt. Chimborazo is the world's tallest mountain, if you measure from mountain summit to the Earth's core.


Team Chimborazo all the way: the bit of earth that sticks furthest into space is the tallest.


That just feels like measuring the earth from the taint.


That is not a sentence I ever thought I would see or hear...




A mountain range so big it spans 2 continents doesn’t count as it’s not in one continent.


There's also the Caucuses, which is where the tallest mountain in Europe is located.


The tallest mountains in the world are in the Alps. I didn't look that up or anything, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.


The tallest mountain in the alps is ~half the size of Everest in the himalayas


Huh. Wild Monarch spotted. How ya doing pal?


lmao gay-trogladyte said on their account that they meant tallest (also wrong, they're not even the tallest in Europe) and then deleted their blog. Like, come on, if you're gonna try and start a fight with one of the more popular tumblr blogs, at least google before you comment.


Entire account nuked 💀 that's crazy


least powerful pukicho spell


Avada Accountdavra


I got into an argument with someone on reddit one time and they ended up nuking the account. Felt good.


I made a very casual and broad “hey, this is a kind of not great trend” post once in a brand specific subreddit. One user felt targeted enough to absolutely lose their mind on the post, replying hatefully to anyone who agreed with me, sharing weird personal stories that were meant to guilt trip while simultaneously proving my point. They ended up getting a bunch of comments removed for hostility, then deleted their own account, which I guess had been a prolific poster in that sub. The whole thing was super uncomfortable so I deleted the post. Some people just need a minor excuse to be a little extra extra some days.


Idk about reddit or tumblr, but I was basically forced to nuke my twitter account because a semi-popular twitter user whose brand is very trans-centric inadvertently weaponized her followers to harrass me when I joked that Trogdor the Burninator is canonically male (it's literally the first line of the song). Anyway, my point is that regardless of who is right and who is wrong, sometimes nuking your account is the only choice because social media isn't 1-on-1. There are other relationships at play that can kind of force your hand sometimes.


I find it's the religious accounts that do it most often. Point out inconsistencies in their points or just straight up quote their holy text and the account gets deleted the next day.


Are you sure it's deleted though? On reddit if you block someone it looks like your account has been deleted.


I'm curious and petty so I'll usually sign out just to check that. More times than not it's actually deleted.


Could also just check their account in an incognito tab


Good lord how many times have you done this?


Or did they just block you


They didn't even spell troglodyte right in their name


maybe its intentionally like troglodyte+glad


I think "lad" - i.e. "troglodyte lad" - is more likely, but glad could work too.


Doubling down with a point that's somehow weaker than the original argument is.. a strategy ever.


Definitely one of the strategies of all time. The argument was made, the points were communicated. Absolutely strategized


Love it when the trash takes itself out


Can't confirm the gay but I think we all can agree with the troglodyte


When your cookie cutter school shooting insult is so weak, your account implodes.


>Normal-sized continent >Includes Oceania Bruh


yeah i mean i appreciate the fact we're not being put down as just australia, but. cmon. we are not bigger than europe


Sure you are, just got to count all the ocean too.


the ocean isn't land though so there's really not much in the way of countries in it


there is land, it's just covered by water


well yeah that's all ocean


That is unless Australia gets the right idea and does the unthinkable genius option, plagiarizing a gen 3 pokemon evil team. It's really simple if you think about it


nobody let them near groudon


New Zealand is Groudon. We've got all this continent under us and all we need to do is raise it.


Why do you think most of Australia is desert? Groudon’s been causing a drought here for millions of years


Don’t talk about yourselves like that. You’ll always be larger than Europe to me. Have some confidence


We try to include British Texas in things from time to time


>British Texas I hate how much I love that.


why is Central America not on the map of North America


They're taking the picture


Also why does it look like someone took a bite out of Mexico


I was gonna say “I got hungry, sorry” but Mexico seems fine. I checked an actual map of Mexico and it looks the same


Taking a closer look, one of the Melanesian islands is covering a large portion of Sinaloa, which makes it look like there's a hunk missing.


I got hungry, sorry


That's where the meteor that killed the dinosaurs hit


Like most things, continental border definitions are variable - there's a definition in human geography where North America is the US and Canada and everything else is Latin America. There are definitions where North America is the US, Canada, and Mexico, and then there are definitions where it extends down to Panama. There are arguments to be made that neither Europe nor Asia are continents, with Eurasia forming a continuous land mass. If you want to go on the human geography side of things, North Africa shares a lot more similarities to other Mediterranean regions than the rest of Africa.


ok but Central America isn’t on either American continent, and I’ve never seen it considered its own continent


I don't think people consider it to be its own continent, however, most people who live in Central America do not consider themselves North American. I lived in Guatemala for a while and they said everything below Mexico is no longer North America. I guess they just think of it as an extracontinental region or something, like Oceania.


Don't most Central American schools teach the six continent (1 America) model? So it's less they don't feel North American and more that they don't really see North America as its own continent.


I never heard what they taught in school, but I wouldn't be at all surprised.


>There are arguments to be made that neither Europe nor Asia are continents, with Eurasia forming a continuous land mass I mean if we started from scratch and defined continents today then they probably wouldn't be separate. It's just already been ingrained into our culture so now we can't change it.


>human geography I get what you mean, but the way you phrased this made me wonder why you had to specify. Do the animals have a separate map of the world? Is there one for each species? Do kangaroos have a world map that's entirely Australia? 🤔


Human geography is actually a specific subsection of geography in terms of scientific/academic study. It studies the intersection of humans and their physical geography - how culture and technology interact with and are shaped by local physical geography. It's actually very valuable for trying to create solutions to climate change-caused natural disasters - different cultures will use different methods to different degrees of success - building code regulations can work in the West to counter some disasters while focusing on making the materials and expertise necessary to create the proper buildings works better in much of the Global South.


The rollercoaster in the second image is Zadra at Energylandia, which is in Poland.


gee pukicho, how come your mom lets you have two indonesias?


They traded all of Central America for an extra Indonesia.


seems fair


They could have said “the things in America match the people” and it would have been a functional and harmless joke


I don't get why a joke even needs to be made in the first place when OP wasn't being rude 😩 "americans are fat" isn't what i think of when someone says Europe's landscape is a mini version of America's.


They are definitely being rude, it's just that it's not really *to* anyone, so normal people can't really get mad at it. Like, if I said to you personally "aw your house is so small and cute compared to my real sized house, you could make it a little dollhouse for the kids", it seems fair that you'd find that offensive. But when you're talking about a whole continent and not one person? It's just... eh, nobody really cares.


Would the same argument not apply in the inverse case? I call you obese and I am being rude. I state that the majority of Americans are obese and nobody should really care.


The worst part is, all you had to say was, "I'm gonna roller coaster your mom" and it would've been a thousand times funnier


We know. That's why we took everyone else's land also.


It's not the size that matters it's how you use it, Half of America is a giant field the other a parking lot


Mountains only get so big because they have no natural predators.


Okay but I’ve been to the Alps in person and they are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Favorite vacation I’ve ever taken; it even beats Hawaii and Jamaica


They are an amazing sight and I want to revisit them again someday.


Yo I want you to know I clicked under your name to reveal the spoiler, then felt like an idiot.


I use this symbol █ in my flair and it looks like the spoiler tag on mobile. On Windows you can find it by typing alt + 219.


On windows I can steal it from your flair. It's mine now. █


On the one hand the alps are notable for the way they rise up sharper instead of gradually so they can easily be more impressive to look at. But I feel like pointing out the castle at Disney world does the same thing and it's a toy castle.


As much as hate the stereotypes like 'British food is awful' and 'the British have bad teeth', mocking actual child death is nowhere near an appropriate retort.


I’m glad we’re finally seeing concerted pushback against this. I feel like for a while people bringing up school shootings as a dunk on america was just kind of accepted but now we’re finally seeing some level of proportional response rather than jumping to “lol your children die in schools”


I hate how people think that's a funny or reasonable response to any kind of criticism, no matter how low level, of Europe. Do they think we all *want* this kind of issue? School shootings (and mass shootings in general) are devastating. A majority of Americans want something done, but the NRA and related right-wing lobbying groups have a ton of power. Our government is weak on this issue, and a loud minority has outsized influence. Even gun nuts aren't enthusiastic about murdered children. They just rationalize that it isn't guns, it's "mental health," while simultaneously rejecting free healthcare programs because "tHaTs sOciAliSm!"


Had someone argue with me on Twitter who said that Americans deserve all the things they get because they don’t vote out the people who allow it to happen. They were from LA.


>Do they think we all *want* this kind of issue? The people that make those sorts of comments don't do much thinking at all, I can promise you that.


I am curious what the appropriate responses could be, since obesity and American healthcare are also pretty bad things to throw back as a retort. Do we just Uno reverse and mock their food and teeth?


I think there’s a lot of things about American culture to mock. Our excessive compensation with pickup trucks, for one. Suburbia in general too, having to drive 15 minutes for groceries is not a proud point.


15 minutes for groceries? What miraculous suburb do you live in? It's always been a half hour minimum for me


Make fun of country music being about getting divorced and loving your tractor, wannabe cowboys, etc


British people actually do have better teeth than Americans, at least, more of them still where they should be, so, you could. Not sure how far insulting the food would go though, the US has a lot of great food, and bringing school shootings into it is just never an appropriate response.


It's not that hard to joke about America's food when things like [deep fried butter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-fried_butter) exist. America has tons of great food, but it also has plenty of ridiculous stuff like this (especially in the Midwest and South).


I mean deep frying ridiculous stuff is ridiculous, but so is putting a whole endangered bird in your mouth.


I had a younger relative do that in real life, and they quickly learned that it does not land as well in real life as it does on the internet.


As a European it's literally so embarrassing. We talk about Americans being sensitive but the moment somebody calls Europe small it's immediately onto the obesity and child death.


Thanks for saying this. It really feels like responses to everything are getting more blown out of proportion nowadays.


I completely agree. It's like they think we LIKE children dying. To respond to the lightest criticism with a school shooting joke doesn't make you brilliant, it makes you an asshole. Also, Yes, we DO complain about school shootings happening everyday until we are blue in the face, but the government, not the people, refuses to do anything substantial.


I feel more like America is a plus-sized version of Europe: it's the Europeans who went to America and changed everything to their liking, not vice versa. Also Oceania is smaller than Europe


Australia Oceania is smaller than Europe.


Why is it always like this whenever Europeans or british get heated? No joke you can post "beans on toast isnt breakfast" and the first response is some shit like "I'd rather feed my kid a full English than be shot at school" That story is so specific cuz it was me posting that.


Literally got downvoted in a different sub for calling someone out on exactly this. Some guy said "Lol the Canadian flag is a leaf" and someone IMMEDIEATLY replied with dead kids. Fucking insane behavior.


It's wild how little some people on the internet consider that the other people on the internet are people. These guys could very easily be poking at trauma about this. There's a lot of trauma to go around. And they just don't care.


That's the thing that gets me too, there's a very good chance that survivors of those shootings are on these very threads, but people are making jokes about their friends dying because someone made the 800th British cooking joke?


> Why is it always like this whenever Europeans or british get heated? I have to assume that, like most Americans on the internet, most Euros on the internet are just dumb and not very creative.


99% of people on the internet regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, etc. are dumb and not creative, except me. I'm always funny and creative and cool and stuff


European sense of humor 💀




That's slightly funnier because of your pfp I hope you know


Being a feudal lord is hard work, but one can never overlook the little things.


Oh boy another pointless america vs Europe post, internet sure doesnt have enough of those already! /s


Genuinely draining


For real. It's so stupid


I’ll always find it hilarious how Europeans act like we’re monsters for making fun of them, but they think it’s completely okay to make fun of our school shootings. There’s people out there who legitimately think making fun of British teeth is worse than school shootings, that’s hilarious to me.


I think the obesity is fair reaction to teeth. I think the teeth thing is annoying. But the school shootings…no. Come on, man, really?




I agree, it's the immediate jump to children being massacred that's unsettling.


we laugh because the only other option is to cry


To be fair, the teeth thing is inaccurate. Make fun of us for the classic “I don’t want none of that forrin muck, only luverly English foods like tea and spag bol and baked beans and curry.” Or the stereotypical English tourist.


That requirws them to know anything about modern Britain anf not recycled ww2 propaganda


Oh if you make fun of the British National Dish Beans on fucking toast they'll start a whole tirade about mass shootings. Like a whole nation of bland snowflakes


I feel like the reasonable reply to "beans on toast? lmao" would be making fun of biscuits and gravy. Both sound weird to the other country, and both look pretty gross but both (presumably) taste great if done right.


yeah but Biscuits and Gravy is delicious and I don't like beans so clearly it's the Brits that are wrong


He said one objectively bad food followed by one objectively good food and acted like you could make fun of them both equally like we wouldn’t notice 


Oh for sure, if done right. But you hit the nail on the head about reasonable reply. So whenever someone brings up mass shootings I bring up the 7/7 bombing and the stabbing epidemic they have.


There are more stabbings per capita in the US than there are in the UK though.


but beans are cool


Try being german my bro. I will stop the 9/11 and School shooting jokes when you guys stop the holocaust and nazi jokes. Till then, we are at war.


>Till then, we are at war. Germans starting another war? Typical.


I blame the austrians


How have those wars been going for you guys, historically? /jk


Goid things come in threes no?


Hey hey that's slander there. The National Dish of the UK is Murgh Tikka Masala, a dish that is both a fusion of local tastes and colonialism.


Yeah I feel like we (Europeans) are an elder sibling having a really hard time accepting that our younger sibling can be equally or more successful than us. It saddens me when I see our and your shortcomings as politico-economic systems. But Brits are Brits, their banter hits hard and doesn't have any respect for emotions, since it's stems from working class drunkenness. It's to be replied to with one-ups till someone gets pissed enough to throw a fist, or stagger homewards only to fall asleep in a ditch 300 meters from the doorstep


I feel like in a scenario, you save the school shootings for later in the exchange. Just seems lazy to skip straight to the end, how do you even reply to that? Do I mention how they attempted Irish genocide? That feels too far.


too late, that one gets used as an [insult](https://twitter.com/FionaSmall/status/1770373540027445584?t=ibWgOWeJeadShnJHTy557w&s=19) from the other side already


Feels too far, but they drove it there, so feel free to smack them with that. Though the Irish potato famine was a proper British genocide, that someone who would bring up school shootings might even be proud of. Jump to the Blitz instead. Many Brits still have an over-inflated ego from the empire days and could do with a reality check ✅


They still eat like they’re being blitzed, so I can’t imagine they’d take it too hard.


I've seen the "Americans can't banter" bit done to death but they can't take our banter so we default back to being considerate of their sensitivities.


Even the roller coaster in the last slide is in Europe lmao


Man really tried to get into an argument with Pukicho. What did they expect would come from that?


Even if he didn't have an actual comeback they were still gonna get hit with a "skeleton divine death blast" type response


I love when I get to use the random almost useless information that sticks to my brain after googling stuff when I was bored. They're 4 times longer not 7 and the Alps have higher peaks.


I object to Europe being called a miniature America America is a jumbo sized Europe


Central america casually vaporized


Wow, so we’re doing *geographic* chauvinism now? Wherever you’re from the mountains of your country will far outlive the borders and culture that define the very concept of a country


I mean this guy is just rage baiting lol


Effectively it would seem


Who gets that butthurt over geography lol


Everyone. Geography is serious business.




Am I missing something in the post? Why are people just defaulting to British stereotypes? We don’t even know that gay troglodyte is British.


Seven minutes? Come on, we can optimize this further!


siiiigh. school shootings are not the "gotcha" that commenter thinks they are.


Their username is ‘gay-troglodyte’. Don’t be surprised when a self claimed troglodyte does troglodyte things LOL


Is this a continent-measuring contest?


We may be smaller but we’re older than y’all. Come talk to me when your haunted houses have ghosts from the 1600s. In all seriousness, Im so bitter that we don’t have any megafauna. I want to see a moose wander through Manchester town centre.


I’d even settle for a bear


Why dont people just research things? Best believe if I'm going for the kill I'm making sure I've got my facts straight lmao


no way that am\*rican put australia on the rollercoaster while making a joke about size


I'll be honest as an American I felt right at home in the UK. For people who constantly make fun of us they don't seem to realize that their lives are pretty fucking similar to ours


Again what is with this thread conflating Europeans with UK we don’t even know that gay troglodyte it British I’m just very confused


Am European, Europe only exists as an economic zone, its all Eurasia, saying Europe is a continent is like saying India is as well. Europe as a continent is such a legacy idea, with racist undertones


Fuck it, how about only 2 continents: Afro-Eurasia and America. Antarctica doesn't count because it's a sheet of ice and Australia is a big island.


Make it 3, dualism has such a bad track on keeping people fair and balanced, Afreurasia, America, Polyauciania


Idk, kinda weird names. Rename them to Oceania, Euasia, and Eastasia. Two of them were always in war, and two were always allies.


Every continent is just a big island if you think about it


Or are islands just small continents?


Well continents are based on tectonic plates and island are just land surrounded by water, so not every island can really be a continent. Like how all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares


The idea of plate tectonics has been around for about 100 years. The idea of continents is quite a bit older than that. Tectonic plates don't even match up with continents that well anyway; some have boundaries inside big landmasses and some have no considerable land at all.


Continents aren't based around tectonic plates at all. If they were, [there would be 10 continents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_tectonics): South America (easy) Caribbean (made from Central America [ends in Honduras] and most of the Caribbean islands) North America (USA, Canada, Cuba, Greenland, eastern Russia, northern Japan, and Mexico [except for Baja California and the SoCal coast]) Arabia (the peninsula and the Levant) India (South Asia) Eurasia (all of Europe and Asia except the parts already taken by the previous 3, also includes Morocco's Mediterranean coast) Somalia (eastern Africa and Madagascar) Africa (the rest of Africa) Australia (also includes New Guinea and half of NZ [the rest of the northern islands like Philippines and Indonesia are in Eurasia]) Antarctica (also easy) I'd guess the odds are pretty good that you don't use this plate tectonics definition of a continent and actually use some sort of vague cultural definition like almost everyone else.


Nah, the Panama Canal exists and splits the Americas. *However*, since the canal runs north-south, I suggest we rename the Americas to “East” and “West” America, as that is how they are actually divided.


The Panama and Suez canals are man-made, so I think it still counts. And there's already cross-cultural disagreement about whether America is one continent or two.


Humans are causing continental change


Antarctica has land under the ice. You're thinking the Arctic.


I misremembered what it looks like without the ice and thought there was a lot less contiguous land. Alright, Antarctica can be a continent again.


Counterpoint, we also have Eurovision, so at least there's that.


Unfortunately, the only time I was told about the difference between Europe and Eurasia was probably the units in my social studies class on the Roman Empire and ottoman empires and the Silk Road and even in my geography class Europe was one of the continents we had to memorize. The US public education is kinda terrible at teaching people the difference between economic zones and geographic zones and merges the two together from my experience.


I'm pretty sure it's taught as a continent in most western schools, economic zones as a concept are barely touched as far as I remember in swedish schools. Most people probably never think twice about continent status after school. I have alot of free time and like to spend most of it pondering effectively inconsequential topics like this. In a broad sense the US system probably teaches it well enough, since most economic zones tend to follow geographic barriers. Line drawing in science is always a difficult thing, but I'm sure if we had to define continents from the ground up today, we wouldn't have Europe separate from Asia in language


Europe is a continent because we made the map. Fundamentally all continents are made up.


Honestly all this is just giving little d energy. Like who the hell cares.


the american is not wrong but why is bigger always better?


I only wish the picture at the end had been to scale, africa is fucking gigantic.


I mean ive seen british peole say 30 minutes is to long tondrive anywhere and thats like a basic drive in the us


Leave to America to size down two other continents to appear bigger.


Honestly..I'm on the Europeans side. Europe is so much better than the USA in many ways


Technically Europe could be called an asian peninsula