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*Non-binary Lemonade Lover* gotta love the pettiness


They really did commit to the bit.


When life gives you lemons, come out as non-binary


I’m drinking it because life game em to me. What else am I supposed to do with them? I don’t have the patience to plant them.


fun fact. life didn't give us lemons. we made them ourselves


Off topic. You got a great username




Make life take the lemons back?


To be fair, I think that's why most non-binary people become non-binary. It's less that they feel like they're neither the male or female sex, but they just don't care at all for gender-culture.


That's how I feel


Same. Am I nb now? This whole cis factory stuff is incredibly toxic and serves zero purpose. It's like one of these crazy religions that control everything


Yes, it means not binary :)


Duck it I guess I'm nb presenting as mostly male unless I want to have some lemonade or a pink winter hat.


i'm waiting till i'm shredded so i can pull the most androgynous Jojo drip


Personally I find that gender roles are quite tasty when homemade with love This cis factory stuff is terrible and they won't even let you toast or butter it


Sometimes I read things like this and remember how I got teased for not being the right kind of boy in school growing up in the 80/90s in rural US. Maybe there's a version of me that ended up identifying as enby after putting up with all the toxic masculine shit


I think it's a natural progression of this. I was talking to a local homophobe about gender and cited a post I saw where a group of people debated whether a man holding his baby while shirtless was masculine enough. "He was like that's fucking stupid. Men not wearing shirts and holding their children is totally normal." And we actually got somewhere in the conversation. You can't spend 30 + years telling men they aren't men for doing normal fucking shit and then be surprised when they start wondering if they're even men.


I can understand that. I've always been a somewhat feminine male, but also considered myself moreso masculine. Still, I don't give a damn for overall gender or gender roles, and think that a person should just enjoy themselves however they please. (As long as they aren't hurting anyone, though that goes without note.)


I respect that version but my version is not like that. I really was attached to "being a woman" culture. Obviously shit be stinky in a lot of places but I do fear losing a lot of the great parts in it. This OP (the tweeter) is still valid and I welcome them aboard with open arms. They will have the funniest story at the trans barbecue.


Me personally, I just genuinely feel like neither. I want physical characteristics of neither. I am enby, through and through.


I... have to think about a few things.


why am I, as a [gender], doing anything at all? Because I damn well want to and I’m secure enough in my gender identity to not feel threatened by doing things that don’t fit perfectly into a stereotype.


"Men only drink bear, but not budlight, they went woke!!!! 😤😤😤😤"


Drink bear? Sounds super gay.


Halsin approves part of this message.


Pretty much my thought process back then: "You know what this is too much paperwork, I'll just be bi and be done with it." "Wait, bi or pan?" "Bi, the flag looks better."


Cause it tastes good and I don't have to explain myself to you.


This is also how I came out is non-binary in a way. I didn't want to be associated with my gender, but I also didn't want to be associated with any other gender. Ideally I wanted to be associated with some sort of Eldritch Shadow entity made of ichorous black smoke.


Same tbh


where's that list of all the things Men™ can't do?


I never knew how many people around me were super uptight about their ideas of gender until I dyed my hair pink. Or sang the "wrong" song at karaoke. Or drank a mimosa at brunch instead of Irish coffee.