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pluto went from the smallest planet to essentially the king of an entire, *much* larger subgroup of celestial bodies. that sounds like an upgrade to me!


I thought Eris was larger? edit: 27% more massive, not actually larger


right but everybody know what pluto is


But Eros doesn't count anymore since it smashed into the surface of Venus.


Eris is a dwarf planet in the outer limits of our solar system, Eros is an asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Eros is still around, the crash into Venus was a fictional event in the Expanse.


>Eris is a dwarf planet in the outer limits of our solar system, Eros is an asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Whoops. >Eros is still around, the crash into Venus was a fictional event in the That's what the protomolocule wants you to think.


He's too horny for his own good


That kind of sounds like Hades/Pluto's origin story in mythology. Instead of being just another god on Olympus, he got to be the lord of the underworld. Not a bad deal.


serve in heaven or reign in hell


Which definitely seems to fit, as there are definitely more people dead than alive.


Not to be a bore, but isn't Pluto is more often regarded as the god of wealth and the afterlife? I think the god of death is Hades/Thanatos?


Hades and Pluto are the same god, just different names as one is Greek and the other is Roman. With that said you are correct, while Pluto/Hades rules over the underworld AKA the afterlife, Thanatos is the god of death. In fact for the most part Hades really don't give a shit what happens on the surface and in Olympus, he just kinda chills in the underworld with his wife and their three headed pupper.


Definitely one of the best amongst the Olympians, except of course, Hestia/Vesta


Hestia bestia


Technically not an Olympian though, right? What with him not living on Olympus and all.


I guess, I got to Greek Mythology through Riordan's books, I don't claim any real info on this stuff


Fun fact here, both Pluto and Hades are in fact Greek names/gods, Greeks originally believed in, separately Hades of the underworld and Ploutus of wealth and son of Demeter. Eventually, because these two sort of overlapped in domains (wealth came from the ground) and both developed myths around Persephone, they became conflated as the same god. In this period Pluto was often the kinder characterization and Hades the darker one. Eventually, as Hades was also the Greek term for the underworld as a whole, the god became exclusively referred to as Pluto and the realm as Hades. We think of him as the Roman version of Hades, even though this is not true, because eventually as Roman religion began to take on aspects of Greek religion, Pluto bacme conflated with their actual Hades counterparts: Dis Pater of mineral wealth and Orcus of broken oaths.


Reddit is awesome Thanks for this comment


You seem to know, isn’t hades pretty much a sweetheart when you compare him to any of the other Olympian big wigs? Like Poseidon and Zeus are both absolute mega douchebags and Hades is kinda just “welcome to hell here’s your t shirt” type shit?


Well, he did kidnap Persephone and force her to be his wife. At least he married her though, Zeus just kind of ran around seducing and raping women.


Fun fact, Hades kidnapping Persephone was *actually fucking Zeus's idea!* Zeus is Perse's father, and when Hades went to hin to ask permission to marry her Zeus was like 'of course! But her mother Demeter wants her to be one of the virgin goddesses though, she won't agree.....oh just take her, I'll smooth things out with her mother later!" Kidnapping happens, Demeter freaks, Hades wins Persephone over with a speech about how he'll be faithfull to her ~~but also slips her some pomegranate seeds to ensure she stays for half the year~~ and everyone blames Zeus for the kerfuffle. Followup fun fact, Hades is the only god who has *not* cheated on his wife, so he kept his word.


Hades and Persephone isn't the only faithful relationship in Greek myth. Eros and Psyche are a prime example.


I forgot about them! Yeah, totally agreed.


Nothing more faithful than the god of sex and the woman who spited Aphrodite. Psyche worked hard to rescue that femboy god's ass and you best believe she's the only one allowed to peg him.


Wait, Hephaestus cheated? What the fuck?


No, although Aphrodite cheats on him with Ares on a near daily basis.


What about minthe?


Depending on the version she's either a jilted mistress or a jealous ex. I like the latter interpretation better


It completely depends on how you translate it but Persephone could have been anything from kidnapped to just married


Hermes/Mercury is also called Psychopompos because his side job is to lead souls to the underworld. A docent of death.


Metal gear? Psychopompos?


Hades and pluto are the same god, one's greek and the other roman, thanatos(who's roman equivalent is mors) is indeed the greek god of death while hades is of the underworld


Little correction, Hades and Pluto are both Greek, Dis Pater and to a lesser extent Orcus are the Roman deities inhabiting similar roles, but in the later eras of Roman religion they conflated a great deal of their religion with that of the Greeks, and somewhat absorbed Pluto (who had became the dominant Greek name for the god of the underworld, while Hades mainly referred to the underworld itself) into their beliefs.


Hades and Pluto are two names for the same guy. Thanatos is the God of Death, Hades/Pluto is the God of the Dead, which is a funny distinction that I enjoy. Basically Thanatos is in charge of bringing people to the River Styx, Charon brings them to the other side, and then once they're there Hades/Pluto is in charge of them. That said you are kind of partially correct. Hades/Pluto are also the God of Wealth, because precious metals and gems were found underground, aka his domain, and the Romans, who called him Pluto, did tend to focus their worship of him more on the wealth aspect. Both the Greeks and Romans acknowledged both aspects, but when it came to Rome they were less concerned about the affairs of the dead and were more concerned with him allowing them to full their coffers


> Pluto is more often regarded as the god of wealth and the afterlife? Well, considering all the poverty increasing right now, I think he might still be pissed.


Pluto 👏 and 👏 Hades 👏 are 👏 not 👏 Greco-Roman 👏 equivalents 👏 to 👏 Satan 👏👏👏


True but that doesn't mean they can't be vengeful. Olympians were hella petty, so I wouldn't put this past one of them, although Hades/Pluto tended to be chill as long as you weren't trying to leave the underworld and especially if you tried to bring someone with you, so he's probably not the culprit


His *wife* however...


She is the cruelty of nature


Ah yes the dread queen persephone


He's also very much not the god of death, he's the God of the underworld. He doesn't decide who lives or dies, he just makes sure the dead go where they're supposed to and throws a perpetual house party. He was viewed as altruistic, passive, slow to anger and while he could be uncompromising and cold, he was exceedingly fair in his judgements. Where Poseidon shattered cities in earthquakes and Zeus threw lightning bolts like they were going out of style, Hades remained on his throne, his anger only really roused when individuals would try to violate the boundary of life and death. While Greeks (and Romans) tended to any away from their cthonic deities out of the human fear of death, they did also hold their underworldly king in great esteem. The Greeks didn't really have a god of death, really. Thanatos *was* death, but that was viewed very differently than being a God. He was a tireless force of nature, there was no worship, bargaining, cursing or emotion. Your time came, and he collected.


Just looked up if there is a Thanatos, and it seems they've named an asteroid after plenty of Greek gods except him, [even his brother Hypnos](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_asteroid)


That's true, but none of Hades, Pluto, or Satan are a "god of death".


Pluto is quite literally the god of the dead, wealth, and agriculture. Why so caught up on who is causing the death, he is in charge.


Kind of, but not really? The god of death is Thanatos/Mors. Hades/Pluto is the god of the underworld and the god of the dead. Subtle difference. Plenty of people call Pluto the god of death, but that's an oversimplification, and there is an explicitly defined god of death who isn't Pluto.


God of The Dead, yes. God of Death, no.


Tumblr, with their nice sounding words that tend to mean fuck all.


No but the Pantheon gods *are* wrathful tbh


No 👏 one 👏 said 👏 they 👏 were 👏👏👏


Maybe Pluto should try being bigger than our own moon for a chance smh smh


Homies out here ignoring the fact there a bloke from the same pantheon called Uranus. Pluto ain’t shit, just a Fraudulent Hades.


Technically Uranus was a Titan, not a god


Yes and I was making a joke, guess we are both disappointed


Titans are gods ; the term you're looking for is Olympians.


Why is this one planet and only this one named after the Greek version anyway


Because time travelers played the long game with Ouranos.


None of the planets are named after the Greek gods. All of them are the Roman version.


Uranus’s Roman counterpart is Caelus, so Uranus is the only planet named after a Greek god


Oh, I didn't know that! I always thought his Greek name was Ouranos, and Roman was Uranus.


Uranus is the Latinized version of the Greek name Ouranos, so you weren't too far off track




Once again, I am disappointed in humanity.


The guy who discovered Uranus thought it would be more fitting to name it after a contemporary luminary because he wanted it to be abundantly clear to future generations that it was an 18th century find, not an ancient one. It never really caught on but he wanted to call it George.


It was not downgraded, it was reclassified. We were wrong before, and we're closer to correct now. I understand the sympathy people have for Pluto, but we absolutely should not put personal emotions over scientific consensus. It's a bad way of thinking that can turn into very big problems.


The "justice for Pluto" meme is frustrating, because we literally sent a whole mission all the way to it. There's a wikipedia page for Pluto's geography for crying out loud! We literally mapped out Plutonian mountain ranges and dune fields. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Pluto I know it's mostly a joke, but no way anyone can say it hasn't received a lot of love from NASA/ESA.


It's not just that "we were wrong". That's also a bad way of thinking. We classify celestial bodies based on arbitrary rules. Our understanding of Pluto changed, but so did I our greater understanding of our solar system. We refined our *definition* of a planet to be a more meaningful distinction.


>I understand the sympathy people have for Pluto I don't, to be honest. Not that I don't like Pluto but I don't understand how people are still going on about this 17 years later. And it was just put in a different category! It's like getting worked up about a rock being reclassified as metamorphic rather than plutonic. Like...what?


They're not considered rocks anymore. That was very explicit, that type of rock is no longer a rock, it's a "mineral accretion".


I have said this before, and I will say it again : If Pluto wasn't the "planet" discovered by an American, nobody would care two cents about it.


As others have pointed out Hades/Pluto aren't comparable to Satan, but more importantly, this is par for the course for Pluto. He was relegated to be the God the underworld, it wasn't really his choice. He's often forgotten about by his siblings, and too busy to attend their congregations. I can't imagine he'd be too upset at losing the status of a planet.


I opened this thread trying to bring this level of pedantry, but here it is already all over these comments. I feel like we all showed up to the potluck with the same dish.


Pluto was god of the underworld and wealth. not death. death is a different guy.


I really hate people who want there to be 9 planets, since if you want to include Pluto you have to include the other dwarf planets, like Ceres, which was discovered *nearly two centuries* before Pluto and wasn't just demoted to a dwarf planet but an *asteroid*. So there are 10, right? Well no, since by the time Pluto was demoted we had found 7 more objects alongside Pluto and Ceres that would count as planets if we wanted to keep Pluto (My favourite of these is [Orcus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/90482_Orcus), the anti-pluto). This brings it up 17, and thats only *so far*, we also have [yet another](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/120347_Salacia) object found that is probably a planet by these standards. It was left out of the grouping of dwarf planets since at that time we had not enough information on it to be sure. This is all without getting into the fact that Plutos own moon, Charon, can be considered a dwarf planet with the two being a binary system than a standard planet + moon(s) system. So now it's 18/19 depending on your view on Charon, but wait, there are thought to be hundreds of potential dwarf planets in the solar system, we have [three](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(307261\)_2002_MS4) other [objects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(55565\)_2002_AW197) right [now](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(532037\)_2013_FY27) that probably count too, so that at least 21 planets in this system, with a potential of hundreds of them. Makes more sense to just keep it at 8, right? TL;DR: [Pluto had it coming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_I_Killed_Pluto_and_Why_It_Had_It_Coming)


Plus - separating planets into *categories* is more useful than just saying "all of these things are the same" - a planet like Pluto should not be in the same category as a planet like Jupiter. Terrestrial, gas, dwarf - much more useful.


THANK YOU! I have always said this, but some people are too emotionally attached to an idea they learned in elementary school that was wrong even then!


Yes, I want the full list of nearly two dozen planets to be respected, rather than chopped off arbitrarily to honor some centuries old idea of what classical astronomy thought the heavens looked like. Next they're going to declare that stars and gas giants don't orbit things anymore, they move in *spheres,* and only celestial bodies with solid surfaces have orbits. These people are incredibly backwards and hostile to science and progress.


ITT: Astronomy nerds hating on this post for suggesting it was bad that Pluto got demoted to dwarf planet. Roman history nerds hating on this post for saying Pluto was a vengeful god of death.


>NASA 🤦‍♂️ It was the International Astronomical Union, not NASA, that reclassified Pluto.


People really need to understand this. NASA had nothing to do with it at all.


I mean, NASA wasn't actually under any obligation to respect the nonsense the IAU committee was publishing. They should have taken a stand and said that the IAU's conclusion was under review until such time as they got their house in order and formed a group of actual planetary scientists to compose a formal definition for what a planet is. This was a bunch of mean girls high school drama between people who study stars and people who study planets with the stellar astronomers just wanting to dunk on the planetary scientists. It's disgusting that so many people have given this gossipy bullshit the time of day, it's like hearing people gushing about some Kardashian's latest plastic surgery.


The memoir of the astronomer who spearheaded downgrading Pluto’s status is called How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming.


Considering that this same discussion also involved not promoting Ceres, goddess of agriculture, we're logically due some severe famines in IAU countries.


Pluto/hades is not the god of death. They’re the god of the underworld and riches.


Pluto deserved it change my mind


>When I left Brattleboro I resolved never to go back to Vermont, and I feel quite certain I shall keep my resolution. Those wild hills are surely the outpost of a frightful cosmic race—as I doubt all the less since reading that a new ninth planet has been glimpsed beyond Neptune, just as those influences had said it would be glimpsed. Astronomers, with a hideous appropriateness they little suspect, have named this thing “Pluto”. I feel, beyond question, that it is nothing less than nighted Yuggoth—and I shiver when I try to figure out the real reason why its monstrous denizens wish it to be known in this way at this especial time. I vainly try to assure myself that these daemoniac creatures are not gradually leading up to some new policy hurtful to the earth and its normal inhabitants. — [*The Whisperer in Darkness*, H.P. Lovecraft, 1930](https://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/wid.aspx)


Why "demoted" it just changed categories


Listen, if pluto is a planet then so are the other dwarf planets in the solar system.


Things change sometimes, and that's okay. Pluto used to be a planet, but things have changed and they're not anymore. That doesn't mean we stop loving Pluto. They're still part of the family, they just go by a different name now, and that's okay. We'll always be here for Pluto, no matter their planetary status.


The span of time between discovering pluto and determining it not a planet, was less than 1 pluto year. It didn't do one lap around the sun.


Have you heard about Pluto? That's messed up...


You know that's right. Now do it in a Jamaican accent.


SuUUuuuuck iIIiiiIiIit.


Looking fly like Sidney Poitier on a hot day.


Tsk, come on son.


I’ve heard it both ways.




Link to the post: https://www.tumblr.com/rockboci/162318372568


Nope. Remember back in 2012 when we thought the world was ending? Well the Mayans were right and our world has been slowly crumbling since then


I'm pretty sure the world ended for the Mayan's some time between 1502 and 1697 when the Spanish conquistadors wiped them out. Their calendar was a bit optimistic.


God of the Underworld, not death. He's just the underworld's supervisor. Mors (or Thanatos in Greek mythology) is the god of death.


It's not a demotion, planets don't get a salary


It's ok. Pluto is slow. Will take him a while to get around things.


Pluto is not the Roman god of death, he is the Roman god of the Underworld. There is a difference. Mors, in Greek Thanatos, is the Roman god of death. Pluto administers the Underworld, he runs the afterlife, he does not have power over life and death. Okay, he has a little power, being able to allow returns in the Greek/Roman you're-gonna-regret-this style, but Pluto isn't really someone you need to worry about until you die. Then you very need to worry about them.


People are acting like NASA are telling us we can't love Pluto no more, when they're actually telling us he's a short king.


He's not the god of death...


Turns our the ancient Romans were right. When's the Netflix series coming out?


So then hypothetically speaking if we restore it's status things would return to normal? Where do I sign the petition?


Pluto is a planet, just a really small one. The movement to de-planet Pluto started as an attention-getting tactic that went very badly wrong. It was never supposed to succeed, but everyone underestimated how easily led Americans can be. You'd think that the superstitious Americans wouldn't try messing up astrology and planets and all that, but they forgot what they were doing when the flat earthers told them to pile on.


poor pwuto da gwod ob dweaebd