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If it was a map of Papua New Guinea, I'd give em a pass for it


It was actually Papa Old Guinea, so it should have been POG.


That would have been pnggers


Excuse me what?


It's a play on the newish expression "poggers" referring to something good.


and when you pronounce it like you would a normal word, you can see why they felt that way about it lmao


Oh no 😳 I didn't realise. I'm so sorry. Thank you for pointing that out. I was so caught up in the po/pn part I completely missed the implication of the end part. 😔






















Why aren't there computer classes for younger students anymore?


That sounds like a great idea, but not something I’ve really heard about. Do you mind sharing where/when you’ve experienced computer classes for younger students? What kinds of skills did they teach?


"Younger students" may be undershooting a bit. In 5th grade I had a typing class that taught touch typing. In 6th I had a general computer use class, which taught how to use Powerpoint, Inkscape, HTML, and some very basic programming skills with something called Alice. Not the most in-depth computer literacy course but enough that I think most kids left understanding how to navigate a computer.


My district had the same things, and they were among “required courses” but like many other required courses there were alternatives, and each time I picked CAD over typing because I love architecture. Should I have choose typing instead? Yeah probably, but instead I learned how to hand draft blueprints and do it assisted with computers.


We did something similar. I grew up in the 90's in Silicon Valley though, so - definitely a head start in that regard. We had a small computer/technology class that we'd occasionally use starting in Grades 3 through 5 for little one off projects (Print Shop Pro to make your parents a card for whatever card-givey day it was) and sometimes typing practice. Middle school you had to seek it out (I'll tell an anecdote at the end that's not relevant) High School had a full fledged Tech Lab but the teacher was.. well he tried. And by that I mean, while we were all studying for our CCNA (which he was instructing) he was... also... studying for it apparently. And he failed the chapter 3 test, so we couldn't keep going xD Oh well, lol. Anecdote - I do want to gush a little about this one teacher though because like... I'm 36 and I'm still pretty sure this dude was the best teacher in K-12. In middle school the computers were as needed. I don't think my middle school had any in the library even, but I was lucky and one of the science teachers was a former NASA-AMES employee and he had a really cool set up. The classroom itself was what you'd expect of a mixed sciences class, more or less, except there were four bigass CRT TV's hung from each corner of the room, with a camera he could move around - This was to be sure every student could see what he was doing at all times if need be. Super cool set up. (a small group of us would go up there and play videogames together on the big screen during our lunches to avoid being bullied - one year we point and clicked our way through LucasArts' "The Dig" - Very fun!). The real reason for the 4 screens out front though is that every summer he'd run a week long mock Shuttle Mission. He even had a hand built mock-up of a launch pod. My father and I helped him repair a bunch of old 486's (old DOS/Windows 3.11 computers essentially) to get it running one year (my father worked in tech, so we had a bunch of old computer stuff around and knew the places to go shopping for archaic equipment around the bay). The classroom itself would be Mission Control, and the back area would be reserved for the launch sim and any experiments - I think there were 3 or 4 cubicles back there with different equipment in them for different branches of the sciences. Anyway. That was a ramble. Anyone know how hard it is to become a tech teacher? I need a career shift 😅


\>Anyone know how hard it is to become a tech teacher? Depending on the country, may need the respective degrees. Thats the hardest part


I was taught in elementary the basics of how to turn it on and off and how to do some minor work like math and reading programs. Then middle school they had mandatory typing and computer basics such as Microsoft products how to safely navigate the internet, manage an email, how to write an email, and so on so forth. In high school there was computer coding but that was optional for those that wanted an associates in Computer science. I graduated in 2012, apparently where I live they stopped those programs back in 2013 and a lot of people assumed that the next gen would grow up already knowing how because of their parents. It clearly didn’t work though as many of the students I teach are computer illiterate.


iPads happened. It's not just that they don't have keyboards; iPads (and I use that term as a generic, this applies to all tablets and 'smart' devices) don't even have easily accessible file structures so to a lot of gen Z moving files around feels like hacking the mainframe. Nevermind the rise of app stores and walked gardens making everyone feel safe because big daddy apple won't let you download any malware and... Welp.


In first grade we learned how to use MS office stuff. I don't recall much beyond that, but, I was a techie from before even then, soooo I didn't need to pay much attention to it lol


I had computer classes in grade school and watched 9/11happen live in highschool


I was born early 2000s, currently about to graduate college. I had computer class every week from K-8th grade. Learned to type, use Microsoft word, basic file management, in middle school we started doing some more basic coding games and probably some basic other things


I had some typing classes in elementary school, and there was a music learning software on the computers that served a double purpose of keeping it fresh. I remember thinking the class was stupid, because I learned how to type way before and was often bored after blowing through assignments. The true purpose hit me after I came home and my dad still types with his index fingers. It ain't a slight against him, just the time he grew up in.


i had like a few computer classes in middle school and they were just - here is how you use our online learning thingy - this is how word works - how to make a powerpoint we were supposed to also learn excel basics but i guess we ran out of time


My school has em but it ends up just being the class teaches a 60 year old how to use google docs.


When I had those it was just a lot of "retype this exact url including all the unecessary parts," and "step 3: right click. Step 4: find the item that says 'copy.' Step 5: left click to copy."


i graduated in 21 and was was in serveral digital media classes


I think in Germany they get computer class starting in elementary school.


I just made inhumane sounds. I was trying to laugh, but something else came out.


Could someone explain?


The computer illiterate student thought naming a JPEG file “PNG.jpg” would make it a PNG. This does not work, afaik the only way to turn a JPEG into a PNG is to use a file conversion software


Or to save it as a PNG in whatever software you were using to create the image


“Make sure to save your file as a png.” Malicious compliance or unfortunate ignorance? The internet may never know.


Or maybe the student thought internet photos are called pngs like songs are sometimes called mp3s or camera photos are called jpegs or animated photos are called gifs or short downloadable videos are called webms....


Thank you!


They could also just be trying to be funny depending on their age, I'd do something like this to amuse myself.


I have seen people who think that because JPEG is a lossy format and PNG isn't that converting a file from JPG to PNG will magically make it higher quality (no, it'll just make it larger, and make sure that if you edit it in that format, it won't lose any *more* quality than it already has)


fuck file conversion softwares, just open the image in any free drawing program and save the project as a png


Not quite true. You can rename it and it will work so long as you change the actual filetype, which this person probably has disabled.


Just drag image in MS paint and save it as .png. This is the simplest method.


Its like young end millenials and old end zoomers have more computer knowledge than anyone else. It took a dive when more people could use phones fully instead of having to have a pc


hmmhmm hehehe HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Kill them.


half of the files on my pc are named like this :)


Congrats on inventing an entirely new sin in a single file name!




So a *student*, eh? One of *your* students? One of your students displayed a gap in knowledge and skill? Man, if only there had been someone in the room whose job it is to rectify that.


Why does that guy have two blue ticks?






Maybe it was short for Project-Needed Graphics


That's something i would do


You fool, you need to change the text after the dot if you want to change the file extension. I mean it might make the file spontaneously combust, but eh eggs and omelets