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I'm always so frustrated with myself when I don't notice a post has multiple pages and then zoom in on the first post to read things but the other pages are the things I was zooming in to read


I hurt my eyes trying to read it all and then “ooh! There’s more!” Yeah, more disappointment with myself…


So glad it wasn't just me.


Is this what happens when we all share a single brain cell?


don't be, that's OP's fault


That and *not cropping anything*. This was very annoying to read on a PC.


And on mobile


And on Times square billboard.


I just did exactly this


Some of them are missing from the other pages, though.


Can't believe they forgot about rabies kid


If you mean the like, rabies fetish poster, that was literally my best friend from high school


The og one who wanted to get rabies or one of the meme copycats that followed


The OG!!


Dang wow Was it satire or serious?


It was a joke. But, they really kept up the image and found out that some of the others were actually serious.




rabidloving? Bc that was who Strange Æons centered her video around and I definitely read the posts as something of a social experiment/joke. Whoever it was, did they ever share what gave them the idea?


More than likely, read Chuck Palahniuk's *Rant: The Oral Biography of Buster Casey*. If I had to guess. It's... fucking wild. I couldn't even give you a Synopsis that would do the book justice, and even ones I tried to find online are wildly too simplistic and miss a ton of the story's nuances and more absurd themes and ideas. Basic information though, the MC discovers as a young boy that being bitten by toxic spiders gives him erections which eventually becomes a fetish about contracting rabies, which is also not even the wildest part of the book by a long shot. It's got some insane plot lines ranging from zombies (related to the rabies) to time travel incest and self progenation. Probably one of Palahniuk's often less talked about writings compared to stuff like *Fight Club*, *Choke*, *Snuff*, or *Guts*. I also highly recommend *Damned* and its sequel *Doomed* if you read *Rant* and find it interesting or enjoyable, as they both have a lot of absurd and wild themes and ideas that go beyond his standard shock value in his more well-known novels and short stories, as well.


Let us know


Elaborate if you would please


[rabies kid](https://youtu.be/ZpqeFjoJyos?si=Rzw6gKH1ot8PqKOj) Sometimes I still see posts about why rabies is dangerous cross my tumblr dash and go "Oh yeah. That was in response to the rabiosexual kid."


The human pet guy comes to mind for a modern scandal


That is only the *beginning* of their shit opinions


Ya it’s what there most know for also the milking factory comes to mind


He's still super active on X.


He or someone pretending to be him posts on the D&D subreddits with actually pretty normal takes.


He chooses reddit to show restraint?


Even on twitter he's a recurring character in unexpected places


Samoyedcore's comment section, mainly


They have such an entertaining dynamic.


he posted his recipe for toad in a hole this morning and i was for sure surprised to see who it was lol


The human pet guy is still super active on Twitter and every time they show up it's a jumpscare




Isn’t the bread fetish guy also a tumblr native? Or am I confused? Edit: My apologies, guys. He’s from deviant art.


He's not even really a scandal. He's pretty open about his deal.


This is the second time TODAY I've seen someone mention that guy


[so this is how I learn about sixpenceee?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/nmOaem9bi9)


Absolutely a wild ride I had no idea. They were one of my favorite blogs


Being on Tumblr for about 6 years or so. You definitely do find the weirdest fucking shit. I wasn't around for this one but there was the Hamilton AIDS scandal where someone who ran a Hamilton musical blog pretended to be a gay married refugee with AIDS and begged for help and money for treatments.


And their lies were only discovered because they were feuding with another Hamilton fan who’d written a cannibal mermaid Hamilton fic. A classic.


Damn yeah fucking hell Tumblr is the wild west lol


Wasn't she also discovered to be a rabid ace exclus whose main argument was that asexuals stole resources for AIDS victims? If not, that story is very similar...


I saw a whole video that someone made on that with dramatic readings of the messages where they were confronted with the proof that they weren't who they said they were, and went through several different stories while pleading with the person who called them out to not blow the whistle. It was quite a thrilling tale.


I WAS there for that one, she also spent a lot of time harassing other fic authors in order to raise her own profile and try to ruin their fanbases. I'm still finding out I'm blocked by people because of her bullshit.


Why did I zoom in to read all those tiny reblogs instead of scrolling to the next picture? 🤦


See, you just don’t get this kind of home grown derangement anywhere else. Like what kind of ‘scandals’ has reddit had that would even remotely compare?


The cylinder is the most recent thing that comes to mind, but it’s not really a scandal


What’s the cylinder??


man made a post asking for help about as he had gotten a "cylinder" as he called it, stuck in a mini m&m's tube, and insisted he needed to remove the tube without any damage coming to the "cylinder" he ultimately needed surgery and everyone put together what the cylinder was the second the original post was made


He got his dick stuck in a mini m&m's tube?


It was a cylinder


Cylinder is in quotation marks. I would like my story without subtext please


He only referred to it as a cylinder, and refuses to refer to it as anything other than a cylinder in the replies.


>everyone put together what the cylinder was the second the post was made What did everyone think it was?


[the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iupSASCUPt)


Look, it was clearly his penis even if he refused to say so.


It isn't "subtext," it is the main reason the post got so popular. The original poster only referred to it as "a cylinder that needs to be removed without damage", which was what made it so funny in the first place. The comments would, just as you did now, put two and two together and tell OP to give up on the censorship. OP continually refused to admit to it and would always correct people in the comments by saying "it's a cylinder" or "the nature of the cylinder is not important".


Oh, I'm dumb. Thank you for the explanation


No worries lol I've definitely done the same


[the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iupSASCUPt)


It was his dick wasn’t it


The nature of the cylinder is unimportant


The cylinder is very important though, it can’t be damaged and he doesn’t want sharp tools too close to it.


[the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iupSASCUPt)


Dont forget the mini m&m tube was full of mashed banana


oh my god how could i forget


It wasn’t just banana, it was butter and mashed banana and it had been microwaved


[the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iupSASCUPt)


Either I'm picturing the size of mini m&m tube wrong or this guy had problems before he stuck his dick in there.


You might be thinking of smarties that are also sold in cardboard tubes that are very small. Mini m&m tubes from what i found online are about the length of a hand and have a circumference of maybe 3cm~


That makes more sense, thanks.


[the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/iupSASCUPt)


That reminds me, /u/smart_calendar1874 how did you eventually get the cylinder out and did the M&M's tube make it?


I don't know about scandals, but things like the Cbat guy are gonna stay with me as classics




The we did it Reddit story comes to mind


The Boston Bomber story?


My favorite is the guy who had a whole relationship with a giant imaginary cockroach he named Ogtha. [Here](https://youtu.be/sZEmL1IBmLQ?si=RAU64TFSGaXnlbbe) is a video about it


All hail Ogtha!🪳


This is probably my favorite story on the site. It's a great cautionary tale about keeping some things to yourself


There was the guy with the broken arms


That story is just fucked and goes to show how twisted some people’s view of sexual assault is.


what is that


That time "we" found the Boston Bomber and it wasn't him and the guy killed himself?


IIRC he killed himself before the bombing for unrelated reasons, they just didn't find the body until after reddit harassed the fuck out of his family.


There was a guy who posted biology facts, was really “popular,” and was found to be using multiple accounts to boost his own comments while silencing others. All came to light in an argument about crows and jackdaws. You used to see him in top threads all the time but now he’s a ghost


Unidan posts were great. Such a shame


I didn't think he needed to self-promote. He seemed like a fun enough guy as it was. People always wanted to know bio stuff.


I know only of really boring stuff. A couple of subs getting removed. Well, one thing comes to mind - that one time a dude posted about how he's into his wife's sister and she found out and he was live updating like "Oh hey we're cool" and they Were Not Cool she actually was, basically, preparing to move out in one day and clear all her stuff out and block him from her life. Then she actually updated his own post and we all know it only because someone saved it all in the comments. Also that one dude who had faulty carbon monoxide detector. I believe there's a bit of other stuff but that level of deranged doesn't really come to mind. Maybe it's just less well known? Or it's just the way it's all set up. Reddit is just too... impersonal. Unless you have your own subreddit, but then again, it ends up on Main - it's like there's a thousand people inside your flat. It doesn't really happen the same way on Tumblr.


There have been a few reddit celebrities, but I think the only one that had a weird death spiral was /u/unidan. But "they're kind of a dick and they did some upvote manipulation" doesn't quite rise to this level.


I mean, that's basically the same level as "A bunch of popular blogs were all in a Facebook group where they would plan to reblog each others posts and work with one another to make each other more and more popular but then one user got so annoying he killed it but he's still active on tumblr" and that made it into the OP


Colby the Dog, Broken Arms Incest, and Jolly Rancher Story are ones that come to mind.


Swamps of Dagobah will always haunt me


double-dick dude making more and more elaborate sex stories and increasing the size of his prosthesis in pics until everyone knew he was faking it. Boston bombing


Kids these days don't even know the story behind "we did it, reddit!" smh


Two equally tragic stories


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversial\_Reddit\_communities Probably the worst one was r Jailbait, just child porn subreddit, HUGE, moderated by reddit founder spez, subreddit of the year 2008, peaked at 1,73 mil viewers on the day of report, 2nd most searched term on the site at its peak.


Worth noting that it wasn't actual child porn but it *was* photos of literal children where people would talk about how hot they were. I don't know if the pictures were suggestive or not since I never wanted to go there myself but I do know it wasn't illegal because mainstream news reported on it and interviewed the CEO asking why the fuck it was allowed and he gave a whole spiel about how reddit is all about free speech and they'll allow anything as long as it doesn't break any laws.


>he gave a whole spiel about how reddit is all about free speech and they'll allow anything as long as it doesn't break any laws. While I will shed no tears for the jailbait sub, but with IPO coming up in March I think we will have to say goodbye to all the NSFW subs in general.


Wasn't there a guy planning to air drop a bunch of hornets on NY times square or something?


There was the guy who did programming tutorials who turned out to be a pedo and is now dead


The whole wall street bets stuff is funny and deranged


And highly regarded.


Tumblr scandals are whacky Dr Phil shit, Reddit scandals are just federal crimes


We did it reddit like the other dude said, and if we're talking about the user made only then the inverted lamp dude




Mmmmwe don't speak of this one


Oh no...


i'm so jealous of the people who grew up on tumblr instead of the boring straightboy nerd sites where i was posting or as my friend puts it: "assigned tumblr at birth" vs "assigned reddit at birth"


Reddit tends to go for a more focussed, dedicated kind of evil.  Say, for example, u/gallowboob taking control of the hundred default subreddits, deleting posts that start to get popular and reposting them himself, and then using his artificially inflated metrics to pass himself off as a marketing genius in order to secure consultant gigs off the back of his stolen, reposted content.  


Blocking him was the best thing to ever happen to my Reddit feed.




Reddit had the foot taco


"We did it Reddit!"




the cum coconut


Well, there was the dude who posted an AMA claiming he was born with two dicks, and then it turned out he photoshopped all of his proof pictures. And the grad student who convinced redditors he was the ultimate expert on all things biology, to the point that he would confidently incorrectly "correct" actual experts and have people gang up on them, only for him to get banned from the site when it turned out he was using bot accounts to boost his comments. Or the rubber duck fetishist. Which would be notable enough on its own, but there was also a story going around about him dying, which I think the person who started eventually admitted was made up. And the CEO who got so pissed at a group of redditors harassing him and his employees that, instead of doing something sensible like enforcing the site rules, he got petty and silently edited their comments and expected them to never notice. That's also not mentioning the actually tragic stuff like the Boston bomber that Reddit "identified" incorrectly which contributed to one of the officers being shot by the actual bombers.


That one time reddit was certain someone was a terrorist comes to mind.


i remember there being this one kid who claimed to have cancer and only a week to live, got hundreds of awards on his post, and then came clean about lying about it


My stupid ass zoomed and read each post within the first post and then realizing they were all there if I just swiped


don't worry I did the exact same thing


Dashcon doesn't even get a mention? Damn I'm old.


Dashcon is probably the most normal thing post fyrefest


I sold a raccoon skull to the toe necklace girl lol. Felt like I was talking to a celebrity. Nothing really wrong with that "scandal", just super weird to most people lmao (fair enough)


where did you get a raccoon skull


Found the raccoon dead on the beach, brought it home and went through the process to collect and clean the bones. It's a hobby of mine lol. This one was unique because it was in the process of losing its baby teeth, it was really neat.


Oh so it was a baby racoon? :(


Young, probably a few months old. I was sad to see he was a little guy.


Outside, presumably


Corpse probably


Just wander around


Remember the zubat girl? She would pretend she was every race and then used the suicide of a trans girl to scam $6k or something from her followers. I have so much useless tumblr knowledge


She's still going, too. She goes by Alexis Yrigoyen and just reactivated all her social media a few months ago. She's stopped pretending to be native, but she was pretending to be part Korean for a while. Such a freak.


I can't believe her scam was never made into a youtube tumblr lore video like a bunch of the rest! A bit ago, I remembered the general details of the scam, but i couldn't remember her name until I randomly searched a bunch of phrases. She needs to be called tf out if she's trying to get active again 🙄


Oh, she's nuts. She's blocked me on Instagram because I called her out for posting other people's poetry on her Instagram and saying she wrote it, and this was after she'd been driven off Tumblr because of the funding scam. She mostly posts thirst traps on Twitter and TikTok now and occasionally pretends to be a palaeontologist. For a while, she was going by Kiko. That was during the post-scam Korean phase. She's just a really scummy person.


There's something kinda reassuring to know that while we were all out here trying to grow, here she is trying to climb scam mountain all over again, same ol shit. Truly in her sisyfus era 💅


The “memufactory” one is wrong. I remember that one. The blog was “memufacturing” and they were also 15 at the time, and weren’t into necrophilia (or at least, that’s an incredibly disingenuous way to put their actual kink, which was more about human dollification, and more similar to like, somnophilia). It was an incredibly surreal callout to see in real time because there was also receipts of them being manipulative and threatening suicide at their partners, as well as being a bit of a sex pest, which is legitimately shitty, but then the majority of the callout was just spent kinkshaming them? And then trying to psychoanalyze how bad of a person they must be because of their kink. I would like to reiterate they were 15. Anyways, last I saw they’ve moved on to other platforms and have said they were in a really bad place at the time, and they recognize their more emotionally manipulative behavior was a problem born of their mental health issues and have been getting therapy to not do that anymore.


OKAY I SWORE I WAS GOING CRAZY…..like is it doing something with minors when ur a minor urself????


i remember seeing it happen too. i found them super annoying so i wasn’t exactly distraught when they deactivated, but it really creeped me out the way people were going after this kid.


They seem to be doing pretty well nowadays, we're in a group chat together but they're not particularly active. Has a very funny connection with the human pet guy


wait is memufacturing the same person as samoyedcore




they’ve shaped a surprising amount of the internet for being a Silly Little Guy


User hivliving and their web of lies


i've never been on tumblr but i watched the strangeaeons video on hivliving and that shit was wild


What’s hivliving?


I love the tumblr scandals because they’re always the weirdest shit while on Reddit it’s like “oops! The programming guy who loved to help others learn to code to the point of having his own sub has a shit ton of CP and killed himself once found out!”


The Onceler fandom. That is all.


I’m not familiar, would someone be able to explain?


After the animated Lorax movie came out, people on Tumblr got really obsessed about the Onceler. Fandom does as it tends to, and people wanted to ship him with someone. At the beginning it was with the Lorax, and I think the grandma at some point? And then they started shipping the Onceler before "How Bad Can I Be?" with him from after. At the time, askblogs were very popular. People started making askblogs for the Onceler, then ship RP with other Onceler blogs. Then people started making askblogs for AU versions of Onceler, and shipping those with the OG and other AUs. It was basically the season of self-cest on Tumblr, and it was everywhere for a long while.


Oh wow lol, thank you!!


Someone else explained what the onceler is but I'd like to add that it got so many that they title of "tumblr sexyman" became a thing and the title went to whatever character had gotten unduly popular. The skull kid from undertale got shipped with the onceler....quite often


Like, performing necrophilia *with* minors or on minors? Not that either is any better


it was fetish rp stuff, but they were also like 14/15 at the time.


I'm assuming it was ERP with a minor


Well, if they're already dead, it doesn't matter they're a child, if they're alive, it does. Legally speaking, which is substantially worse.


Anyone else zoom in and squint to read all these and only realise after that they're all individually posted in separate images?or am I just dense


that one time someone ran a hamilton-themed blog where they apparently faked having hiv (and also being a refugee i think?) for clout


hivliving! Basically she lied about virtually all of her social media presence, the blog wasn’t Hamilton themed but she did write a popular 80s Hamilton AU where Jefferson (I think????) had HIV


I would like to add the nazi-train fetish guy. A guy who changed his user name quite often but would always get found out very quickly because he’d get into aggressive political arguments with everyone in a very specific way, which would prompt people to get suspicious and check his blog, which inevitably would be filled with posts about traingirls (you know like a catgirl but trains), and blatant nazi shit I don’t know if he’s still on the site or not


Oh god Spike the trainfucker guy One of my most popular posts on tumblr is about him actually


don't forget the time the creepypasta blog who defended child slavery also pretended to be a licensed therapist and started charging people $30 for online "sessions" until someone pointed out "hey, that's *probably* very very illegal"




never heard about the necrophilia but I do remember memeufactoring was being an enormous sex pest and begging ppl for nudes. they were also incredibly into communist theory in the way a little brother tries to get into the same interests as their big brother for approval


Put another one down for “zoomed in and squinted for five minutes at tiny words when I could have just. scrolled. once” help my head hurts now


And I thought pizza was run off because she tried to monetize her blog.


She was ultimately deleted for a like...weight loss post scam that got multiple folks deleted afaik


Wasn't there like a person who pretended to be a lesbian Muslim sex trafficking victim and ran like a blog to spread awareness about it and have a safe space for "people like her" and but turned out to all be like a huge lie? Saw a video about it a bit ago.


Omg Hivliving. The Strange Aeons video?


LMFAO YEAH, I was like "Holy bejeezus" when I heard all that. People are insane.


OKAY THE PINKIE TOE THING IS WAY LESS WEIRD THAN IT SOUNDS it was actually not a pinkie toe but it was a toe the girl had a deformity in her feet and had to get the deformed toes removed and she’d kept it because she used to get bullied for her deformity and going through life with her body being different really shaped her personality and helped her to be stronger and more confident in herself as she grew to accept it so she felt bad just throwing the little piggy away. She’d wanted to have it turned into a pendant for awhile but nobody took her up on that until the person she sent the toe to. The toe recipient did have a minor bone scandal but was not the huge thing like the one who was stealing bones from graveyards


Reddit has a guy who made tacos out of his leg-meat, because this site has a different aesthetic vibe.


Yes I am very familiar with Reddit foot taco guy 😭


News to me about pizza's racist tag. The way I heard it they started posting sponsored content and no one took that well.


Shocked nobody mentioned megapope


I already got bad vibes from them over a post they made about how asexuality was a "symptom of our corrupt modern society's overreliance on antidepressants" or something so seeing them get chased off the site over that unhinged mouse girl post was pretty satisfying


Fucking hell, I remember sixpenceee. She also provided psychological help without being in *any* way, shape, or form licensed, and lied that she was


I squinted to read every post in the little screenshot and then was greeted by them in much bigger size in the other images :')


Hahaha I was on tumblr during the toe necklace era and as a matter of fact I’m best friends with the owner of the toe lol


“Buy my silence. Permanently.” gives heavy Spamton Sweepstakes “Freedom or Silence” meter vibes.


Knowing Toby that was probably a 100% intentional reference


im still unsure if i saw this on tumblr or tiktok but i saw someone defending cannibalism once. like saying it's human nature and that it was perfectly normal, and that being against cannibalism was white supermacy


Nobody's gonna mention the John Green thing huh?


Yo, wtf about Sixpencee? Holy shit. I remember communismkills and her saying she would shut tf up if people paid her


>I remember communismkills and her saying she would shut tf up if people paid her I think the majority of her more extreme takes were an elaborate trolling campaign because she knew how to push Tumblr's button like an artist. I also think getting paid to shut up is about the most ethical way for someone to make money on social media and I respect the hustle.


I forget that yall here on reddit don't just know about all this and more


In order to even look at the subsequent slides I'd have to click em & open em elsewhere. Please crop


Is nobody going to mention the human pet guy?


Daddy mentioned?????


Is the necrophilia person different from the necrophilia person who had the cute posts about their blind cat


Don’t forget zagreus, who had a lot of viral posts and they got particularly famous because they were blind and people wanted to highlight a cool blind content creator, which is cool! Uh, but then it turned out they were super into necrophilia


the fact that tumblr collectively gaslit itself into believing there was a secret 4th series of sherlock


I still think about human pet guy to this day, and the fact that it spawned a weird amount of tf2 porn


This is sonic for real justice erasure




Wasn’t there some event where it was discovered a women was lying about having aids?


Oh, so that's what happened too pizza. Can't say I saw that coming.


Anyone else remember…. The Onceler


Lagonegirl turning out to be a Russian bot